The world looks on in horror as Hillary Clinton heads to Philadelphia to be nominated as the Democratic Party's candidate for the presidency. Yet the leading lights of the "progressive" movement argue that it is the left's duty to vote for this neocon warmonger. But the consequences may well lead directly to nuclear war.
Sirhan did not kill Robert Kennedy, yet he remains in jail to this very day. Robert Kennedy, Jr., who was 14 years old at the time of his father’s death, has visited Sirhan in prison, claims he is innocent, and believes there was another gunman.
Pepper was able to piece together what really happened on April 4, 1968 in Memphis right down to who gave the order and supplied the money, how the patsy was chosen, and who actually pulled the trigger.
Few people, in a massive act of self-deception, have chosen to question the official explanation, choosing, rather, to embrace a mythic fabrication intended to sugarcoat the bitter fruit that has resulted from the murder of the one man capable of leading a mass movement for revolutionary change in the US.
Regardless of Who Occupies the White House, The Decadent Trajectory of Neoliberalism Continues By US Peace Council, December 15, 2020
The Most Lethal Virus Is Not COVID. It Is War. By John Pilger, December 15, 2020
Iraq to Sue US over Use of Depleted Uranium Weapons: Official By Tasnim News Agency, December 15, 2020
Amid Fears of Overwhelmed Medical Systems, Ample U.S. Hospital Capacity Nationwide By Daniel Payne, December 15, 2020
New York University (NYU) Ignores Academic Freedom, Investigates Course Content By Katlyn Patton, December 14, 2020
Communism Is a Convenient Fifth Column for Justifying the Expansion of the National Security State By Megan Sherman, December 14, 2020
China-US Relations: Here’s How China Survived and Thrived During Four Years of Donald Trump By Andrew Korybko, December 14, 2020
Imperialism 2.0: Notes from the Edge of the Narrative Matrix By Caitlin Johnstone, December 14, 2020
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CNN: ‘Don’t be Alarmed’ if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine By Paul Joseph Watson, December 14, 2020
Trump Administration Helped GOP Donors “Score a Deal for Syrian Oil” By Matthew Petti, December 14, 2020
Video: Ron Paul: This Worries Me Much More than Covid By Rep. Ron Paul, December 14, 2020
Will Biden’s America Stop Creating Terrorists? By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 14, 2020
Coronavirus Fact-Check #9: Is the Vaccine Safe? By Kit Knightly, December 14, 2020
NJ Lawmaker Wants Mandatory Corona Shot for All Kids Without Exemption By Steve Watson, December 14, 2020
Julian Assange Is a Conscientious Objector. Time Will Vindicate Him. By Megan Sherman, December 14, 2020
From TMAP to Warp Speed: How Big Pharma Algorithms Fast-Track Unapproved Drugs and Vaccines By John Klyczek, December 13, 2020
48% Of U.S. Small Businesses Fear that They May be Forced to “Shut Down Permanently” Soon By Michael Snyder, December 13, 2020
Perfecting Tyranny: Mumia’s New Book Hot Off the Press! By Prison Radio, December 13, 2020
US Supreme Court Backs “Grand Theft” Election 2020 By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2020
Pharma Controlled FDA Panel Recommends Approval for Controversial Pfizer COVID Vaccine By Stephen Lendman, December 11, 2020
Saudi Arabia Sends Joe Biden Mixed Messages By James M. Dorsey, December 11, 2020
Biden to Mandate Mask Wearing, Mandatory Mass Vaxxing to Follow? By Stephen Lendman, December 11, 2020
Melinda Gates: “We Hadn’t Really Thought Through the Economic Impacts” By Jeffrey A. Tucker, December 11, 2020
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“Elephants in the Room”: Scary ‘R’ Us: The Exaggerated Threat of Terrorism By Rod Driver, December 11, 2020
Big Pharma’s Hazardous to Health COVID Vaccines By Stephen Lendman, December 11, 2020
Partly Truth and Partly Fiction – Totally Genius: Kris Kristofferson By Edward Curtin, December 11, 2020
YouTube Declares It Will Censor Videos Questioning Biden’s Victory By Jonathan Turley, December 11, 2020
The Approaching Crunch in US Policy Towards China By Dennis Argall, December 11, 2020
My Take on the US Elections: Voting for Corporate Figureheads is not Democracy By Alfred de Zayas and Thomas Kaiser, December 11, 2020
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Pentagon to Biden: Latin America a Major Battlefield in War with China By Bill Van Auken, December 10, 2020
Will Joe Biden “Revise” U.S Agenda in Syria? Use Terrorism Pretext to “Keep Boots on the Ground”? By Ahmad Salah, December 10, 2020
Biden’s Defense Secretary Pick Shows the Revolving Door for Military Contractors Remains By Sarah Lazare, December 10, 2020
Will Joe Biden Stop Funding the Saudi-UAE War on Yemen? By Andrew Korybko, December 10, 2020
