Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
The Baku Tblisi Kars (KTK) Railway Is Turkey’s Silk Road Corridor To Central Asia By Andrew Korybko, November 06, 2017
“De-Dollarization” and the “Resistance Economy”? President Putin in Tehran, Negotiating A Multi-Billion “Petro-Ruble” Oil Deal. By Peter Koenig, November 06, 2017
The Netherlands Classifies Mystery of Malaysian Airlines MH17 Crash over Donbass, What Do the Have to Hide? By Dmitriy Sudakov, November 06, 2017
The Revolution Party and the Russian Revolution By Leo Panitch, November 06, 2017
BREAKING: Putin and Trump to meet in Vietnam By Fort Russ, November 05, 2017
History of the Russian Revolution, Peoples’ Right to Self-determination, and Debt Repudiation By Eric Toussaint, November 05, 2017
Downplaying Nazi Crimes to Pursue Russophobia – Neocon Revisionism Hits Britain By Neil Clark, November 03, 2017
Russian Officials to be Charged with DNC Hacking? No Evidence, No Hacking Occurred! By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2017
Here’s your ‘Putin Did It!’ Survival Guide… By Adam Garrie, November 03, 2017
Democrats, Class and Russia-gate Magic By Phil Rockstroh, November 02, 2017
Former FBI Agent Says Tech Companies Must “Silence” Sources of “Rebellion” By Andre Damon, November 02, 2017
Lawmakers Demand Tech Companies Censor Journalists and Conduct Mass Surveillance By Andre Damon, November 02, 2017
Russiagate Investigations Discredited, Continue Anyway By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2017
Putin: Someone Is Harvesting Russian Bio Samples for Obscure Purposes By RT News, November 01, 2017
Don’t Mention It! Russia Pardons $1 Billion of Venezuela’s Debt for 2017 By KtovKurse, November 01, 2017
How Obama and Hillary Clinton Weaponized the Trump-Russia Collusion ‘Dossier’ By George Szamuely, November 01, 2017
Congressional Testimonies About Russian Media Much Ado About Nothing By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2017
Blaming the Afghan War Failure on — Russia By Jonathan Marshall, November 01, 2017
Sorting Out the Russia Mess By Robert Parry, November 01, 2017
Is It Insanity, Evil, or Both that Has the Western World in Its Grip By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 31, 2017
George Papadopoulos Was a Campaign Volunteer – All Attempts to Get Trump to Meet with Russians Were Rejected By Cristina Laila, October 31, 2017
“Global Thunder”: US Kicks Off Major Military Exercise Days After Russian ICBM Drills By RT News, October 31, 2017
The Lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Fifty-five Years Ago, October 1962 By Neil Clark, October 30, 2017
The Soviet Union Was Shocked About John Kennedy’s Assassination. Released National Security Document By Dmitriy Sudakov, October 30, 2017
What Precipitated the New Cold War? Does Russia Produce ‘Fake News’? Or Does America? Or Both? By Eric Zuesse, October 30, 2017
Russia Rejects the False UN-OPCW Report on Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack By, October 28, 2017
Russia-gate Breeds ‘Establishment McCarthyism’ By Robert Parry, October 28, 2017
Nuclear Disarmament Is Unthinkable Until Trust Is Restored Between Russia and the US By Vladimir Kozin, October 27, 2017
Russia ‘Opposes’ Latest Massive US-Led War Games in Waters Off Korea, Japan By Telesur, October 26, 2017
Donald and Vlad: They Spoke By Israel Shamir, October 26, 2017
Is NATO Preparing for War on Russia? By Stephen Lendman, October 26, 2017
The Euro-Russian Crisis: Dialogue vs. Military Escalation. The Dangers of World War III By Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin (GEAB), October 25, 2017
India Mimics America and Hints at a Russian Twitter Troll Conspiracy By Andrew Korybko, October 25, 2017
History: How Britain Assisted the Soviet Union’s Fight Against Hitler By Nikolay Starikov, October 24, 2017
93-Year-Old President Carter: Russians Didn’t Alter Election, Obama Didn’t Deliver, We Didn’t Vote for Hillary By Zero Hedge, October 24, 2017
China-Ruble Settlement and the Dollar System By F. William Engdahl, October 24, 2017
Right-Wing EU Think Tank Bashes Russia Today: Kremlin’s Platform for ‘Useful Idiots’ By Stephen Lendman, October 23, 2017
Strengthening the Russia-Israeli “Strategic Partnership”, Russia’s Defense Minister Shoigu Visits Israel By Andrew Korybko, October 22, 2017
NGO Publishes Names of 2,300+ RT Guests, Labels Them ‘Useful Idiots Who Undermine Western Democracy’ By RT News, October 22, 2017
