Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Intelligence Outfit: Foreign Special Forces Behind Tripoli Showdown By Steve Watson, August 23, 2011
After Libya, Syria is Next in Line for a NATO Sponsored “Regime Change” By Patrick Henningsen, August 23, 2011
VIDEO: Confusing Reports: Rebels Claim they have entered Gadaffi Compund By RT, August 23, 2011
The Libya Media Hoax: Fabricated Scenes of Jubilation and Euphoria on Green Square By Metro Gael, August 23, 2011
BOOTS ON THE GROUND? NATO Prepares “Humanitarian” Occupation Of Libya By Paul Joseph Watson, August 23, 2011
The Truth About the Situation in Libya: Cutting through Government Propaganda and Media Lies By Brian Becker, August 23, 2011
Mahdi Nazemroaya in Tripoli. A Man of Courage, Committed to Truth in Media By Bradley Bouzane, August 22, 2011
UPDATE: August 22, 2011 Extensive NATO Bombings. Street Fighting in Tripoli By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 22, 2011
Video: LATEST REPORT FROM TRIPOLI: NATO’s Mainstream Media: “Killing The Truth” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 22, 2011
VIDEO: ‘Western countries fighting for Libya’s oil fields like piranhas’ By F. William Engdahl, August 22, 2011
VIDEO: CIA, MI6 “Journos” in Tripoli Rixos Hotel Media Centre By Thierry Meyssan, August 22, 2011
VIDEO: Dubious Evidence Israeli Bus Attackers Based in Gaza By Global Research, August 22, 2011
Israel Launches Bloody Reprisals in Egypt and Gaza By Jean Shaoul, August 22, 2011
NATO-Backed Forces Move into Tripoli By Patrick Martin, August 22, 2011
LIVE FROM TRIPOLI. Western Media Complicit in NATO’s “Humanitarian Bloodbath” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 22, 2011
NATO SLAUGHTER IN TRIPOLI: “Operation Mermaid Dawn” Signals Assault by Rebels’ Al Qaeda Death Squads By Thierry Meyssan, August 21, 2011
VIDEO: NATO Attacks in Tripoli Threaten Lives of Journalists By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 21, 2011
BRussells Tribunal Statement: Israel only knows War and Killing: Stand with Palestine and Egypt against Israeli Aggression By Global Research, August 21, 2011
Libya: Swimming against the Tide of NATO’s Media Propaganda By Joost van den Heuvel, August 21, 2011
VIDEO: Rebel Advances on Tripoli is Media Disinformation By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 20, 2011
Former head of Israel’s National Security Council (NSC): “Israel Prepares for War with Egypt in Sinai Desert” By Global Research, August 20, 2011
War Propaganda: Libya and the End of Western Illusions By Thierry Meyssan, August 20, 2011
At least 5 people killed by armed groups across Syria: report By Global Research, August 19, 2011
Explosions shake Libyan capital By Bassam Hatoum, August 19, 2011
NATO, Rebels Accused of War Crimes in Libya By Alex Newman, August 19, 2011
Iran’s Nuclear Program and the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Regime By Dr. Ismail Salami and Kourosh Ziabari, August 19, 2011
Israel Escalates Illegal Settlement Building By Global Research, August 19, 2011
Syria: Obama Threatens U.S. Military Intervention By Sara Flounders, August 19, 2011
US/NATO War of Aggression in Libya Continues By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 18, 2011
Libyan Deaths, Media Silence By FAIR, August 18, 2011
VIDEO: Proof that Demonstrations in Syria are Not “Peaceful” By Global Research, August 18, 2011
Attacks in Israel as Palestinian Statehood Gains Momentum By Kurt Nimmo, August 18, 2011
VIDEO: Death Squads in Syria Part of Intelligence Operation By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 18, 2011
Indictment reveals no smoking gun in Hariri assassination By Global Research, August 18, 2011
VIDEO: How the US and Britain are Suppressing Democracy in Bahrain By Finian Cunningham, August 16, 2011
VIDEO: Torture Trial for Rumsfeld? ‘Abused’ US Contractors File Suit By Brian Becker, August 16, 2011
Iran Urges West to Avoid Interference in Syria: “If pressures mount on Syria, Middle-East will move towards a devastating war” By Global Research, August 16, 2011
Turkey: NATO’s Policeman in the Middle East By Mostafa Zein, August 15, 2011
NATO’s Puppet Regime in Libya Falls Apart By Peter Symonds, August 15, 2011
BREAKING NEWS: NATO and Turkey Support Armed Rebels in Syria. Campaign to Recruit Muslim “Freedom Fighters” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 15, 2011
