Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
A Peek at Russia’s Response to the G7 Oil Price Cap By Tsvetana Paraskova, December 14, 2022
‘Challenge the U.S. Justifications for This War’ By John Parker, December 14, 2022
US-NATO is at War with Russia? Military Experts By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, December 13, 2022
Drone Attacks on Russian Airbases: A Major Escalation in the War Authored in Washington By Chris Marsden, December 13, 2022
Putin Shrugs-Off Washington’s Provocations and ‘Sticks to Business’ By Mike Whitney, December 13, 2022
A Hair Trigger on Endgame By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 12, 2022
Russia Hands UN Details of Ukrainian Attacks on Civilian Targets By RT News, December 12, 2022
Biden’s Broken Promise to Avoid War with Russia May Kill Us All By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 11, 2022
High Fuel Prices Likely to Kill More Europeans Than Fighting in Ukraine. The Economist By Marc Vandepitte, December 11, 2022
Russia’s Winter Offensive and NATO’s Response By James W. McConnell, December 11, 2022
The 1991 Dissolution of the USSR: Will Russia Take Decisive Geopolitical Steps Regarding Kosovo? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, December 10, 2022
“Ukraine conflict is an informational war as well as a military conflict.” Interview with Arnaud Develay By Arnaud Develay and Steven Sahiounie, December 10, 2022
Ukraine, Russia, and the New World Order By Fyodor A. Lukyanov and Institut Montaigne, December 10, 2022
The West Must Stop Blocking Negotiations Between Ukraine and Russia By Prof. Vijay Prashad, December 09, 2022
Merkel Acknowledges that 2014 Minsk Accord Was a Deception By Azerbaycan24, December 09, 2022
Can Germany’s Plan for Confrontation with Russia Work? Is the Bundeswehr Preparing for War? By Drago Bosnic, December 09, 2022
EU and G7 Decide on Russian Oil Price Cap – Western Arrogance and Ridiculous Interference in the “Free Market” By Peter Koenig, December 08, 2022
Putin: Risk of Nuclear War “Rising”, Ukraine Operation to be “Long Process” By Zero Hedge, December 08, 2022
“The Whole West Is At War against Russia”. By Jean Toschi Marazzani Visconti and Olga Zinoviev, December 08, 2022
Ukraine: Three Tragedies – Putin 1, Biden 2 By Don L. Durivan, December 08, 2022
Ukraine, De Facto NATO Partner: To End the War, Peace Champions must “Win the War of Ideas” By Marcy Winograd, December 07, 2022
The Russian Oil Price Cap Won’t Work By Philip Pilkington, December 07, 2022
Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Regime Bans Russian Orthodox Church By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, December 06, 2022
Video: Putin Just Scored a Knockout Blow to Europe and the WEF By Clayton Morris, December 06, 2022
Narrative versus Reality: “Sorry, Russia Is Winning the War” By James G. Rickards, December 05, 2022
“No, Putin Did Not Start the War in Ukraine”. Towards a U.S. War against Russia? By Mike Whitney, December 05, 2022
The Ever-Widening War. Escalation is Proceeding By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 05, 2022
We’re Playing Russian Roulette: John Mearsheimer By John J. Mearsheimer and Freddie Sayers, December 05, 2022
Hypocrites and Psychopaths: EU’s Russia War Crimes Tribunal By Kurt Nimmo, December 05, 2022
Latest Ukraine Psycho Fear Porn: “Mail Bombs” and “Pig Eyes” By Kurt Nimmo, December 05, 2022
Ukraine: An “Afghanistan” in the Heart of Europe By Manlio Dinucci, December 05, 2022
Sleeping With The Third Reich: America’s Unspoken “Alliance” with Nazi Germany against the Soviet Union By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 04, 2022
Russia, China and the “Multipolar World”. The Kremlin’s Evolving Relations with Africa By Kester Kenn Klomegah, December 03, 2022
NYT Has Found New Neo-Nazi Troops to Lionize in Ukraine. “The Bratstvo Battalion”, “The Christian Taliban” By Eric Horowitz, December 02, 2022
Writing the Ukraine War History, As It Happens By James Carden, December 02, 2022
“EU Harakiri”on Behalf of Washington. The Nord Stream Destruction, Is the EC Planning to Destroy the European Union? By Peter Koenig, December 02, 2022
Debunking Lies About the War in Ukraine By Eric Zuesse, December 01, 2022
Putin’s Remedy: A Fragmented, Toothless Ukraine Separated by a 100 Kilometer-Wide No-Man’s-Land By Mike Whitney, December 01, 2022
Ukraine – Russia War: Is a Doomsday Scenario Looming? Or Is There Reason for Hope? By Peter Koenig, December 01, 2022
