Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Death of Free Speech: Criticizing Israel Will Land You in Prison By Kurt Nimmo, April 18, 2019
Why Isn’t Oil-Rich Russia Helping Its Syrian “Ally” Survive the Fuel Crisis? By Andrew Korybko, April 17, 2019
The Israeli “Deal of the Century” Won’t Go Through: Extremism Dominates the Knesset, Splits within the Palestinian Leadership By Elijah J. Magnier, April 17, 2019
Trump Vetoes ‘Dangerous’ Resolution to End US Military Involvement in Yemen By Middle East Eye, April 17, 2019
A Cathedral and a Mosque Engulfed in Fire; One Ravages the Past, the Other Threatens the Future By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, April 17, 2019
Annexation of West Bank May Provide Key to Unlocking Netanyahu’s Legal Troubles By Jonathan Cook, April 17, 2019
Permissible Influences: Israel and the Australian Elections By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 17, 2019
Video: Haftar Forces Stalled South of Tripoli. GNA Fighters Shot Down LNA Warplane By South Front, April 17, 2019
The Iranian Revolutionary Guard and the Qods Force By Dr. Dennis M. Nilsen, April 16, 2019
Libya and the Scramble for Africa By Christopher Black, April 16, 2019
political sanctions
Trump Dances to Israel’s Tune By Philip Giraldi, April 16, 2019
No, Assad Didn’t “Win” the War, He Was Compelled by Putin to “Compromise” By Andrew Korybko, April 16, 2019
Video: Israel Strikes ‘Iranian Targets’ in Homs. Only Syrian Missile Launcher Found to be Destroyed By South Front, April 15, 2019
America Just Declared War on Iran and Nobody Blinked By Scott Ritter, April 15, 2019
Trump Warns ICC Against Followup on American and Israeli War Crimes By IMEMC, April 15, 2019
Video: Collateral Murder in Iraq Released by Wikileaks By Wikileaks, April 14, 2019
Trump and “America Last” Policy in the Middle East By Nabi Sonboli, April 14, 2019
Iran Allies in the Middle East: The Trigger Finger Is Ready in Case of US-Israeli War By Elijah J. Magnier, April 14, 2019
The WikiLeaks 2010 Release: U.S. Complicity and Cover-Up of Iraq Torture Exposed By Tom Burghardt, April 14, 2019
UK Government Defends Arming Saudi Arabia: Secret Court Hearing. Are British Forces in Yemen? By Phil Miller, April 12, 2019
Video: Turkey Aims to Seize Tell Rifaat after Russian Forces Withdrawal By South Front, April 12, 2019
Libya Is Our Regime Change Nightmare By Daniel Larison, April 12, 2019
“Putinyahu’s Rusrael”: The Putin-Netanyahu Relationship, A Deep Personal Bond? By Andrew Korybko, April 12, 2019
Video: Libyan National Army Shoots Down GNA Warplane amid Further Advances South of Tripoli By South Front, April 12, 2019
British Bombs Are Being Dropped from Saudi Jets onto Yemeni Schools, Mosques and Hospitals, Court Hears By Phil Miller, April 11, 2019
Egypt Withdraws from Trump’s ‘Arab NATO’ Group By Almasdar News, April 11, 2019
The Consequences of the Sudanese Coup By Andrew Korybko, April 11, 2019
Who Is Killing Whom in the Middle East? Blaming Iran Might be an Excuse for War By Philip Giraldi, April 11, 2019
Iran Is Preparing to Link Tehran to the Mediterranean via a New Highway By Almasdar News, April 11, 2019
“The Greece Israel Cyprus Axis” (GRISCY): The US Key to Containing Multipolarity in the Eastern Mediterranean? By Andrew Korybko, April 10, 2019
Video: A New Battle for Tripoli: Haftar’s Blitzkrieg Is Turning into a Prolonged Siege By South Front, April 10, 2019
Dead Heat in Farcical Israeli Elections By Stephen Lendman, April 10, 2019
Russian IL-20
Middle East Activism and Double Standards towards Russia By Andrew Korybko, April 10, 2019
Battlefield Libya: Fruits of US-NATO Regime Change By Tony Cartalucci, April 10, 2019
Western Spies Among the Jihadis in Idlib: Planning A New Drama? A Chemical Attack? By Steven Sahiounie, April 10, 2019
Video: US and Israel Prepare for Coordinated Campaign Against Iranian Forces in Syria By South Front, April 10, 2019
Terrorist Designations: Trump and Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, April 10, 2019
The Fall of Baghdad 16 Years Ago By Eresh Omar Jamal, April 10, 2019
Sudan’s “Deep State” Divisions Could Spell the End of President Bashir’s Rule By Andrew Korybko, April 10, 2019
Video: A New Battle for Tripoli: Preconditions and Prospects By South Front, April 09, 2019
