Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Syria: ISIS Rebels, Assisted by Israel, Jordan and the U.S., Detain UN Peacekeepers in Israeli-Occupied Golan Heights By Kurt Nimmo, August 28, 2014
“These Are War Crimes,” Says Father of Gaza Family Wiped Out by Israeli Airstrike By Joe Catron, August 28, 2014
Norwegian Surgeon Back from Gaza: “Hamas is not the Enemy. Israel is Waging a War Against the Palestinian People’s Will to Resist” By Mads Gilbert, August 28, 2014
Gaza: The Cruel Aftermath. The Mourning Hasn’t Begun By J. B. Gerald, August 28, 2014
America’s Creeping Into Syria Will Hang Itself in Ukraine By Tony Cartalucci, August 28, 2014
The “Humanitarian War” against Libya: How the West Destroys Countries and Creates “Failed States” By Manlio Dinucci, August 28, 2014
Israel Butchers 1470 Civilians, Women and Children. Netanyahu proudly claims ‘Victory’ in Gaza By Anthony Bellchambers, August 28, 2014
More Pro-War Propaganda from the New York Times: US “Errors” and the Debacle in the Middle East By Bill Van Auken, August 28, 2014
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“The ISIS Menace”: Just What We Need: Another War By Danny Schechter, August 27, 2014
Gaza Ceasefire: Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, August 27, 2014
Obama Vows Protracted Military Campaign in Iraq, Syria By Bill Van Auken, August 27, 2014
Foley Execution Used to Call for UK Military Action in Iraq By Robert Stevens, August 27, 2014
Friends of Israel: Are American Jews Turning against AIPAC By Connie Bruck, August 26, 2014
Violations of Academic Freedom in the U.S. – University of Illinois Fires Professor for Criticizing Israel By Stephen Lendman, August 26, 2014
Why is the U.S. Backing the Most Barbaric, Violent, Extreme Muslims … And Overthrowing Moderates? By Washington's Blog, August 26, 2014
“Jewish Progressives” and the History of “Political Zionism” By Anthony Bellchambers, August 26, 2014
Gaza Under Siege: Israel Destroys Hospitals, Denies Entry to Doctors and Medical Aid By Dr Ang Swee Chai, August 26, 2014
New York Times Journey to Israel/Palestine to Be Led by Israeli “Expert” Who Called on Countrymen to ‘Kill and Kill’ Palestinians By Patrick Connors, August 26, 2014
Israel Wages Economic Warfare on Gaza – Missiles Blow Livelihoods to Pieces, Cause Huge Debts and Losses By Mohammed Omer, August 26, 2014
Holocaust Survivors Indict Israel’s Massacre in Gaza By Bill Van Auken, August 26, 2014
US Military to Initiate Operations in Syria By James Cogan, August 26, 2014
Damascus Warns Washington regarding Unilateral Airstrikes against Syria under the Pretext of Targetting ISIS Terrorists By Global Research News, August 26, 2014
Staged Foley Beheading Used as Poster Child for Syria Attack By Paul Joseph Watson, August 25, 2014
Fascism Grips Israel By Stephen Lendman, August 25, 2014
Canada’s Tax-Deductible Support for Israel’s Crimes By Yves Engler, August 25, 2014
Turning Humanitarian Aid into a Military Mission for Iraq – Something is Rotten in the Rogue State of Denmark By Jan Oberg, August 25, 2014
How the New York Times Twists Gaza By Peter Hart, August 25, 2014
The European Union And The Twin Civil Wars In Syria-Iraq By Peter Custers, August 25, 2014
Chile Files Lawsuit Against Israeli Prime Minister, Accuses Israel of Crimes Against Humanity By Global Research News, August 25, 2014
Israeli Drone Shot Down by Iran: Is Israel Pushing for Nuclear War? By Press TV, August 24, 2014
Muslim Leaders Worldwide Condemn ISIS By Washington's Blog, August 24, 2014
The Destruction of Palestinian Life in Gaza: Scholars and Librarians Call for Boycott of Israeli Academic Institutions By Global Research News, August 24, 2014
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Oil, Blood, Confusion and Fear: Fuelling the Public’s “Appetite for War” By Colin Todhunter, August 24, 2014
Israel’s latest civilian atrocity in Gaza establishes a horrific precedent for terrorism in Europe and around the globe By Anthony Bellchambers, August 24, 2014
Starve or Surrender: Cut off all Food and Water to Gaza, says Israeli General By Ali Abunimah, August 24, 2014
Questionable Foley Beheading Video Results in More Tyranny: British Government to Further Restrict Free Speech By Kurt Nimmo, August 23, 2014
Western Media’s Biased Coverage of the War on Gaza, Interview with Illan Pappé By Illan Pappé, August 23, 2014
Israeli False Pretences for Renewal of Gaza Offensive By Global Research News, August 22, 2014
Canadian MP quits the NDP Opposition for being a “Pro-Israel Party” By Middle East Monitor, August 22, 2014
