Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
Ukraine: Kiev’s Ticking Time Bomb By Tony Cartalucci, July 05, 2014
President Poroshenko Uses RAND Corporation “Action Plan” for Eastern Ukraine including Ground Assaults and Air Strikes By Global Research News, July 04, 2014
Ukrainian Air Force Bombing Villages, Killing Civilians By Andre Vltchek, July 04, 2014
Ukraine Air Force Bombs Civilians: Crimes against Humanity in Lugansk Oblast By Global Research News, July 03, 2014
Alternative Media Spotlight By Hugo Turner, July 03, 2014
The “Battle for Europe” is Raging. How America Undermines Franco-Russian Relations By Umberto Pascali, July 02, 2014
NATO Accuses Moscow of Covertly Funding Western Anti-Fracking Activists By Steve Horn, July 02, 2014
Vladimir Putin: “The West is Turning the Planet into a Global Barracks” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 02, 2014
Vladimir Putin on the Crisis in Ukraine and Washington’s “Unipolar World Order” By Pres. Vladimir Putin, July 02, 2014
Poroshenko launches Bloody Assault on Eastern Ukraine By Chris Marsden, July 02, 2014
The US War Against Russia Is Already Underway By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 01, 2014
From Cold War Thaws to the Arctic Thaw: The Changing Arctic and Its Security Implications for East Asia By Kimie Hara, July 01, 2014
Russia Strikes out at Sanctions and Takes its Battle to the Dollar By Stefan Hedlund, July 01, 2014
The European Gendarmerie Force: The Prospect of Mass Civil Unrest in Europe By Andrei Akulov, June 30, 2014
America’s Nazis in Kiev: “Russians are Subhuman” By Tony Cartalucci, June 30, 2014
Russia and Belarus Send Sukhoi Jets to Iraq, Moscow Slam West Over Syria By Allison Quinn, June 30, 2014
Target ISIS: First batch of Russian fighter jets arrives in Iraq By Global Research News, June 30, 2014
EU Threatens Sanctions Against Russia in Three Days By Ria Novosti, June 30, 2014
US Hegemony and “Cold War Renewed”, With A Vengeance While Washington Again Lies By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 29, 2014
Moment of Truth: “Fascism As It Is” in Ukraine By Andrey Karaulov, June 29, 2014
Ukraine’s EU Association Agreement, A Prelude to Further Bloodshed By Chris Marsden, June 28, 2014
Ukraine Tips From Nameless US Officials: Good Enough for the New York Times By Peter Hart, June 27, 2014
Dangerous Crossroads: US, NATO Deliver Fresh Ultimatums to Russia over Ukraine By Bill Van Auken, June 27, 2014
The New York Times Revamps Its False Ukraine Narrative By Robert Parry, June 27, 2014
Kiev Is Starting a War to Avoid a Revolution By Olga Shedrova, June 27, 2014
The Triumph of “Ukrainian Democracy”: Killing Civilians in Eastern Ukraine By Global Research News, June 25, 2014
Ukraine: The War in Slavyansk as Seen by its Residents. Save the People of Donbass By Global Research News, June 25, 2014
Putin Scores Another Historic Victory: Austria Signs South Stream Pipeline Deal in Defiance of Europe By Zero Hedge, June 25, 2014
Can Putin’s Diplomacy Prevail Over Washington’s Coercion? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 25, 2014
From Orwell’s “1984”: Color Revolutions and Irregular Warfare Against Eurasia By Wayne Madsen, June 24, 2014
America Cleanses Southeastern Ukraine of Ethnic Russians By Eric Zuesse, June 22, 2014
Ukraine: The War on Democracy By Tomasz Pierscionek, June 22, 2014
Ukraine and the European “Gas Deadlock” with Gazprom, to Meet Interests of US Westinghouse Electric Company By Pyotr Iskanderov, June 21, 2014
Russia Reignites The Proxy War: Putin Offers “Complete Support” To Iraq Prime Minister Scorned By Obama By Zero Hedge, June 21, 2014
The Ukraine Genocide and its Cheerleaders By Vera Graziadei, June 20, 2014
Financial Warfare: Russia’s “Anti-Dollar Alliance” to Halt US Aggression. Top Putin Advisor By Zero Hedge, June 20, 2014
US Propaganda “Accidentally” Exposes Nazi Crimes in Ukraine By Tony Cartalucci, June 20, 2014
A Young Girl from Slavyansk Ready to Defend Her Hometown against the Kiev Regime By Global Research News, June 19, 2014
Non-Conventional Warfare and the “Geopolitical Reshaping” of Ukraine By Mark Hackard, June 19, 2014
What Goals does the US Pursue in Ukraine? By Boris Novoseltsev, June 19, 2014
Gas Transit Pipeline Explodes in Ukraine By RT, June 18, 2014
Ethnic and Cultural Cleansing in Ukraine By Andrew Korybko, June 18, 2014
