Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
US Presses Ukraine for “Decisive Breakthrough”: “Ukrainian Forces are being Methodically Neutralised”. Heavy Casualties By Ahmed Adel, July 21, 2023
As NATO Looks for Answers to the Ukraine Conflict, Poland Seeks the Nuclear Option. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, July 20, 2023
Villainy in Vilnius By David Stockman, July 19, 2023
Biden Admin Seeks “Mission Accomplished” Moment to Secure Political Exit Route From Ukraine Proxy War By Jordan Schachtel, July 19, 2023
Is Africa’s “Peace Initiative” Directed against Russia? The St Petersburg Russia-Africa Summit By Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 18, 2023
NATO Summit Serves Up Cringe Nothing-Burger. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, July 18, 2023
Putin Rejects South Africa’s Request to Not Attend BRICS Summit Over ICC Arrest Warrant By Zero Hedge, July 18, 2023
Is the United States Pursuing a Permanent Cold War with Russia? By Ted Galen Carpenter, July 18, 2023
A Bit of Political Theater in Vilnius By Philip Giraldi, July 18, 2023
The Real History of the War in Ukraine By Jeffrey D. Sachs, July 18, 2023
Truth or Consequences in the War in Ukraine. Dangerous Moment in Time, “Who Do You Trust If You Can’t Trust Those in Power?” By Jerome Irwin, July 17, 2023
Western-supplied Weapons “All Burned” in Ukrainian Failed Counteroffensive – NYT By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 17, 2023
Kiev Is Not Any Closer to Joining NATO After Vilnius Summit By Uriel Araujo, July 17, 2023
Is Biden Preparing to Take the U.S. to War Against Russia? By Larry Johnson, July 17, 2023
NATO Isn’t Defending Ukraine. It’s Stabbing It in the Back By Jonathan Cook, July 17, 2023
Video: Max Blumenthal Addresses UN Security Council on Ukraine Aid By Max Blumenthal, July 17, 2023
US Wants Neither Peace Nor Dialogue: Some Voices Call for Disintegration of Russia By Uriel Araujo, July 17, 2023
Video: America is at War with Europe By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 16, 2023
Stoltenberg Admits NATO Began Preparing Ukraine for War with Russia Since 2014 By Ahmed Adel, July 16, 2023
Video: Victoria Nuland Inciting WWIII with Russia By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Helena Glass, July 16, 2023
Canadian Support for Ukraine Nazi Collaborators after World War II. “Lest we Forget” By Michael Welch, July 14, 2023
Is Turkey’s Alliance with Russia in Jeopardy? By Aydin Sezer and Steven Sahiounie, July 14, 2023
Is Washington “Begging” for a Preemptive Nuclear Attack From Russia? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 14, 2023
Baltic Sea Labelled “NATO Lake” After Summit in Vilnius By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 14, 2023
Why No One Will Win the Proxy War in Ukraine and Why It Must and Will End by a Negotiated Solution By Jan Oberg and Transnational Foundation, July 14, 2023
NATO Commits to Kiev’s “Fast Track Membership” and Cluster Bombing to WWIII By Joachim Hagopian, July 13, 2023
Half of Russian Strategic Missile Divisions Now Use Hypersonics in Response to US Escalation. Pentagon Failures in Strategic Weapons Capabilities? By Drago Bosnic, July 13, 2023
Why Use of Cluster Bombs for ‘Liberating’ Territory Implies Serious Self-Harm Too By Bharat Dogra, July 13, 2023
Towards NATO’s Direct Participation in Ukraine? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 12, 2023
The Proxy War Against Russia Could be Stopped Immediately and Thus a Third World War Prevented By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, July 12, 2023
Vilnius: Fizzling NATO Bets on Technology. War and the Weaponization of AI By Karsten Riise, July 12, 2023
More Grumbling From Zelensky Because NATO Doesn’t Want Direct War with Russia By Drago Bosnic, July 12, 2023
Pressured by NATO, Turkey Violates the “Azovstal Deal”(Prisoners’ Exchange). Ankara-Moscow Alliance in Jeopardy? By Andrew Korybko, July 12, 2023
Did Yevgeny Prigozhin Really Lead an Armed Rebellion in Russia? By Philip Giraldi, July 11, 2023
Crimean Bridge Missile Attack Fails, Bringing No Results Ahead of NATO Summit By Drago Bosnic, July 11, 2023
Left with Few Tanks and Ammunition, Ukraine Puts Its Hope in Cluster Munitions By Ahmed Adel, July 10, 2023
Joe Biden and His Warmongering Minions Seem Absolutely Determined to Drag America Into World War III By Michael Snyder, July 10, 2023
Tensions in Ukraine Show Why ‘Nuclear Power Is the Most Dangerous Way to Boil Water’ By Jessica Corbett, July 10, 2023
