Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Iran: The Road to Armageddon? By Felicity Arbuthnot, October 13, 2022
Is the Death of an Innocent Woman Being Exploited to Advance the Goal of Regime Change in Iran? By Elizabeth Sigrún, October 12, 2022
Destroying Europe? Is Washington Behind the OPEC Decision to Cut Petrol Output? Sabotaging the E.U. Economy By Peter Koenig and Press TV, October 11, 2022
OPEC’s Body Blow to Biden Presidency By M. K. Bhadrakumar, October 11, 2022
Is the CIA Supporting Another Color Revolution in Iran—Like the One that Installed the Shah in 1953? By Jeremy Kuzmarov, October 11, 2022
A Movement to Expose Role of Big Tech Companies in Promoting Israeli Occupation and Apartheid By Abdul Rahman, October 10, 2022
US Troops in Dispute with Their Terrorist Mercenaries in Syria By Steven Sahiounie, October 09, 2022
Israeli Report: “The mRNA Experimental Vaccine from Pfizer Killed “About 40 Times More (Elderly) People Than the Disease Itself Would Have Killed” During a Recent Five-week Vaccination Period” By Dr. Paul Elias Alexander, October 07, 2022
OPEC+ Decision to Cut Oil Counteracts Europe’s Idea of Price Cap on Russian Energy By Ahmed Adel, October 07, 2022
US Accuses OPEC+ of Aligning with Russia, Gulf States Deny Politics at Play By Middle East Eye, October 06, 2022
Oil-rich Iraq Should be Flourishing but Is, Instead, Floundering on Edge of Collapse By Michael Jansen, October 06, 2022
Local and National organizations Call Upon the City of Calgary to “Keep CAF Out of Calgary” By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, October 06, 2022
Liz Truss Moving UK Embassy to Jerusalem Would be Disastrous By Avi Shlaim, October 05, 2022
Americans Find Gangsters Suitable to Lead the Country By Eric Zuesse, October 03, 2022
Please Some Straight Talk from the Peace Movement By Philip Giraldi, October 03, 2022
Enforcing Islamic Attire on Women Sparks Protests in Iran By Prof. Akbar E. Torbat, October 01, 2022
Headscarf Protests in Iran Bring Death to Iraq By Steven Sahiounie, October 01, 2022
Breaking: Leaked Video Reveals Serious Side-Effects Related to the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Covered Up by the Israeli MOH By Yaffa Shir-Raz, September 30, 2022
Cholera and US Sanctions Killing Syrian Civilians By Steven Sahiounie, September 28, 2022
Tracking the Flow of Stolen Syrian Oil Into Iraq By The Cradle, September 28, 2022
The Israel Files: WikiLeaks Docs Show Top Hollywood Producers Working with Israel to Defend Its War Crimes By Alan MacLeod, September 27, 2022
Lebanese-Israeli Off-shore Agreement May End the Lebanese Financial Crisis By Steven Sahiounie, September 26, 2022
Defending Palestinian Civil Society. Understanding Canada’s Role By Michael Welch, Michael Lynk, and Bianca Mugyenyi, September 25, 2022
Kiev’s Foiled Attack Against a Russia-Turkey Pipeline By Andrew Korybko, September 24, 2022
US Urges Top UN Court to Dismiss Iran’s Frozen Assets Claim By Middle East Eye, September 23, 2022
With Mounting Evidence of Israeli Responsibility, Canada Must Support an ICC Investigation Into the Killing of Shireen Abu Akleh By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, September 23, 2022
Twilight of the Tigris: Iraq’s Mighty River Drying Up By Aymen Henna, September 22, 2022
Greek Coast Guard Drowns Entire Syrian Family By Steven Sahiounie, September 22, 2022
More Disinformation From Israel. Biden Caves to Jewish Pressure, As Usual. By Philip Giraldi, September 21, 2022
Queen Elizabeth Declined to Visit Israel Due to Its Violation of Human Rights By Hans Stehling, September 19, 2022
Dangerous Crossroads: America’s Plan to Wage Nuclear War against Non-Nuclear States By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, September 18, 2022
Apartheid Israel Requires Palestinians to Report “Romantic Relationships” to Regime By Ben Norton, September 16, 2022
Hollywood’s New Captain America Film that Will Reintroduce Sabra, Marvel’s Israeli Superhero and Mossad Agent By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 16, 2022
ISIS Rises from the Dust in the Syrian Desert. A Surge of Violence and Terror By Ahmad Al Khaled, September 15, 2022
The Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF): Repeal the Iraq War Authorization. Repeal America’s “Forever Wars” By Reid Smith, September 15, 2022
COP27 Climate Summit to be Held in Egypt Amid Evolving Global Crisis: Food Deficits and Famine By Abayomi Azikiwe, September 15, 2022
US “Steals” 88 More Tankers of Syrian Oil: State Media By Telesur, September 14, 2022
Queen Elizabeth II: The Middle East She Knew in 1952 By Alex McDonald, September 11, 2022
