
Australia's nuclear industry has a shameful history of 'radioactive racism' that dates from the British bomb tests in the 1950s, The same attitudes persist today with plans to dump over half a million tonnes of nuclear waste on Aboriginal lands.
It is election time in Australia, and the electioneering took a remarkable turn Thursday night with announcements that the Australian Federal Police had raided the offices of the opposition Australian Labor Party,
Australia has the world’s largest known uranium deposits – about 28 percent – and is the world’s third largest exporter of uranium with nearly 7,000 tonnes a year.
“Police for Freedom”: Conscientious Resignation of Police Officer in Australia By Robert J. Burrowes and Police for Freedom, October 14, 2021
Australia’s Intelligence Organizations Helped Overthrow the Allende Government in 1973 By Dr. Rodrigo Acuña, October 07, 2021
Imperialist Tensions: AUKUS Makes Workers Pay for War with China By Mick Armstrong, October 01, 2021
Video: Cops for Covid Truth: Message from Alexander Cooney to All Police Officers in Australia By Alexander Cooney, September 30, 2021
The Living Dead Pax Americana. War Inc. Rules. Cold War 2.0 against China By Pepe Escobar, September 30, 2021
Proposed US/UK Nuclear-powered Submarines for Australia: Jeopardising Health and Fueling an Arms Race By IPPNW, September 28, 2021
A New Nuclear Arms Race & Cold War Will Not Bring Security – Jeremy Corbyn By Jeremy Corbyn, September 28, 2021
Australia Records 10X More Deaths Following COVID-19 Shots than Recorded Deaths Following ALL Vaccines for Past 20 Years  By Brian Shilhavy, September 27, 2021
The US, UK, Australia (AUKUS) Alliance against France By Andrew Korybko and Steven Sahiounie, September 25, 2021
Joe Biden: Nuclear Sorcerer Apprentice By Manlio Dinucci, September 21, 2021
Ruckus over AUKUS Isn’t an Edifying Sight By M. K. Bhadrakumar, September 21, 2021
‘AUKUS’ Military Alliance Is Another Western Attempt to Isolate China By Sarang Shidore, September 17, 2021
Sinophobia Meets Prison Labor in a Think Tank Down Under By Pepe Escobar, September 14, 2021
Aussie Public Health Chief Says COVID Contact Tracing Is Part of “New World Order” By Paul Joseph Watson, September 10, 2021
Australia’s Health Chief Dr. Chant: COVID Will be with Us “Forever”, People Will Have to “Get Used to” Endless Booster Vaccines By Paul Joseph Watson, September 08, 2021
Patriotic Snitch: Australia’s Long Serving Labor Prime Minister Bob Hawke as US Informant By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 06, 2021
The Australian Truck Blockade Is ON! By Before It's News, September 02, 2021
Reporter Urges Aussies to Get Vaccinated Despite Suffering Rare Heart Inflammation Caused by Pfizer Jab By Zero Hedge, August 27, 2021
Australia – On the Brink of Total Fascism By John Goss, August 24, 2021
Pentagon Chief Calls for Southeast Asian, Asia-Pacific Military Alliance Against China By Rick Rozoff, July 28, 2021
How CDN Providers Break the Internet By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 19, 2021
Heavy-Handed Marketing of COVID Vaccines, Passports Brings George Orwell’s ‘Freedom Is Slavery’ to the Fore By Children’s Health Defense, July 02, 2021
COVID Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Are Secretly Buried By Dr. Joseph Mercola, July 02, 2021
New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science By NZDSOS, July 01, 2021
Nimble Failure: The Australian COVID-19 Vaccination Program By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 12, 2021
Cancelling Art: Australia’s “Dark Mofo” and the Offended Classes By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 30, 2021
Coming to the Playing Field: Biden Puts Australia First. “Buttering Up” Allies against China By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 22, 2021
The First-Ever Quad Leadership Summit (US, Australia, India, Japan) Confirmed the Bloc’s Anti-China Purpose By Andrew Korybko, March 16, 2021
Australian Uranium Fuelled Fukushima By Jim Green and David Noonan, March 10, 2021
Refriended in Defeat: Australia Strikes a Deal with Facebook By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, February 24, 2021
Can Mining Giant Rio Tinto Be Trusted? Environmental Contamination in Madagascar By Yvonne Orengo, February 18, 2021
Julian Assange, WikiLeaks and Australia’s Complicity By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 13, 2021
Same Procedure as Every Year: The Story of “Dinner for One” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 03, 2021
Prosecution of Alleged War Crimes: Need for Afghan Voices in Australian Judicial Process By Dr. Melinda Rankin and Dr. Jacinta OHagan, December 21, 2020
Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan Go All the Way to the Top By Keith Lamb, December 02, 2020
Skewed Responsibility: Australian War Crimes in Afghanistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 24, 2020
It’s Time for the US to Face Its War Crimes By Joe Lauria, November 23, 2020
GM Canola Persists 20 Years after Field Trials Ended in Tasmania By Third World Network and John Paull, November 09, 2020
Australian Journalist Identified as Ukrainian Spy in Malaysian Airlines MH17 Prosecution Leak By John Helmer, November 05, 2020
