Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
Fake News, Fake Putin Nuclear Threat By Kurt Nimmo, October 25, 2022
Russia’s Homage to Nord Stream Pipelines By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 24, 2022
Putin’s Winter Offensive By Mike Whitney, October 24, 2022
US Rehearses Dropping Nuclear Bombs in Europe By Andre Damon, October 24, 2022
Ukraine Proper Already in 1654 Opted for Russia By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 23, 2022
Peace and Diplomacy Between the US and Russia or More Empire-building? By Jerome Irwin, October 23, 2022
The Bottomless Pit of War Spending By Manlio Dinucci, October 23, 2022
Kremlin: Putin Open to Talks on Ukraine From the Very Beginning By Kyle Anzalone, October 23, 2022
15 Seconds Until Nuclear Armageddon By Robert C. Koehler, October 23, 2022
Ukraine War Is ‘Biden’s War’ Now By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 23, 2022
The War in Ukraine. Scott Ritter’s Switcheroo: “Why I Radically Changed My Overall Assessment” By Mike Whitney, October 21, 2022
What Would a Nuclear War Look Like? By Jeff Thomas, October 21, 2022
US-NATO vs. Russia: The Weaponization of Western “Freedom and Democracy” By Dragan Filipovic, October 20, 2022
Russia’s Romance with Africa After Soviet Collapse By Prof. Abdullahi Shehu, October 20, 2022
Martial Law in Russia’s Newly Reunified Novorossiya Region By Andrew Korybko, October 20, 2022
GOP Will Likely Oppose More Ukraine Aid If Republicans Win House Back: McCarthy By Zero Hedge, October 20, 2022
Putin Warns NATO Against ‘Global Catastrophe’ By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, October 19, 2022
Demonstrations in Support of Recent Coup in Burkina Faso By Abayomi Azikiwe, October 19, 2022
America’s Diabolic Plan to Subjugate and Break Up Russia By Chaitanya Davé, October 18, 2022
Time Magazine Is Right: Russia Isn’t as Isolated as Some in the West May Like to Think By Andrew Korybko, October 18, 2022
Who Stopped the War in Ukraine? By Ted Snider, October 18, 2022
NATO Learns Nothing and Forgets Nothing By George Szamuely, October 18, 2022
Kharkov and Mobilization: “Tactical Victory for Ukraine, Strategic Victory for Russia”. Jacques Baud By Jacques Baud, October 17, 2022
The Onus Is on Biden and Putin. “Fundamental Misunderstandings” Could Lead to Nuclear War. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, October 16, 2022
From Iran to Belarus – “Regime Change” on Its Way, Again? By Gavin OReilly, October 14, 2022
Russia’s Strategic Eurasian Partners: SCO+, BRICS+, Astana CICA Summit. OPEC+ Decision to “Stabilize Global Energy Markets” By Pepe Escobar, October 14, 2022
We’ve Never Been Closer to a Conflict Between Russia and NATO, Warns Top Czech General By Czech News Agency, October 14, 2022
US Rejection of Moscow’s Offer for Peace Talks Is Utterly Inexcusable By Caitlin Johnstone, October 13, 2022
How Did We Avoid a Cuban Missile ‘Armageddon’? Strategic Empathy. By Katrina vanden Heuvel and James Carden, October 13, 2022
Who Are the Culprits? Sweden Refuses to Share Results of Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion Investigation with Russia By Paul Joseph Watson, October 13, 2022
Lavrov Says Russia Open to Talks with the West, US Dismisses His Comments By Dave DeCamp, October 13, 2022
Zelensky’s Wildly Irresponsible Call for a ‘Preventive Nuclear Strike’ By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow, October 13, 2022
Video: Ukraine Assesses Damage While Russia Does Not Stop By South Front, October 12, 2022
Has WWIII Begun? The Risk of US-dominated NATO Global War with Nukes Is Ominously Higher Today Than Ever Before By Brandon Campbell, October 12, 2022
Video: Unable to Defend His Country, Zelensky Asks to Launch Nuclear War By South Front, October 12, 2022
Exposed: Before Ukraine Blew Up Kerch Bridge, British Spies Plotted It By Kit Klarenberg, October 12, 2022
US Seeks “Turning Point” in Ukraine After Russian Strikes By Andre Damon, October 12, 2022
It’s Time to Tell Biden We Say ‘No!’ to Nuclear War! By Rep. Ron Paul, October 11, 2022
Terror on Crimea Bridge Incites Russia to Unleash “Shock and Awe”? By Pepe Escobar, October 11, 2022
Russia Damages EU “Mission” in Kyiv By Kurt Nimmo, October 11, 2022
