Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
The Analysis of “Revolutions”: University of Manitoba Conference Winnipeg Hosts top Speakers from China, Russia, and Venezuela. Examining why Revolutions start, what they Achieve, and Where they Fail. Sept. 29-Oct. 1 By Global Research News, September 27, 2017
Russian Special Forces Repel a US-planned Attack in Syria, Denounce the USA and Issue a Stark Warning By The Saker, September 27, 2017
Washington Has Initiated Military Conflict with Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 26, 2017
Video: US-Russian Tensions Grow in Deir Ezzor Province By South Front, September 26, 2017
Very Dangerous Escalation in Syria. Russia “Officially” Accuses US of Collaborating with ISIS. Pentagon to Attack Russian Forces Directly By The Saker, September 26, 2017
Syria: U.S. Central Command Declares War on Russia By Moon of Alabama, September 25, 2017
NATO’s “Fake News” Russia Scare Increases Defense Waste By Moon of Alabama, September 25, 2017
“Committee to Investigate Russia:” Rob Reiner and Morgan Freeman’s Warmongering Video By David Walsh, September 25, 2017
Uncle Sam vs. Russia in Eastern Syria: the Nightmare Scenario By Mike Whitney, September 24, 2017
The Crazy Imbalance of Russia-gate By Robert Parry, September 24, 2017
Putin Orders End to Trade in US Dollars at Russian Seaports By RT News, September 24, 2017
Unknown Oil and Gas Deal Just Changed the Global Energy Balance. Russia’s Rosneft Buys India’s Essor Oil By Dave Forest, September 24, 2017
Syria – Russia Accusing U.S. of Attacks, Abduction Attempts, Team-play with Al-Qaeda By Moon of Alabama, September 22, 2017
A UN Force for Ukraine: Beware the Trojan Horse By Christopher Black, September 21, 2017
Video: US-led Coalition Seeks to Stop Syrian Army Advance Near Deir Ezzor By South Front, September 21, 2017
850 Jihadists Killed as Russian Warplanes Help Syrian Army Repel Idlib Offensive – Moscow By RT News, September 21, 2017
The US Has New Red Line in Syria — And It Borders on Ridicule By Darius Shahtahmasebi, September 20, 2017
Russia’s Interesting New Oil Geopolitics By F. William Engdahl, September 19, 2017
Russia’s S-400s Will Protect Turkey From a “Kurdish Air Force” By Andrew Korybko, September 19, 2017
The Russia-China Plan for North Korea: Stability, Connectivity By Pepe Escobar, September 18, 2017
The Infowar Attack Against Azerbaijan Is Because of Geopolitics, Energy, and “Israel” By Andrew Korybko, September 17, 2017
The NYT’s Yellow Journalism on Russia By Robert Parry, September 16, 2017
Russia’s New Thinking Towards Armenia and Azerbaijan: An “Obstructionist” vs. an “Integrationalist” By Andrew Korybko, September 16, 2017
Hostile US Actions Against RT and Sputnik News By Stephen Lendman, September 15, 2017
The Russian Hacking Story Continues to Unravel By Mike Whitney, September 15, 2017
Fake News, “Human Rights” and “Free Speech” in the USA: State-Sponsored Intimidation, or When FARA Goes Too Far By Andrew Korybko, September 14, 2017
Gold, Oil and De-Dollarization? Russia and China’s Extensive Gold Reserves, China Yuan Oil Market By F. William Engdahl, September 14, 2017
An Economic Lesson for China and Russia By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 14, 2017
Thousands Evacuated From Moscow Buildings as Russian Cities Inundated with Bomb Threats By RT News, September 14, 2017
Behold a Pale Horse, and Its Rider Is Death. “Texas and Florida, are in Hurricane Ruins, and Washington is Fomenting More Wars” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 13, 2017
“The Guy Is Hiding Something”: Top Hillary Aide Suggests Bernie Sanders Also Colluded with Russia… By Joshua Caplan, September 10, 2017
U.S. Congress and Media Push for War Against Russia By Eric Zuesse, September 10, 2017
Breaking: North Korea Supports Economic Cooperation with Russia and South Korea, but Not Until a Later Date By Adam Garrie, September 08, 2017
Washington’s Draft UN Security Council Resolution on North Korea By Stephen Lendman, September 08, 2017
Statements of Russia’s President Putin and South Korea’s President Moon Regarding Economic Cooperation and North Korea By Pres. Vladimir Putin, September 07, 2017
International Law? The Americans Don’t Give a Damn By Christopher Black, September 07, 2017
Gold Trade Between Russia and China – A Step Closer Towards De-Dollarization? By Peter Koenig and Sputnik, September 07, 2017
Dear Russia: An Enemy Is Not a Partner. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, September 07, 2017