Australia’s Harshest Lockdown Restrictions and the Sawing of the Djab Wurrung People’s Sacred “Directions Tree” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, November 02, 2020
Impunity and Carefree Violence: Australia’s Special Forces in Afghanistan By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 26, 2020
Australia, Tarnished Crown: Finding the Thorns of a Gambling Empire By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 23, 2020
Dropped Prosecutions: The Afghan Files, Public Interest Journalism By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 18, 2020
The Indo-Pacific “Quad” Alliance (Australia, Japan, US, India) Holds Summit as U.S. Pushes for More Aggression against China By Walter Smolarek, October 09, 2020
Omnibus Collisions: Coronavirus Policing and Overreach in Victoria By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, October 09, 2020
Dean Jones: Life of a Cricketing Entertainer By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 28, 2020
Australia Ill-Equipped to Face the Challenges of the Emerging New World Order By James ONeill, September 26, 2020
Rio Tinto Mining and the Destruction of Aboriginal Juukan Cave Heritage. A Loss to Humanity By Prof. Sam Ben-Meir, September 22, 2020
Dangerous Streamlining: Emergencies, Militarisation and Civil Liberties By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 21, 2020
Video: “Australians Must Know the Truth – This Virus Is Not a Pandemic”‘: Alan Jones By Alan Jones, September 17, 2020
US Wants to Convert QUAD into “Asian NATO” By Paul Antonopoulos, September 08, 2020
Australian Government’s Own Website Admits COVID Tests Are Totally Unreliable By Dr. David James, September 07, 2020
Pandemic Reflexes: Lockdowns and Arrests in Victoria, Australia By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 06, 2020
Is the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) (US, Australia, India, Japan) Intent on Provoking Proxy War with China in the Solomon Islands? By Andrew Korybko, September 04, 2020
Facebook Threats and News Opportunities By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 02, 2020
US Seeks Formal Alliance Similar to NATO with India, Japan and Australia By Robert Delaney, September 02, 2020
Geopolitics of the Indo-Pacific Region: Strategic Cooperation between Indonesia and India By Uriel Araujo, August 26, 2020
Free Speech be Damned: Joshua Krook and the Australian Public Service By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 25, 2020
Medical Fascism: Australia Plans to Make Covid-19 Vaccine ‘as Mandatory as Possible’ Once Proven Safe By Samantha Maiden and Charis Chang, August 20, 2020
Google’s Open Letter: Fighting Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 18, 2020
Letters from Melbourne: A ‘Ghost Town Police State’ Under Brutal COVID Lockdown By Robert Bridge, August 15, 2020
Don’t Stigmatise the Nuke! Opponents of the Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 11, 2020
Australia: Willing Pawn in US Conflict with China By Tony Cartalucci, August 09, 2020
State of Pandemic Disaster in Australia: Victoria Moves into Stage Four By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 04, 2020
Australia-US (AUSMIN) Strategic Consultations. What To Do About China and the South China Sea By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, August 03, 2020
Dangerous Crossroads: Australian Government Signs Up to US Military, Diplomatic and Economic Confrontation with China By Mike Head, July 30, 2020
The CIA Coup Against ‘The Most Loyal Ally’ Is History’s Warning in 2020 By John Pilger, June 04, 2020
COVID-19 Timeline Exposes Falsehood of US and US Lackey Australian Anti-China Blame Game By Gideon Polya, May 21, 2020
Australia: Greasing the Revolving Door: Palantir Recruits Down Under By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, May 13, 2020
Morrison’s Adventurism Could Damage China-Australia Relations Beyond Repair By Chen Hong, April 30, 2020
The Coronavirus State: New Zealand and Authoritarian Rumblings By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 11, 2020
UK- Australia COVID-19 Deaths, Deprivation Deaths in Developing Countries, Indigenous Avoidable Deaths By Gideon Polya, April 08, 2020
University Bailouts, Funding and Coronavirus By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 06, 2020
Signing In and Dropping Out: Coronavirus and the Virtual University By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 01, 2020
80% of Australia’s COV-19 Cases Are “Imported”, Mostly From the U.S.: Prime Minister Morrison By CGTN, March 23, 2020
COVID-19 Pandemic and Coronavirus Suppression – Should Schools Close? By Gideon Polya, March 23, 2020
Australia Willing to be the U.S. Policeman in the Pacific By Paul Antonopoulos, March 20, 2020
Coronavirus Offerings and Job Losses: University Reliance on China Bites By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 11, 2020
Coronavirus and “Pandemic Pantries”. Fear Campaign Triggers Stockpiling of Emergency Supplies By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 05, 2020
Daring to Kiss: Coronavirus and the Butterfly Effect By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 04, 2020