Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
Video: 2015, Year of Crisis and Military Escalation. What to Expect in 2016? By South Front, January 05, 2016
February 2014 Kiev Maidan Snipers: Western-Backed Opposition’s False Flag? Study By Sputnik, January 05, 2016
Week Thirteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: Debunking the Lies. “This Will be a Long War” By The Saker, January 05, 2016
Turkish-ISIL Oil Smuggling Operation: The US and NATO Are Also Involved By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, January 04, 2016
Russia’s Military Modernization. Tank Fleets and Ground Forces By J. Hawk, January 04, 2016
Video: Russia’s Nuclear Arsenal. Moscow’s Strategy of Deterrence By South Front and J. Hawk, January 01, 2016
Russian warplanes | © Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
Russia’s New National Security Strategy By Stephen Lendman, January 01, 2016
Lockheed Martin Dependent on Russian Technology. John McCain Slams Fellow Republicans for Lobbying in Favor of Russian Space Engines By RT, December 31, 2015
Russia: America’s Main Geopolitical Adversary By Stephen Lendman, December 31, 2015
Week Twelve of the Russian Intervention in Syria. “Obama, An Exceptionally Weak and Clueless President” By The Saker, December 30, 2015
Declassified Documents Reveal Pentagon’s 1950s Planned Nuclear Holocaust: “Systemic Destruction” and Annihilation of Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, Moscow, Beijing, …. More than 1000 Cities. By Wayne Madsen, December 27, 2015
Ankara to send Military Aid to Ukraine, Turkey’s “Volunteer Battalion” to Enforce Crimea Blockade, Act of Aggression against Russia? By Fort Russ, December 27, 2015
NATO: Seeking Russia’s Destruction Since 1949 By Gary Leupp, December 27, 2015
Russia Counts 12,000 Turkey-Bound ISIS Oil Trucks from Iraq and Syria… By Eric Zuesse, December 26, 2015
De-Dollarization Accelerates: Iran-Russia “New Trade Agreements” to Drop US Dollar By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 26, 2015
Russia Asks Erdogan to Keep Promise of Resignation By Fars News Agency, December 26, 2015
Russia, The Circus of Economic Sanctions Continues: Washington and Brussels against Moscow By Peter Koenig, December 24, 2015
Gallup: Ukrainians Loathe the Kiev Government Imposed by Obama By Eric Zuesse, December 24, 2015
Putin’s Progress in Syria Sends Kerry Scampering to the UN… Washington’s Unspoken Agenda is to Protect the ISIS By Mike Whitney, December 24, 2015
Russia’s Oil Production Hits Record As Saudi Gambit Fails By Zero Hedge, December 22, 2015
Russia’s Military Operation in Syria. Will Russia Deploy Ground Forces? By South Front, December 21, 2015
NATO Enlargement, The Balkans and Russia By Viktor Milinkovic, December 21, 2015
Joining NATO: Ukraine, A Warning to Others By Ulson Gunnar, December 21, 2015
Crisis in Moldova. Buffer State Hostage to Geopolitics By Victor Josu, December 21, 2015
Russian warplanes | © Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
EU and Turkey Close Airspace to Russian Warplanes Fighting Daesh By Sputnik, December 21, 2015
2015: Reviewing the Most Important and the Most Censored Stories of the Year Global Research News Hour Episode 126 By Michael Welch, Prof. James Petras, Andy Lee Roth, and John Schertow, December 20, 2015
Twisted East-West Diplomacy: Bizarre Kerry Claim About US Not Seeking Regime Change in Syria By Stephen Lendman, December 20, 2015
Week Eleven of Russia’s Intervention in Syria: A Step Back from the Brink? By The Saker, December 19, 2015
John Kerry’s Moscow Lovefest By Mike Whitney, December 19, 2015
Why the West Can Never Defeat or “Forgive” Russia By Andre Vltchek, December 18, 2015
Vladimir Putin’s Press Conference: “Military Force to Protect [ISIS] Smuggling Operations… 11,000 Oil Trucks” By Pres. Vladimir Putin, December 17, 2015
Vladimir Putin: Our Turkish Colleagues … Raised Sensitive Issues that do not Fit into the Context of International Law” By Pres. Vladimir Putin, December 17, 2015
Turkish-ISIL Oil Trade: Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Russia All Accuse Turkey of Smuggling Oil By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, December 17, 2015
Kerry: US No Longer Seeking “Regime Change” in Syria? By Jason Ditz, December 16, 2015
Kerry and Nuland in Moscow: Has the U.S. Ended Its Opposition to Democracy in Syria? By Eric Zuesse, December 16, 2015
Putin Throws Down the Gauntlet By Mike Whitney, December 16, 2015
President Vladimir Putin: Who Armed the Terrorists in Syria? Who Created the Islamic State (ISIS) By Pres. Vladimir Putin, December 15, 2015
EU-Außenbeauftragte Federica Mogherini mit den Außenministern der Slowakei, Belgiens und Irlands am Montag in Brüssel. (Foto: dpa)
Angela Merkel Under Pressure: EU Countries Resisting Extension of Economic Sanctions against Russia By Eric Zuesse, December 15, 2015
US Using Turkey’s Erdogan to Provoke Confrontation with Russia? By Stephen Lendman, December 14, 2015
