Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
As Atrocities Mount in Gaza, US Approves Israeli Request for More Bombs By Rania Khalek, July 31, 2014
Gaza, Ukraine and the Fraud of “Human Rights” Imperialism By Bill Van Auken, July 31, 2014
Gaza Hospitals in Crisis: Surgery being Performed in Corridors, on the Floor By Global Research News, July 31, 2014
“Eliciting the Truth” from the Zionist Elites: “Israel Tries Not to Kill or Hurt Civilians … Hamas is a Vicious, Medieval, Racist, Genocidal Organisation” By Dr. David Halpin, July 30, 2014
From Victim to Colonial Settler: Shifting the Paradigm on Israel By Ajamu Baraka, July 30, 2014
Washington Pays Lip Service to Israeli War Crimes: U.S. Veto Power Ensures Israel’s Impunity from International Law By Kourosh Ziabari, July 30, 2014
Crime (Israel) and Punishment (Russia) By Pepe Escobar, July 30, 2014
Jewish Writer Norman Finkelstein and Several Activists Arrested at Pro-Palestine Protest in New York By Norman Finkelstein, July 30, 2014
Media Hype and Gaza’s ‘Terror’ Tunnels By Peter Hart, July 30, 2014
War and Media Disinformation: America is the World’s Sheriff By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 30, 2014
Is Killing Civilians Part of Israel’s plan? By Jonathan Cook, July 30, 2014
“Gaza is a Graveyard! There’s no School Tomorrow, All the Children Are Dead!” Sing Joyful Israeli Youths By Ali Abunimah, July 30, 2014
The Moral Failure Of The West: Israel Is Stealing and Murdering Its Way Through Palestine By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, July 29, 2014
Israel’s Losing Narrative By Prof. Lawrence Davidson, July 29, 2014
Shooting and Crying Over Israel’s Lost Moral Army By Jonathan Cook, July 29, 2014
More Than 100 Killed in 14 Hours as Gaza Death Toll Rises Above 1,200 By Jon Queally, July 29, 2014
Gaza Genocide: Last 24 Hours, 120 People Killed By Global Research News, July 29, 2014
Palestine, War and the Lethal Role of Journalists By CounterPunch Newswire, July 29, 2014
The Emperor’s Rage: Let Chaos Envelop the World! By Prof. James Petras, July 29, 2014
All of the Countries which the U.S. “Regime Changed” – Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya – Have Descended into Brutal Chaos By Washington's Blog, July 29, 2014
Israel Delivers Death and Destruction: The Deliberate Killing of Palestinian Children by the IDF By Global Research News, July 29, 2014
The Horrors of Israel’s Invasion of Gaza By Karen Jayes, July 28, 2014
Is Israel’s Assault on Gaza a Response to Hamas Rockets? Would Cessation of Rockets from Gaza Stop the Atrocities? By Steven Chovanec, July 28, 2014
Israel’s Crimes against the People of Gaza: Death Toll By Tony Seed, July 28, 2014
Contracting Fraud by KBR during War in Iraq. Whistleblower Seeks Release of Documents By Global Research News, July 28, 2014
The Freedom Flotilla Coalition Condemns Israeli Attacks on Gaza, Ongoing Blockade, and International Complicity By Global Research News, July 28, 2014
10 Palestinians Killed as Israel Bombs Gaza Playground By Global Research News, July 28, 2014
Expel Palestinians, Populate Gaza with Jews, Says Knesset Deputy Speaker By Ali Abunimah, July 28, 2014
Israel, the “Neighborhood Bully”: Deconstructing the Lyrics of Bob Dylan in the Light of the Gaza Crisis By Adeyinka Makinde, July 28, 2014
Israel Resumes its Ravage of Gaza. Rising Death Toll By James Cogan, July 28, 2014
Israel Murders IDF Soldier to Prevent His Capture By Richard Silverstein, July 27, 2014
US Government Complicit in Israeli Crimes against Humanity By Paul Findley, July 27, 2014
The Air Algerie Crash: Libyan BUK Missile Unit Used by Al Qaeda Affiliated Rebels to Down Algerian Passenger Plane? By Wayne Madsen, July 27, 2014
Libya’s Destruction: A Warning to Egypt, Syria, and Ukraine By Tony Cartalucci, July 27, 2014
“Not in Our Name”: Jews Stage Massive Anti-War Protests In Tel Aviv, New York and Elsewhere By Washington's Blog, July 26, 2014
Israel Drops White Phosphorus Bombs on Gazans By Press TV, July 26, 2014
Are There Any Terrorist Groups Who AREN’T Paid Foot Soldiers for the U.S. Military-Intelligence Agenda? By Melissa Dykes, July 26, 2014
Think. What if it wasn’t #Palestine? What if it was your Home Instead? By Global Research News, July 25, 2014
The World According to the Mainstream Media: Russia and Palestine are “Guilty until Proven Innocent” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, July 25, 2014
Beyond Propaganda: Discourse of War and Doublethink. “When the Lie Becomes the Truth” The Example of Syria By Jean-Claude Paye and Tülay Umay, July 25, 2014
