sub-Saharan Africa

The peasantry is to be “protected” through the establishment of “customary land reserves” in the vicinity of the White Afrikaner commercial farms. The rural people will be caged into small territorial enclaves (“communal lands”) while the best agricultural land will be sold or leased to private investors.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department

Somalia has been the focus of oil and natural gas exploration. This coupled with its geographically strategic location on the Indian Ocean and near the Gulf of Aden, which is one of the most lucrative shipping lanes in the world,

On Invoking Rwanda to Attack Syria By Ann Garrison, September 12, 2013
America’s Conquest of Africa: The Penetration of AFRICOM on the Continent By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 10, 2013
A Call for Peace: Concerned Africans call on US Congress to Reject Obama’s Military Strikes on Syria By Global Research News, September 09, 2013
NATO’s “Humanitarian War” on Libya: Prelude to a Humanitarian Disaster By Global Research News, September 03, 2013
Anglo American Platinum to Eliminate Thousands of Jobs in South Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 02, 2013
One Year After Marikana Tragedy in South Africa By Global Research News, August 20, 2013
Media Disinformation: US Warns Zimbabwe on Secret Uranium Deal with Iran By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 14, 2013
Encircling Empire: Obama’s Scramble for Africa By Maximilian Forte, August 12, 2013
Zimbabwe, US Supported Opposition Defeated. ZANU-PF Wins in Landslide Victory By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 06, 2013
Zimbabwe: Robert Mugabe Reelected – ZANU-PF Calls for Trillions in Mining and Foreign Assets to Be Turned Over to Zimbabweans By Dave Schneider, August 03, 2013
The Battle for Oil in Central Africa: Fighting Joseph Kony and the Lord’s Resistance Army or Confronting China? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 30, 2013
The Mali Election Scam: Legitimizing France’s “Total Re-conquest”. By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, July 29, 2013
Israel to Sign Guns for Refugees Deal With African States By Richard Silverstein, July 22, 2013
It was the CIA that helped Jail Nelson Mandela By Brian Becker, July 20, 2013
Nelson Mandela: Beyond Prisoner, Beyond President By Global Research News, July 17, 2013
Zimbabwe: Voting for Progress By Eric Draitser, July 16, 2013
Obama, Mandela and Dangerous Mythology By Margaret Kimberley, July 09, 2013
How the Western Media Distorts the Historical Legacy of Nelson Mandela By Danny Schechter, July 01, 2013
The Crime of Alleviating Poverty: A Local Community Currency Battles the Central Bank of Kenya By Ellen Brown, July 01, 2013
NObama! South Africans prepare to protest Obama visit By Global Research News, June 30, 2013
Anti-Obama Protests threaten to derail White House’s planned Mandela Photo-op By Patrick Henningsen, June 29, 2013
Arrest Barack Obama, says Muslim Lawyers Association in South Africa By Global Research News, June 28, 2013
Obama in Africa By Stephen Lendman, June 28, 2013
Obama in Africa to Defend US Strategic and Profit Interests By Bill Van Auken, June 28, 2013
The Terror Diaspora: The U.S. Military and Obama’s Scramble for Africa By Nick Turse, June 18, 2013
Water and the Geopolitics of the Nile Valley: Egypt Confronts Ethiopia By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 18, 2013
Nigeria: Candidate for Political Destabilization and “Regime Change”? By Adeyinka Makinde, June 15, 2013
“Arrest Obama When He Visits”: South African Lawyers Ask for War Crimes Investigation and Prosecution By Global Research News, June 11, 2013
Is the International Criminal Court Guilty of “International Racial Profiling”? By Mark P. Fancher, June 05, 2013
Zimbabwe: The Revolution Continues By Eric Draitser, June 04, 2013
African Land Grabs: Defending Basic Human Rights, Promoting Sustainable Agriculture By Grain, June 03, 2013
A New “War on Drugs” in West Africa? Think Tank Report Says West Africa is a Drug Trafficking Hub By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 01, 2013
Guns Versus Trade: U.S. and China Rivalry over Africa’s Riches By Asad Ismi, May 26, 2013
The Caring Facade of French Imperialism By David Cronin, May 21, 2013
South African Mineworkers Union Demands 60 Percent Pay Increase By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20, 2013
The War on Mali: An Illustration of Fragmented Totality By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 19, 2013
The Cashless Society Arrives in Africa. The “Multipurpose” Biometric National Identity Smart Card By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 16, 2013
Will the US and its NATO Partners Establish a Permanent Military Presence in Libya? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 14, 2013
