sub-Saharan Africa

The peasantry is to be “protected” through the establishment of “customary land reserves” in the vicinity of the White Afrikaner commercial farms. The rural people will be caged into small territorial enclaves (“communal lands”) while the best agricultural land will be sold or leased to private investors.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department

Somalia has been the focus of oil and natural gas exploration. This coupled with its geographically strategic location on the Indian Ocean and near the Gulf of Aden, which is one of the most lucrative shipping lanes in the world,

Obama, The Son of Africa, Claims a Continent’s Crown Jewels By John Pilger, October 20, 2011
Is Washington Using Famine in the Horn of Africa to Embark on Yet Another Illegal War? By Finian Cunningham, October 19, 2011
Barack Obama’s New War in Central Africa? By Boris Volkhonsky, October 19, 2011
US deploys Special Forces troops to central Africa By Eddie Haywood and Alex Lantier, October 18, 2011
America’s Drone War against Somalia By Global Research, October 15, 2011
Israel and Libya: Preparing Africa for the “Clash of Civilizations” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, October 11, 2011
The Eurozone Crisis: Disruptions of Financial Markets Worldwide By Bob Chapman, October 08, 2011
America’s Conquest of Africa: The Roles of France and Israel By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya and Julien Teil, October 06, 2011
Political Change and The Funding of Education in Nigeria By Prof. Adewale Stephen, October 05, 2011
Libya and the Big Lie: Using Human Rights Organizations to Launch Wars By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 29, 2011
Nigeria and the African Continent : Under the Brunt of Western Imperialism and the “Free Market” By Prof. Adewale Stephen, September 28, 2011
People’s Protest in Africa Against NATO Aggression in Libya By Global Research, September 24, 2011
Resistance in Libya: Imperialism will be buried in Africa By Gerald A. Perreira, September 21, 2011
Massacre of Blacks in Libya By NATO-backed Rebels Continues As World Watches By Milton Allimadi, September 18, 2011
World Bank Policies “enabling” African Land Grab By Bretton Woods Project, September 17, 2011
Global Nato and the Recolonisation of Africa – Lessons From the Libyan Intervention By Prof. Horace Campbell, September 16, 2011
Libya: If democracy is the keyword used to justify the destruction of human lives and property, then God help us all! By Global Research, September 15, 2011
Libya Intensifies Resistance to U.S. and NATO-led Occupation By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 14, 2011
Africa’s Shame: NATO-Serving Uncle Toms By Prince Akyeampong, September 14, 2011
What Lies Ahead for Libya By Prof. Johan Galtung, September 13, 2011
Libya, the Lie By Murray Dobbin, September 13, 2011
Libya: A War on Africa By Dan Glazebrook, September 11, 2011
DR Congo – The Heart of Western Darkness By Asad Ismi, September 10, 2011
NATO’s War Crimes in Libya : Who Grieves for the Fallen Heroes? By Prof. James Petras, September 10, 2011
Africa: Final Conquest For Pentagon’s Global Military Sphere Of Influence By Felix Njini, September 06, 2011
New Berlin Conference In Paris: The Re-Colonization Of Africa By Stef Terblanche, September 06, 2011
Yugoslavia and Rwanda: On “Genocide Denial” and “Revisionism” By Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, September 03, 2011
NATO’s Deceitful Libya War of Aggression: Its Meaning for Africa By Colin Benjamin, September 01, 2011
Obama’s Widening War In Somalia By Sherwood Ross, August 31, 2011
Namibia: A Security threat called AFRICOM By Kamati ka Tate, August 31, 2011
African Union Refuses to Recognize Libya’s Rebels By Peter Heinlein, August 29, 2011
East Africa Now Facing Drought Induced Famine By Brian McAfee, August 27, 2011
Over 200 African Leaders: NATO’s Libyan War Part Of Plan To Recolonize Continent By Global Research, August 25, 2011
Blood Diamond By Rick Hines and Keith Harmon Snow, August 19, 2011
