Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
Bloodbath in Donesk: Kiev Unleashes Military Attack, Killing Civilians By RT, May 27, 2014
Ukraine and the Lies of the U.S. Media By Eric Zuesse, May 27, 2014
Petro Poroshenko: Ukraine’s New President Makes Cautious Opening Moves By Eric Zuesse, May 27, 2014
New Ukraine Government Launches Airstrikes and Prepares Austerity Measures By Thomas Gaist, May 27, 2014
New York Time’s One-Sided Ukraine Narrative By Robert Parry, May 27, 2014
Ukraine Crisis: What You’re Not Being Told By Global Research News, May 27, 2014
Ukraine in Turmoil. The Situation in Poland By Gavin Rae, May 27, 2014
The Truth about Ukraine: Geopolitics and History of Ukrainian Nationalism By Global Research News, May 26, 2014
How the Ukrainian Civil War Started By Eric Zuesse, May 26, 2014
“Russian Aggression Prevention Act of 2014”: Another U.S. Style Violent Regime Change? By Wayne Madsen, May 26, 2014
Washington Post Neocons Seek US-Patrolled ‘Safe Zone’ in Syria By Ray McGovern, May 26, 2014
The US is Involved in Simultaneous Acts of Destabilization in Different Regions of the World By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 26, 2014
Why War Is Inevitable By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 26, 2014
The Russia-China Counter-Alliance to US-NATO Aggression By Alexander Clackson, May 26, 2014
Farcical “Elections” in Ukraine: Staging Ground for Escalation of Conflict, Hostilities By Daniel Patrick Welch, May 26, 2014
Media Propaganda and the Ukraine Crisis By Paul Rogov, May 26, 2014
Rigged Presidential Elections in Ukraine? Cyber Attack on the Central Election Commission By Anna Mihailenko, May 26, 2014
Ukraine Presidential Elections. Low Turn-out. Poroshenko Declares Victory By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 25, 2014
Ten Facts you need to know about the Ukrainian Presidential Elections By RT, May 25, 2014
Ukraine Elections: Electronic Files of Central Election Commission (CEC) Disabled by Hackers. Unconfirmed Report By Global Research News, May 25, 2014
Crisis and Violence at the Ballot Box: Ukraine Presidential Election By RT, May 25, 2014
Russia’s Rise To Global Power. How will President Putin “Play this Game”? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 25, 2014
The British Royal Family Supported Hitler and the Nazis By Kurt Nimmo, May 23, 2014
Unconfirmed Destruction of Electronic System of Ukraine’s Central Election Commission: CyberBerkut By The Voice of Russia, May 23, 2014
On Eve of Election, Ukraine Slides Toward Civil War By Bill Van Auken, May 23, 2014
“Genetically Engineered Terror”: Monsanto and the “Social Cost” of GMOs By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 23, 2014
Washington Risks Global War By Stephen Lendman, May 22, 2014
Separatism and Empire Building in the 21st Century By Prof. James Petras, May 22, 2014
Gazprom’s Biggest Contract: EU’s losing Russia’s East Siberian Gas to China is a Historical Failure By The Voice of Russia, May 22, 2014
Ukraine: Washington and NATO Promote Election Held at Gunpoint By Bill Van Auken, May 22, 2014
The Impacts of the Ukraine Crisis on Europe’s Sovereignty and Leadership By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), May 22, 2014
Historic Sino/Russian Trade Deal Signed By Stephen Lendman, May 22, 2014
Global Geopolitics and the Russia-China “Gas Deal of The Century” By Ulson Gunnar, May 22, 2014
A Tale of Two Elections: Syria, Ukraine, and the West’s Double Take on Democracy By Andrew Korybko, May 21, 2014
Showdown in Ukraine By Mike Whitney, May 21, 2014
Western Media Blackout on the Atrocities Committed in Odessa and Eastern Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, May 21, 2014
The BBC Supports Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 21, 2014
Crimean crisis: The Smell of American Hypocrisy in the Air By Kourosh Ziabari, May 21, 2014
Vladimir Putin and the “De-Dollarization” of Russia-China Trade. “Mutual Payments” in Rubles and Renminbi By Umberto Pascali, May 20, 2014
Vladimir Putin’s Statement on Russia-China Trade and Investment Relations. Global and Regional Priorities By Pres. Vladimir Putin, May 20, 2014
