Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
‘Catastrophic Risks’ – UNRWA Warns of 330,000 Tons of Accumulated Waste in Gaza By Palestine Chronicle, June 14, 2024
Biden Administration Continues Unwavering Support for Israel By Michael Jansen, June 14, 2024
Israel Uses Medieval Trebuchet Weapon to Ignite Lebanese Bushes By Middle East Eye, June 14, 2024
Saudi Arabia Breaks US Global Power? By Karsten Riise, June 14, 2024
When Israel Burned Refugees Alive, Establishment Media Called It a ‘Tragic Accident’ By Robin Andersen, June 13, 2024
Did You Donate to Send Food to Gaza? Think Again. Crisis of Relief Operations. Starvation By Dr. Paul Larudee, June 13, 2024
Pentagon Involved in Nuseirat Refugee Camp Massacre. “Genocide Joe” By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 13, 2024
Biden’s Ceasefire Fiasco By Mike Whitney, June 13, 2024
War on Gaza: The Day the West Defined ‘Success’ as a Massacre of 270 Palestinians. Jonathan Cook By Jonathan Cook, June 13, 2024
Was 9/11 a False Flag? America’s “Just War” Against Muslim Countries: “Self Defense” Against “The Civilizational War of Islam Against the West” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 12, 2024
Diamonds and Cold Dust: Slaughter at Nuseirat By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 12, 2024
When It Comes to the Palestinians, What Does Israel Want? By Osama Al Sharif, June 12, 2024
Numbers Don’t Remotely Reflect Gaza’s Plight, Says Palestinian Minister of Relief By Nada Al-Taher, June 12, 2024
Israel’s Backhanded ‘Apology’ for the Rafah Bombing By James J. Zogby, June 12, 2024
“Israel realizes that igniting a regional war means the end of Israel.” Interview with Khalil Harb By Khalil Harb and Steven Sahiounie, June 12, 2024
UN Human Rights Office Says IDF’s Deadly Nuseirat Raid May Amount to War Crime By Julia Conley, June 12, 2024
Federal Court Hears Appeal in Case Accusing Biden of Complicity in Gaza Genocide By Brett Wilkins, June 12, 2024
Everything About Israel Is Fake By Caitlin Johnstone, June 11, 2024
Gaza Is Filled with War Debris, Hazardous Waste, Rubble, Disease By Sara J. Faqir, June 11, 2024
The Ugly Israeli Denounced By Rima Najjar, June 11, 2024
Saving Gaza Is About More Than Saving Gaza. It’s Also About Saving Ourselves. By Caitlin Johnstone, June 10, 2024
Video: Israel Signs $3B Deal with US for 25 F-35 for Full-Scale War with Hezbollah and Iran. John J. Mearsheimer By John J. Mearsheimer and Knitting Örgü, June 10, 2024
Ceasefire in the Middle East? Or Armageddon? By Joachim Hagopian, June 10, 2024
US Heroism: Netanyahu Invited to Speak to the US Congress By Karsten Riise, June 10, 2024
Evil Can Destroy the World. Paul C. Roberts By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, June 10, 2024
The Twilight of the Western Settler Colonialist Project in Palestine By Amir Nour, June 09, 2024
Israel Prepares to Open a Second Front in the North By Mike Whitney, June 09, 2024
Biden Plan: Rebuilding Gaza to Erase Palestine By Manlio Dinucci, June 09, 2024
Sabotaging the Ceasefire in Tel Aviv. The CIA’s Solution By Dr. Paul Larudee, June 07, 2024
Psychiatrist of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Commits Suicide By Michael K. Smith, June 07, 2024
Iraqi Mediation Efforts Between Turkey and Syria By Steven Sahiounie, June 07, 2024
Religious Diversity of the Middle East By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, June 07, 2024
American Mainstream Expert Calls for Global War in Three Continents By Uriel Araujo, June 07, 2024
Parallel Fascism and Western-Supported Zionist Genocide of Palestine and Palestinians By Mark Taliano, June 06, 2024
The Future of UNRWA and Hamas in Gaza By Rick Sterling and Peter Ford, June 05, 2024
What’s Next for Battlefield America? Israel’s High-Tech Military Tactics Point the Way By John W. Whitehead and Nisha Whitehead, June 05, 2024
CJPME Condemns Canada’s Record-breaking 2023 Military Exports to Israel By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, June 05, 2024
Syria on the Brink of Recovery as Qatar and Turkey Change Their Policies. Steven Sahounie By Steven Sahiounie, June 04, 2024
The Message of Israel’s Torture Chambers Is Directed at All of Us, Not Just Palestinians By Jonathan Cook, June 04, 2024
Could US Have Used a “Kill Switch” to Assassinate President Raisi? By Drago Bosnic, June 03, 2024
The Stuffing of Crime: Israel’s Rafah Strike By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 03, 2024
Paying the Toll: The Price of Resistance in Gaza. More than 200,000 Dead By Dr. Paul Larudee, June 03, 2024
They Can’t Control the Gaza Narrative Because Too Much Has Been Seen By Caitlin Johnstone, June 03, 2024
