Russia and FSU

Pivot to Asia: China is threatened by the US military in the South and East China Sea. War with China is currently on the drawing board of the Pentagon as outlined in a Rand Report commissioned by the US Army
The killings are part of the "anti-terrorist operation" initiated by the Kiev government with the support of the Pentagon. America's Neo-Nazi Government in Kiev is a reality. Specialists from the CIA & the FBI are advising the government.
The US has for years been objecting voraciously against this pipeline. Trump: “Why should we pay for NATO to defend Germany, when Germany buys gas from Russia and makes herself dependent on Russia?” – He added, “We offer Germany and Europe all the gas and energy they need.”
On 30 August 1945, Major General Lauris Norstad dispatched a document to his superior, General Leslie Groves, outlining a total of 15 “key Soviet cities” to be struck with US atomic weapons.
Russia-Ukraine Gas War: Europe’s Winter of Discontent By Eric Walberg, January 20, 2009
Russia Reasserts Itself as a Great Power By Jose Miguel Alonso Trabanco, January 20, 2009
Economic Crisis and Social Turbulence in the Baltic States By Jeffrey Sommers, January 19, 2009
Energy War: US starting strangulation tactics against Moscow By Abdel Jabber, January 18, 2009
The EU -Russia Gaz Pipeline Crisis: Taking Sides with Pipelines By Global Research, January 18, 2009
America eyes up Georgia as a base to launch attack on Iran By Marcus Papadopoulos, January 17, 2009
Kiev refuses to accept Russian gas intended for Europe-Gazprom By Global Research, January 16, 2009
Georgian opposition says Saakashvili family embezzled $90 mln By Global Research, January 16, 2009
Ukraine’s Party of Regions urges president’s impeachment By Global Research, January 14, 2009
Gas flow to resume on Tuesday morning By Global Research, January 13, 2009
US fudges Georgia NATO hope By Global Research, January 11, 2009
Ukraine: A key geopolitical battleground between Russia and the West By Jose Miguel Alonso Trabanco, January 09, 2009
Russian banks brace for torrid year ahead By Global Research, January 05, 2009
Russia to send humanitarian supplies to Gaza Strip soon – Lavrov By Global Research, January 01, 2009
Georgia: Renewed Military Buildup? By Global Research, December 30, 2008
Russia to double its aid to developing world By Global Research, December 30, 2008
Serbs murdered for their organs in Kosovo – new evidence By Global Research, December 27, 2008
Ukraine’s “Orange” elite reunites to impose IMF-dictated austerity measures By Niall Green, December 23, 2008
Cold War Shivers. US-NATO clash with Russia By Eric Walberg, December 23, 2008
Financial Fraud: Corruption scandal over Ukraine’s emission money By Global Research, December 20, 2008
Russia alarmed by planned U.S. bases in Central Asia By Global Research, December 16, 2008
US starts New Cold War with Russia: The New Arms Race By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, December 04, 2008
Georgian President Saakashvili: “we started the war” By Global Research, November 30, 2008
Georgian Diplomat Said Georgia started war in South Ossetia By Global Research, November 27, 2008
Russian Missiles in Baltic Area: “Adequate Countermeasure” By David Brian, November 26, 2008
Russian LUKoil seeks $6.5 bln loan to buy stake in Spain’s Repsol By Global Research, November 25, 2008
Authoritarian Georgia: Roses are red, Georgia is blue By Global Research, November 23, 2008
Russia banks to be barred from state rescue package for loan abuse By Global Research, November 21, 2008
Caucasus security talks “productive” By Global Research, November 20, 2008
US Opposes ant-Nazi Resolution in the UN General Assembly By Global Research, November 19, 2008
Russia says Georgia is building up its forces By Zerin Elci, November 19, 2008
Russian-Western relations: Courting the bear By Eric Walberg, November 18, 2008
Russia Appreciates European Change of Mind By Jorge Petinaud, November 18, 2008
Russia considers opening Black Sea Fleet base in Abkhazia By Global Research, November 17, 2008
From the Caspian Sea to the Mediterranean. Militarization of Strategic Energy Corridor By Ruben Zarbabyan, November 16, 2008
Russia and Obama: Untying the Gordian Knot By Eric Walberg, November 15, 2008
Ukraine’s Membership in NATO? By Andrei Fedyashin, November 14, 2008