Montenegro Should Not ‘Go With Albania and Turkey Against Russia’ By Sputnik, December 14, 2015
Erdogan’s Strikes in the Dark and Russia’s Thousand Stings By Dr. Anthony F. Shaker, December 14, 2015
“An Accidental Nuclear War between the U.S. and Russia is Possible”. Nuclear Holocaust in Just 30 Minutes – Former US Navy Advisor By Dr. Theodore Postol and Sophie Shevardnadze, December 13, 2015
Russia in an “Invisible War”. The Rise of Russia on the World Scene By Rostislav Ischenko, December 13, 2015
Interest Free Banking: Russia Debates Unorthodox Orthodox Financial Alternative By F. William Engdahl, December 12, 2015
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
Why Did Turkey Shoot Down That Russian Plane? By Conn Hallinan, December 12, 2015
Russia Asserts Sovereignty over Crimea By Tony Cartalucci, December 11, 2015
Video. The Russia-Turkey Standoff: Bosphorus Blockade By South Front, December 10, 2015
Presidents Sisi and Putin seal the deal. (Photo Credit: Russian Presidential Office)
Iran 2.0? Russia to Loan Egypt $25 Billion to Build NUCLEAR Power Plant By 21st Century Wire, December 09, 2015
The IMF “Forgives” Ukraine’s Debt to Russia By Prof Michael Hudson, December 09, 2015
Iraq Seeks To Cancel Security Agreement With US, Will Invite Russia To Fight ISIS By Zero Hedge, December 09, 2015
The Second Cold War. The US Might Come Out on the Losing Side… By Steffen A. Woll, December 08, 2015
Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Government Tries to Sell Stolen Art By Eric Zuesse, December 08, 2015
War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 08, 2015
SU-34 © Maxim Blinov / RIA Novosti
Week Nine of the Russian Intervention in Syria: The Empire Strikes Back By The Saker, December 07, 2015
Turkey’s Push to Create New Ottoman Empire ‘Blowing Up in its Own Face’ By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, December 06, 2015
Obama Ignores Russian Terror Victims, Killed by ISIS By Robert Parry, December 05, 2015
Obama Ignores Russian Terror Victims By Robert Parry, December 04, 2015
Turkey’s Downing of Russia’s Aircraft: Was it Coordinated with the US Joint Chiefs of Staff? By Tony Cartalucci, December 03, 2015
Russia versus NATO’s Gladio 2.0: “Turkish Jihad” from China to Syria By Joe Quinn, December 03, 2015
Putin’s Revenge? The Fight for the Border By Mike Whitney, December 02, 2015
Maps Reveal Chain of ISIS Oil Smuggling Routes from Syria and Iraq into Turkey. Russian Defense Ministry By RT, December 02, 2015
Video: Redeployment of Ukraine Forces against Donbass, Obama’s “Incremental Islamic State Strategy” By South Front, December 02, 2015
NATO Discussing Ways to Provoke Russia Further By Stephen Lendman, December 02, 2015
Why the Rise of Fascism is again the Issue By John Pilger, December 01, 2015
Russia Wakes Up about Western-Financed NGOs Operating against Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 01, 2015
François Hollande, President of France and Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation (CC BY 4.0)
Complete Transcript of Press Conference of Presidents Vladimir Putin and Francois Hollande By Pres. Vladimir Putin and François Hollande, November 29, 2015
Video: Geopolitical Review, Ukraine, Syria and the “War on Terrorism” By South Front, November 29, 2015
François Hollande, President of France and Vladimir Putin, President of the Russian Federation (CC BY 4.0)
“Going After the Bad Guys”: The Putin-Hollande Two-Step “Counter-Terrorism Partnership” By Prof. Tim Anderson, November 29, 2015
Belgian Physicists Calculate that Everyone Is Lying About the Downed Russian Jet By Alejandro Tauber, November 28, 2015
“America’s Wish Come True”: US Candidates Who Called for Shooting Down Russian Fighters By Edward Lozansky, November 27, 2015
Turkey is a Pawn on the Chessboard for US-NATO War against Russia By Timothy Alexander Guzman, November 27, 2015
Impacts of Turkey’s Aggression against Russia. The “Turkish Stream” is Dead. Disruption of Gas Pipeline Routes to the EU. Russia’s Economy in Crisis? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, November 27, 2015
US-NATO Launch New Proxy War Front in Crimea: Neo-Nazis Bomb Electrical Grid Causing National Blackouts By 21st Century Wire, November 26, 2015
State of Emergency in Crimea By Roger Annis, November 26, 2015
Turkish Prime Minister: I Gave Order to Shoot Down Russia’s Plane Myself. “Turkish Armed Forces carried out Orders given by me Personally.” By Sputnik, November 26, 2015
Russia Confirms Rescue of Second Su-24 Pilot, Deployment of Air Defense Systems in Syria By Global Times, November 25, 2015
US-Dominated NATO Supports Turkish Aggression Against Russia By Stephen Lendman, November 25, 2015
A Turkish Act of War Against Russia. A No Fly Zone in Northern Syria By Joaquin Flores, November 25, 2015
Turkey Has Destroyed Russia’s Hope Of Western Cooperation By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, November 25, 2015
Turkish Shootdown of Russian Jet: What You Need to Know By Washington's Blog, November 25, 2015