Lebanon intercepts covert arms shipments bound for Syria By Sahand Avedis, August 12, 2011
NATO Massacres of Civilians Aimed at “Cleansing” the Libyan People’s Resistance By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 10, 2011
Western media lie about Syria – eyewitness reports By Nadezhda Kevorkova, August 09, 2011
Leaked Plan of Western Governments for “Post-Gaddafi Libya” By Tom Coghlan, August 09, 2011
Leak of a 70 page Criminal NATO Plan to Occupy Libya By Jason Ditz, August 09, 2011
VIDEO: NATO Missiles Target Libyan Hospital, Kill 50 Children By Global Research, August 08, 2011
Helicopter Shootdown in Afghanistan Hits Navy SEALs By Patrick Martin, August 08, 2011
The Spirit of Rachel Corrie Mission to Gaza: Breaking the Illegal Siege By Julie Lévesque, August 07, 2011
“Blanket of Darkness” over Tripoli. NATO Targets Electricity Generation. Launches Psychological Attacks By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 07, 2011
US and British-Backed Bahrain Regime: the Use of “Toxic Terror” in Collective Punishment By Finian Cunningham, August 05, 2011
“Beachhead for an Attack on Iran”: NATO is planning a Military Campaign against Syria By Global Research, August 05, 2011
VIDEO: The Destabilization of Syria is Based on the Libya Model By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 05, 2011
VIDEO: Military Intervention in Syria Will Lead to Extended War By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 04, 2011
End Game For Benghazi Rebels As Libyan Tribes Prepare To Weigh In By Franklin Lamb, August 03, 2011
How Global Research Broke Mainstream Media Complicity on Bahrain Torture Scandal By Global Research, August 03, 2011
Lies and Media Manipulations regarding the Protest Movement in Syria By Pierre Piccinin, August 02, 2011
GROUND NEWS: Libyan Transitional Council Rebels in Total Disarray By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 02, 2011
NATO’s ultimate War Crime: Destroying Libya’s water supply By Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey, August 01, 2011
Libyan Children Against NATO’s “Humanitarian War”: Drawings and Paintings By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 01, 2011
VIDEO: Severe Water Crisis in the Gaza Strip By Global Research, August 01, 2011
Jewish, Arab Workers and Youth Protest Against Social Conditions in Israel By Patrick O'Connor, August 01, 2011
Libya: NATO Continues to Bomb Civilian Targets By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 31, 2011
Libyan Rebels have conceded Ground since Bombing Began By Kim Sengupta, July 30, 2011
The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and Now Libya. Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists By Prof Peter Dale Scott, July 29, 2011
The War on Libya: Divisions within The Transitional Council and Rebel Forces By Prof Michel Chossudovsky and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 29, 2011
Another Stinging Blow for the Libyan Rebellion By Victor Kotsev, July 29, 2011
The War on Libya : An Imperialist Project to Create Three Libyas By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 29, 2011
Libya’s War for “The Abaya”: Women’s Rights and NATO’s Support of Pro-Islamist Rebels By Susan Lindauer, July 27, 2011
VIDEO: Hands Off Libya! Mass Demonstration at the White House By Global Research, July 26, 2011
Obama’s Illegal War Rages On By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, July 25, 2011
Libya: Demonization and Self-determination By Sara Flounders, July 24, 2011
Washington’s Allies Run Amok: Saudi and Emirati Forces Open Fire on Unarmed Protesters in Bahrain By Finian Cunningham, July 24, 2011
Remember Libya? By Global Research and Global Research, July 23, 2011
Cut off U.S. funding for war in Libya By Gregg Brown, July 21, 2011
NATO War on Libya in an Impasse: Another take on Libya Hubris for China By Peter Lee, July 21, 2011
Turkey vs the US: “A kinder Middle East hegemon” By Eric Walberg, July 21, 2011
VIDEO: “Spirit of Rachel Corrie” Ship to Gaza Encounters Israeli Navy By Alang Bendahara, July 20, 2011
Bahrain: Washington and London Endorse Dialogue With Tyrants, War Criminals and Torturers By Finian Cunningham, July 20, 2011
Final Freedom Flotilla boat raided by Israeli commandos By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, July 19, 2011
To Gaza with Dignity By Eric Walberg, July 19, 2011