Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
Zelenskyy Speech at Greek Parliament Overshadowed by Azov Neo-Nazi Battalion By Georgia-Evangelia Karagianni and Marianthi Pelekanaki, April 08, 2022
Whitewashing Ukraine’s Corruption By Ted Galen Carpenter, April 08, 2022
Russia’s Central Bank Smackdown: Glazyev vs. Nabiullina By Mike Whitney, April 08, 2022
Eye-Witness Report from Donbass: How the War Looks from the Russian Side By Sonja van den Ende, April 08, 2022
Staged Massacre in Bucha By Misión Verdad, April 07, 2022
The Russia-China Strategic Gas Agreement. 1,800km Sakhalin-Vladivostok Pipeline By South Front, April 07, 2022
False Mantra.”This is what the Russians did in Syria” By Michael Jansen, April 07, 2022
Destination Ukraine: The Ignorance of War By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 07, 2022
“All Things Russian are Being Punished”. Fuelling the Propaganda War By Rick Sterling, April 07, 2022
“U.S. Government Planned False Flag Attacks to Start War with the Soviet Union”. Newsweek By Washington's Blog, April 07, 2022
US-NATO False Flags? Ukraine April 2022 vs. Kosovo January 1999 By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 06, 2022
‘Gods of War’: How the US Weaponized Ukraine Against Russia By T.J. Coles, April 06, 2022
Ukrainian Soldiers Film Themselves Calling Up Mothers of Russian Soldiers Killed in Action and Mocking Them By Paul Joseph Watson, April 06, 2022
Zelensky’s Sabotage of Ukraine-Russia Peace Negotiations on Behalf of Washington By Nauman Sadiq, April 06, 2022
New Evidence Sheds Light on Alleged Massacre in Bucha, Kiev Region By South Front, April 06, 2022
The Kremlin Never Learns By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 06, 2022
Is the Pentagon Planning to Use Ukraine Biolabs to Attack Russia? By Ethan Huff, April 06, 2022
Update: How Both Putin and Biden Bungled in Ukraine. Analysis of the Bucha Tragedy By Eric Zuesse, April 06, 2022
Russia Is a Thorn in the Eye of the Capitalist System. By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, April 06, 2022
Foreign Cash Flow into Russia to Hit Record Despite Sanctions By Paul Antonopoulos, April 06, 2022
Is the US on a Course to Replace Putin and Crash the Russian Economy? Biden, Zelensky and the Neocons By Philip Giraldi, April 06, 2022
Falsification of Images, Incoherent Information? Russia Willing to Investigate Bucha’s Tragedy By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 05, 2022
Biden Calls for a Coup in Russia — Again: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” By Ted Snider, April 05, 2022
Fake News in Kiev Heralds Cruel April. A Major Battle Is Approaching. By M. K. Bhadrakumar, April 05, 2022
Russiagate: The Smoking Gun. “The FBI was an active participant in the conspiracy to destroy Trump.” By Peter Van Buren, April 05, 2022
The Late-Deceased Paradigm on Russia/China By Ray McGovern, April 05, 2022
Ukraine and the Empire of Lies By Kurt Nimmo, April 05, 2022
Ukraine. Biden on the Long Fight Ahead: “This battle will not be won in days or months”, “Putin cannot remain in power.” By Dee Knight, April 05, 2022
“The withdrawal from Kiev is Russian escalation. It’s the…transformation from a psychological operation to a textbook war” By Marko Marjanović and Mike Whitney, April 04, 2022
EUCOM Commander Calls for Permanent Land, Air Presence on NATO’s Eastern Front By John Grady, April 04, 2022
How Both Putin and Biden Bungled in Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, April 04, 2022
Story Reads Almost as a Joke: Russia’s S-400 Air Defense System Contemplated by US-NATO to “Defend Ukraine against Russia” By Peter Koenig, April 04, 2022
Britain Unable to Pay for Russian Gas Deliveries By Free West Media, April 04, 2022
Bucha Massacre and Genocide of Ethnic Russians in Ukraine By Nauman Sadiq, April 04, 2022
When Did Hitler Realise that Nazi Germany Would Lose the War? By Shane Quinn, April 04, 2022
Who Wants War with Russia? By Philip Giraldi, April 04, 2022
Authentic War-Reporting from Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, April 03, 2022
Have We Now Reached the Precipice of World War III? By Eric Zuesse, April 03, 2022
Ukraine: Countering the Spin. “The Propaganda War”. Max Blumenthal By Michael Welch, Yves Engler, Glenn Michalchuk, and Max Blumenthal, April 03, 2022
Julian Assange: Media Smears and Comparisons, Travesty of Justice By Kim Petersen, April 02, 2022
