Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
NATO Practices Sinking Russian Submarines in the Arctic By Rick Rozoff, July 01, 2021
Atlantic Stormwind in the Black Sea By Manlio Dinucci, June 30, 2021
HMS Defender versus the Russian Military: The Danger of Believing Your Own Propaganda By Rep. Ron Paul, June 29, 2021
RAND Corporation Once Again Spreading Anti-Russia Propaganda in Its Reports By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, June 28, 2021
Sadly China and Russia Remain Quiet on US Past Genocides and Ongoing Genocide in the Middle East & Africa By Jay Janson, June 28, 2021
Dangerous Black Sea Security Incident. Is the UK Trying to Sabotage Russia’s Rapprochement with the West By Andrew Korybko, June 24, 2021
Joseph Biden, a Champion of Human Rights? By Manlio Dinucci, June 23, 2021
Uncensored History: Who Were the Khazars? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 22, 2021
From G7 to NATO Meetings, Imperialist Powers Turn More Aggressive Towards China By Anish R M, June 21, 2021
What Does Biden’s Summit Spree Tell Us About the Future of U.S. Empire? By Walter Smolarek, June 21, 2021
Germany Marks Barbarossa Anniversary by Deploying Warplanes to Russia’s Borders, Singing Birthday Song for Hitler By Rick Rozoff, June 20, 2021
The Biden-Putin Summit Was a “Propaganda Trap” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 20, 2021
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Global War on Humanity: America’s Unceasing Pursuit of Hegemony By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Michael Welch, June 19, 2021
Nazi Germany Invaded the Soviet Union: 80 years since Operation Barbarossa… By Jean-Marie Chauvier, June 19, 2021
NATO Has Been Called Greatest Threat to World Peace: Now Biden Plans Dangerous Expansion That Will Increase Military Spending and Escalate the Risk of War By Jeremy Kuzmarov, June 18, 2021
World’s Nuclear Arms on High Operational Alert — & Ready to Strike By Thalif Deen, June 18, 2021
Nazi Germany Set to Invade Russia, Analysing Hitler’s Access to Oil Sources By Shane Quinn, June 18, 2021
Eighty years Ago: June 22, 1941: Nazi Germany Attacks the Soviet Union By Dr. Jacques R. Pauwels, June 17, 2021
The Putin-Biden Summit: A Mutual Will to Improve US-Russia Relations? By Andrew Korybko, June 17, 2021
Old and New Official Enemies By Jacob G. Hornberger, June 17, 2021
Putin’s Interview with NBC: “Nonsense All Over Again”, Giving Iran Satellite Technology… By Pres. Vladimir Putin and Keir Simmons, June 17, 2021
Biden Wants NATO to Project the Strength It Doesn’t Have By Scott Ritter, June 16, 2021
NATO Summit: The American Empire Deploys Troops for Battle By Manlio Dinucci, June 15, 2021
Another “Western Betrayal”? Biden-Putin and the Polish Question By Konrad Rękas, June 15, 2021
Washington’s Recalibration of Relations with Russia. How Serious Are Poland’s Strategic Disagreements with the US? By Andrew Korybko, June 15, 2021
Meet Me in Geneva. Biden’s Russophobia Means the Summit Will Fail. By Philip Giraldi, June 15, 2021
The Copenhagen Summit for Democracy: The New Nazis By Christopher Black, June 13, 2021
The Arctic Fox: The Dynamics between Russia and America By Michael Welch and Dmitry Orlov, June 11, 2021
Operation Barbarossa: Did Stalin Anticipate Hitler’s Attack? By Shane Quinn, June 11, 2021
The Syrian War Is on the Agenda of the “Putin-Biden” Summit By Khaled Iskef, June 10, 2021
Is Russia Ditching the Dollar? Shift into Gold, Yuan and Euro By Paul Antonopoulos, June 07, 2021
Video: Syrian and Russian Forces Contain ISIS Terrorists Amid Fears of a Future Resurgence By South Front, June 07, 2021
US Actively Prepares for War with Russia By Valery Kulikov, June 06, 2021
Biden to Confront Putin with Human Rights Issue By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 04, 2021
NATO’s Rearming of Ukraine Under Sea Breeze 2021 Guise Is for Future Conflict in Donbass By Paul Antonopoulos, June 04, 2021
Video: Ukraine Between Biden and a Hard Place. A Major Military Campaign against Donbass is Contemplated By South Front, June 03, 2021
Russia to Ditch US Dollar? By The Moscow Times, June 03, 2021
Poland’s Counterproductive Foreign Policy Is Responsible for Its Present Predicament By Andrew Korybko, June 02, 2021
The Putin-Biden Summit: Is Putin Walking into a Propaganda Trap? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 02, 2021