Netanyahu Targets Gaza Hospitals: Internationals Volunteer as Human Shields to Protect Shifa Hospital from Israeli Attacks By Global Research News, July 25, 2014
Netanyahu Kills Palestinian Children: Israel Bombs Gaza Children’s Hospital By Global Research News, July 25, 2014
America Complicit in Israeli War Crimes: US Stands Alone in Vote Against United Nations Inquiry Into Gaza Assault By Sarah Lazare, July 25, 2014
America Is the Only Country with a Favorable View of Israel By Washington's Blog, July 25, 2014
Britain Admits Selling $12 Billion in Weapons to Israel By David Cronin, July 25, 2014
Media Coverup: US Played A Decisive “Behind the Scenes Role” in Israel’s Attack on Gaza By Jonathan Cook, July 24, 2014
‘Disgustingly Biased’ – The Corporate Media On The Gaza Massacre By Media Lens, July 24, 2014
This is the Israeli Military Calling: “Civilizing War” Has Failed By David Swanson, July 24, 2014
Is Israel’s Operation Protective Edge Really About Natural Gas? By Tascha Shahriari-Parsa, July 24, 2014
Human Rights Watch (HRW) Whitewashes Israel, The Law Supports Hamas: Reflections on Israel’s Latest Massacre By Norman Finkelstein, July 24, 2014
Gaza: British Department for Business Blockaded over Military Contracts with Israel – Protestors Demand Military Boycott By Ian Dunt, July 24, 2014
No End to Israeli War Crimes in Gaza: Targetting Schools and Hospitals By Global Research News, July 24, 2014
Suicidal Bombers Over Gaza In A World Coming Apart By Danny Schechter, July 24, 2014
Lying is “Good For Business”: The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Mainstream Media (MSM) are “Serial Liars” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 24, 2014
Israel Student Union Set Up “War Room” to Sell Gaza Massacre on Facebook By Ali Abunimah, July 23, 2014
Israeli Professor: Rape Palestinian Sisters and Mothers To Stop Terrorism By Brandon Turbeville, July 23, 2014
Israeli Policies Towards the Palestinians Mirror Regimes of Apartheid in South Africa and Jim Crow in the U.S. By Global Research News, July 23, 2014
Another Massacre in Gaza, This Time in Khan Younis By Global Research News, July 23, 2014
Israel: International Anger Mounts By Felicity Arbuthnot, July 23, 2014
International Scientists and Doctors Denounce Israeli “Crimes Against Humanity” in Gaza By Lancet, July 23, 2014
Why Israel Needs Anti-Semitism By Diana Johnstone, July 22, 2014
How Britain Profits from the Attack on Gaza By Ian Dunt, July 22, 2014
The Victims of Gaza: A List of 627 Palestinians Killed in Israel’s Ongoing Assault By Global Research News, July 22, 2014
hamas militants globalresearch.ca
Israel Aided Hamas to Dilute Support for a Strong, Secular Palestinian Liberation Organization By Adam Dick, July 22, 2014
Israeli Peace Movement Members Shouted Down and Physically Attacked By Global Research News, July 22, 2014
National Demonstration in UK: Stop the Massacre in Gaza – Free Palestine! By Stop the War Coalition, July 22, 2014
“Blood Diamonds” Financing War Crimes in Gaza. President of London Diamond Bourse: “We Must ‘Finish the Job’” By Sean Clinton, July 22, 2014
Gaza Death Toll Crosses 500: Israeli Airstrikes and Artillery Assaults Target Entire Palestinian Families By Global Research News, July 22, 2014
Gaza: The Story of a Palestinian Father who Lost his Children in the Darkness By Sanaa Kamal, July 22, 2014
Israeli bombs kill nearly 600 Palestinians. Gaza death toll doubles in four days By Patrick Martin, July 22, 2014
They Aren’t Hiding It Anymore: Calls for Genocide, Rape of Palestinian Women enter Israeli Mainstream By Jonathan Cook, July 22, 2014
Saudi Hires “Israel Friendly” Security Firm to Overlook Hajj, Muslim Pilgrimage to Mecca By al Akhbar, July 21, 2014
Columbia Professor Presents Palestinian Perspective to Class, Course Censored By Global Research News, July 21, 2014
Another Israeli Attack on a Hospital, Another War Crime By Global Research News, July 21, 2014
Massacre in Shujaiya: Dozens Killed as Israel Shells Eastern Gaza City – Photos By Ali Abunimah, July 21, 2014
Gaza Invasion Resulted in Carloads with Maimed, Torn Apart, Bleeding, Dying Innocent Civilians, Says Norwegian Doctor By Mads Gilbert, July 21, 2014
Palestinian Government Says Shujaeya’s Massacre is a War Crime By Global Research News, July 21, 2014
Chile Halts Trade Agreement with Israel By Global Research News, July 21, 2014
Foundation of the American Empire: Strategic Alliances and “Axes of Evil” By Prof. James Petras, July 21, 2014
The Assault on Gaza: A Historic Crime By Patrick Martin and Barry Grey, July 21, 2014