Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
Countering NATO Propaganda on Russia: NATO Intervention in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Libya, Ukraine By Vladimir Kozin, February 08, 2015
The Fallujah Option for East Ukraine By Mike Whitney, February 08, 2015
German Chancellor Seeks to Push Hungary Away From Russia By Markus Salzmann, February 08, 2015
Meeting in Moscow Fails to Produce Agreement as US Plots Escalation in Ukraine By Niles Williamson, February 07, 2015
GMO and Europe’s “Bread Basket”. Monsanto’s Land Grab in Ukraine By Stephen Lendman, February 07, 2015
Russia Eyes New Peace Conference Without USA to Avoid World War III By, February 07, 2015
Merkel and Hollande for Peace in Ukraine: Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, February 07, 2015
The War in Donbass: German Chancellor Angela Merkel Fears Devastating Defeat of the Ukrainian Army By Eric Zuesse, February 07, 2015
Ukraine: Washington is Promoting Military Escalation in Donbass. Direct Confrontation with Russia? By Stephen Lendman, February 06, 2015
Western Military Intervention in Ukraine, Media Disinformation regarding the Donbass Military Leadership By George Eliason, February 06, 2015
Ukraine: Vladimir Putin Prefers a “Bad Peace” By Israel Shamir, February 06, 2015
What Liberals Get Wrong About Obama and Ukraine’s War By Eric Zuesse, February 06, 2015
The Fallujah Option for East Ukraine: The Real Reason Washington Feels Threatened by Moscow By Mike Whitney, February 06, 2015
Europe, not Russia, Pressed Kiev over EU Association – ex-Ukrainian PM By RT, February 06, 2015
German, French Leaders Fly to Russia amidst Warnings of “Total War” over Ukraine By Alex Lantier, February 06, 2015
NATO Heading for War with Russia? By Stephen Lendman, February 06, 2015
The War in Ukraine: Editorial in The New York Times Suggests US Is Looking for a Face-Saving Way Out By Alexander Mercouris, February 05, 2015
NATO Meeting in Brussels Heightens Danger of War with Russia By Johannes Stern, February 05, 2015
US Taxpayers Will be Robbed to Arm Poroshenko By Rep. Ron Paul, February 05, 2015
Crowd of Several Hundred Tries to Storm Ukrainian Presidential Administration Office By ITAR-TASS, February 05, 2015
Schools, Kindergartens, Hospitals, Residential Areas: UN Says Escalation of Ukraine Conflict Catastrophic for Over 5 Million Civilians By Sputnik, February 04, 2015
Washington Moves Toward Arming Ukrainian Regime By Niles Williamson, February 04, 2015
Donetsk Authorities Claim NATO Ammunition Found in Ukraine By Sputnik, February 04, 2015
The Munich Security Conference: Hindering European Security By Vladimir Kozin, February 04, 2015
Brookings Institution Wants More Villages Firebombed in Ukraine’s “Anti Terrorist Operation” By Eric Zuesse, February 04, 2015
Hacked Documents Reveal Ukrainian Military in Dire Conditions By Andrey Polevoy, February 04, 2015
Warning: Suspicious Clintonites Rattle Sabers at Russia over Ukraine. War to Come? By William Dunkerley, February 04, 2015
Washington’s Ukraine Agenda Could Potentially Precipitate Humanity into World War III? By Stephen Lendman, February 04, 2015
A Simple Letter from a Ukrainian Girl By Global Research News, February 04, 2015
map of ukraine
Ukraine Government: “We Target Civilians.” Separatists: “Their Targeting Maps Prove It.” By Eric Zuesse, February 03, 2015
West to Send More Heavy Weapons for Ukraine’s Battered Military By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2015
Kiev Regime Battalion is Beheading East Ukraine Hostages … Just Like ISIS By Washington's Blog, February 03, 2015
US Media Coverage of Ukraine: ‘Group-Thinking’ the World into a New War By Robert Parry, February 02, 2015
Who are the “Friends of Ukraine”? By Andrey Polevoy, February 02, 2015
Kiev Junta Plans Escalated War By Stephen Lendman, February 02, 2015
7,000 Trapped Ukrainian Soldiers in Debaltsevo. Kiev Could be Be Faced with Catastrophic Defeat By Global Research News, February 02, 2015
“Russian Aggression” and the BBC’s “Drums of Nuclear War” By Oliver Tickell, February 02, 2015
“Social Nationalism”: The Ideology of the “New Ukraine” By Eric Zuesse, February 01, 2015
Victoria Nuland at Brookings. Think Tank supporting Wealth, Power and Global Warfare By Stephen Lendman, February 01, 2015