Ukraine Hides its Role in the Caucasus War By Global Research, November 14, 2008
World financial crisis undercuts Russia’s economic boom By Vladimir Volkov, November 12, 2008
Russia Urges Obama to Lift Cuba Embargo, Respect World Opinion By Global Research, November 12, 2008
Obama versus Medvedev: Nuclear Standoff in New Europe By Mike Whitney, November 09, 2008
China, Russia, Belarus renounce the US Dollar? By Anatoly Gorev, November 03, 2008
Russia negotiates a naval base in Libya By Rev. Richard Skaff, November 01, 2008
Russia and Cuba begin closer military cooperation By Global Research, October 28, 2008
Russian minister says plans drawn for China oil pipeline By Global Research, October 28, 2008
Kazakhstan: Central Asian Giant Battles World Crisis By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, October 26, 2008
The End of the Orange Revolution? By Rev. Richard Skaff, October 24, 2008
Russian warship en route for anti-piracy mission off Somalia By Global Research, October 22, 2008
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister discusses situation in Caucasus with Iranian officials By Global Research, October 22, 2008
Russian warships plan Mediterranean show of strength en route to Venezuela By Global Research, October 05, 2008
Ukraine: Illegal arms supplies to Georgia By Global Research, October 04, 2008
Lithuanian Nazis become partisans? By Global Research, October 03, 2008
The Caucasus, SCO, CSTO, Energy And The New Multipolarity By Guner Ozkan, September 30, 2008
Russian Navy Squadron heads to Venezuela: Deployment to Western Hemisphere unprecedented since Cold War By Global Research, September 22, 2008
Moscow backs Serbia’s objections over OSCE Kosovo mission chief By Global Research, September 22, 2008
Serbia: Realization of Energy Deal with Russia to start in two months By Global Research, September 22, 2008
US Military, MPRI Trained Georgian Commandos Before South Ossetia Invasion By Global Research, September 20, 2008
S. Ossetia, Abkhazia to apply for CIS, CSTO membership and unify with Russia By Global Research, September 18, 2008
Russian Envoy: U.S. could use Georgia as bridgehead to attack Iran By Global Research, September 18, 2008
Iran engaging Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Russia to form a Caucasian security grouping By Global Research, September 17, 2008
Tehran diplomatically joins Moscow in opposition to NATO involvement in Caucasus By Global Research, September 17, 2008
Israeli Bombers Planned to Use Georgian Airfields in Iran Strike By Arnaud de Borchgrave, September 17, 2008
Russia is determined to bring NATO’s Expansion Eastward to a Halt By Eric Walberg, September 16, 2008
Russian presence in the Mediterranean: Will it become permanent? By Rev. Richard Skaff, September 15, 2008
US Contractors Training Georgian Military in Acts of Sabotage By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 14, 2008
Russian Official: The US ‘attacked’ Russia via proxy in Georgia conflict By Arash Zahedi, September 14, 2008
Russia, Abkhazia, S.Ossetia to sign economic and military cooperation agreements By Global Research, September 13, 2008
Mounting Tension: Russia will not accept an attack on Iran By Global Research, September 13, 2008
Russian strategic bombers land in Venezuela By Global Research, September 11, 2008
Russia, Venezuela to hold naval war games By Vladimir Radyuhin, September 11, 2008
Clash in the Caucasus: Rolling Back The “Unipolar” World By Mike Whitney, September 10, 2008
Venezuela to host Russia navy exercise in Caribbean By Global Research, September 09, 2008
Russia-China: SCO Military Alliance Challenges US-NATO Unipolar World By Lada Korotun, September 07, 2008
Collective Security Pact Council meets in Moscow By Global Research, September 05, 2008
Russia Prepares an Appropriate Response to the Deployment of American Missiles in Poland By Vyacheslav Solovev, September 05, 2008
Turkish-Armenian Reconciliation Is Possible – and Necessary! By Muriel Mirak-Weissbach, September 05, 2008
New Eurasian Alliance in the Post-Soviet Space By Global Research, September 05, 2008
Georgia, Georgia, No Peace I Find* By Edward W. Miller, September 04, 2008
Russia, Europe and USA: Fundamental Geopolitics By F. William Engdahl, September 04, 2008
Georgia: the First Step Towards Chaos Control By Global Research, September 04, 2008