Putin Talks Peace with South Korean President By Adam Garrie, September 06, 2017
“Trump has been Trumped” by Putin: North Korean Delegation Arrives in Russia, Joined by South Korean President By Adam Garrie, September 05, 2017
Russia and China Versus the West on North Korea By Stephen Lendman, September 05, 2017
A New Twist in the Investigation into the Shooting Down of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 By Oriental Review, September 05, 2017
US Sponsored Economic Warfare against Russia: Who’s Going to be the Ultimate Loser? By Phil Butler, September 04, 2017
Russia-gate’s Totalitarian Style By Robert Parry, September 04, 2017
Thermochemical Gas Fracturing: Russia Claims to Have Invented Alternative to Hydraulic Fracking By Tsvetana Paraskova, September 03, 2017
Russia Protests US Searches of Its Diplomatic Facilities By Stephen Lendman, September 03, 2017
Russia Does Not Want War and Is Not Going to Participate in It — Lavrov By Sergey Lavrov, September 03, 2017
Russia Slowly but Surely Putting an End to the American Empire? By Darius Shahtahmasebi, September 03, 2017
US Contempt for Rule of Law: Dismal Bilateral Relations, America’s Deep State Confronts Moscow By Stephen Lendman, September 02, 2017
The Reasons for Netanyahu’s Panic By Alastair Crooke, September 02, 2017
Washington Is Preparing for Nuclear War in Europe By Johannes Stern, September 02, 2017
BRICS: Towards New Horizons of Strategic Partnership By Pres. Vladimir Putin, September 02, 2017
Geostrategic Shift: Russia’s Foreign Policy Progressives Have Trumped the Traditionalists By Andrew Korybko, September 02, 2017
Ukraine Is the US’ Most Valuable Post-ISIS Bargaining Chip Against Russia. Giant Military Base on the Black Sea Coast By Ollie Richardson, September 01, 2017
China and Russia, Beijing’s “Belt and Road” Initiative, Towards an Economy of Peace? By Peter Koenig, August 31, 2017
Are Armenia, India, and Serbia “Balancing” Against Russia or “Betraying” It? By Andrew Korybko, August 30, 2017
Divisive Geopolitics? BRICS Xiamen Summit Doomed by “Centrifugal Economics”? By Prof. Patrick Bond, August 30, 2017
Syria: The Axis of Resistance Reduces Netanyahu Government to a Quivering Wreck By 21st Century Wire, August 30, 2017
The Plot to Scapegoat Russia By Hugo Turner, August 29, 2017
I Predict a ‘RIOT’ as Dissent in American Media Becomes Illegitimate By Bryan Macdonald, August 28, 2017
The Bogus ‘Humanitarian’ War on Serbia By John Pilger, August 28, 2017
Putin and Netanyahu: The World’s Most Powerful President Meets the World’s Most Powerful Liar By Adam Garrie, August 28, 2017
The Structure of Power in American Society: A Military Junta is Now Ruling the United States By Moon of Alabama, August 25, 2017
Netanyahu to Putin: Iran Must Withdraw From Syria or Israel Will ‘Defend Itself’ By RT News, August 25, 2017
Media Disinformation: Russia Inspired Nazism in America? Absurd By Stephen Lendman, August 25, 2017
Russian Ambassador to Sudan Found Dead, Drowned in Own Pool. Ninth Russian Diplomat who has Died in the Past Year By Zero Hedge, August 25, 2017
The Political Roots of Russophobia. Turning Vladimir Putin into a Bogeyman By Margaret Kimberley, August 19, 2017
US Policy Paradox: How to Lose Friends and Influence Nothing By Adam Garrie, August 18, 2017
Washington Pushes the World Towards the New Cuban Missile Crisis By Goran Lompar, August 18, 2017
This is How the USA “Reassures Europe”: The Art of War By Manlio Dinucci, August 17, 2017
Saboteurs Are Being Trained by CIA to be Sent to Crimea and Donbass By Politnavigator, August 16, 2017
The 2014 Ukraine Coup Was as Much About China as Russia. Eurasian Trade and the New Silk Road By Adam Garrie, August 16, 2017
Hack or Leak: Who Really Stole the DNC Files? By Philip Giraldi, August 15, 2017
The 1922 Genoa Conference: Diplomatic Manoeuvers Around Russian Debt Repudiation By Eric Toussaint, August 14, 2017
Russia-gate’s Fatally Flawed Logic By Robert Parry, August 14, 2017
Let’s Save the World – Trump Must Go! By Peter Koenig, August 13, 2017
NATO and Western Militarism in a Multipolar World By Michael Welch, Radhika Desai, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, and Paul Kellogg, August 13, 2017
US Sponsored Coups and Regime Change, NATO Expansionism, Washington Interferes Globally. Ukraine, Mexico, Korea, Venezuela By Shane Quinn, August 12, 2017
GMO Free: Russia to Become Top Producer of Organic Food By Eco News Media, August 12, 2017
From Watergate to Russiagate: The Hidden Scandal of American Power By Dr. Nozomi Hayase, August 10, 2017