Our Invasions By Nathan J. Robinson, September 11, 2022
Engineered Fears: The Fake “Russian Threat”, The Fake “Terrorist Threat” By Mark Taliano, September 09, 2022
U.S. Flies B-52 Bombers Over Middle East in Show of Force By Ivana Saric, September 09, 2022
Syria Is Key to Turkey’s Future, Economically and Politically By Steven Sahiounie, September 08, 2022
Israel Should be Demoted From Full UN Membership By Michael Jansen, September 08, 2022
“Fake Counter-terrorism”: As ISIS Advanced in Syria and Iraq, the US Did Nothing to Stop Them By William Van Wagenen, September 08, 2022
Canada’s Pro-Israel Voting Record at the UN Contradicts Its Own Values and Interests, According to GAC Officials By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, September 08, 2022
Massive Protests in the Streets of Iraq against Endemic Corruption: Interview with Rafid Sadeq By Rafid Sadeq and Steven Sahiounie, September 06, 2022
Liz Truss Premiership and the Middle East: Set to Put Money Over Human Rights and Democracy By Elis Gjevori, September 06, 2022
The Biggest Prison on Earth. The Land of Historic Palestine By Ilan Pappe, September 05, 2022
US Signs Deal to Give Israel Four Refueling Planes Needed to Bomb Iran By Dave DeCamp, September 05, 2022
Washington Says Iranian Response to JCPOA Revival ‘Not Constructive’ By The Cradle, September 02, 2022
When Starvation Is the Only Means Palestinian Prisoners Can Adopt to Challenge Israel By Michael Jansen, September 01, 2022
UK Doubles Money Handed to Saudi Arabia and Bahrain via Secretive ‘Gulf Strategy Fund’ By The New Arab, September 01, 2022
Israel Bombed Aleppo and Damascus Airports in Pursuit of Iranian Plane: Report By The Cradle, September 01, 2022
Baghdad Is in Chaos After Almost 20 Years Since the US Invasion By Steven Sahiounie, August 31, 2022
Macron’s Attempt to Exploit Algerian Gas Unlikely to Succeed By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida, August 31, 2022
Video: Israel’s Ministry of Health’s Cover-up of COVID Measures. Corona Investigative Committee By Corona Investigative Committee, August 31, 2022
Abbas and Israel’s ‘Holocausts’. It’s Germany that Owes the Palestinians an Apology, The 1974 Munich Olympics By Abdel Bari Atwan, August 31, 2022
US Calls for Dialogue in Iraq, Denies Reports It Evacuated Baghdad Embassy By Joseph Haboush, August 30, 2022
President Emmanuel Macron Warns of Cold Winter in Europe. Natural Gas Supplies and France’s Relationship with Algeria By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 30, 2022
Russia, Iran and Azerbaijan Deepen Cooperation to Bypass Western Sanctions By Ahmed Adel, August 30, 2022
Palestine: The Shocking Myth of a ‘Land with No People for a People with No Land!’ By Hans Stehling, August 29, 2022
Weaponization of Water: Turkey Flexes Its Muscles Over Syria and Iraq By Erman Çete, August 29, 2022
Hidden Charms of Oil Swap, The Butterfly Effect : Where JCPOA, Oil Conjoin Stands OPEC+, “Oil Alliance between Saudi Arabia and Russia” By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 29, 2022
US Hints to Israel’s Gantz It’s Preparing Military Option Against Iran By Dave DeCamp, August 29, 2022
Three Major Attacks in Syria in 24 Hours By Steven Sahiounie, August 29, 2022
“Back Door Oil Sales”, Washington is Furious. It Can’t Stop a Prospective Russian-Iranian Oil Swap Deal By Andrew Korybko, August 27, 2022
Every Single Member of Congress Is Willing to Let Yemeni Children Die By David Swanson, August 26, 2022
Islamic Emirate Says the Reported Killing of Zawahiri Is ‘Allegation’ By Imran Danish, August 26, 2022
Erdogan Repairs Syria Ties with Eye on Eurasianism By M. K. Bhadrakumar, August 26, 2022
A Decades Old Israeli Campaign to Disrupt Palestinian Unity By Michael Jansen, August 26, 2022
U.S. Warns Palestinians Against Bid for Full UN Membership By Barak Ravid, August 26, 2022
The Energy Crisis: A Cold Winter Ahead for Europe and Syria By Steven Sahiounie, August 25, 2022
US Ramping Up Drone Strikes in the Middle East and Africa By Drago Bosnic, August 23, 2022
Israel Conquers the World By Philip Giraldi, August 23, 2022
The US Must Compensate Burn Pit Victims in Iraq Too By Carly A. Krakow, August 23, 2022
CIA Admits Role in 1953 Iran Coup By Al Jazeera America, August 23, 2022
Israel Blames Its Victims for the Violence It Causes By Miko Peled, August 23, 2022
“Tell Me, Mother, What does Peace Look Like?” By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel and Ellen Rohlfs, August 22, 2022
Countdown to the New Iranian Nuclear Deal By Steven Sahiounie, August 22, 2022
With Iran Deal Closer Than Ever Israel Presses for War By Mitchell Plitnick, August 22, 2022