Eight Reasons Why Now Is a Good Time for a Ukraine Ceasefire and Peace Talks By Medea Benjamin and Nicolas J. S. Davies, December 01, 2022
The West Seeks War, Not Peace By Mark Taliano, November 30, 2022
American Armaments Sales in Europe Booming, Thanks to the War in Ukraine: “US Colony After NATO Coup” By Fabio G.C. Carisio, November 30, 2022
What to Expect in Russia’s Winter Offensive in Ukraine By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 30, 2022
White House Considering Transferring Patriot Missiles to Ukraine, Kremlin Threatens Response By Kyle Anzalone and Will Porter, November 30, 2022
NATO Running Out of Weapons for Kiev Regime By Drago Bosnic, November 29, 2022
Europe Accuses US of Profiting from War By Barbara Moens, Jakob Hanke Vela, and Jacopo Barigazzi, November 29, 2022
Vladimir Putin’s Vision of a Multipolar World By Philip Giraldi, November 29, 2022
German Military Preparing for Potential War with Russia, Leaked Internal Report Reveals By Ben Norton, November 28, 2022
Open Letter to Switzerland’s Leading Newspaper: “A Step Towards Further Oppression and Tyranny”. The Media Have an Obligation to Tell The Truth By Peter Koenig, November 28, 2022
Endgame Ukraine; Putin’s Battleplan By Mike Whitney, November 27, 2022
Ukrainian Authorities Advance “De-russification” Project By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, November 25, 2022
NATO Doesn’t Supersede the U.S. Constitution. “As our government continues to stumble towards World War III” By Dan McKnight, November 25, 2022
Putin Invokes Castro’s Legacy By M. K. Bhadrakumar, November 25, 2022
Monument in Memory of Fidel Castro’s Political Struggle By Kester Kenn Klomegah, November 25, 2022
U.S. Authorizes Firms to Provide Services to Russian Oil Trade By Tsvetana Paraskova, November 24, 2022
NY Times Takes Rare Look at Apparent Ukrainian War Crimes By Zero Hedge, November 24, 2022
Washington’s Plan to Break Up Russia By Mike Whitney, November 24, 2022
Under Pressure from the US, EU Agrees to Cap the Price of Russian Oil By Mish, November 23, 2022
All Western Attempts to Isolate Russia at G20 Failed By Ahmed Adel, November 23, 2022
Putin’s Sledgehammer By Mike Whitney, November 23, 2022
The Lying Propaganda-Phrase “Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine” By Eric Zuesse, November 23, 2022
Why Do Americans Hate Putin? By Mike Whitney, November 23, 2022
EU Stockpiles Russian Diesel Before the Ban on Russian Oil Begins By Mac Slavo, November 23, 2022
The USA Caused the War in Ukraine, and Only the USA Can End It By Bryan Davies, November 22, 2022
North-South Transit Corridor (NSTC): Alternative to Suez Canal, as Russia, India and Iran Ties Expand By Uriel Araujo, November 22, 2022
Top US General Suggesting Peace Talks, Strongly Rejected by DC Neocons and Zelensky By Joachim Hagopian, November 22, 2022
Putting an End to Volodymyr Zelensky’s Follies. Let’s Try to Avoid World War III By Philip Giraldi, November 22, 2022
Lavrov Outlined the Priorities for Russian Regions’ International Economic Outreaches By Andrew Korybko, November 21, 2022
New US B61-12 Nuclear Bombs Deployed in Europe: What Will Russia Do? “Much Worse than the Cold War” By Vladimir Kozin and PANGEA, November 21, 2022
Why Is AP Still Protecting the Source Behind Its False Russia-Bombed-Poland Story? By Sam Husseini, November 21, 2022
The Polish Missile Incident Was a Close Brush with Nuclear Annihilation By Scott Ritter, November 21, 2022
It Took 64 Years for the U.S. Government to Admit to Its 1953 Coup that Grabbed Iran By Eric Zuesse, November 20, 2022
Maligned in Western Media, Donbass Forces Are Defending Their Future from Ukrainian Shelling and Fascism By Eva Bartlett, November 20, 2022
Eight Years on from Malaysia Airlines MH17 Destruction: A Clear Lack of Evidence that Moscow Was Behind It By Shane Quinn, November 18, 2022
Poland WWIII Scare Shows Why Top US General Wants Peace By Douglas Macgregor and Aaron Mate, November 18, 2022
Signs of Diplomacy in Ukraine? Finding a Faint Pulse By Ted Snider, November 18, 2022
The “Informal Russia India Iran Troika” on Afghanistan By Andrew Korybko, November 18, 2022
Wars Tend to Bury Facts: The Polish Missile Narrative By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 18, 2022
The War in Ukraine, Geopolitical Forecast. The Kremlin’s “Indecision” “The War Will Continue to Widen”: Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and GEOFOR, November 17, 2022
Misinformation: AP Admits Erroneously Reporting Russian Attack on Poland By John Leake, November 17, 2022