Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Fabricated and Staged Chemical Attacks in Syria? BBC Claims Chemical Weapons Helped Assad But Fails to Explain How By Tony Cartalucci, December 14, 2018
The Entire Nation Mobilized, Syria has Won the War against US-Sponsored Terrorism By Andre Vltchek, December 14, 2018
The Costs of the War on the People of Yemen By Daniel Larison, December 14, 2018
Iraq, The Rebuilding of a Nation In the Wake of Sixteen Years of US Sponsored Terrorism and Destruction By Tom Peyre-Costa and Edu Montesanti, December 13, 2018
Seven Decades after UN Resolution 194 on the “Right of Return”: Why Haven’t Palestinian Refugees Returned Home? By Ghada Karmi, December 13, 2018
Palestine: Religion as a Tool of Colonial Domination By Hanief Haider, December 13, 2018
Video: Turkey Threatens US-backed Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria with New Operation By South Front, December 13, 2018
Conflict in Yemen Must End Now By Michael Jansen, December 13, 2018
Disgusting Conflict of Interest: Theresa May’s Husband’s Investment Firm Made a “Financial Killing” from the Bombing of Syria By Tom D. Rogers, December 12, 2018
The US Wants to Bring Back the Shah of Iran By David William Pear, December 12, 2018
Nikki Haley
Nikki Haley: Cheerleader for Apartheid Israel, Swan-song at the United Nations, an Embarrassment By Prof. Kamel Hawwash, December 12, 2018
Video: Mopping Up ISIS and Al Qaeda Terror Groups: 96.5% of Syrian Territory Retaken by Pro-Government Forces and Russia Military? By South Front, December 12, 2018
Humanitarian Catastrophe: 250,000 Near Death in Yemen By Edith M. Lederer, December 12, 2018
Multipolar World Order in the Making: Qatar Dumps OPEC. Towards a Tectonic Shift in the Global Energy Market? By Federico Pieraccini, December 12, 2018
Public Pressure Could Halt US Support of Yemen War By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, December 12, 2018
Gilets Jaunes: A Glimmer of Hope and Sanity By Mark Taliano, December 12, 2018
Participatory Development: A Humanitarian Alternative to Migration By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir and Manon Burbidge, December 11, 2018
Senior Israeli Lawmaker Calls for Killing All Palestinians, “Because they are just Nazis Anyhow” By Days of Palestine, December 11, 2018
France’s “Official” (CNCDH) Human Rights Award to B’Tselem for Its Resolve to End the Occupation of Palestine: Hysterical Israeli Government Response By B'Tselem, December 11, 2018
Video: Prominent Turkish Backed FSA Commander Defects to Syria Government Forces By South Front, December 11, 2018
Video: U.S. Officially Accuses Assad, Russia of Staging Chemical Attack in Aleppo By South Front, December 11, 2018
A People’s History of George H. W. Bush. “Soldier Statesman” or Criminal War Profiteer? By Michael Welch, Prof Michel Chossudovsky, Stephen Lendman, and John Buchanan, December 09, 2018
Iraqi military equipment is seen left behind [file photo]
“Terrorism Made in America”: US Sponsored ISIS-Daesh “Pockets” Inside Iraq After More than Three Years of Fighting and US Bombings By Haidar Mansour Hadi Al-Athari and Edu Montesanti, December 08, 2018
US-Supported Terrorists Use Toxic Chlorine against Civilians in Aleppo City. Analysis By Stephen Lendman, December 08, 2018
Nominee for US Ambassador to Yemen Is No Friend of the Yemeni People By Colonel Ann Wright, December 08, 2018
13-year-old Gaza Artist Shot by Israeli Soldiers While “Calling for Our Basic Right to Live a Decent Life” By Wafa Aludaini, December 07, 2018
Video: Syria Government Forces Campaign against Al Qaeda and ISIS Militants, Evacuations via “Humanitarian Corridors” By South Front, December 07, 2018
Suicide Bombing in Iran’s Chahabar Port: “Blowback” from US-India War against the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)? By Andrew Korybko, December 06, 2018
Video: Netanyahu Kicks Off War on Hezbollah ‘Attack Tunnels’ in Northern Israel By South Front, December 06, 2018
US Senate Resolution Potentially Changes Middle East Dynamics By James M. Dorsey, December 06, 2018
The Anti-BDS Derangement Syndrome By Kurt Nimmo, December 06, 2018
Operation #Northern Shield: Countdown to Another Israel-Hezbollah War? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, December 06, 2018
Hand Gestures or Human Lives? Russia, Saudi Arabia and the United States By Caleb Maupin, December 06, 2018
On the Way to A Libyan Settlement? Khalifa Haftar and Fayez M. Al-Sarraj “Closed Meeting” on “The Sidelines” By Firas Samuri, December 05, 2018
Iran: A Rumor of War. Such an Attack would be a “Leap into Darkness” By Dispatches from the Edge, December 05, 2018
When America’s Media Contradicts America’s President By Eric Zuesse, December 05, 2018
Israel Expropriates Almost 70 Acres of Catholic Church Property By Middle East Monitor, December 05, 2018