Court of Appeal to Consider UK Arms Exports to Saudi Arabia By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, April 09, 2019
Even Saudi Arabia Threatens to Ditch Dollar for Oil Trade over US Bullying Policies By Telesur, April 09, 2019
Endless War and Chaos in Libya By Stephen Lendman, April 08, 2019
The US’ Plans to Designate the Iran Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) as “Terrorists” Aren’t Just for Show By Andrew Korybko, April 08, 2019
Libya: There’s a Reason Why the West Is Portraying Haftar as a “Russian-Backed” Bogeyman By Andrew Korybko, April 08, 2019
The Last Battle for Libya By Richard Galustian, April 08, 2019
There’s Something Rotten in Virginia: Israel Is a Malignant Force in Local Politics By Philip Giraldi, April 08, 2019
The World Watches as Netanyahu First Annexes Jerusalem, then the Golan, Now the Occupied Territories By Hans Stehling, April 08, 2019
Why Designating the Iranian Rev. Guards Terrorists Would Paint a Big Red Target on US Troops in Iraq By Prof. Juan Cole, April 08, 2019
Trump’s Neocons See Erdogan as Their Ticket to a Region-Wide Middle East War By Mike Whitney, April 08, 2019
This Israeli Election Is Between the Right Wing and the Even More Right Wing By Jonathan Cook, April 08, 2019
Mohammad bin Salman
Revealed: The Full Extent of US Arms Deals with Saudi Arabia and UAE By Frank Andrews, April 07, 2019
Why Israel Is Seen on Campus, in Both Europe and the US, as Treating the United Nations with Total Contempt By Hans Stehling, April 06, 2019
Video: Russian Jets Pound Idlib Terrorists, Kurdish Rebels Attack Turkish Proxies By South Front, April 05, 2019
Saudis Threaten to Ditch Petrodollar as “Nuclear Option” to Block NOPEC Bill By Zero Hedge, April 05, 2019
Video: Israeli Air Strikes on Syria: Weapons, Effects, Consequences By South Front, April 05, 2019
Trump Administration Demands that Turkey Cancel Purchase of Russian S-400 Air Defense Missiles By Stephen Lendman, April 05, 2019
The Veto: Documentary Film Exposing Western Media Propaganda War Against Syria By Vanessa Beeley, April 05, 2019
Video: Syrian Military Sends Reinforcements to Fight ISIS in Central Desert By South Front, April 04, 2019
Syria Will Not Liberate the Occupied Golan for Decades to Come By Elijah J. Magnier, April 04, 2019
Committee: Israel Testing Medicines on Palestinian Prisoners By Middle East Monitor, April 04, 2019
Pro-Israeli Power Rolls over Washington By Philip Giraldi, April 03, 2019
Like Libya and Syria, Venezuela Is Not “Just About Oil” By Andre Vltchek, April 03, 2019
Electoral Dirty Tricks in Israel. Fake Social Media Promoting Likud and PM Netanyahu By Stephen Lendman, April 02, 2019
Will the UK Continue to Launch Strikes Against ISIS in Syria? By Chris Cole, April 02, 2019
Video: US Says Syrian Army Must Withdraw from Golan Heights’ Contact Line By South Front, April 02, 2019
‘I Love Israel’: Bolsonaro Nudged by Netanyahu to Recognize Embassy Move During Visit By Julia Kassem, April 02, 2019
Global Arms Trade: USA Increases Dominance; Arms Flows to the Middle East Surge, Says SIPRI By SIPRI, April 02, 2019
The Palestinian Political Scene is in a State of Paralysis: “The People Reject Normalization with Israel” By Abdel Bari Atwan and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, April 01, 2019
Syria: Suspected Al-Qaeda Chemical Attack in Northern Hama and Al Skeilbiyyeh Bells Ring in Defiance By Vanessa Beeley, April 01, 2019
Hawks Clamoring to Attack Iran By Dr. Emile Nakhleh, April 01, 2019
Al Qaeda Affiliated Armed Factions May Resort to Chemical Attacks in Syria’s Idlib, Russia Warns By Ahmad Al Khaled, April 01, 2019
Israeli Violence Against Peaceful Palestinian Demonstrators By Stephen Lendman, April 01, 2019
Trump’s Golan Move Is Inconsistent with International Law. Virginian State Senator Richard H. Black By Richard H. Black and The Syria Times, April 01, 2019
Bolsonaro to Netanyahu at Start of 4-Day Tour: ‘I Love Israel’ By Telesur, April 01, 2019
Video: Hunger Games: Four Years of Saudi/US Aggression in Yemen By Daniel McAdams, April 01, 2019
Israeli Accountability Begins Now By Philip Giraldi, April 01, 2019
The New Arab OTAN – Serving Who? By Margherita Furlan, April 01, 2019
Health Ministry: “Army Killed 266 Palestinians in One Year” By IMEMC, April 01, 2019
Lawyers Worldwide Urge International Court: Investigate Israeli Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 01, 2019