Russia to Form 20 New Military Units in West to Counter NATO Threat By Rick Rozoff, June 01, 2021
Belarusian President Latest to Warn of World War Starting in Europe By Rick Rozoff, June 01, 2021
Tensions Growing in Arctic Airspace By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 28, 2021
Turkey’s Military Engagement with the “Lublin Triangle” (Poland, Lithuania, Ukraine) Aims to “Balance Russia” By Andrew Korybko, May 28, 2021
History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa. Did Stalin Foresee Hitler’s Invasion? By Shane Quinn, May 28, 2021
Belarus’ Ryanair Flight Diversion Might Open Pandora’s Box By Andrew Korybko, May 26, 2021
The First World War, Cecile Rhodes and “Conspiracy Facts” By David William Pear, May 26, 2021
German Parliamentarians Suggest that Berlin Sanction US in Retaliation for Boycotting Nord Stream 2 By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, May 25, 2021
Congress Howls as Biden Kills Trump’s Sanctions on Russia Gas Pipeline By Mish, May 21, 2021
Negative Nationalism: Is Ukraine Turning Into The “Anti-Russia”? By Andrew Korybko, May 19, 2021
Butting Heads with China and Russia: American Diplomats Are Outclassed By Philip Giraldi, May 14, 2021
History of World War II: Operation Barbarossa. The Roots of Its Failure By Shane Quinn, May 14, 2021
Kissinger’s “Insider View”: The Tragedy of the US Deep State By Pepe Escobar, May 13, 2021
US Biolabs in Former Soviet States. Moscow Reacts By Andrew Korybko, May 13, 2021
Estonia Becomes Centre Stage of Anti-Russia Military Exercises By Paul Antonopoulos, May 11, 2021
Victory Day: Ukrainian Officials Imply Conflict with Russia Equivalent to Nazi Invasion By Rick Rozoff, May 10, 2021
Is Europe a Vassal State? Joe Biden Seeks EU Endorsement of Washington’s Russia-phobic Policy By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, May 05, 2021
Russian Air Strikes against ISIS Positions in Central Syria By South Front, May 04, 2021
US’ New “Foreign Malign Influence” Center Is Just Official Cover for American Intelligence Interference in Domestic Politics By Scott Ritter, May 03, 2021
Ongoing Russia-France Business Relations Despite EU Sanctions By Kester Kenn Klomegah, May 03, 2021
The EU Parliament’s Anti-Russian Resolution Is Dangerous By Andrew Korybko, April 30, 2021
Amid Widespread Disease, Death, and Poverty, the Major Powers Increased Their Military Spending in 2020 By Lawrence Wittner, April 29, 2021
Can War with Russia be Avoided? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 29, 2021
The Russians Aren’t Coming By Daniel Larison, April 28, 2021
Geopolitics of The Arctic: Canada as a Bridge of Cooperation or a Platform for War and Confrontation? By Matthew Ehret-Kump, April 27, 2021
The “Russian Threat” By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 26, 2021
Video: War Is Over before It Begins and Kiev Is Left to Play by Itself By South Front, April 26, 2021
Russia Begins Withdrawing Forces Near Ukraine’s Border. Shelling of Donbass by Ukrainian Forces By Stephen Lendman, April 23, 2021
Russia’s Red Lines, Weaponizing Ukraine for War By Stephen Lendman, April 23, 2021
Does the NDP Want a War with Russia? By Yves Engler, April 23, 2021
Zelensky’s Failure to Secure Support in Paris Demonstrates Ukraine’s Isolation from Europe By Paul Antonopoulos, April 22, 2021
Video: Towards All Out War? Worldwide Chaos Just a Step Away in Eastern Ukraine By South Front, April 22, 2021
Russia Increases Its Defense, While U.S. Backs Down from Provoking World War III By Eric Zuesse, April 22, 2021
Fake News Reports. is Russia Preparing to Invade Ukraine? Zelensky Ready for War? By Stephen Lendman, April 22, 2021
Prague’s Call for EU “Solidarity Expulsions” Against Russian Diplomats Falls on Deaf Ears By Paul Antonopoulos, April 22, 2021
Eastern Europe and the Balkans: From Socialist Bloc And Non-Alignment To U.S. Military Colonies By Rick Rozoff, April 22, 2021
US Order Against Russia: Italy at Attention By Manlio Dinucci, April 21, 2021
EU Walks Back Claim of 150,000 Russian Troops Near Ukraine Border By Dave DeCamp, April 21, 2021
Russia Threatens Ukraine? Biden Has Transformed Russia’s Border with Ukraine into A Dangerous Hot Spot By Stephen Lendman, April 21, 2021
Ukraine Crises Trace Back to Ongoing NATO Enlargement By Shane Quinn, April 21, 2021
Biden Regime Behind Czech Expulsion of Russian Diplomats By Stephen Lendman, April 20, 2021