Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Turkey Sends Reinforcements to Protect ISIS-Daesh in Idlib, Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 12, 2020
War or Peace: Turkish backed Terrorists, Erdogan’s Decision on Idlib By Steven Sahiounie, February 12, 2020
The Moroccan Atlas Mountains: Where Tradition Meets Climate Change By Nicolas Pantelick, February 12, 2020
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa Slams Donald Trump’s Israel Plan as Apartheid By BDS South Africa, February 12, 2020
The Russia-India Oil Deal Is an ‘Unpleasant Surprise’ for Iran, Not the US By Andrew Korybko, February 12, 2020
Israeli Blocking of Palestinian Exports to Jordan Shows Reality of Apartheid that the Kushner Plan Would Only Cement By Prof. Juan Cole, February 12, 2020
Angry and Vindicated By James J. Zogby, February 12, 2020
The Mideast’s Place in Russia’s Greater Eurasian Partnership By Andrew Korybko, February 11, 2020
Democrats Ignore Trump’s Real Violations By Rep. Ron Paul, February 11, 2020
Video: The Battle for Idlib is Ongoing. Turkish Forces to the Rescue of “Peaceful Al Qaeda Militants” By South Front, February 11, 2020
Hollywood and Syria: The Uses of Enchantment in Crimes Against Peace By Miri Wood, February 11, 2020
The Siren Call of a ‘System Leader’ By Pepe Escobar, February 11, 2020
‘Bombshell’: Iraqi Officials Say ISIS —Not Iran— Likely Behind Rocket Attack Trump Used to Justify Soleimani Assassination By Jake Johnson, February 10, 2020
It’s No Big Deal that There Are Some Limits to Russia-Israel “Cooperation” in Syria By Andrew Korybko, February 10, 2020
In Oman the Old Monarch Passed Away, but the New One Will Guarantee Continuity By Andre Vltchek, February 10, 2020
‘Low Point in US Politics’ as Pence Shares ‘Crazy Conspiracy Theory’ About Iran, that Soleimani was Behind the 9/11 Attacks. By Middle East Monitor, February 10, 2020
Gas Wars in the Mediterranean By Mike Whitney, February 10, 2020
The United States: A “Destroyer Of Nations” By Daniel Kovalik, February 09, 2020
South Africa’s Government’s Firm Stance against “Israeli Apartheid” By BDS South Africa, February 09, 2020
NATO Allies Hold Emergency UN Security Council Meeting to “Save Al-Qaeda” in Idlib By Miri Wood, February 09, 2020
UK Foreign Secretary Condemns Any Forced Annexation of the West Bank but Home Secretary Said to Approve of Such Illegal Land Grab By Hans Stehling, February 09, 2020
Expansion of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). Tehran Wants to Build “the Golden Ring” By Andrew Korybko, February 07, 2020
Break-up of Astana Partnership Was Inevitable. The Turkey-Russia Relation in Jeopardy? By Michael Jansen, February 07, 2020
Video: “The Deal of the Century”, Palestine and International Law: UN Special Rapporteur Michael Lynk By Michael Lynk and Michael Welch, February 07, 2020
CBP Lied About Iranian-American Detentions, Leaked Memo Suggests By Scarlet Kim and Hugh Handeyside, February 07, 2020
Iraq Is on the Brink of an Energy Crisis By Simon Watkins, February 07, 2020
Syria and Turkey Face War as Syrian Arab Army Poised to Take Idlib By Steven Sahiounie, February 07, 2020
Canada, Palestine and the ‘Deal of the Century’: Four Statements By Canada Palestine Association, Independent Jewish Voices, CJPME, and Canada Talks Israel Palestine, February 07, 2020
China, Iran and North Korea Are Almost Encircled by 500 US Military Bases By Shane Quinn, February 07, 2020
Syrian Army’s Offensive in Idlib Deepens Rift Between Russia and Turkey By Paul Antonopoulos, February 06, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Advance in Idlib Province. Netanyahu and Erdogan to the Rescue of Al Qaeda By South Front, February 06, 2020
The ‘Deal of the Century’: Revealed and Reviled By Hasan Abu Nimah, February 06, 2020
Campaign Against Arms Trade (CAAT) Lawyers Question Legality of Saudi Arms Ship Due to Dock in UK By CAAT - Campaign Against Arms Trade, February 06, 2020
Draft UN Resolution Condemns Trump Middle East ‘Peace’ Plan By Telesur, February 06, 2020
Trump and Balfour Compared By James J. Zogby, February 05, 2020
Duh, Jared! So Who Built the PA as a ‘Police State’? By Jonathan Cook, February 05, 2020
EU Rejects Trump Middle East Peace Plan, Annexation By Telesur, February 05, 2020
US Policy Vs. Iran: Apex Desperation By Tony Cartalucci, February 05, 2020
Video: Human Shields: Turkish Forces Suffer Casualties in Syrian Army Attack on Idlib By South Front, February 04, 2020