Boris Johnson Talks to Zelensky: U.K. Seeks to Sabotage Ukraine-Russia Peace Negotiations? By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, April 02, 2022
Will Biden Shoot Himself in the Foot to Impose Sanctions on Russia? By Nauman Sadiq, April 02, 2022
The Ukraine Media Narrative: “Washington’s Method of Exercising Hegemony is Collapsing”: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 02, 2022
Ukrainian Forces Reportedly Blow Up Fuel Depot on Russian Territory in “Daring Cross-Border Attack” By Zero Hedge, April 02, 2022
Payment in Rubles for Gas: Towards a Full Blown Energy and Economic Crisis? By Paul Antonopoulos, April 01, 2022
NATO-Russia Conflict in Ukraine Offers Lessons for EU on China Interactions By Jan Oberg, April 01, 2022
Video: Mariupol: “Nicolay Knows”. Civilians Denounce the Crimes of the Neo-Nazi Azov Regiment By Christelle Néant, April 01, 2022
Is Russia the Real Target of Western Sanctions? By Kit Knightly, April 01, 2022
Russia-Ukraine Conflict Might Trigger Global Food Crisis By Uriel Araujo, March 31, 2022
Joe Biden’s “Gaffes” Could Trigger World War III. Calls for “Regime Change” in Russia By Michael Jansen, March 31, 2022
Russia Demands Ruble Payments for Gas Instead Western Currencies By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 31, 2022
Gas Supply: What Will Happen if Russia Turns Off Taps to Germany? By Al-Jazeera, March 31, 2022
Who are the War Criminals? Ukrainian Soldiers Torturing Russian Prisoners of War By Peter Koenig, March 31, 2022
Russia, Ukraine and the Law of War. Crime of Aggression: Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, March 31, 2022
Washington Intent on Hampering Russia-Ukraine Peace Negotiations? By Nauman Sadiq, March 31, 2022
“Documents Reveal Erik Prince’s $10 Billion Plan to Make Weapons and Create a Private Army in Ukraine”: Time Magazine By Simon Shuster, March 31, 2022
Russia-Ukraine Istanbul Talks End Without Peace Accords By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 30, 2022
Western Lambasting of India’s Russia-Ukraine Policy Reignites Discussions of Neo-colonialism By Paul Antonopoulos, March 30, 2022
Invasion of Ukraine: What Are the Russians Up to? By Marc Vandepitte, March 30, 2022
The Current Ukrainian Government’s Nazism By Eric Zuesse, March 30, 2022
NY Times: “Frustrated” Putin Could Use Nukes in Ukraine By Mike Whitney, March 30, 2022
New Batch of Ex-ISIS Members Transferred from Syria to Ukraine: Report By The Cradle, March 30, 2022
Turkey Will Not Impose Anti-Russia Sanctions Despite Offer to Re-enter F-35 Program By Paul Antonopoulos, March 30, 2022
War Is Not for the Faint-hearted By John Goss, March 29, 2022
“Russia is Succeeding Wildly in its Objectives!” Scott Ritter on the War in Ukraine By Michael Welch and Scott Ritter, March 29, 2022
Prophetic RAND Corp. Report: “Destabilize and Undermine” Russia. Recommended “Provocative Actions” By Nauman Sadiq, March 29, 2022
The U.S. Federal Reserve’s “Inflation Lies”. Ushering In A Global Economic Depression. Russia Sanctions and a New World Order By F. William Engdahl, March 29, 2022
Sanctions Could Hurt the West’s Middle Class More Than Russia, Warns German Economist By Paul Antonopoulos, March 29, 2022
Ukraine: And What About Those Biolabs? Stop the Narrative I Want to Get Off! By Philip Giraldi, March 29, 2022
Biden’s Disastrous European Tour. “Regime Change” in Russia Is US Policy By Rep. Ron Paul, March 29, 2022
Biden Confirms Why the US Needed This War: “Regime Change in Moscow” By Joe Lauria, March 29, 2022
UAE Energy Chief Reaffirms Commitment to Opec+ Alliance with Russia By Umar A Farooq, March 29, 2022
The West’s Fanaticism Over Blaming ‘Evil’ Putin Misses the Point—and an Opportunity for a Lasting Peace By Erika Schelby, March 29, 2022
Biden’s New “Forever War” By Andre Damon, March 29, 2022
The CIA Arms Ukraine’s Neo-Nazis in the Proxy War Against Russia By Kurt Nimmo, March 29, 2022
Strategic Miscalculation? Financial Sanctions Directed against Russia Could “Topple the West”? By Thomas Fazi, March 29, 2022
“Grocery Stores are Partially Empty”: Biden Tells Americans They Will Go Hungry. Blames it on Russia By Kurt Nimmo, March 28, 2022
Polish Brinkmanship: De Facto Leader Settling Score with Putin By Nauman Sadiq, March 28, 2022
The MADness of the Resurgent U.S. Cold War with Russia By Nicolas J. S. Davies, March 28, 2022
Biden’s Reality Check in Europe By M. K. Bhadrakumar, March 28, 2022