Zaporizhzhia Dangers Should End Nuclear Power Pursuit By Beyond Nuclear, July 10, 2023
More Weapons for Kiev Regime? NATO Chief Stoltenberg’s Confused and Contradictory Statements By Andrew Korybko, July 09, 2023
A Bankrupt Calculus: Sending Cluster Munitions to Ukraine By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 09, 2023
Ukraine Destroyed the Kakhovka Dam: A Forensic Assessment By Thomas Palley, July 09, 2023
Ukraine: Those Who Take Their Wishes for Reality Will Have a Nightmare By Willy Van Damme, July 09, 2023
Russia’s “Success”. US-NATO’s Unspoken Military Failures, “Western Stupidity is Everywhere” By Karsten Riise, July 08, 2023
Russia-Africa Relations. “Tense Global Situation”. The Saint Petersburg Summit By Prof. Maurice Okoli, July 08, 2023
The CIA’s Blind Spot About the Ukraine War By William M Arkin, July 08, 2023
Don’t Look Now, But Utter Chaos Is Being Unleashed All Over the World By Michael Snyder, July 08, 2023
They Lied About Afghanistan. They Lied About Iraq. And They Are Lying About Ukraine. By Chris Hedges, July 07, 2023
France’s “Neocolonial Practices” in South Caucasus. Threatens Russia’s Security Interests? By Andrew Korybko, July 07, 2023
South Africa’s Economic Relations with Russia and BRICS By Mzuvukile Maqetuka and Kester Kenn Klomegah, July 06, 2023
Making Peace with Russia, One Handshake at a Time. Dimitri Lascaris By Michael Welch and Dimitri Lascaris, July 06, 2023
Washington based Think Tank: Russia Unlikely to Ever Run Out of Missiles By Drago Bosnic, July 05, 2023
Kiev Attacks Russian Airport with Possible Western Help By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, July 05, 2023
Like Halliburton in Iraq, BlackRock to Rake in a Trillion, “Rebuilding the Destruction” which They Financed in Ukraine By Matt Agorist, July 05, 2023
“Dangerous Provocations”: Russia, Ukraine Accuse Each Other of Plotting Imminent Attack on Nuclear Plant By Euractiv, July 05, 2023
Dangerous Crossroads: The Zaporozhiya Nuclear Plant, Zelenskiy’s Next Simulacra? Impending “False Flag” By Dr. Gordon M. Hahn, July 05, 2023
“Moscow Maidan”, “Attempted Coup d’Etat” against Putin? There Never Was A Plan By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 04, 2023
On Launching the New International War Crimes Tribunal By Stephen Karganovic, July 04, 2023
Chinese Drones for Ukraine. Is Beijing “Militarily Neutral” in the NATO-Russian Proxy War? By Andrew Korybko, July 04, 2023
80 Years Ago: The 1943 Battle of Kursk: Largest Tank Battle in History By Dr. Leon Tressell, July 04, 2023
Did America Really Know About ‘Wagner’ Rebellion Before It Happened? By Drago Bosnic, July 03, 2023
Breaking: Kiev’s Commander in Chief General Zaluzhny Admits Ukraine Has Lost By Karsten Riise, July 03, 2023
Russia Resists, Europe Crumbles. Manlio Dinucci By Manlio Dinucci, July 01, 2023
Setting the Record Straight; Stuff You Should Know About Ukraine. “The War began before the Russian Invasion” By Mike Whitney, June 30, 2023
How US Disinformation Works: From Washington to Moscow and Back By Karsten Riise, June 30, 2023
This Is Actually Terrifying By James G. Rickards, June 30, 2023
Lavrov: US, Russia in a ‘Fight of Worlds’ By Kyle Anzalone, June 30, 2023
Prigozhin’s Folly By Seymour M. Hersh, June 30, 2023
The Bolshevik Color Revolution of 1917 and Prigozhin’s 2023 Gambit: Trotsky, Russell, and the War on Civilization By Matthew Ehret-Kump, June 29, 2023
Was Prigozhin’s Rebellion Live or Memorex? By Tom Luongo, June 29, 2023
The Real Casualties of Russia’s ‘Civil War’: The Beltway Expert Class By Max Blumenthal and Wyatt Reed, June 29, 2023
Zelensky Causing Nuclear Hysteria Over Fake Claims By Ahmed Adel, June 29, 2023
Russia’s Intel (FSB) Spooked the CIA on “Prigozhin Coup” By M. K. Bhadrakumar, June 29, 2023
Putin Orders “Reality Check”: No Ukrainians Left on the Battlefield, No Sovereignty in Kiev By John Helmer, June 29, 2023
Be Very Skeptical of US Intel Claiming That Russia’s Army General Surovikin May Have Helped Plan Prigozhin’s Coup By Andrew Korybko, June 29, 2023
Video: Ukraine to Challenge the Russian Air Force. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter and Douglas Macgregor, June 29, 2023
Ukraine and the Apocalyptic “Blame Game” By Barry Kissin, June 29, 2023
The US Had Anticipated “More Violence and Bloodshed” in Wagner’s Mutiny By Ahmed Adel, June 28, 2023
The Standoff Between Russia’s Defense Ministry and Wagner’s Prigozhin: Implications for Africa By Kester Kenn Klomegah, June 28, 2023
Coup Coo: US Intel had Foreknowledge of Prigozhin “Coup Attempt” By James Howard Kunstler, June 28, 2023