Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
NATO’s War on Libya and Africa By Maximilian Forte, September 22, 2014
Nobel Peace Laureate Mairead Maguire: The U.S. and the UK Committed Genocide Against the Iraqi People By Mairead Maguire, September 22, 2014
Smugglers Threw Asylum Seekers Into Mediterranean By Global Research News, September 22, 2014
The PetroYuan Cometh: China Docks Navy Destroyer In Iran’s Strait Of Hormuz Port By Zero Hedge, September 22, 2014
“Train and Equip” the Islamic State: White House Might Still Be Arming ISIL By Henry Kamens, September 22, 2014
Obama Administration Is Paying Monthly Salaries to “Thousands” of ISIS and Al Nusrah Syrian Rebels By Global Research News, September 22, 2014
British Government Told to Reveal Plans for Drone Strikes Outside Warzones By Reprieve, September 22, 2014
Telling It Like It Is On Israel By Stephen Lendman, September 22, 2014
Obama Marshals Allies for War on Syria and Iraq By Peter Symonds, September 22, 2014
174 Palestinians Kidnapped in One Week By Tony Seed, September 22, 2014
As A German Jew And Refugee From Nazi Germany, “I am Ashamed of Israel” By Global Research News, September 22, 2014
Orientalism and the Islamic State Spectacle. “Leftists” Support US-NATO’s “Civilizing Mission” By Phil Greaves, September 22, 2014
Turkey Protects the Islamic State: Nurse Says She’s Tired of Treating ISIL Terrorists By Global Research News, September 21, 2014
“Boots on the Ground” against ISIL? US Generals Challenge Obama on Ground Troops in Iraq, Syria By Bill Van Auken, September 21, 2014
Israeli Supreme Court Upholds Law Allowing Housing Discrimination Against Palestinians By Annie Robbins, September 21, 2014
The “State Sponsors” of ISIS, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey: Why are they No Subject to Sanctions? By Ulson Gunnar, September 21, 2014
US Lays New Chemical Weapon Allegations Against Syria By Peter Symonds, September 20, 2014
Donors Will Fail Gaza Again By Nicola Nasser, September 19, 2014
The Geopolitics of Gas and the Syrian Crisis: Syrian “Opposition” Armed to Thwart Construction of Iran-Iraq-Syria Gas Pipeline By Dmitry Minin, September 19, 2014
“The Benefits” of the Israeli Occupation: Gaza is a Weapons Testing Ground for Military Contractors By Rania Khalek, September 19, 2014
Strategic Alliance between Russia and China: Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) on the Rise By Alexander Clackson, September 19, 2014
The CIA was “Training the ISIL” and Now it is being Asked to “Go After the ISIL” By Press TV, September 19, 2014
Who’s Paying the Pro-War Pundits? “Going After ISIL” Fuels Military Industrial Complex By Lee Fang, September 19, 2014
ISIS and the U.S. Empire of Chaos in Iraq and Syria: Obama’s ‘Stupid Stuff’ Turned Upside Down By Pepe Escobar, September 19, 2014
Israeli Incremental Genocide By Jamal Kanj, September 19, 2014
Anti-Assad Extremists and Obama Plan Coordinated Attacks on Syria By Stephen Lendman, September 19, 2014
America’s “Coalition of the Guilty” is the Problem in Iraq and Syria By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 19, 2014
Reported US-Syrian Accord on Air Strikes By Robert Parry, September 18, 2014
Syria’s “Moderate Rebels” Seek Support of Israel By Jonathan Cook, September 18, 2014
War and Reconstruction: Gaza Struggles to Deal With 2.5 Million Tons of Rubble By al Akhbar, September 18, 2014
15 Syrian Children Dead Following UN Measles Vaccination Campaign By RT News, September 18, 2014
Israel’s Gaza Probe Aims to Stymie War Crimes Trials By Jonathan Cook, September 18, 2014
House Passes Bill To Arm Syrian Rebels Despite Evidence of ISIS Ties By Global Research News, September 18, 2014
The U.S. Has Already Completed Regime Change In Syria (1949), Iran (1953), Iraq (Twice), Afghanistan (Twice), Turkey, Libya and Other Oil-Rich Countries By Washington's Blog, September 18, 2014
US House Approves Obama Plan for Military Intervention in Syria By Patrick Martin, September 18, 2014
War Winds Near Gale Force. Permanent War is Official US Policy By Stephen Lendman, September 17, 2014
Deploying the US War Machine in Iraq. “Boots on the Ground” against the Islamic State: Here Come the Marines By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 17, 2014
“War is Good for Business”: Contractors Ready to Cash In On ISIS War By Global Research News, September 17, 2014
Obama Declares Perpetual War, In Violation of the UN Charter By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, September 17, 2014
Sacrificing the Vulnerable, From Gaza to America By Chris Hedges, September 17, 2014
Rewarding Israel for its War Crimes: $6 billion Gaza Reconstruction Aid will be ‘Made in Israel’ By Global Research News, September 17, 2014