The Gas Pipeline War: On the Day Nord Stream was Sabotaged, the “Alternative Pipeline” was Opened By Manlio Dinucci, October 10, 2022
Bolton Calls for Putin Assassination: Imagine the U.S. Response had a Russian Official Called for the Assassination of Biden By Kurt Nimmo, October 10, 2022
Ukraine and Nuclear War: Putin Isn’t Bluffing! By Jerry Kroth, October 10, 2022
Stepan Bandera and Neo-Nazism: Why US-NATO Needs “Banderistan Ukraine”? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, October 10, 2022
Watch What They Do Instead of What They Say By Michael Snyder, October 10, 2022
Russia Not Ruling Out Repair of Nordstream Gas Pipelines By Julianne Geiger, October 10, 2022
Russia Warns US of ‘Direct Military Clash’ If More Arms Sent to Ukraine By Pars Today, October 10, 2022
Attack on Crimean Bridge Exposes Kiev as Terrorist State By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 10, 2022
Beware of Nuclear False Flag Blaming Russia. If Someone Sets Off a Nuke, It Will be the US, Not the Russians By Kevin Barrett, October 10, 2022
Decrying ‘Horrible Madness of War,’ Irish MEPs Call for Diplomacy in Ukraine By Jake Johnson, October 10, 2022
Western World Propaganda and Nuclear War Threat in Ukraine By Jerome Irwin, October 09, 2022
Kyiv Nazis Manage to Blow Hole in Crimean Bridge By Kurt Nimmo, October 09, 2022
Zelensky’s Call for NATO “Preemptive Strikes” on Russia an Attempt to Spark WW3: Kremlin By Zero Hedge, October 09, 2022
Nord Stream Sabotage − ‘Cui Bono’? Who Benefits? By Sara Flounders, October 09, 2022
Zbigniew Brzezinski: Drawing the Russians into the Afghan Trap… By Paul Fitzgerald and Elizabeth Gould, October 08, 2022
The Crisis in Ukraine Is Not About Ukraine. It’s About Germany By Mike Whitney, October 08, 2022
Conform or be Cast Out! The New Model of Journalism During a Time of War By Michael Welch, Max Blumenthal, and John Pilger, October 08, 2022
“Pipeline Terror”: Nord Stream 2 Offers Germany a Date with Destiny By Pepe Escobar, October 07, 2022
Zelensky’s Demand for the West to Nuke Russia Was Irresponsible but Not Credible By Andrew Korybko, October 07, 2022
OPEC+ Decision to Cut Oil Counteracts Europe’s Idea of Price Cap on Russian Energy By Ahmed Adel, October 07, 2022
Zelensky Calls for NATO to Launch Preemptive Strike on Russia By Dave DeCamp, October 07, 2022
Report: US Intelligence Believes Ukraine Was Behind Killing of Darya Dugina By Dave DeCamp, October 07, 2022
Michael Hudson: A Roadmap to Escape the West’s Stranglehold By Prof Michael Hudson and Pepe Escobar, October 07, 2022
Did Uncle Sam Blow Up the Wrong Pipeline? By Kevin Barrett, October 07, 2022
Russia Warns of a “Direct Military Clash” with the U.S. By Mac Slavo, October 07, 2022
Video: Threat for Russian Military on Ukrainian Front Lines By South Front, October 06, 2022
US Accuses OPEC+ of Aligning with Russia, Gulf States Deny Politics at Play By Middle East Eye, October 06, 2022
US Officials Admit Weapons Supplied to Kiev Could Reach Russian Territory By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 06, 2022
Russia Officially Claims Ownership of Ukraine Nuclear Plant By Charles Kennedy, October 06, 2022
Defeat or Victory? The War on Afghanistan (2001-2021) By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Prof. John Ryan, and Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, October 06, 2022
Zelensky Signs Decree Ruling Out Peace Talks with Putin as ‘Impossible’ By Dave DeCamp, October 05, 2022
Bosnia Herzegovina: In the Republic of Srpska, So Far Another Orange Revolution Falls Flat By Stephen Karganovic, October 05, 2022
Former CIA Director Petraeus Threatens Russia By Drago Bosnic, October 05, 2022
Will Biden Know When to Stop? By Alastair Crooke, October 05, 2022
Pipeline Terror Is the 9/11 of the Raging Twenties By Pepe Escobar, October 05, 2022
US, UK Behind Nord Stream Sabotage? Military Expert By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, October 04, 2022
Elon Musk Suddenly Became Kiev Regime’s Enemy No. 1 By Drago Bosnic, October 04, 2022
NATO in the Horns of a Dilemma After Former Ukrainian Regions Vote to Join Russia. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, October 04, 2022
If Kennedy Hadn’t Listened to Khrushchev By Ted Snider, October 04, 2022
British Intelligence Predicted Ukraine War 30 Years Ago By Phil Miller, October 04, 2022