Growing Labor Unrest in South Africa’s Mining Industry: Anglo American Threatens to Cut 14,000 Jobs By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 13, 2013
U.S. Marines Train German and Moroccan Troops on How to Operate Drones in North Africa By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 10, 2013
Mali Under French Military Occupation By Roger Annis, May 07, 2013
Colonial Reoccupation of West Africa? French Troops Will Stay in Mali Even After United Nations Forces Arrive By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 29, 2013
Palestine, Israeli Foreign Policy and the Pan-African Movement By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 28, 2013
Oil Geopolitics in the Horn of Africa: Somaliland DNO Oil Deal Adds Fuel to the Conflict in North Somalia By Mahdi Ali, April 24, 2013
Militarization of Africa: AFRICOM to Deploy “Rapid Reaction” Strike Force in Spain directed against West Africa By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 23, 2013
AFRICOM Propaganda: ‘Hunting the World’s Most Wanted Warlord”: the Rebirth of Joseph Kony on US Network TV By Timothy Alexander Guzman, April 17, 2013
Africa and U.S. Imperialism, Conference, Detroit, May 18, 2013 By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 16, 2013
Africa: Imperialism’s High Mark of Conquest in the 21st Century By Glen Ford, April 12, 2013
Conflict in North Somalia: “Congo” Style War for Resources By Mahdi Ali, April 09, 2013
The Role of MI6 in the Assassination of Patrice Lumumba By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 08, 2013
“Operation Mali”: United Nations Complicit in Recolonization of Africa By Alexander Mezyaev, April 08, 2013
The Assassination of Patrice Lumumba: British Peer Reveals MI6 Role in Lumumba Killing By Global Research News, April 07, 2013
Central African Republic: Another Western Backed Coup d’Etat By Alexander Mezyaev, April 05, 2013
BRICS Challenges Unipolar World and US Dollar Hegemony By Global Research News, April 03, 2013
The History of America’s “Africa Agenda”. The Role of John Foster Dulles By Greg Guma, April 01, 2013
Seleka Rebels Form New Government in the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 01, 2013
Who is Behind the Military Coup in Bangui? Pro French Central African Republic Coup Leaders Scrap Chinese Oil Deals By Thomas Gaist, April 01, 2013
Madiba: Nelson Mandela Fights For His Life…Again! By Danny Schechter, March 31, 2013
Confronting China: US Boosts Military Presence in Africa By Andrei Akulov, March 28, 2013
Fighting Words: Toward Freedom in Africa By Greg Guma, March 27, 2013
The Non-Aligned Road: Toward Freedom in Africa By Greg Guma, March 26, 2013
Imperial “Justice”: Newly-Elected Kenyan President Forced to Stand Trial at the ICC By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 25, 2013
Reliving South Africa’s Struggle By Danny Schechter, March 24, 2013
U.S.-Sponsored Genocides: From Guatemala to Congo By Glen Ford, March 23, 2013
Mali and the Second Scramble for Africa By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 20, 2013
South Africa’s Deepseated Economic and Social Crisis By Danny Schechter, March 12, 2013
France’s Invasion of Mali: A Carefully Planned Military Intervention By Roger Annis, March 06, 2013
The Consumer’s “Dream World”: The Global Shopping Mall By Danny Schechter, March 04, 2013
Africa and Latin America: Building Unity and Solidarity against Western Intervention By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 04, 2013
Towards a Framework of Global Warfare? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 03, 2013
Obama’s Military Presence in Niger: US Control over Uranium under the Disguise of Counter-terrorism By Wayne Madsen, March 03, 2013
The Value of Life vs. War and Mayhem. How Many Deaths Are Worth The Price? By Colin Todhunter, February 27, 2013
Chavez warns that Africa and South America Must Unite or face Western Interventions By Global Research News, February 24, 2013
Somalia: the Real Causes of Famine By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 21, 2013
Imperial Jockeying in Africa: U.S. Intervention Sets to Deepen By Ben Schreiner, February 20, 2013
The Globalization of NATO in Africa: From Angola and Libya to Somalia By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, February 16, 2013
America’s African Drone Wars: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow By Chris Cole, February 16, 2013
Besieged, Abused, Ignored: Ethiopian Annihilation Of The Ogaden People By Graham Peebles, February 12, 2013
French Imperialism Moves Deeper Into Mali By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 11, 2013
Two Years Later Uprisings Continue in Tunisia and Egypt: Neo-Colonialism and the Struggle for Genuine Democracy and National Unity By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 10, 2013