Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Timeline of Events in Turkey: Police Escalate Attacks, Including on Healthcare Workers and Doctors By Margaret Flowers, June 16, 2013
Obama Has Crossed The “Red Line” on Syria: Interview with Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 16, 2013
The War Comes To Syria By Devon Douglas-Bowers, June 16, 2013
Chemical Weapons: Building the Case for Further US Aggression against Syria By Phil Greaves, June 16, 2013
The Syria Chemical Weapons Hoax By Stephen Lendman, June 16, 2013
Obama Signals Start of US War in Syria By Rep. Ron Paul, June 16, 2013
Taksim Solidarity: Police turned Gezi Park, Istanbul and our country into a war zone By Global Research News, June 16, 2013
Turkey Protest Movement: Erdogan Government Threatens Doctors and First Responders, Violates Medical Neutrality By Margaret Flowers, June 15, 2013
No Evidence of Syria WMDs… And Still a Call for War? Again? Obama Pushes for a “No Fly Zone” By Patrick Henningsen, June 15, 2013
Former French Foreign Minister: The War against Syria was Planned Two years before “The Arab Spring” By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, June 15, 2013
Triggering Sectarianism in Syria, Destabilizing the Secular State By Phil Greaves, June 13, 2013
The Turkish Spring: Lawyers Rounded Up By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 13, 2013
Turkey: Epicenter of Police State Violence By Stephen Lendman, June 13, 2013
Gaza under Siege By Dylan Murphy, June 13, 2013
France Channels Weapons to Syrian Al Qaeda Terrorists Involved in Massacre of Civilians in Hatlah village, Der Ezzor. By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, June 13, 2013
Anglo-American Militarism: Don’t Worry About Surveillance, In Britain, Everything’s Okay By Colin Todhunter, June 12, 2013
Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood: The Social Uprising against “Brother Erdogan” By Thierry Meyssan, June 11, 2013
Venezuela “Destabilization Plan”: Colombian Government Meets Venezuelan Opposition By Correo del Orinoco, June 11, 2013
The Uncertain Fate of the U.S.-NATO Installed Libyan Regime By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 11, 2013
White House Convenes Meetings on Syria Escalation By Bill Van Auken, June 11, 2013
Syria’s Qusair Victory Matters: US-NATO-Israel Supported Death Squads Defeated By Stephen Lendman, June 10, 2013
Senator John McCain Meets Leaders of Terror Brigade in Syria. The NGOs that Made it Happen By Phil Greaves, June 09, 2013
Humanitarian Crisis in Syria: “The West should Pay War Reparations to Syria”. Interview with Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 09, 2013
Lebanese Army Warns: “There is a Plot to Drag Lebanon into Syria War” By 21st Century Wire, June 08, 2013
America’s Economic War against the People of Iran: Obama Signs Executive Order Targeting Iran’s Currency and Auto Industry By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 07, 2013
Did An Israel Lobby Front Group Organize McCain’s Trip To Syria? By Maidhc Ó'Cathail, June 07, 2013
Syria: Israel Is Losing the Battle By Gilad Atzmon, June 07, 2013
Syria’s Fake Sectarian War, Triggered by Washington By Shamus Cooke, June 07, 2013
Google ‘Palestine’—It Exists, And So Do Palestinians By Global Research News, June 07, 2013
When Israel Compensated Germans for Land in Palestine By Rosemarie M. Esber, June 06, 2013
Kerry and Blair’s $4 Billion Mystery Plan for Palestine: Crony capitalism under the guise of peace? By Max Blumenthal, June 06, 2013
Russia Draws a “Red Line”: S-300, MiG 29s and MiG 31s for Syria By Dr. Christof Lehmann, June 06, 2013
Anti-Syrian Blame Game Escalates: Who is Behind Killings of Civilians? By Stephen Lendman, June 06, 2013
Israeli Settlements on Palestinian Land. Netanyahu and ‘Acts of Hooliganism’ By Robert Fantina, June 05, 2013
Turkey: “This is a Revolt, Not Yet a Revolution!” By Sungur Savran, June 05, 2013
Is the International Criminal Court Guilty of “International Racial Profiling”? By Mark P. Fancher, June 05, 2013
Revolt in Turkey: Erdogan’s Grip on Power Is Rapidly Weakening By Der Spiegel, June 05, 2013
Syria has the Right to Peace and to Self-defense, Despite Western Claims By John Robles, June 05, 2013
John Kerry Supports Al Qaeda in Syria, in Violation of US Anti-terrorism Laws By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 05, 2013
