Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Pentagon Claims US Authority to Shoot Any Syrian Govt Official Who Tries to Take Control of Syrian Oil By Andrea Germanos, November 11, 2019
Lebanon and Iraq Protesters, the US, Israel and Saudi Arabia Are Fed Up with Iran By Elijah J. Magnier, November 11, 2019
Former British Ambassador to Syria: UK Complicit in Trump’s Syria Oil Grab By Peter Ford, November 11, 2019
Three Deep State Confessions on Syria By Brad Hoff, November 11, 2019
Syria, Oil, and the Exceptional, Indispensable Kleptocrats By Kurt Nimmo, November 10, 2019
Video: Russia Captured Advanced Israeli Interceptor Missile By South Front, November 10, 2019
Iraqi Protestors: They Demand Basic Services and an End to Corruption By Steven Sahiounie, November 10, 2019
Syria, War Propaganda and the “White Helmets” By Mark Taliano, November 10, 2019
Geneva Is Key to Syria’s Recovery By Steven Sahiounie, November 09, 2019
The War on Syria was Pre-Planned. ISIS Was Financed by the US and its Allies By Mark Taliano, November 09, 2019
Video: Russia Setting Up Military Bases Across Northeastern Syria. To Undermine US Mission to Appropriate Syria’s Oil? By South Front, November 09, 2019
Syria: Where Have All the “Professional” Journalists Gone? By Janice Kortkamp, November 08, 2019
Israel’s Supreme Court — Upholding “Targeted Assassinations” and Torture By Stephen Lendman, November 08, 2019
Syria: “U.S. Get Out!” By UNACpeace.org, November 08, 2019
Time Is Running Out to Salvage the Iran Nuclear Deal By Sarah Abed, November 08, 2019
Nuclear Outlaw Israel Slams Iran’s Legitimate Uranium Enrichment By Stephen Lendman, November 07, 2019
Protecting the Oil Fields: Syria Army Deployments on the Northeastern Borders with Turkey By Arabi Souri, November 07, 2019
US Constructing Two New Bases In Syria’s Oil-Rich Region: Report By Zero Hedge, November 07, 2019
Turkish Forces Loot Electric Power Transformers in Northeastern Syria By Arabi Souri, November 06, 2019
Over 100 Missiles against Syria: US, UK and France Committed an International War Crime Against Syria on 14 April 2018 By Eric Zuesse, November 06, 2019
Listen to the Lebanese People By James J. Zogby, November 06, 2019
The Dark Side of Our Drone Future By James Rogers, November 06, 2019
Syria: OPCW Whistleblowers Confirm What We Already Knew. The OPCW Suppressed Evidence Regarding alleged Chemical Weapons Attack By Tony Cartalucci, November 06, 2019
Iran Nuclear Deal and the Attack on Abqaiq Oil Facility By Nauman Sadiq, November 06, 2019
PLO Demands UK Apology for Balfour Declaration By Middle East Monitor, November 05, 2019
Malaysian PM Dr. Mahathir: No Country Can Impose Sanctions on Other Countries By Press TV, November 05, 2019
Our Kurdish Hero…the Terrorist? By Scott Ritter, November 05, 2019
“Robbing” Syria’s Oil to Thwart Syria’s Recovery By Salman Rafi Sheikh, November 05, 2019
Video: Syrian Army Prepares for Advance in Northern Lattakia By South Front, November 05, 2019
US Sponsored Chaos: Iraqi Security Foil a Terrorist Attack Against Baghdad Protesters By Arabi Souri, November 05, 2019
Syrian Army Defends Civilians from Sectarian Terrorist Threat in Northeast By Steven Sahiounie, November 05, 2019
We Are All Palestinians By Philip Giraldi, November 05, 2019
Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) Exacts Revenge on Turkey for Selling Al-Baghdadi Out By Nauman Sadiq, November 04, 2019
Erdogan Terrorists on Terror Frenzy in Tal Abiad and Aleppo City By Arabi Souri, November 04, 2019
Walking Through Aleppo: “Why Did Your Government Do This”. I Don’t Want to Hear You Say, “I’m Sorry.” By Greta Berlin, November 04, 2019
Video: President Assad: “Trump is the Best American President … Because He is the Most Transparent” By DR Bachar al-Assad, November 04, 2019
US Blames Palestinians for Israeli State Terror Against Them By Stephen Lendman, November 04, 2019
Five Years On, Saudi Attacks on Yemen’s Farmers Are Pushing the Whole Country into Famine By Ahmed AbdulKareem, November 04, 2019
The Killing of Baghdadi: Syrians Recall Terrifying Night of US Raid By Mustafa Dahnon, November 04, 2019
The Missing Pieces of the Al-Baghdadi Execution Puzzle By Nauman Sadiq, November 04, 2019
How Does Controlling Syria’s Oil Serve Washington’s Strategic Objectives? By Nauman Sadiq, November 04, 2019