Gaza: The Donkey and the Fate of Western Civilization. “Children of Catastrophe”, Killed Journalists, “Israeli Mistakes” By Jamal Kanj, June 02, 2024
White House Defending Pharma Industry in Lawsuit Accusing Drug Firms of Funding Terrorism in Iraq By Paul Anthony Taylor, June 01, 2024
Tell Congress We Need an Arms Embargo NOW! By CODEPINK, June 01, 2024
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting “A False Flag”? They Let It Happen? Their Objective Is “to Wipe Gaza Off the Map”? By Philip Giraldi and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, June 01, 2024
Empire of Lies Murders the Truth in Gaza and Beyond By Mark Taliano, May 31, 2024
Four Things You Need to Know About Iran By Marc Vandepitte, May 31, 2024
The Crash of Raisi’s Helicopter. Was It the Result of “External Interference”? By Ahmad Al Khaled, May 31, 2024
Massacre Upon Massacre in Rafah, While Biden Keeps Netanyahu in Power By Steven Sahiounie, May 31, 2024
Detroit’s WSU Palestine Solidarity Encampment Raided and Shut Down by Police By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 31, 2024
Were “High State Operatives” Complicit in the Attack on Robert Fico and the Death of Ebrahim Raisi? By Michael Welch, Jeremy Kuzmarov, Drago Bosnic, and Dr. William Makis, May 31, 2024
When Nicaragua Took Germany to Court, Media Put Nicaragua in the Dock By John Perry, May 31, 2024
What Has Israel Done for Americans in the Past Week? The Big Lie and the “Backup Lies” By Philip Giraldi, May 30, 2024
From Downing Street to Whitehall: London’s Resistance to the Gaza Holocaust: The Police Force in a Fascist Country Reacts By May Ayres, May 30, 2024
The War Is Widening Into Armageddon By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, May 30, 2024
Gaza: Mass Slaughtering Civilians to Stop Terrorism By Caitlin Johnstone, May 30, 2024
The US Gaza Pier Fulfilled Its Purpose: It Showed US False Pretensions to Help Dying Palestinians By Karsten Riise, May 30, 2024
Genocide in Gaza: Being a Spectator, or Bearing Witness By Barbara Nimri Aziz, May 30, 2024
The ICC Takes on Israel and the US Congressional Mafia By Medea Benjamin, May 29, 2024
Video: Israel + Ukraine = WWIII? Col. Douglas Macgregor By Douglas Macgregor and Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, May 29, 2024
Israeli Missile Attack Turns Refugee Camp Into Rafah Hellscape By Mike Whitney, May 29, 2024
“Fake Justice” at The Hague: The ICJ “Appoints” Netanyahu to “Prevent” and “Punish” Those Responsible for “Genocidal Acts” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 29, 2024
Much of the World Awakens to a Decades-Long Genocide By Kim Petersen, May 28, 2024
Holocaust in Gaza. Starvation Holocaust - death brought by Israel on civilians on industrial scale will erupt, if this is not reversed NOW. By Karsten Riise, May 28, 2024
The US-Russian Stand-off in Libya By Steven Sahiounie, May 28, 2024
A Two-State Solution in Palestine-Israel Does Not Challenge the Forces of Imperialism By Roger Copple, May 28, 2024
In Solidarity with Gaza and the World’s Forgotten Millions By Share The World’s Resources, May 27, 2024
Labor and Students Unite in Toronto in Solidarity with Palestine By Dr. Paul Larudee and Laura Walton, May 27, 2024
Israel Massacres Children, Which the Western Press Says Is Fine By Caitlin Johnstone, May 27, 2024
ICJ Rules Against Israel Saying Rafah Siege Must End Immediately By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 27, 2024
Video: “Justified Vengeance” and The History of Israeli “False Flags”(2001-2024): Palestine Portrayed as “The Aggressor” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 26, 2024
Section Commander of the Gaza Fence: “The obstacle is built so that even a fox cannot pass it”. They Let It Happen. The Hamas Attack Was Allowed to Close the Book on Palestine. By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, General Herzl Halevi, and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 25, 2024
Stop the Worsening Undercount of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza. Ralph Nader By Ralph Nader, May 24, 2024
Gaza and Its Astounding Parallels with 9/11: “A Territory or Country Is Targeted for Previously Established Geostrategic Goals” By Richard Gage, May 24, 2024
Against All Odds, Iran and Saudi Ties Remain Strong By Steven Sahiounie, May 24, 2024
Washington Digs In Deeper on Its Support for Israel By Philip Giraldi, May 24, 2024
Indeed, There Is No Comparison. Israel’s Crimes Are Far Worse Than Hamas’. Jonathan Cook By Jonathan Cook, May 24, 2024
Palestinian Resistance Denounces U.S. Floating Pier in Gaza By Sara Flounders, May 24, 2024