Desmond Tutu: “My Plea to the People of Israel: Liberate Yourselves by Liberating Palestine” By Desmond Tutu, August 22, 2014
Iraq: Mainstream Media’s Biased Reporting on US-UK Bombing By Interventions Watch, August 22, 2014
What Would Happen if Palestine Joined the International Criminal Court? By Dr. Michael Kearney, August 22, 2014
Israeli F-16 Missile Attacks Venezuelan Humanitarian Aid Mission in Gaza By Global Research News, August 22, 2014
US Begins Selling “Syria Intervention” Using ISIS Pretext By Tony Cartalucci, August 22, 2014
The Killing Fields of Gaza By Anthony Bellchambers, August 22, 2014
Crocodile Tears for Iraq By Nick Alexandrov, August 21, 2014
The Killer on the (Saudi) King’s Highway By Pepe Escobar, August 21, 2014
More Violations of Oslo: Israeli Military Begins Deporting Palestinian Politicians in the West Bank By Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association, August 21, 2014
Outrage! On The Beheading of Our Media Brother James Foley By Danny Schechter, August 21, 2014
US Operating on Both Sides of Syrian-Iraqi Border – Providing Cover for Terrorists in Syria; Fighting ISIS in Iraq By Tony Cartalucci, August 21, 2014
War Crime: Israeli Airstrike Kills Wife and Baby Son of Hamas Leader By Patrick Martin, August 21, 2014
Staged Provocations Ahead. Possible US-Syrian War By Tony Cartalucci, August 20, 2014
Comprehensive Data on Palestinian Deaths in Gaza (July 6 – August 17, 2014) By Global Research News, August 20, 2014
Are the Rocket Attacks Which Break Israeli Ceasefires False Flags? By Washington's Blog, August 20, 2014
Iraq War: U.S. Argues Nuremberg “Irrelevant” to Immunity of Bush Officials By Global Research News, August 20, 2014
The New York Times’ Lies and Distortions Strengthens Israeli Impunity and Undermine Human Rights Workers in Gaza By Al Mezan Center for Human Rights, August 20, 2014
Israel: Violent Racist Frenzy – Right-Wing Groups Chant “Death to Arabs”; Palestinians Beaten, Arrested for Gaza Support By Patrick Strickland, August 20, 2014
Israel Resumes Assault on Gaza By Bill Van Auken, August 20, 2014
ISIS: Region-wide Genocide Portended in 2007 Now Fully Realized By Tony Cartalucci, August 20, 2014
Islamic State (IS) Recruits Terrorists throughout North Africa and Middle East By Global Research News, August 19, 2014
Order Out of Chaos: The Global Elites Plan for a “Middle Eastern Union” By Steven MacMillan, August 19, 2014
Afghanistan and Iraq: it’s the Same War By David Orchard and Michael Mandel, August 18, 2014
Incitement to Genocide “Incredibly Common in Israeli Political Discourse” By Max Blumenthal and Paul Jay, August 18, 2014
Israel’s Real Target is Not Hamas By Dan Glazebrook, August 18, 2014
Crime Against Humanity: What Makes Israel an Apartheid Regime By Kourosh Ziabari, August 18, 2014
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What Do Jews Say About Palestine and Gaza? By Washington's Blog, August 18, 2014
“Block the Boat for Gaza”: Demonstrators Prevent Unloading and Loading of an Israeli Ship at the Port of Oakland, U.S. By Henry Norr, August 18, 2014
Under Occupation: The Shortest Distance Between Palestine and Ferguson – Well-Camouflaged Institutional Apartheid By Jaime Omar Yassin, August 17, 2014
Not In My Name: Condemning the Massacre of Palestinians in Gaza: Statement of Jewish Holocaust Survivors By Suzanne Weiss, August 16, 2014
Over 300 Survivors and Descendants of Survivors of Victims of the Nazi Genocide Condemn Israel’s Assault on Gaza By Global Research News, August 16, 2014
Regime Change in Iraq: Standing in Washington’s Way. Why Obama Wants Maliki Removed By Mike Whitney, August 16, 2014
How the War on Christians in Iraq and Syria is Paving the Way for a Clash of Civilizations By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 16, 2014
Targeting Iraq’s Izadi Kurds: ISIL Terrorists Selling Captured Izadi Women to Traffickers By Press TV, August 16, 2014
Venezuela Calls for the Reconstruction of Gaza By Global Research News, August 16, 2014
How Israel Mercilessly Targeted and Murdered Disabled People with Special Needs in Gaza By Ibtisam Mahdi, August 16, 2014
Gaza, Ukraine: The War Drums are Sounding the Alarm By Joachim Hagopian, August 16, 2014
The Illusory Islamic State: Washington’s Caliphate Project “Made in America” By Rev. Richard Skaff, August 16, 2014
Antisemitism is a Two-Edged Sword that Plays Into the Demand by Netanyahu that All Jews Emigrate to the Israeli State By Anthony Bellchambers, August 16, 2014
Israeli War Crimes in Gaza By Jim Miles, August 16, 2014
Jewish Iranian MP: Israeli War Crimes Must Be Denounced by the World By Fars News Agency, August 15, 2014