Ukraine and Syria: Elections at Barrels of US-NATO Guns? By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 20, 2014
CIA, FBI Agents Dying for Illegal Junta in Ukraine By John Robles, May 20, 2014
Political Repression Mounts in Run-up to Ukrainian Presidential Vote By Alex Lantier, May 20, 2014
New York Times Editors Defend the Indefensible By Stephen Lendman, May 20, 2014
What Drives The West’s Self-Destructive Belligerence? The “Reconstruction and Enlargement” of Europe. By Tony Cartalucci, May 20, 2014
Judge for Yourselves: Popular Referendums or Not in East Ukraine? Are They “Democratic”? By GRTV, May 19, 2014
US Sends Warships to the Black Sea To “Monitor” Ukraine’s May 25 Elections By Global Research News, May 19, 2014
Kiev Protégé allegedly behind Mariupol and Odessa Massacres – Leaked Tapes By RT, May 19, 2014
America’s Non-Linear Warfare Agenda and “The Right to Resist” By Andrew Korybko, May 18, 2014
The Nazi Danger — A Letter from Odessa By Global Research News, May 18, 2014
The Kiev Sniper Probe: Coup Leaders Behind February 20 Maidan Sniper Killings of Civilians and Police By Adam Larson, May 18, 2014
Syria and Ukraine, Two Elections, Dodgy Diplomatic Moves, War Crimes, Arrest Warrants, Double Standards … By Felicity Arbuthnot, May 18, 2014
Is the West “Directly” Responsible for the Massacres In Ukraine? By Washington's Blog, May 18, 2014
Oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi: Washington’s “Man in Ukraine” By Eric Zuesse, May 18, 2014
Justifying the Unjustifiable. How the UN Defines “Human Rights” By Stephen Lendman, May 18, 2014
America Brings Hell to Ukraine as Part of its Plan for World Domination By Margaret Kimberley, May 18, 2014
Ukraine: Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky Offers $1 Million to Murder Federalist Leader Oleg Tsarev By Voltaire Network, May 17, 2014
Ukraine in Turmoil. War May Come at any Time By Israel Shamir, May 17, 2014
The Popular Uprising in East Ukraine. Rebellion against the First Neo-Fascist Regime in Post-War Europe By Lionel Reynolds, May 17, 2014
Neo-Nazi “Right Sector” attempts to seize largest Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine By The Voice of Russia, May 17, 2014
Putin Blinks in Ukraine Standoff with the US. The Role of Oligarchs? By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh, May 17, 2014
Ukraine Crisis Goes Nuclear. The Storming of Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant by Neo-Nazis By Tony Cartalucci, May 17, 2014
Fake Ukrainian National Unity Talks By Stephen Lendman, May 16, 2014
In the Service of Imperialism: Right-Wing “Intellectuals” Gather in Kiev By David North, May 16, 2014
How NATO Jabs Russia on Ukraine By Robert Parry, May 16, 2014
US Blackwater Mercenary Units Behind Kiev Regime’s Outburst in Ukraine By The Voice of Russia, May 16, 2014
How Five American Companies Control What You Think By Eric Sommer, May 15, 2014
History: The Power Struggle in Ukraine and America’s Strategy for Global Supremacy By Peter Schwarz, May 15, 2014
Sweden Strengthens Military in Response to Ukraine Crisis By Jordan Shilton, May 15, 2014
New York Times War on Truth By Stephen Lendman, May 15, 2014
Crony Collusion: VP Joe Biden’s Son Joins Board of Ukrainian Gas Company By 21st Century Wire, May 15, 2014
Bloodbath in Odessa Guided by Interim Rulers of Ukraine By Oriental Review, May 15, 2014
UN Unlikely To Recognize Donetsk, Luhansk as Democratic Republics Because of US By Timothy Alexander Guzman and Daria Chernyshova, May 14, 2014
Ukraine: Is Sweden’s Television (SVT) White-Washing Anti-Semitic Salutes? By Global Research News, May 14, 2014
Who’s Undermining Ukrainian Democracy: Putin or the West? Global Research News Hour Episode 66 By Michael Welch, Lloyd Axworthy, and Rick Rozoff, May 14, 2014
The Odessa Massacre was a Carefully Staged Covert Intelligence Operation By Joe Giambrone, May 14, 2014
Break the Silence: a World War is Beckoning By John Pilger, May 14, 2014
Independent Report on The Massacre and Fire in Odessa, May 2, 2014 By Global Research News, May 14, 2014
Russia Holds “De-Dollarization Meeting”: China, Iran Willing To Drop US Dollar From Bilateral Trade By Zero Hedge, May 14, 2014
The Political Destabilization and Fracturing of Ukraine By Nile Bowie, May 14, 2014