Libyan Rebels and International Criminal Court (ICC) Battle Over Seif al-Islam, Gaddafi’s Son By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 04, 2013
U.S. Builds $25-Million Military Base for Israel’s Anti Missile System, to Counter Iran By Richard Silverstein, June 04, 2013
The Right to the City Movement and the Turkish Summer By Global Research News, June 04, 2013
Kerry’s Plan: Palestinians to be cast as Fall Guys – Again By Jonathan Cook, June 04, 2013
The People of the World Demand the Liberation of Jerusalem By Global March to Jerusalem, June 03, 2013
Israel Treats the Bedouin Like “People in a Box” By Global Research News, June 03, 2013
What is Happenning in Istanbul? By Global Research News, June 03, 2013
Anti-Government Protests Rock Turkey By Stephen Lendman, June 03, 2013
Report from Turkey: A Taste of Tahrir at Taksim By Sungur Savran, June 03, 2013
The Oslo Illusion: The Historical Accords between Palestine and Israel By Adam Hanieh, June 03, 2013
“Humanitarian Wars” and “Regime Change”:Tony Blair Continues to Push the Neo-Con Agenda. By Phil Greaves, June 02, 2013
America’s War and Syria’s Right to Defend itself against Foreign Aggression By Stephen Lendman, June 02, 2013
The Chemical Weapon Accusations against Syria are Overshadowing the Insurgent Retreat By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 02, 2013
Data Shows that Palestinians now Own just 8 per cent of Historic Palestine By Global Research News, June 01, 2013
John Kerry Proposes Investments in Palestine While Funding Israeli Apartheid, Main Obstacle to Commerce By Robert Fantina, May 31, 2013
A Proxy War Is Raging In Syria By Washington's Blog, May 31, 2013
US Supported Jabhat al-Nusra Caught with Sarin Gas inside Turkey By Global Research News, May 31, 2013
SYRIA: President Bashar Al-Assad: Full Interview and Transcript By Bashar al Assad, May 31, 2013
Israel is Fighting a Regional War in Syria By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, May 30, 2013
Turkish Police find Chemical Weapons in the Possession of Al Nusra Terrorists heading for Syria By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, May 30, 2013
Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo: Weapons for Al Qaeda in Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 29, 2013
Syria Escalation poses Growing Risk of Regional War By Bill Van Auken, May 29, 2013
Israel Channels Weapons and Military Aid to Al Qaeda in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 29, 2013
The Mavi Marmara: Comoros Government Initiates Legal Procedure against Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) By Global Research News, May 28, 2013
How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows By Shamus Cooke, May 28, 2013
From Iraq a Tragic Reminder to Prosecute the War Criminals By John Pilger, May 27, 2013
Report on Syria – Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire: “The Syrian State is Under a Proxy War Led by Foreign Countries” By Mairead Maguire, May 27, 2013
Escalation and US-NATO Military Intervention in Syria? War spreads to Lebanon By Thomas Gaist, May 27, 2013
Malaysia Supported UN General Assembly Resolution on Syria By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, May 26, 2013
US and Allies Step Up War Preparations against Syria, Lebanon, Iran By Chris Marsden, May 26, 2013
Syrian Army Continues Crackdown on Terrorists in al-Qseir and Other Areas By Global Research News, May 26, 2013
Why We Oppose U.S. and Israeli intervention in Syria By ANSWER, May 24, 2013
Bahrainis Demand Regime Change By Vladislav Gulevich, May 23, 2013
Behind “Syria Peace Talks”, US Prepares Regional War By Bill Van Auken, May 23, 2013
Mission Creep: Toward Full-Scale War on Syria? By Stephen Lendman, May 23, 2013
Hezbollah and the War in Syria: Why is the UK Pressuring the EU to Designate Hezbollah a “Terrorist” Group? By Phil Greaves, May 23, 2013
On the Road to Damascus: An Eyewitness Report By Antonio C. S. Rosa, May 22, 2013
Western Mercenaries Have Integrated the Ranks of Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria By Global Research News, May 22, 2013
Israel, US Threatens War with Syria as Sectarian Fighting Spreads across Region By Alex Lantier, May 22, 2013
Israel Heads Closer to War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, May 22, 2013
Covert Israeli Forces Inside Syria Within Rebel Ranks? Israeli Military Vehicle Seized: Report By Global Research News, May 20, 2013