Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
‘Ordinary’ Israelis Don’t Perceive Themselves as Ordinary People By Rima Najjar, June 28, 2020
US Middle East Wars Far from Over By Tony Cartalucci, June 28, 2020
Video: Idlib Militants Use Battle Tanks to Kill Each Other Under Turkish Nose By South Front, June 28, 2020
Why Iran Won’t be Broken By Pepe Escobar, June 28, 2020
Stop Treating Israel as a State Above the Law and End Annexation By Saeb Erekat, June 26, 2020
Iran Sets Conditions to Resume Negotiations with the US By Telesur, June 26, 2020
MSM “Fake News” Against Syria. Describe Al Qaeda as “Rebels”, Elected President as “Dictator” By Steven Sahiounie, June 26, 2020
Video: Clashes Rage Between Hayat Tahrir Al-Sham and Other Al-Qaeda Groups in Idlib By South Front, June 26, 2020
The US “Soft War” on Iran and Its Allies Turns Against Washington By Elijah J. Magnier, June 25, 2020
UN Secretary General Urges ‘Israel’ to Cancel the Annexation of the West Bank By QudsN, June 25, 2020
UN Security Council Members Slam Illegal Israeli Annexation Scheme By Stephen Lendman, June 25, 2020
US Sends Powerful Message to Iran, Venezuela as Warship Sails Near Caracas By Almasdar News, June 25, 2020
Video: Infighting Among Idlib Al Qaeda Radicals Resumes with Renewed Energy By South Front, June 25, 2020
“Greater Israel” in the Making: Netanyahu Regime’s Illegal Annexation Scheme Nears Implementation By Stephen Lendman, June 24, 2020
Video: “Militants” Launch Massive Drone Attack on Russian Airbase in Syria By South Front, June 24, 2020
Is the JCPOA Nuclear Deal Doomed? By Stephen Lendman, June 23, 2020
Israeli Bulldozers Continue to Demolish Palestinian Homes in Jerusalem and Occupied West Bank By Ahmed Al-Burai, June 23, 2020
Israel Leverages Dubious ‘Nuclear Archives’ to Re-enlist IAEA in Campaign Against Iran By Gareth Porter, June 23, 2020
Chokehold on Diplomat Exposes Israel’s Special Type of Apartheid By Jonathan Cook, June 23, 2020
Ethiopia’s Disinterest in Dam Negotiations Can Ignite War with Egypt By Paul Antonopoulos, June 23, 2020
Anti-Palestinian and Anti-Arab Racism: When Will Racism Become the Defining Experience of Israel’s Founding? By Rima Najjar, June 22, 2020
Economic Terrorism: U.S. “Caesar” Act Tries to Suffocate 17 Million Syrians By Rick Sterling, June 22, 2020
US Economic Embargo​​​​​​​ on Syria Is ‘Crime Against Humanity’ By Mark Taliano and Press TV, June 22, 2020
“Palestinians are Also in A Historic Moment”: When Will the Statue of Theodor Herzl Fall? By Adriaan Alsema, June 21, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Repels Large ISIS Attack Near Ithriyah By South Front, June 21, 2020
The US Supports New Kurdish Unity to Destabilize the Middle East By Steven Sahiounie, June 20, 2020
Trump vs Biden: Lose/Lose for Palestine By Robert Fantina, June 20, 2020
Video: Idlib Al-Qaeda Promotes Its ‘Successes’ in Fight Against Syrian Army By South Front, June 19, 2020
The US “Caesar’s Law” Sanctions Regime against Syria. How It Will Affect Lebanon: Israel Will be Targeted By Elijah J. Magnier, June 19, 2020
Why Is the US Still Sanctioning Syria? Beijing Pressures Washington By Tony Cartalucci, June 19, 2020
“Main Victim of Caesar Act Is the Syrian Citizen.” Ambassador Bashar Al-Ja’fari By Dr. Bachar al-Jaafari and The Syria Times, June 18, 2020
Lebanon Is Victim of Its Deeply Entrenched Political Elite By Michael Jansen, June 18, 2020
Video: Idlib Militants Attack Turkish-Russian Patrols as Turkey Shifts Focus to Northern Iraq By South Front, June 18, 2020
France’s Call on NATO to Stop Ignoring the “Turkey Problem”. Further Divides the Alliance By Paul Antonopoulos, June 18, 2020
Trump’s Order to Withdraw US Troops from Syria Good-for-Nothing By Mark Taliano and Fars News Agency, June 18, 2020
Video: Russian Surface-to-Air Missile Systems in Syria Shoot Down Militants’ Drones By South Front, June 17, 2020
Towards a Baghdad-Moscow Axis? Russia’s Massive Oil Projects in Iraq By South Front, June 17, 2020
The US’ Planned Imposition of Draconian “Secondary Sanctions” on Syria. Targets Any Entity Doing Business with Syria By Andrew Korybko, June 17, 2020
Here’s Exactly Who’s Profiting from the War on Yemen By Alex Kane, June 17, 2020
US Congress Calls it “Civilian Protection”: Washington Wants 17 Million Syrians Starved Into Submission By Stephen Lendman, June 17, 2020