political sanctions
Trump Green Lights Greater Israel By Philip Giraldi, February 04, 2020
The Shame of the Century: Kushner’s Deal Is Dead on Arrival By Steven Sahiounie, February 04, 2020
Trump’s “Deal of the Century”: Turning West Bank “Cantons” into Mini Gaza Extermination Zones? By Karin Brothers, February 04, 2020
The Future of Palestine: Trump Attempting to Consolidate the Balfour Declaration By Askiah Adam, February 04, 2020
The Syrian Arab Army and Allies are Fighting the “Real War on Terror” By Vanessa Beeley, February 04, 2020
New Zealand’s Hidden Role at the Biggest US Bombing Base in the Middle East By Darius Shahtahmasebi, February 04, 2020
The Holocaust, the BBC and Antisemitism Smears By Jonathan Cook, February 04, 2020
Palestine – “Deal of the Century” – or Fraud of the Century? By Peter Koenig, February 04, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Offensive in Greater Idlib By South Front, February 03, 2020
The U.S. War on Iran and Venezuela: Interview with Ajamu Baraka By Ajamu Baraka and The Organizer, February 03, 2020
Libya and the Modern Colonial Legacy of the Berlin Conference By Abayomi Azikiwe, February 03, 2020
“Deal of the Century” Greenlights Israeli Annexation, Apartheid, and Subjugation of Palestinians By Sarah Abed, February 03, 2020
Do Not be Indifferent to the Proposed Rape of Palestine by the Trump-Netanyahu Family! By Hans Stehling, February 03, 2020
These Chains Will be Broken – Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons By Jim Miles, February 03, 2020
Video: Turkey’s Madman Erdogan Sends NATO Troops to Defend al-Qaeda Terrorists in Idlib By Arabi Souri, February 03, 2020
Imperialism and Liberation Strategies in the Middle East By Pal Steigan, February 03, 2020
UN Assembly
UN Rejects Trump’s Annexation Scheme? By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2020
How Iran Decided to Bomb US Bases and How Trump Avoided All Out War By Elijah J. Magnier, February 03, 2020
US Deploys “Usable” Nuclear Weapon Amid Continuing War Threats Against Iran By Bill Van Auken, February 03, 2020
Massive Rejection of Trump’s Plan in Palestine, Jordan, Yemen By Telesur, February 03, 2020
Palestine: Legally Overriding a UN Security Council Veto. In Response to Trump’s Annexation Scheme By Stephen Lendman, February 03, 2020
Trump’s “peace deal” for Israel, and it is breathtaking By Craig Murray, February 03, 2020
Palestinians Have Only One Option Left: Stay and Fight By David Hearst, February 02, 2020
Maneuvering Hell for Our Advantage By Robert C. Koehler, February 01, 2020
Trump’s Annexation Scheme: A Stake in the Heart of the Moribund Two-State Solution and Peace By Stephen Lendman, January 31, 2020
US Announces Three New Military Bases in Iraq After Iraqis Demand Full Withdrawal By Alan MacLeod, January 31, 2020
More Fallout from Trump’s Annexation Scheme of the Century By Stephen Lendman, January 31, 2020
Trump and Putin Made this the Best Week Ever for Netanyahu By Andrew Korybko, January 31, 2020
Gaza Is Already Unliveable: Help the Freedom Flotilla Sail Against the Inhuman Blockade of Gaza By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, January 31, 2020
The Deliberate Destruction of Gaza’s Agriculture: Severe Damage to Crops Following Aerial Herbicide Spraying by Israel By Gisha, January 31, 2020
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
Erdogan’s Outburst Against Russia Reveals Frustration By Paul Antonopoulos, January 31, 2020
Video: Syria Army Advance on Saraqib. Liberated Areas held by Al Qaeda (Hayat Tahir al Sham) By South Front, January 30, 2020
Book Review By Gideon Polya, January 30, 2020
Video: Syria Army Develops Momentum in Idlib and Aleppo. Turkish Military Convoy Enters Syria By South Front, January 30, 2020
Trump’s Skewed Vision Gives Israel Everything It Wants By Michael Jansen, January 30, 2020
JCPOA Nuclear Agreement Collapsing Due to Western Bad Faith By Padraig McGrath, January 30, 2020
How Not to Fight Antisemitism By Independent Jewish Voices, January 30, 2020
Russian Delegation Reminds US that Occupied Golan Heights Is Syrian Territory By Almasdar News, January 30, 2020
US Sanctions Bar Iran from Accessing $5B Energy Export Revenue By Tsvetana Paraskova, January 30, 2020
Netanyahu Formally Indicted By Stephen Lendman, January 30, 2020
Trump Regime’s Annexation Scheme of the Century Unveiled By Stephen Lendman, January 30, 2020