Clinton, Assange and the War on Truth By John Pilger, October 21, 2017
Blaming Russia for the Internet ‘Sewer’ By Robert Parry, October 19, 2017
Video: Baltic States Between Russia and a Hard Place By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, October 19, 2017
Video: Moscow Rejects “Syria Role” in Chemical Raids By Mark Taliano and Press TV, October 19, 2017
Making History: China and Russia Are Transforming “Enemies” into “Friends” By Federico Pieraccini, October 18, 2017
Is It Time for “Food Diplomacy” in Venezuela? By Andrew Korybko, October 18, 2017
Here’s How the Russian-Saudi Rapprochement Might Affect Yemen By Andrew Korybko, October 17, 2017
North Korea’s Foreign Minister Explains Exactly What Is Needed for Pyongyang to Negotiate with US and Others By Adam Garrie, October 16, 2017
The Russiagate Scandal Descends into Total Absurdity By Alexander Mercouris, October 16, 2017
The Unraveling of American/Russian Relations By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 16, 2017
“More U.S. Troops at Our Borders”: Russian TV Says U.S. Violates Peace Treaty By Eric Zuesse, October 15, 2017
The US Withdraws from UNESCO, Due to “Continuing anti-Israel Bias at UNESCO” By Andrew Korybko, October 14, 2017
Dollar Blow: China Launches New ‘Yuan-Ruble’ Payment Mechanism By 21st Century Wire, October 13, 2017
Where’s the Beef? The Senate Intel Committee and Russia. Confirmation Bias, Endorses Accuracy of Intelligence Community Assessment (ACA) By Mike Whitney, October 13, 2017
US-North Korean War Could Trigger a Russian-American Nuclear Exchange By Dave Majumdar, October 12, 2017
OPCW Marks Completion of Destruction of Russian Chemical Weapons Stockpile By Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, October 12, 2017
Old & New Mccarthyism: Fear of Russia, China in the American Mind By Caleb Maupin, October 11, 2017
“Russia Interfered!” – By Purchasing Anti-Trump Ads? By Moon of Alabama, October 11, 2017
Sputnik and Russia Today Under Investigation by US Department of Justice (DOJ) By Philip Giraldi, October 11, 2017
The Kremlin’s “US-Gate” Probe: Russia Gets Ready for US “Interference” in 2018 Presidential Election By Anton Kulikov, October 11, 2017
Kremlin Issues Stern Warning to Washington Over US Help for Terrorists in Syria By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, October 10, 2017
NATO “Concerned by Russia’s Military Buildup Close to Our Borders” By Eric Zuesse, October 10, 2017
Kremlin Warns Against Steps Aggravating Situation on Korean Peninsula By Sputnik, October 09, 2017
Afghanistan: US Sponsored Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” Were Used to Railroad the Formation of a Secular Socialist Government By Gaither Stewart, October 09, 2017
“Black Bolsheviks” and “White Lies”. How Russia Subverts “Our Democracy”? A Black American Response By Peta Lindsay, October 09, 2017
Challenging the Dollar: China and Russia’s Plan from Petroyuan to Gold By Federico Pieraccini, October 08, 2017
ISIS Mobile Groups Use US At-tanf Base for Raids Against Syrian Army – Russian Ministry of Defense By South Front, October 06, 2017
Senate Intelligence Committee Finds No Evidence of Russian US Election Interference By Stephen Lendman, October 05, 2017
US-North Korean War Could Trigger a Russian-American Nuclear Exchange By Dave Majumdar, October 02, 2017
Wall Street Vs. Kremlin: Who Really Controls the White House? By Tony Cartalucci, October 02, 2017
Neocons Want Trump Acting Tougher on Russia By Stephen Lendman, October 02, 2017
The “Russian Influence” Stories Promote Russia’s Might – Is Putin Paying for Them? By Moon of Alabama, October 02, 2017
Russia Effectively Smashing US-Supported Terrorists in Syria By Stephen Lendman, October 02, 2017
Russia’s Electromagnetic Weapons Could be ‘More Efficient than Nuclear Weapons’ By Alexander Khrolenko, September 30, 2017
The Slimy Business of Russia-gate By Robert Parry, September 29, 2017
Destruction of Last Chemical Munition in Russia Is ‘Historic Event’ – Putin By Sputnik, September 29, 2017
Economic Sanctions Against Russia Flop. They Hit the EU Much More than Russia By Eric Zuesse, September 29, 2017
Russia: Terrorists Used Sarin in Khan Sheikhoun By Jim Carey, September 29, 2017
The “Russian Influence” Story Falls Apart – A New Fairy Tale Is Needed By Moon of Alabama, September 28, 2017
Putin to Visit Erdogan in Turkey as Russia Supports a United Iraq By Adam Garrie, September 28, 2017
The Rise of the New McCarthyism By Robert Parry, September 28, 2017