“New Scramble for Africa”: The UAE Will Help India “Multi-Align” Against China in Africa By Andrew Korybko, December 05, 2018
The Film the Israel Lobby Does Not Want You to See By Chris Hedges, December 05, 2018
Video: Syrian Army Eliminate ISIS Terrorists in Al-Suwayda Province. US-controlled Zone of Al-Tanf Used by ISIS Terrorists as a Safe Haven By South Front, December 05, 2018
The Saudi Dilemma: To Cut or Not to Cut Production By Irina Slav, December 05, 2018
America and Britain Complicit in Saudi Acts of Genocide in Yemen: 85,000 Children Dead, 14 Million at “Risk of Starvation” By Dr. Leon Tressell, December 04, 2018
Video: Syrian Military Deploys Troops, Battle Tanks Near Idlib By South Front, December 04, 2018
“Bibi – The Turbulent Life and Times of Benjamin Netanyahu” By Jim Miles, December 04, 2018
Israel’s New War of Attrition on Jerusalem’s Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, December 04, 2018
Controlling the Israel Message: How to Manage the American Sheeple By Philip Giraldi, December 04, 2018
Qatar: We’re Quitting OPEC in 2019 By Middle East Eye, December 04, 2018
Video: Hezbollah Warns Israel: ‘If You Dare Attack, You Will Regret it’ By Sayed Hasan, December 03, 2018
Royal Road Ahead: Saudi Crown Prince Leaves G-20 Confident, Turning Corner After Khashoggi Scandal By James M. Dorsey, December 03, 2018
The Bottomless Dishonesty of CNN on Palestine and Marc Lamont Hill Firing By Prof. Juan Cole, December 02, 2018
The UN General Assembly Adopts Six Resolutions in Favor of Palestine By The Palestinian Information Center, December 01, 2018
India-Saudi Relations: The Modi-MBS “Political Friendship” Is All About Iran By Andrew Korybko, December 01, 2018
Video: 15,000 Al-Qaeda-linked Terrorists Remain in Idlib Province By South Front, December 01, 2018
Gülen and Erdogan’s Islamic Rivalry and Its Consequences By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir and Arbana Xharra, December 01, 2018
The Long, Brutal U.S. War on Children in the Middle East By Kathy Kelly, December 01, 2018
Here We Go Again: US Accuses Iran of Hiding Chemical Weapons By True Publica, December 01, 2018
Libya: Ten Things About Gaddafi They Don’t Want You to Know By Global Research News, November 30, 2018
US “Destabilizes” and Destroys Iraq for Decades, US Congress Now Has A Plan for “Stabilization” and “More US Intervention” By Adam Dick, November 30, 2018
Media Ignore Largest Foreign Military Aid Package in US History …. To Israel By Alison Weir, November 30, 2018
Building Global Palestine Solidarity By Junaid S. Ahmad, November 30, 2018
US-Saudi Ties: Drenched in Blood, Oil and Deceit By Joyce Chediac, November 30, 2018
Children – Civilization’s Future, Victims of Western Brutality By Peter Koenig, November 30, 2018
Video: Syrian Forces Eliminate Unidentified Aerial Objects Near Damascus. Israel Denies Reports on Its Warplane Shootdown By South Front, November 30, 2018
Syria: Alleged Chemical Attack Elicits 180 Degree Response from West. Twisted Media Coverage By Tony Cartalucci, November 29, 2018
Senate Advances Proposal to End US Support for Saudi Arabia in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, November 29, 2018
Crisis in the Sea of Azov, Confronting Russia, “Dangerous Madness… The Risk of War is Real By Andre Vltchek and Alessandro Bianchi, November 29, 2018
Saudi Diplomatic Offensive Seeks to Put Khashoggi Behind It and Thwart Qatar By James M. Dorsey, November 29, 2018
Syria Poison Gas: The French Connection? By Steven Sahiounie, November 29, 2018
Israel and the Jihadi Connection By Richard Galustian, November 29, 2018
A Moment of Reckoning for Decentralisation in Morocco. Entrenched Rural Poverty By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, November 29, 2018
“Secular States, Religious Politics: India, Turkey and the Future of Secularism” By James M. Dorsey, November 29, 2018
Our Man in Riyadh: Abizaid of Arabia By Andrew J. Bacevich, November 29, 2018
Video: US Is Establishing ‘Observation Posts’ on Syrian-Turkish Border By South Front, November 29, 2018
Pushback Against Israel Is Beginning in US Congress By Philip Giraldi, November 29, 2018
Video: ‘Moderate Rebels’ and Western Media Speculate that “Assad was Guilty” of Chemical Attack in Aleppo By South Front, November 28, 2018
Trump Blocks CIA Chief Haspel From Testifying About Khashoggi’s Murder By Stephen Lendman, November 28, 2018
A Big Step for a Greater Israel. Trump’s New Position on Syria’s Golan Heights By Eric Margolis, November 27, 2018
How Saudi Arabia Is Trying to Erase Yemen’s History By Ghada Karmi, November 27, 2018
U.S. Foreign Policy Has No Policy By Philip Giraldi, November 27, 2018
Russia-Turkey Relations and the Kremlin’s “Kurdish Card” By Marcus Papadopoulos, November 27, 2018