Inquiry into Death of Alexander Litvinenko Opens in London By Julie Hyland, February 01, 2015
Gorbachev Warns Ukraine could Ignite World War III By Niles Williamson, January 31, 2015
Heading for War with Russia? Ukraine is the Epicenter of a Possible European War By Stephen Lendman, January 30, 2015
NATO Constitutes a Threat to Russia’s Security. Countering NATO Propaganda on Russia By Vladimir Kozin, January 30, 2015
Moscow’s Position on the Humanitarian Crisis in Ukraine: Vladimir Putin Meets with Members of Russia’s Security Council By Pres. Vladimir Putin, January 30, 2015
Russian Federation Council
Ukraine’s Government Is Losing Its War. Here Is Why! By Eric Zuesse, January 30, 2015
Kiev Regime Confirms that Russian Invasion of Ukraine is a Hoax! By George Eliason, January 29, 2015
American Troops in Ukraine? You Bet! By Global Research News, January 29, 2015
GMO Crops for Ukraine: The West’s Agri-Business Conglomerates Snap up Ukraine’s Bread Basket By Frederic Mousseau, January 29, 2015
Ukraine is Plundering its Own Museums On the Way to Europe By Oriental Review, January 29, 2015
The 70th Anniversary of the Liberation of Auschwitz By Bill Van Auken, January 28, 2015
Putin’s Message to Obama on Ukraine By Stephen Lendman, January 28, 2015
Greece: Meaningful Economic Reforms Could Come Through BRICS and Russia? By Joaquin Flores, January 27, 2015
Who was Shelling the City of Mariupol? By Vladimir Kozin, January 27, 2015
Putin: Ukraine Army is NATO Legion aimed at Restraining Russia By RT, January 26, 2015
NATO’s “Foreign Legions” Operating in East Ukraine. Vladimir Putin By Pres. Vladimir Putin, January 26, 2015
New York Times Is Lost in Its Ukraine Propaganda By Robert Parry, January 26, 2015
Global Security and Obama’s War Rhetoric: Moscow Slams Washington for “Embarking on a Path of Confrontation” By The Brics Post, January 26, 2015
Ukraine: Why Are US Soldiers In Mariupol? By Zero Hedge, January 26, 2015
Ukraine: Military-Clad English-speakers Caught on Camera in Mariupol Shelling Aftermath. Who Are They? By RT, January 26, 2015
Divisions within the Kiev Regime. Will President Poroshenko Be Overthrown? By Global Research News, January 25, 2015
Mariupol Shelling: Kiev’s Latest False Flag? By Stephen Lendman, January 25, 2015
Ukraine Contemplates Declaring Martial Law and War on Russia By Global Research News, January 25, 2015
Mariupol, Donetsk, Frunza, Firing on The Civilian Population in East Ukraine. Poroshenko Responsible for Crimes Against Humanity By George Eliason, January 25, 2015
A Key Day in the Ukrainian Conflict? Will Russia Respond to US-NATO Threats? By Alexander Mercouris, January 25, 2015
Lunatics Run the Washington Asylum By Stephen Lendman, January 25, 2015
US Media Executive Includes Russia Today (RT) in the same “Challenge List” as ISIS and Boko Haram By RT, January 24, 2015
US Announces Plans to Deploy Military Advisers to Ukraine By Niles Williamson, January 23, 2015
NATO Commander Lied Claiming “Russian Invasion of Ukraine” By Stephen Lendman, January 23, 2015
GMO-Free Russia? Government Approves Bill that Would Ban GMO Cultivation, Breeding and Imports By Christina Sarich, January 23, 2015
Cold War 2.0: Countering NATO Propaganda against Russia By Vladimir Kozin, January 23, 2015
China to Build 7,000 Km Moscow-Beijing Railway Estimated at $242 Bln By Sputnik, January 23, 2015
Russian Federation Council
Obama’s Baseless Accusations against Moscow: “Russian Troops in Ukraine” By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2015
Ukraine: Kiev Lies to its own Troops, sends them to be Slaughtered, Novorossiya clearly Winning By Harrison Koehli, January 22, 2015
Bilateral Trade vs. Sanctions: Russia-India Economic Relations Given $100 Billion-Worth Boost By Rajeev Sharma, January 22, 2015
Kiev Regime Debt: Ukraine Stiffs China for Billions It Owes By Eric Zuesse, January 22, 2015
Who Is Going to Auschwitz? By Yuriy Rubtsov, January 22, 2015
Russian Surveillance Ship Spotted in Havana Ahead of Cuban-US Talks By Sputnik, January 21, 2015
The East Ukraine Bus Disaster. The Propaganda War Goes Ballistic. Testimony of Bus Driver points to Kiev Regime By George Eliason, January 21, 2015
The Danger of an MH-17 ‘Cold Case’ By Robert Parry, January 21, 2015
Putin Excluded from Holocaust Commemorations By Ulson Gunnar, January 21, 2015