Children’s Health Defense (CHD): Life-Threatening Allergic Reactions to Pfizer COVID Vaccine By Lyn Redwood, December 10, 2020
SCOTUS Showdown Over Stolen Election 2020 By Stephen Lendman, December 10, 2020
The Blockade: Qatar and Saudi Arabia Approach Historic Breakthrough By Steven Sahiounie, December 10, 2020
Lawsuit Filed to Halt Voter Suppression in the Runoff Senate Elections in Georgia By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 10, 2020
US Hits “Search and Destroy” Against China’s New Silk Roads By Pepe Escobar, December 10, 2020
Low Turnout, but Free, Elections in Venezuela Are a Blow to Regime Change By Leonardo Flores, December 10, 2020
Net Worth of US Billionaires Has Soared by $1 Trillion to Total of $4 Trillion Since Pandemic Began By Americans for Tax Fairness and The Institute for Policy Studies, December 10, 2020
Is Washington Trying to Ruin Shinzo Abe’s Legacy of Japan’s Rapprochement with Russia? By Andrew Korybko, December 09, 2020
COVID Vaccines: Protection or Biohazard? By Stephen Lendman, December 09, 2020
The U.S. ‘War on Terror’ Has Displaced 37 Million People By David Vine, December 09, 2020
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How to Get Saved from COVID-19 Under Nuclear Bombs By Manlio Dinucci, December 09, 2020
Trump’s Pernicious Military Legacy: From the Forever Wars to the Cataclysmic Wars By Michael T. Klare, December 09, 2020
Whistleblower: FDA Failed to Address ‘Biohazard Nightmare’ at Merck Vaccine Plant By Children’s Health Defense, December 09, 2020
Boom: Florida Forcing Labs to Report Number of PCR Test Cycles—Game Changer By Jon Rappoport, December 09, 2020
Pearl Harbor and the Bay of Pigs By Jacob G. Hornberger, December 09, 2020
Pearl Harbor: A Successful War Lie By David Swanson, December 09, 2020
Pathologist Petitions FDA to Halt Pfizer Emergency Use Authorization Until Vaccine Efficacy Confirmed By Informed Consent Action Network, December 09, 2020
Why Jeh Johnson Would be a Better Defense Secretary than Michèle Flournoy By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 08, 2020
OPCW Executives Praised Whistleblower and Criticized Syria Cover-up, Leaks Reveal By Aaron Mate, December 08, 2020
The Crack-Up at the Federal Reserve Is Coming. Decline of US Dollar, Rejection of Its World Reserve Currency Status By Rep. Ron Paul, December 08, 2020
Everyone Is Already Wearing a Mask. They Just Don’t Work. By Jordan Schachtel, December 08, 2020
Palestinians: Victims of ‘Cancel Culture’ By James J. Zogby, December 08, 2020
Invasion of the Body Snatchers: Psychological Warfare Disguised as a Pandemic Threat By John W. Whitehead, December 08, 2020
Biden/Harris to Name Hawkish General Lloyd Austin as “War Secretary” By Stephen Lendman, December 08, 2020
US Sanctions Have Caused Iranians Untold Misery – And Achieved Nothing By Negar Mortazavi and Sina Toossi, December 08, 2020
Federal Court Rejects Trump’s Approval of Offshore Oil-drilling Project in Arctic By Center For Biological Diversity, December 08, 2020
Avril Haines: Scientist, Spy Chief, Apologist for Torture? Meet Biden’s New Director of National Intelligence By Barbara Boland, December 07, 2020
New Study Claims Vaccinated Children Appear to be “Significantly Less Healthy” than Unvaccinated By Arjun Walia, December 07, 2020
COVID-19 Vaccination. “Coerced Consent”? By Bill Sardi, December 07, 2020
What We Know So Far About U.S. Government’s Plan to Track COVID Vaccine Recipients By Dr. Joseph Mercola, December 07, 2020
Threat of More Illegal US Sanctions on Russia’s Nord Stream 2 Pipeline By Stephen Lendman, December 07, 2020
Political Crisis under the Guise of a Health Crisis: Face Masks, Social Distancing and Limit on Gatherings: Colorado Diner Defies Lockdown By Renee Parsons, December 07, 2020
The Political Economy of China Bashing: Why? How? Will It Succeed? By Prof. Joseph H. Chung, December 07, 2020
About Those Vaccine ID Cards… By Charles Hugh Smith, December 07, 2020
Trump Plan to Revive the Gallows, Electric Chair, Gas Chamber and Firing Squad Recalls a Troubled History By Prof. Austin Sarat, December 07, 2020
US, UK Governments Should Free Julian Assange By Reagan M. Sova, December 07, 2020
Final Defense Bill Denies Military Request to Expand Nevada Bombing Ranges By Center For Biological Diversity, December 07, 2020
Republican Senator Tries to Prevent the US from an Alliance with the Muslim Brotherhood By Steven Sahiounie, December 07, 2020
Listening to the Silence with Don DeLillo By Edward Curtin, December 07, 2020
Working for the ‘Man’: ‘Getting a Job’ in America By Philip A Farruggio, December 07, 2020
Vaccine Tyranny By James Bauman, December 06, 2020
The Death of U.S. Shale Has Been Greatly Exaggerated By Alex Kimani, December 06, 2020
“Stay of Action” Filed Against FDA to Stop Approval of COVID Vaccine for Using Faulty PCR Tests in Trials By Brian Shilhavy, December 06, 2020