Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
We Don’t Have to Choose Between Nuclear Madmen By Norman Solomon, April 03, 2023
Will Zelensky Take Back Crimea? By Rick Sterling, April 03, 2023
Putin’s Enormous Blunder By Eric Zuesse, April 03, 2023
Sparing the Athletes: Revising the Russia-Belarus Sporting Ban By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 03, 2023
Video: Inside a Russian Youth Camp Condemned by the I.C.C. By Jeremy Loffredo, April 03, 2023
Racing to Multipolarity By Ted Snider, April 03, 2023
From Hegemony to Multipolarity: How Post-Cold War U.S. Foreign Policy Towards Russia Is Creating a Modern Eurasia By Adeyinka Makinde, April 02, 2023
Shifting World Order? How “Dangerous” Is the “Friendship” Between Putin and Xi? By Marc Vandepitte, March 31, 2023
The Cowboy Style of the International Criminal Court (I.C.C.) Irreversibly Crosses the “Redline of Legal Decency” By Stephen Karganovic, March 31, 2023
Does America Have a Future? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 31, 2023
Dangerous Crossroads: US to Withhold Nuclear Weapons Data From Russia as Last Treaty Collapses By Zero Hedge, March 31, 2023
Video: US-NATO Proxy War in Ukraine Utilizes Space Technology By The Global Network, March 29, 2023
Why Most of the World Isn’t on Board with the NATO-Russia War By Weimin Chen, March 29, 2023
Stephen Lendman – A Tribute to the “Most Prolific Journalist in Independent Media” By Michael Welch, Stephen Lendman, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Ellen Brown, Peter Phillips, and Rick Rozoff, March 28, 2023
Russia Deploys Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Belarus: Escalation or Deterrence? By Drago Bosnic, March 27, 2023
Was Watergate a CIA Scheme to Remove President Nixon from Office? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts and Tucker Carlson, March 27, 2023
Contradictions in Russia-Africa Relations By Kester Kenn Klomegah, March 27, 2023
A Hazardous Decision: Supplying Ukraine with Depleted Uranium Shells By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 27, 2023
The Georgian Protests: Another Chapter in the Color Revolution Playbook? By Stavroula Pabst, March 27, 2023
The Most Undervalued Assets in Europe Are Now in Eastern Ukraine. Who Is the First to Benefit? By South Front, March 26, 2023
Breaking: “Second Russia Offensive” (SRO): Vladimir Sharpens the Cleaver; Volodymyr Fattens the Calf By William Walter Kay, March 25, 2023
Revealed: Boris Yeltsin Privately Supported NATO Expansion in 1990’s By Matt Kennard, March 24, 2023
Anti-War Views Criminalized in Germany. Diana Johnstone By Diana Johnstone, March 24, 2023
President Xi Jinping’s Epic Visit to Moscow and What It Means for the World. Peter Koenig By Peter Koenig and Press TV, March 24, 2023
UK to Send Nuclear Weapon to Zelenskyy Regime By Kurt Nimmo, March 24, 2023
Seymour Hersh Accuses US of ‘Cover Up’ Over Nord Stream Sabotage By Jake Johnson, March 23, 2023
Russia’s Economy Recovers While Dozens of US Banks Face Collapse By Ahmed Adel, March 23, 2023
Russia Slams UK Plans to Send Depleted Uranium Shells to Ukraine By Elena Teslova, March 23, 2023
South Africa, Russia, China and the Shifting World Situation By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 23, 2023
In Moscow, Xi and Putin Bury Pax Americana By Pepe Escobar, March 23, 2023
The Cover-Up: The Biden Administration Continues to Conceal Its Responsibility for the Destruction of the Nord Stream Pipelines By Seymour M. Hersh, March 23, 2023
For Second Time, US Seeks to Sabotage a Russo-Ukraine Negotiated Peace By Walt Zlotow, March 22, 2023
Putin Says China’s Peace Plan Could Serve as Basis for Settlement in Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, March 22, 2023
China-Russia Technology and Military Cooperation Exponentially Strengthens Both Superpowers’ Capabilities By Drago Bosnic, March 22, 2023
Lula’s Foreign Minister Strongly Implied that Putin Will be Arrested If He Comes to Brazil By Andrew Korybko, March 22, 2023
Russia’s Politics of Writing Off African Debts, Putin’s Strategy of Economic Cooperation By Kester Kenn Klomegah, March 21, 2023
Political West Doubles Down on ‘Russia Kidnapping Children’ Propaganda Narrative By Drago Bosnic, March 21, 2023
Putin Tells Xi He’s “Open to Negotiating Process” on Ukraine as US Says Ceasefire “Unacceptable” By Zero Hedge, March 21, 2023
The Chinese Document, “US Hegemony and Its Perils”. The U.S. is a “Paper Tiger”. Geopolitical Analysis by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 21, 2023
