sub-Saharan Africa

The peasantry is to be “protected” through the establishment of “customary land reserves” in the vicinity of the White Afrikaner commercial farms. The rural people will be caged into small territorial enclaves (“communal lands”) while the best agricultural land will be sold or leased to private investors.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department

Somalia has been the focus of oil and natural gas exploration. This coupled with its geographically strategic location on the Indian Ocean and near the Gulf of Aden, which is one of the most lucrative shipping lanes in the world,

The U.S. Military’s New Normal in Africa: A Secret African Mission and an African Mission that’s No Secret By Nick Turse, May 20, 2014
The Globalization of Special Forces By Manlio Dinucci, May 20, 2014
US-NATO Interventionism in Africa: Imperialists Host Conference on “Nigerian Security” in Paris By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 20, 2014
South Africa: There’s No Turning Back By Socialist Project, May 19, 2014
Boko Haram: An Extremism Firmly Rooted in Nigeria’s Colonial Past By Emile Schepers, May 17, 2014
Kidnapped Girls Become Tools of U.S. Imperial Policy in Africa By Glen Ford, May 16, 2014
“Hell on Earth”: Understanding War and Conflict in the Congo By Devon Douglas-Bowers, May 16, 2014
Somalia: ‘African Solution’ or Subjugation? By Abukar Arman, May 15, 2014
Boko Haram and the Politics of Terror in Nigeria By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 14, 2014
Nigeria: Another “Help Africa” Scam? Killing Africans with Pop Star Kindness By Brasscheck TV, May 13, 2014
White House Escalates Interventionist Plans for Nigeria By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 13, 2014
US Covert Ops: The Disintegration of South Sudan By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 12, 2014
Clinton slammed for not labeling Boko Haram as terrorist group By Global Research News, May 11, 2014
Nigeria: Boko Haram Kidnappings Used to Justify US Military Build-Up in Africa By Jean Shaoul, May 11, 2014
Africa Is Up For Sale By The Acre To The Highest Bidder By Atheling P Reginald Mavengira, May 10, 2014
AFRICOM Prepares for More Conflicts in Mali, Nigeria and Somalia By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 10, 2014
Is Boko Haram An “Intelligence Asset”? Terror Attack in Nigeria Opens Door to Africom By Kurt Nimmo, May 10, 2014
Washington Sends Military Personnel to Nigeria By Bill Van Auken, May 08, 2014
Abduction of 230 Girls in Nigeria by Terrorists: Building a “Humanitarian” Pretext for R2P Military Intervention? By Interventions Watch, May 08, 2014
GMO Crops and Labeling: Barack Obama and the Monsanto Betrayal By Jon Rappoport, May 08, 2014
John Kerry says Africa has “Natural Resources”, Therefore the US is a “Natural Partner” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, May 04, 2014
When South Africa Called, We Answered: How Solidarity Helped Topple Apartheid By Danny Schechter, May 02, 2014
The Rwanda Genocide Coverup: Twenty Years of Lies and Fabrications. The Anglo-Saxon Powers vs. France By Global Research News, April 23, 2014
MoneyGram, Western Union and the African Money Transfer Scam By Pratap Chatterjee, April 22, 2014
The Militarization of the African Continent: AFRICOM Expands Operations in Cooperation With Europe By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 22, 2014
Economic Development, Poverty and Class Struggle in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 21, 2014
European Union Troops Land in the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 14, 2014
The Troubling Truth Behind the Ebola Outbreak By Tony Cartalucci, April 13, 2014
Who Was Behind the Rwandan Genocide? By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, and Robin Philpot, April 13, 2014
Anti-Mandela in the Public Eye: Athlete and Democracy On Trial in South Africa By Danny Schechter, April 12, 2014
The Real Rwandan Genocide: Brainwashing Western Public Opinion. The Official Narrative is a Lie By Keith Harmon Snow, April 11, 2014
The 1994 Rwandan Genocide. The Use of Rwanda’s External Debt (1990-1994). The Responsibility of Donors and Creditors By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Pierre Galand, April 09, 2014
Evidence of Kagame’s Crimes Suppressed by Chief Rwanda Prosecutor Louise Arbour – Testimony of Michael Hourigan By Michael Hourigan, April 09, 2014
Rwandan President Kagame Accuses France of Involvement in 1994 Genocide By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 08, 2014
The Rwanda War Crimes Coverup By Prof Peter Erlinder, April 07, 2014
Legacies: Michael Hourigan and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Who was behind the Assassination of the Rwandan and Burundian presidents in April 1994 By Ann Garrison and Robin Philpot, April 07, 2014
France and the Militarization of Central Africa: Thousands of Muslims Fleeing the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 06, 2014
Africa Beware of Imperialism’s Fatherly Advice By Mark P. Fancher, April 03, 2014
Several African States Boycott the EU Summit in Belgium By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 31, 2014