The Lethality of Nuclear War: Washington Is Beating The War Drums By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 18, 2014
US State Dept. Spokesperson Psaki defends Ukraine Foreign Minister over ‘Putin f**ker’ Remark By RT, June 17, 2014
US Sponsored Ukraine Regime is Killing Children: Polina Sladkaya, 6 Years Old. Died in Slavyansk from Howitzer Shell By Global Research News, June 17, 2014
Media Lies and The Propaganda War about Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, June 16, 2014
Ukraine: Internment Camps for the Anti-Nazi Resistance – Remembering the German Occupation By Alexander Donetsky, June 16, 2014
Ukraine: Is There a Chance for De-escalation? By Tate McClellan, June 16, 2014
US-backed Rightists Attack Russian Embassy in Kiev By Alex Lantier, June 16, 2014
Stop the War in the Ukraine! Antiwar Appeal of Left Forces in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus By Socialist Project, June 16, 2014
NATO Allegations of Russian Tanks in Ukraine based on Fake Evidence By Alexander Flint, June 16, 2014
Kiev Regime Atrocities in East Ukraine: The Bombing of Slavyansk, “You kill women. You are killing children”. Video Evidence By Global Research News, June 15, 2014
Ukraine Neo-Nazis Trained by NATO to Commit Atrocities: NATO’s ‘Gladio’ Army in Ukraine By RT, June 15, 2014
Ukrainian Foreign Minister Chants ‘Putin – F**ker’ at Vandalized Russian Embassy in Kiev By RT, June 15, 2014
Ukraine Regime Claims Control of Key Port City By Patrick Martin, June 14, 2014
Ukraine to Build 2000 km Wall against Russia, Project Submitted to Presidency By The Voice of Russia, June 13, 2014
‘White Phosphorus’ Reports: Ukraine Military ‘Dropped Incendiary Bombs’ on Slavyansk By RT, June 13, 2014
President Petro Poroshenko, “Our Ukraine Insider” for the U.S. State Department By Michael Collins, June 13, 2014
Ukraine: Repression Leads to Humanitarian Crisis – Thousands of Refugees Leaving Donbass for Russia By Eduard Popov, June 12, 2014
The Diary of Lena Mukhina: An Important Document on the Leningrad Blockade (1941-1944) by Germany’s Wehrmacht By Clara Weiss, June 12, 2014
Poland’s Hand in Ukraine: Security Advisor to former Polish President in “Anti-terrorist Operation” in Slavyansk By Andrew Korybko, June 11, 2014
The Fateful Triangle: Russia, Ukraine and the Jews By Israel Shamir, June 11, 2014
Obama’s Attempt at Intimidating Russia: Dispatching B-2 Stealth Bombers to Europe By Mike Whitney, June 10, 2014
Is President Poroshenko Taking Orders from the CIA? The Place of Ukraine in US Military Planning By Olga Shedrova, June 10, 2014
Gas Pipeline Wars: The EU Threatens to Obstruct Gazprom’s South Stream Project By R. Teichmann, June 10, 2014
US-NATO Sponsored Destruction and Atrocities in South Eastern Ukraine By Global Research News, June 10, 2014
World War II: The Unknown War By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 10, 2014
Vienna: A Dispatch from the Front Line By Michael Werbowski, June 09, 2014
Nationalism and Fascism in Ukraine: A Historical Overview By Clara Weiss and Konrad Kreft, June 09, 2014
Newly installed President Poroshenko Pledges to Militarise Ukraine and Crush Rebellion in the East By Mike Head, June 09, 2014
The New York Time’s Ukraine Kremlinology: When Lack of Direct Evidence is Probably Proof of Russian Implication By Peter Hart, June 09, 2014
Poroshenko’s Phony Peace Plan. Selling out Ukraine to NATO and the EU By John Robles, June 09, 2014
Ukraine President Poroshenko’s Inauguration Speech: No Compromise with Donesk and Lugansk By Global Research News, June 08, 2014
The Putin-Poroshenko “Secret” D-Day Agreement By RT, June 08, 2014
Kiev Regime Abandons Ukraine-Russian Border Checkpoints: Russia Controls Borders. Parts of East Ukraine Are De Facto “Integrated” into Russian Federation By Eric Zuesse, June 07, 2014
Grand Geopolitical Project: Russia’s Gazprom signs Agreement to Abandon the Dollar By Umberto Pascali, June 07, 2014
Why Ukraine’s Civil War Is of Global Historical Importance By Eric Zuesse, June 07, 2014
G7 Unity shows Cracks on Russia Sanctions By Bill Van Auken, June 07, 2014
Fascist Propaganda on the Front Page of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung By Peter Schwarz, June 06, 2014
Do We Really Need to Re-Start the Cold War? By Eric Zuesse, June 06, 2014