U.S. Drone Forced Down in Black Sea Was Gathering Intelligence for Ukrainian Forces. Scott Ritter By Jeremy Kuzmarov and Scott Ritter, March 21, 2023
The US’ Schizophrenic Approach to the ICC Embodies Its Hypocritical “Rules-Based Order” Concept By Andrew Korybko, March 21, 2023
White House Says It Opposes a Ceasefire in Ukraine By Dave DeCamp, March 20, 2023
ICC’s Putin Arrest Warrant Signals Long Overdue Unraveling of So-called ‘Rules-based World Order’ By Drago Bosnic, March 20, 2023
US and Israel
Does ICC’s Arrest Warrant Limit Putin’s External Visits? “The West is Hysterical” By Kester Kenn Klomegah, March 20, 2023
US Decides Whether or Not Kiev Should Negotiate Peace By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 20, 2023
Russia’s Economy Is Booming – Despite or Because of Sanctions? By Peter Koenig, March 20, 2023
International Criminal Court Wants to Arrest Putin for Sheltering Child Refugees By Kurt Nimmo, March 20, 2023
Criminals at Large: The Iraq War 20 Years On By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 20, 2023
Does Canada Support Regime Change in Russia? By Ted Snider, March 20, 2023
Arrest Warrant Issued for Putin for War Crimes? Hold on a Minute! By Janet Phelan, March 20, 2023
Long History of US-Russia Confrontation. Analysis of Ukraine-Russia Relations By Prof. John Ryan, March 18, 2023
Free Speech for Peace not Supported by “Stand With Ukraine” By Michael Welch, Prof. John Ryan, and Glenn Michalchuk, March 17, 2023
US Blackmails Switzerland to Boost Military Support to Ukraine By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 17, 2023
Canada’s Foreign Minister Proposes “Regime Change” in Russia By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 16, 2023
Lula Is Lying: The NATO-Russian Proxy War Isn’t Being Fought “Over Small Things” By Andrew Korybko, March 16, 2023
“Provoked” NATO Expansion, “Unprovoked” Ukraine War, and the Dire “China Threat” By Felix Abt, March 16, 2023
The Nord Stream-Andromeda Cover Up. Scott Ritter By Scott Ritter, March 16, 2023
China-Russia Dichotomy: Cooperation or Confrontation on Global Issues? Forthcoming Talks between Putin and Xi regarding Ukraine Peace Plan? By Kester Kenn Klomegah, March 15, 2023
Ukrainian Military Do Not Believe There Will be a “Spring Counteroffensive” By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, March 15, 2023
US Schools Need to Teach Kids About Proxy War By Walt Zlotow, March 15, 2023
CIA, SBU Terrorize Ethnic Russians in Transnistria By Kurt Nimmo, March 15, 2023
China’s Xi to Speak with Zelensky, Meet with Putin By Dave DeCamp, March 14, 2023
Moveable Multipolarity in Moscow: Ridin’ the ‘Newcoin’ Train By S. Tzu and Pepe Escobar, March 14, 2023
Video: Seymour Hersh in Conversation. On U.S. Sabotage of Nord Stream Pipelines By Seymour M. Hersh and Michael Welch, March 13, 2023
As Color Revolution Rages in Georgia, Neocons Lie About 2008 Conflict in South Ossetia By Kurt Nimmo, March 13, 2023
Fearing Future Probes of US Atrocities, Pentagon Blocks ICC From Russian War Crimes Evidence By Brett Wilkins, March 13, 2023
Slovakia and Poland Want American-made F-16’s in Exchange for Delivering MiG-29’s to Ukraine By Ahmed Adel, March 13, 2023
EU-Russia’s “Unforgettable Divorce” By Kester Kenn Klomegah, March 12, 2023
USAID’s Georgia Riots: the Next Phase in this Insane Plot to Fragment and Destroy Russia By Kurt Nimmo, March 12, 2023
EU Empties the Arsenals to Fill the Arsenals By Manlio Dinucci, March 12, 2023
“Deconstructing the Obvious” – From My Lai to Nord Stream. Interview with Legendary Muckraker Sy Hersh By Seymour M. Hersh, Ray McGovern, and Michael Welch, March 12, 2023
Some of Us Don’t Think the Russian Invasion Was “Aggression.” Here’s Why. By Mike Whitney, March 11, 2023
Zelensky Admits He Never Intended to Implement Minsk Agreements By Al Mayadeen, March 10, 2023
Video: Colonel McGregor: “Russia is crushing the Kiev Regime” By Drago Bosnic, March 09, 2023
“War is a Killing Machine”: The Shameless Sensationalising of Pain. Media and Ukraine By Megan Sherman, March 08, 2023
Women Don’t Let Women Drive War: Feminists Say Fire Nuland By Medea Benjamin, Marcy Winograd, and Melissa Garriga, March 08, 2023
Is US-NATO on a Collision Course with Russia? The Kremlin’s New Deterrence Strategy By Drago Bosnic, March 07, 2023
U.S Secretary of State Blinken Concedes War Is Lost? By John Helmer and David Ignatius, March 07, 2023
Russian Aerospace Forces Failing in Ukraine? Moscow’s “State of the Art” Su-57 Aircraft By Drago Bosnic, March 07, 2023
Does the Kremlin Want the Conflict in Ukraine to Spin Out of Control? By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 06, 2023