sub-Saharan Africa

The peasantry is to be “protected” through the establishment of “customary land reserves” in the vicinity of the White Afrikaner commercial farms. The rural people will be caged into small territorial enclaves (“communal lands”) while the best agricultural land will be sold or leased to private investors.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The objectives of the US military presence in Africa are well documented: counter Chinese influence and control strategic locations and natural resources including oil reserves. This was confirmed more than 8 years ago by the US State Department

Somalia has been the focus of oil and natural gas exploration. This coupled with its geographically strategic location on the Indian Ocean and near the Gulf of Aden, which is one of the most lucrative shipping lanes in the world,

World Health Organization (WHO) Blocked Shipments of Highly Effective Ebola Treatment to Africa By Ethan A. Huff, October 03, 2014
“Covert Narratives”, Media Storylines and the Ebola Pandemic By Jon Rappoport, September 30, 2014
Ebola Virus Outbreak Discussed in Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly CDC says 1.4 million may be infected by 2015 if spread is not halted By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 30, 2014
Sierra Leone Quarantines Over 1 Million People Amid Ebola Outbreak By Press TV, September 26, 2014
Imperialism and the Ebola Catastrophe By Patrick Martin, September 26, 2014
Africa: Corporate Palm Oil Plantations Destroy the Peasant Economy By Grain, September 24, 2014
Scientists Warn Ebola Transmission May Be Airborne; Urge Full Respirators for Frontline Health Workers By Ethan A. Huff, September 24, 2014
Namibia: Germany’s African Holocaust By Andre Vltchek, September 23, 2014
Ebola Death Camps in Liberia: Disease Victims to Be Rounded Up and Removed from their Own Homes by Force By Mike Adams, September 23, 2014
United States Militarizing Response to Ebola Crisis While Cuba Pledges Medical Assistance Delegation found dead in Guinea while disease continues to spread By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 23, 2014
Kagame Started the Genocide in Rwanda, then Congo By Global Research News, September 21, 2014
Hotel Propaganda: What Really Happened in Rwanda in 1994 By Antony C. Black, September 21, 2014
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The Ebola Crisis: Profiting from the Pandemic Outbreak By Michael Welch, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, and Jon Rappoport, September 20, 2014
Is the U.S. Military Manufacturing Ebola Vaccines to Be Tested on its Soldiers to “Advance US Ability to Wage War”? By Julie Lévesque, September 20, 2014
U.S. General: Sending Military to Fight Ebola is “an Absolute Misuse of the U.S. Military” By Jerome R. Corsi, September 18, 2014
Is it Wise for Obama to Send Thousands of U.S. Troops into the Ebola Death Zone? By Michael Snyder, September 17, 2014
Liberia: 45 New Ebola Cases Caused Daily by Patients Being Turned Away by Overwhelmed Volunteers By Jonathan Benson, September 16, 2014
Somalia Facing Famine Despite U.S. Role and Oil Wealth Failure to reach political settlement hinders development and relief By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 16, 2014
Virologist: “It’s Too Late, Ebola Will Kill 5 Million” By Paul Joseph Watson, September 12, 2014
Obama’s “Successful” Airstrike Strategy in Yemen and Somalia Resulted in Major Increase in Terrorist Attacks By Interventions Watch, September 11, 2014
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Media Attacks Directed against the Critics of Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Agriculture By Colin Todhunter, September 10, 2014
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US “Counter-Terrorism” in Somalia: Alleged Al-Shabaab Bomb Attack against African Union Mission (AMISOM), Four U.S. Personnel Killed By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 09, 2014
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Ebola Outbreak Attributed to Economic Underdevelopment, Political Crises African states allied with imperialism remain without resources to eliminate epidemic By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 09, 2014
U.S. Africa Command’s “Humanitarian” Activities Designed to “Facilitate Military Operations and Achieve U.S. Objectives” By Nick Turse, September 08, 2014
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Cuts to World Health Organization Budget Intensify Ebola Epidemic By Thomas Gaist, September 05, 2014
Nigeria: World Bank Denies Justice to 9000 Residents Evicted for Bank-Funded “Development” Project By Bretton Woods Project, September 05, 2014
Impending Humanitarian Disaster in Burundi and Rwanda By Prof Peter Erlinder and Ann Garrison, September 03, 2014
Ten Killed by Police At African Barrick Gold Mining Operations in Tanzania By Richard Smallteacher, September 02, 2014
Newsweek’s Dehumanization of Africans and Monkey Meat Ebola Fearmongering By Peter Hart, August 31, 2014
America’s “Unlimited Imperialism” By Prof. Francis A. Boyle, August 31, 2014
Second Genocide in Rwanda? Slow, Silent, and Systematic? By Ann Garrison, August 30, 2014
Africa and America: Why Ferguson is the Congo By BK Kumbi, August 26, 2014
Apartheid and Genocide: US Supports Kagame Dictatorship and Political Oppression in Rwanda By Global Research News, August 24, 2014