Israel Increases Secretive Nuclear Stockpile to 90 Warheads: Enough to Blow Up the Planet… By Middle East Eye, June 17, 2020
A Model to Achieve the Model for Development in Morocco By Dr. Yossef Ben-Meir, June 16, 2020
Video: Al-Qaeda Factions Create New Coalition in Idlib By South Front, June 16, 2020
Israel’s Illegal Annexation of Palestine By James J. Zogby, June 16, 2020
From Occupation to ‘Occupy’: The Israelification of American Domestic Security By Max Blumenthal, June 16, 2020
A graffiti of Naji al-Ali's Handala on the West Bank separation wall
If Israel Annexes Part of West Bank, Palestine “Will Declare Statehood on 1967 Borders” By Global Research News, June 15, 2020
America’s Supernational Sovereignty By Philip Giraldi, June 15, 2020
Iranian Missiles Used to Attack Saudi Arabia? By Stephen Lendman, June 15, 2020
US Congress “Caesar’s Law” Directed against Syria: Who Does It Target and How Will It Affect President Assad? By Elijah J. Magnier, June 15, 2020
Minnesota Cops ‘Trained by Israeli Forces in Restraint Techniques’ By Steve Sweeney, June 15, 2020
Keeping the World Safe from Iran’s Legitimate Nuclear Program? By Stephen Lendman, June 14, 2020
Washington Struggles to Manage the Crisis, but Israel Continues to Benefit By Philip Giraldi, June 14, 2020
An Open Letter to the Israeli Government Condemning Annexation By Prof. Kevin Jon Heller, June 12, 2020
Video: Attacks on US Forces and Facilities Continue in Iraq. Washington Rejects Iraqi Parliament Demand for US Troop Withdrawal By South Front, June 12, 2020
The US Admits They Are to Blame for Hunger in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, June 12, 2020
Video: Hearing Is Not Like Seeing: NATO’s Terrorists Burning Syrian Wheat Crops By Arabi Souri, June 12, 2020
Canada’s UN Security Bid Shaken by Canadian Protests on Israel By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, June 12, 2020
Video: Explosion Targets Russian Military Police Patrol in Northern Syria. Who Was Behind It? By South Front, June 11, 2020
Video: Syrian Army Repelled Militant Attack in Southern Idlib. US Air Force C-130 Plane Crashed in Iraq By South Front, June 11, 2020
Don’t Call Me Ishmael; Don’t Call Me Israel — Call Me One Democratic State! By Rima Najjar, June 11, 2020
European Court of Human Rights Deals Major Blow to Israel’s War on Palestine Solidarity By Palestinian BDS National Committee, June 11, 2020
Greek-Italian Maritime Deal Disrupts Turkey’s Endeavour for East Mediterranean Dominance By Paul Antonopoulos, June 11, 2020
Israel and the US Step Up Efforts to Intimidate the Hague War Crimes Court By Jonathan Cook, June 11, 2020
Another Brewing Scandal: Saudi Arms Sales, the Ghost of a Reporter, and America’s Oil War in Yemen By Charlotte Dennett, June 10, 2020
Two Million Arab Lives Don’t Matter By Kurt Nimmo, June 10, 2020
Trump Regime Wants 84 Million Iranians Ill-Nourished and Starved By Stephen Lendman, June 10, 2020
Militarized Police, A Gift from Israel? By Philip Giraldi, June 10, 2020
Video: Egypt Sends Battle Tanks to Libyan Border as Haftar Forces Retreat Under Turkish Strikes By South Front, June 09, 2020
The Six-Day War: The Myth of an Israeli David Versus an Arab Goliath By Miko Peled, June 09, 2020
Palestinian Lives Matter: Huge Jewish-Arab Rally in Tel Aviv Decries Netanyahu’s Plan to Annex 1/3 of West Bank By Prof. Juan Cole, June 09, 2020
America’s Fracking Industry: Donald Trump’s Lost Dream for World Energy Domination By Felix Imonti, June 08, 2020
Syria: Will the Great Middle Eastern War Begin in the Levant? By Elijah J. Magnier, June 08, 2020
Oil Price Wars, Covid-19 Havoc and the Evolving US-China Trade War By John A. Mathews, June 08, 2020
Camouflage: How the Israeli Left Continues to Hoodwink Us with Corrupted Slogans By Rima Najjar, June 08, 2020
The Gaza Strip Under Israeli Military Siege By Dr. Zuhair Sabbagh, June 08, 2020
A Voice Is Heard. The Beautiful Spirit of Human Creation… We are all one Race, all Cousins, Living on a Single Blue Planet By Jim Miles, June 07, 2020
Palestine Is Gone! Gone! راحت فلسطين By Rima Najjar, June 07, 2020
Western Governments Collectively Punishing Syrian Civilians with Criminal Economic Embargoes By Tom Duggan, June 05, 2020
Video: Turkish-led Forces Capture Tripoli Airport and Advance Even Further By South Front, June 05, 2020
Israel Is, Like the US, Prime Target for New Mass Uprising By Michael Jansen, June 05, 2020