Rwanda’s Formula for Success: Murder Your Neighbors and Steal Their Wealth By Glen Ford, March 27, 2014
Monsanto Ad Banned in South Africa Due to Deceptive GMO Messaging By John Deike, March 25, 2014
The Congo Still Ravaged by U.S.-Funded Conflict and Plunder By Asad Ismi, March 25, 2014
Workers End Strikes in Kenya, Continue Actions in Tunisia, Egypt and South Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 24, 2014
Rwanda, 20 Years On – “100 Percent American Responsibility” By Robin Philpot, March 19, 2014
Women’s Rights in Africa: Land Reform, Gender Equality and Social Equity By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 17, 2014
Will South Africa Allow Shale Gas “Hydraulic Fracking” in the Karoo? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 13, 2014
Neo-Colonial Regime in Libya Faces War Over Oil Exports By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 10, 2014
The Escalation of Drone Warfare in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Africa By Chris Cole, March 10, 2014
Building a United Front Against Neoliberalism: South African Metalworkers Change Course By Socialist Project, March 04, 2014
An Additional 12,000 United Nations Troops Proposed to Intervene in the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 03, 2014
The West’s Neocolonial Adventure: Africa and the Struggle Against Imperialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 01, 2014
Land Grabs in Africa: Senegal Farmers and Herders Demand Shady Transnational Corporation to Get off their Land By Grain, February 27, 2014
US Expands Military Net over Africa, Checking China’s Influence By Eric Draitser, February 22, 2014
National Elections in South Africa: ANC Political Campaigning Raises Tensions By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 17, 2014
WHO-UNICEF Tetanus Vaccination Campaign: A “Well-Coordinated Forceful Population Control Mass Sterilization Exercise”: Kenya Doctors By Global Research News, February 16, 2014
US, Israel Responsible for Sudan Partition By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 16, 2014
How Child Soldiers Are Getting German Weapons By The Voice of Russia, February 15, 2014
Freedom Charter is Key to New Struggle for South Africa By Glen Ford, February 13, 2014
Political Rupture in South Africa and the National Union of Metalworkers (NUMSA). New Start for Socialist Politics? By Socialist Project, February 12, 2014
US Military Intervention in Africa: The East African Response Force, A Creation of the Pentagon By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 11, 2014
Who Triggered the Rwandan Genocide? UN Investigator Michael Hourigan, the Key Testimony By Global Research News, February 10, 2014
Historic Rwanda Genocide Trial in France By J. B. Gerald, February 07, 2014
Rwanda’s Peacekeeping Operations: A Poisoned Pill that Blackmails the West By Theogene Rudasingwa, February 06, 2014
Forging a New Movement against Neoliberalism in South Africa By Socialist Project, February 05, 2014
South African Platinum Strike Continues Amid Threats to Lay-off Workers By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 05, 2014
The African National Congress (ANC), Nelson Mandela and the African American Struggle By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 04, 2014
Towards a Renewed Imperialist Intervention in Libya? Anti-NATO Forces Retake Areas in Southern Libya By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 01, 2014
France to Expand Military Presence in Africa: “The Intervention in Mali is not Enough, We have to go Beyond” By Press TV, January 26, 2014
Peacekeepers depend on the Pentagon, in South Sudan, CAR, DRC, Uganda, Rwanda By Ann Garrison and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 24, 2014
French Complicity in the Crisis in Central African Republic By Antoine Roger Lokongo, January 23, 2014
The Rwanda “Genocide Fax”. Who was Behind the 1994 Massacres? By Robin Philpot, January 22, 2014
Rwanda and the New Scramble for Africa: “An Eye-Opener and Essential Reading…” By Edward S. Herman, January 21, 2014
Central African Republic: Foreign Intervention, “Manipulation of a Resource Rich Area” and Genocide By J. B. Gerald, January 20, 2014
map of somalia
Fighting Al Shahab Rebels: Washington’s Terrorism or Counter-terrorism in Somalia? By Dr. Ismail Salami, January 19, 2014
South Sudan War: Tribal Discord or Imperialist Agenda? Global Research News Hour Episode 52 By Michael Welch, Ann Garrison, and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 18, 2014
South Sudan, Central African Republic Targeted for US Political and Military Intervention By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 14, 2014
France, Japan Form Alliance Targeting Chinese Influence in Africa By Kumaran Ira, January 13, 2014
Will the Mandela Movie Even Win an Oscar Nomination? By Danny Schechter, January 11, 2014
The Budget Deal and Neoliberalism: The U.S. and the South African Connection By Ajamu Baraka, January 10, 2014
Humanitarian Warfare: “Stabilizing” Central Africa for the Multinationals By Burkely Hermann, January 10, 2014