The Real “Dirty Wars” in the Horn of Africa – “Expiration by Starvation” Sanctioned by the Obama White House By Thomas C. Mountain, August 20, 2014
Liberian Minister Allowed Ebola-Infected American to Travel to Africa’s Largest City. Fuels Belief Outbreak is a “Government Conspiracy” By Melissa Dykes, August 17, 2014
The CIA Activities and the Huge U.S. Military Offensive in Africa By Mark P. Fancher, August 13, 2014
Africa and US Imperialism. America in Competition with China? By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 12, 2014
Obama’s Africa Summit: a Sign of Weakness Rather than Strength By Washington's Blog, August 09, 2014
Obama Hosts Africa Summit Amid Deepening Global Crises By Bill Van Auken, August 05, 2014
The Ebola Outbreak. Can it be Controlled? Monsanto Invests in Ebola Treatment Drug Company as Pandemic Spreads By Mike Adams, August 04, 2014
West Africa: What are US Biological Warfare Researchers Doing in the Ebola Zone? By Jon Rappoport, August 02, 2014
Devastating Economic and Social Crisis in sub-Saharan Africa: Ghana Workers on the March By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 29, 2014
The Air Algerie Crash: Libyan BUK Missile Unit Used by Al Qaeda Affiliated Rebels to Down Algerian Passenger Plane? By Wayne Madsen, July 27, 2014
Global Biotechnology’s “Golden Rice”: GMO “Super Gruel” for the Masses By Tony Cartalucci, July 16, 2014
‘Building a BRICS Wall’: Stopping the Western Juggernaut By Adrian Salbuchi, July 16, 2014
Africa and Globalization By Prof. Martin Hart-Landsberg, July 16, 2014
BRICS Against Washington Consensus By Pepe Escobar, July 16, 2014
Anti-Dollar Alliance Prepares Launch of BRICS Bank By Zero Hedge, July 15, 2014
Leadership, Genocide and War Crimes. An African Perspective By J. B. Gerald, July 15, 2014
Brics to Open Alternatives to World Bank, IMF By Valentina Pop, July 15, 2014
South Africans Condemn Israeli Aggression Against the Palestinians By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 14, 2014
The Illusion of Foreign Investment Growth? Africa Must Break With the World Capitalist System By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 08, 2014
US Troops Have Secretly Been Deployed to Somalia Since 2007 By Thomas Gaist, July 05, 2014
Africa’s Poisoned Chalices: Foreign Investment, Humanitarian Intervention and Aid By Yash Tandon, July 04, 2014
US Troops Have Been Secretly Operating in Somalia Since 2007: Secret Occupation? By RT, July 03, 2014
Alternative Media Spotlight By Hugo Turner, July 03, 2014
Neo-Colonialism and “Africa’s Relations with the World” By Abayomi Azikiwe, July 02, 2014
Evo Morales: “Our Liberation is for the Whole of Humanity”. For a Global Brotherhood Among The People By Evo Morales Ayma, June 26, 2014
Liberia: UK’s Equatorial Palm Oil Threatening to Seize Public Land Defying International Law, Government Orders and Human Rights By Forest Peoples Programme, June 25, 2014
Growing CIA and Pentagon Involvement in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 24, 2014
Platinum Mining: Protracted Strike by South African Workers By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 16, 2014
Rampaging Jihadists Kill Dozens in Kenya: Christians Targeted for Execution By Kurt Nimmo, June 16, 2014
NATO Engineered Conflict Contributes to Slavery and Trafficking. Boko Haram’s Mass Kidnapping of Girls By Dr. Christof Lehmann, June 13, 2014
Ethiopia’s Police State: The Silencing of Opponents, Journalists and Students Detained By Paul O’Keeffe, June 11, 2014
Mass Protests Grow Against French-backed Regime in the Central African Republic By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 09, 2014
Boko Haram: “Economic Fundamentalism” and Impoverishment Send Unemployed Youths Into Religious Militias By Prof. Horace Campbell, June 06, 2014
Neo-Colonialism and the Changing Nature of Imperialism in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 05, 2014
Is there a New Cold War that Impacts Africa? By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 05, 2014
Sudan is the Solution to South Sudan’s Problems By Sufyan bin Uzayr, June 04, 2014
GMO Agriculture and Dow AgroSciences’ Genetically Modified Soyabeans: Waging War on Peasants By Grain, June 04, 2014
Miners Shot Down: The Marikana Mine Massacre and the Sell Out of South Africans by the Black-Led Regime By Margaret Kimberley, June 04, 2014
Top Ten Countries at Risk of Water Shortages By Global Research, June 03, 2014
How Global Agri-Business Destroys Farming By Colin Todhunter, May 30, 2014
Who is Protecting Boko Haram. Is the Nigerian Government involved in a Conspiracy? By Audu Liberty Oseni, May 28, 2014
Coming Soon: A U.S. Death Squad Program for West Africa By Glen Ford, May 28, 2014
51st Anniversary: The African Union and the Illusive Promise of Unity By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 28, 2014
Western Intervention Fosters Instability in Africa By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 23, 2014
The War in the Congo: Mutiny, Secession, and Foreign Intervention By Devon Douglas-Bowers, May 22, 2014
Boko Haram and the West’s Military Intervention in Nigeria By Kola Ibrahim, May 21, 2014
“Bring Back Our Girls” Campaign: Reinforcing U.S. Imperialism, the Root of Terrorism in Africa By Danny Haiphong, May 21, 2014