The Real US Mission in Syria By Stephen Lendman, November 03, 2019
Video: Syrian Oil and US Troop Withdrawal, Explained By South Front, November 03, 2019
President Assad of Syria Tells the Truth regarding ISIS-Al Baghdadi, for All Who Care to Listen By Mark Taliano, November 03, 2019
The White House Plan to Strangle Iran. Trump’s Flip Flop Foreign Policy By Philip Giraldi, November 03, 2019
Washington’s Belated Armenian Genocide Recognition Is Politically Motivated By Paul Antonopoulos, November 02, 2019
No Ceasefire/Ceasefire in Northern Syria. The Pentagon Will Use Overwhelming Force to Maintain US Control over Syrian Oil By Stephen Lendman, November 01, 2019
“The Caliph”, a CIA Blockbuster Between Fiction and Reality By Manlio Dinucci, November 01, 2019
The Baghdadi Scam By Margaret Kimberley, November 01, 2019
Trump’s Plan to Pillage Syrian Oil, Blatant Violation of International Law By Sarah Abed, November 01, 2019
Video: Turkish Forces Advance Further South of Ras Al-ayn By South Front, November 01, 2019
Trump Slides an American Foot in the Door in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, November 01, 2019
Trump Is Not the First, and Will Not be the Last, US Politician to Exploit, then Drop the Kurds By Michael Jansen, November 01, 2019
Rebuilding Syria – Without Syria’s Oil By Pepe Escobar, November 01, 2019
Who Is the Unknown Jihadist Named as Islamic State’s New Caliph? By Nauman Sadiq, November 01, 2019
250K Yemenis at Brink of Death from Hunger By Daily Sabah, November 01, 2019
Lebanon’s “Revolution” Is Without Revolutionary Ideology By Dr. Ali Kadri, October 31, 2019
Syrian Woman to Ivanka: “How Shameless, You Are Proud Your Father Murders Us” By Miri Wood, October 31, 2019
Is There a Color Revolution in the Making in Lebanon? By Sonja van den Ende, October 31, 2019
“Debt Forgiveness” and The Rosetta Stone – What Does It Say? By Bryant Brown, October 31, 2019
Yemen Runs Out of Fuel and Last Hospitals Close By Randi Nord, October 31, 2019
Video: Turkish-backed Forces Shell Russian Military Police in Northeastern Syria. US Says “We are not Going to Abandon (Our) Oil Fields” By South Front, October 31, 2019
Who is Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi? From Al-Zarqawi to Al-Bagdahdi: “The Islamic State” is a CIA-Mossad-MI6 “Intelligence Asset” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 31, 2019
Video: Kurdish SDF Withdraw, Syrian Army Reinforces Positions on Turkish Border, US Forces Remain in Eastern Bank of Euphrates By South Front, October 30, 2019
‘Attention Must be Paid’ to the Sufferings of the Palestinian People By James J. Zogby, October 30, 2019
Who Was the “Bigger Terrorist”: Al-Baghdadi or Osama Bin Laden? By Nauman Sadiq, October 30, 2019
“We’re Keeping the Oil” says Trump: Military Conflict Between Russia and the US Looms in Northeast Syria By Steven Sahiounie, October 30, 2019
Beirut Is Burning: Rebellion Against the Elites Has Commenced By Andre Vltchek, October 30, 2019
Fake Narratives as Cover for High Crimes. The Al Baghdadi ISIS-Daesh “Fairytale” By Mark Taliano, October 30, 2019
Iranians Struggling to Access Medical Treatment Under Weight of US Sanctions: Report By Umar A Farooq, October 30, 2019
Trump’s Phony Pretext to “Protect” Syria against ISIS: US Occupation and Plunder of Syrian Oil Prevails By Stephen Lendman, October 30, 2019
War on Syria
Syria: The Launch of a Constitutional Committee – A Sign of Hope for Syrian People By Peter Koenig and Press TV, October 30, 2019
UAE Steals Endangered Trees from Yemen’s Socotra By Middle East Monitor, October 30, 2019
Secret Document Reveals Plans for Civil War in Lebanon, Israeli False Flags, and Invasion By Randi Nord, October 30, 2019
Yemen and The Militarization of Strategic Waterways By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, October 30, 2019
Endless Occupation and Plunder of Syria: U.S. Terrorism in the Name of “Going After the Terrorists” By Stephen Lendman, October 29, 2019
Camp Bucca, Abu Ghraib and the Rise of Extremism in Iraq By Kathy Kelly, October 29, 2019
Trump Flip-Flops on Syria Withdrawal. Again. By Rep. Ron Paul, October 29, 2019
Israel’s New Moves to Airbrush the Occupation By Jonathan Cook, October 29, 2019
Trump’s “Mission Accomplished”: US Forces Kill “Terror Mastermind” Al-Baghdadi? PR Success For POTUS By South Front, October 29, 2019