Dozens of Children Dead After UN Gives Tainted Vaccine in “Rebel” Held Syria By Kurt Nimmo, September 17, 2014
U.S. Mainstream Media: American Airstrikes against Iraq “Are Wonderful” By Peter Hart, September 17, 2014
Top U.S. Military Official: Our Arab “Allies” Support ISIS By Washington's Blog, September 17, 2014
US Prepares for “Generational” War in the Middle East By Peter Symonds, September 17, 2014
The Battle for Oil By Eric Waddell, September 17, 2014
Global NATO: History, Goals and Ambitions; Encirclement of Russia and China, Americanization and Cultural Imperialism By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 17, 2014
What’s Behind the President’s ISIS Campaign? The Path of Empire and America’s Core Interests By Jason Hirthler, September 16, 2014
Republican Senator Rand Paul a “Voice of Reason” on ISIS in Comparison to Hillary Clinton By Paul Joseph Watson, September 16, 2014
Paris Conference Gives Green Light to New Middle East War By Patrick Martin, September 16, 2014
Mediterranean Shipwrecks Leave Over 700 Refugees Dead, Many Fleeing Mideast Wars By Bill Van Auken, September 16, 2014
Israeli Persecution of Palestinians Unrelated to Defense – Soldiers, Intelligence Officers Speak By Stephen Lendman, September 16, 2014
Tehran Warns Washington: US Campaign against Islamic State (ISIL), “No Excuse for Violating Sovereignty of Syria, Iraq” By Fars News Agency, September 16, 2014
“The Terrorists R US”: Anniversary of a Thwarted False Flag in Basra By Global Research News, September 16, 2014
Who is Behind the Islamic State (ISIL) Beheadings? Probing the SITE Intelligence Group By James F. Tracy, September 15, 2014
Resistance versus Negotiation in Palestine: Fatah is Forcing The Palestinian Presidency to Choose “Peace with Israel” By Nicola Nasser, September 15, 2014
United Nations Reveals Close Links Between Israel and Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorist Organizations in Syria By Global Research News, September 15, 2014
Someone’s Already Fighting ISIS: The Syrian Arab Army By Tony Cartalucci, September 15, 2014
“Progressive Democrats” Follow Obama to War in Syria By Shamus Cooke, September 15, 2014
Establishment Media: “Attacking ISIS Will Turn Syria into a Failed State” – Does Not Recognize this Was the Plan By Kurt Nimmo, September 15, 2014
Venezuela Sends More Aid Planes to Gaza By Middle East Monitor, September 15, 2014
What Israel Has Done After the Ceasefire By Omar Robert Hamilton, September 15, 2014
gaza city destroyed globalresearch.ca
Mustafa Barghouti on Israel’s Operation “Protective Edge” against Gaza By Stephen Lendman, September 14, 2014
The Root Cause of the Latest Resurgence of Anti-Semitism in Britain By Anthony Bellchambers, September 14, 2014
Analyzing the Islamic State (ISIL) and the Sectarian Division of Iraq and Syria: Mahdi D. Nazemroaya By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 14, 2014
Pro-Israel Lobby Ensures Israeli “Terrorist State” Operates with Legal Impunity By Steven MacMillan, September 14, 2014
US Will Use “ISIS Airstrikes” in Syria as Aircover for Rebels, Hit Syrian Military Targets By Patrick Henningsen, September 14, 2014
Syrian “Moderate” Rebels and Islamic State Jihadists “Make Peace”. What Will Obama do Now? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, September 14, 2014
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Attacking the Islamic State: Henry Kissinger’s World Order Recipe By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, September 14, 2014
IDF Soldiers Denounce Israeli High Crimes Against Peace By Stephen Lendman, September 14, 2014
Towards Military Escalation: Obama Declares War on Syria Why the Real Target is Assad Not ISIS By Mike Whitney, September 14, 2014
The Islamic State: America is “Attacking” the Terrorists It Fostered By James Corbett, September 14, 2014
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Obama’s ISIS Strategy: Bi-Partisan Consensus on a Prolonged Military Campaign By Shamus Cooke, September 13, 2014
Will NATO Liberate Jihadistan? By Pepe Escobar, September 13, 2014
Analysis of the Presidential Election in Turkey. Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s Historic Victory. Failure of the Centre-Left By Socialist Project, September 13, 2014
“The Mentality of Brutality”: Islamic State Beheadings and “Civilized Barbarity” By John Kozy, September 13, 2014
Obama’s Speech to America: “Degrade and Destroy the Islamic State”. Stop ISIL by Funding ISIL By Brandon Turbeville, September 13, 2014
Neocons Revive Syria ‘Regime Change’ Plan By Robert Parry, September 12, 2014
US-Backed Terrorism in Syria: A First-Hand Account of the Use of Mortars Against Civilians By Eva Bartlett, September 12, 2014
US to Rapidly Expand War in Iraq and Syria By Peter Symonds, September 12, 2014