US prepares for military intervention in Somalia By Susan Garth, August 11, 2011
South Africa Condemns NATO War on Libya By Global Research, August 11, 2011
Another Famine in the Horn of Africa: Putting Hunger in Context By Dr. Ali Kadri, August 11, 2011
Media Disinformation and the Causes of the Somali Famine By William Bowles, August 04, 2011
British Government Sued for Colonial Torture By Joe Mount, August 03, 2011
The Real Story about the Famine in the Horn of Africa: The Humanitarian Aid Business By Rasna Warah, August 02, 2011
Imperial Quest for Riches Fuels Africa’s “Civil Wars” By Megan Cornish, August 02, 2011
VIDEO: Heavy Rain Adds Misery to Drought in Somalia By Global Research, August 01, 2011
The Famine in Somalia. The Use of Food as an Instrument of Warfare By Glen Ford, July 21, 2011
VIDEO: Foreign Intervention Behind Creation of South Sudan By James Corbett and Keith Harmon Snow, July 18, 2011
World’s Worst Humanitarian Crisis in Somalia: U.S. Sends in the Marines and Drones By Glen Ford, July 17, 2011
AFRICOM Is In Place, The Recolonization Of Africa Commences By Tafataona Mahoso, July 17, 2011
The Legacy of Nelson Mandela By Danny Schechter, July 15, 2011
Food Sovereignty: A Peoples’ based Solution to Hunger and Poverty By Friends of the Earth, July 15, 2011
Monsanto and Gates Foundation Push Genetically Engineered Crops on Africa By Mike Ludwig, July 12, 2011
Culture of Concealment: Corruption South Africa Style By Danny Schechter, July 12, 2011
Israeli Flags at South Sudan Independence Celebrations By Global Research, July 12, 2011
Famine Threat In The Horn Of Africa By Barry Mason, July 06, 2011
Nelson Mandela’s New Book By Danny Schechter, July 02, 2011
South Africa’ s Youth Face a Grim Future By Danny Schechter, June 30, 2011
US talks peace and prepares for war in Sudan By Susan Garth, June 16, 2011
African Leaders Demand Halt to NATO Bombing Campaign in Libya By Global Research, June 15, 2011
Clinton: Africa must abandon Gaddafi, support democracy in Libya By Global Research, June 14, 2011
NATO’s “Afrika Korps” Escalates War Of Attrition Against Libya By Rick Rozoff, June 11, 2011
The Lies behind the West’s War on Libya By Jean-Paul Pougala, June 10, 2011
NATO is in an Act of War Against Africa By B.F. Bankie, June 10, 2011
Somalia: A UN Managed Catastrophe By Thomas C. Mountain and Ann Garrison, June 05, 2011
Libya: NATO’s War Of Aggression Against A Sovereign African State By Obi Nwakanma, June 05, 2011
Libya And Ivory Coast: NATO Reverts To Law Of The Jungle In Africa By He Wenping, June 04, 2011
NATO Wants to Free Africa From the Africans By Glen Ford, June 03, 2011
War Against the World By Global Research and Global Research, May 31, 2011
African Leaders Urge Nato to Stop Airstrikes By Global Research, May 29, 2011
Gaddafi to Meet With South Africa President Zuma, Peace Deal Ahead? By Anugrah Kumar, May 28, 2011
Pentagon Plan To Muscle Out China: New Scramble For Africa By Tirivangani Masawi, May 28, 2011
NATO Defies Africa By Intensifying Bombardment Of Libya By Tichaona Chifamba, May 27, 2011
Libya under NATO Attack: Stop Bombing Africa and the Poor of the World By Cynthia McKinney, May 26, 2011
Africa: Battleground For NATO’s 21st Century Strategic Concept By Rick Rozoff, May 19, 2011
NATO Continues Killing Spree in Africa And Asia By Rick Rozoff, May 15, 2011
The Balkanization of Libya By Simba Russeau, May 14, 2011
Predator Drones To “Stop Genocide”? By Keith Harmon Snow and Ann Garrison, May 02, 2011
New Theaters of Conflict and the Risk of a Multi-Regional World War By Patrick Henningsen, April 26, 2011
Libya and the Imperial Re-Division of Africa By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, April 26, 2011
Worst Case Scenario: Will Ongoing Conflicts Lead To a World War? By Anna Forostenko, April 22, 2011
Canada’s Involvement in the US-NATO led War on Libya: Some Important Facts By Ian Hunter, April 18, 2011
The Rwanda Genocide: Who Killed the Hutus? By Charles Kambanda and Ann Garrison, April 17, 2011
Ivory Coast Uncovered – The Untold Story By Dr. Kwame Osei, April 17, 2011