Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
It Is Time For Iran To Tell The West ‘Goodbye’ By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 27, 2015
The Case for Bringing Syria Into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) By Andrew Korybko, January 27, 2015
US Resumes Drone Strikes in Yemen By Thomas Gaist, January 27, 2015
Pentagon Asks College to ‘Honor’ Dead Saudi King in Essay Contest By Mikael Thalen, January 27, 2015
Imperialist Mourning for King Abdullah By Patrick Martin, January 26, 2015
Playing Politics: How The New York Times Misrepresents Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 26, 2015
Syria’s President Bashar al-Assad. “The War Will End with a Political Solution”: Foreign Affairs Interview By Bashar al Assad, January 26, 2015
Israeli Fighter Jets Perform Mock Air Raids In Gaza Sky By Global Research News, January 26, 2015
Terror Inc. and the War on Libya By Mark Taliano, January 26, 2015
Syrian Air Force Strikes Joint Meeting of US Sponsored Terrorist Leaders in Damascus Countryside By Fars News Agency, January 26, 2015
Saudi Islamic Fundamentalists endorse US Occupation of Iraq By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, January 25, 2015
Western Politicians and Media Praise Saudi King Abdullah, “A Man of Vision and Wisdom” Who Ordered Beheadings, Whippings and Banned Women From Driving By Washington's Blog, January 25, 2015
The Destabilization of Africa and the Role of “Shadowy Islamists”. From Benghazi to Boko Haram By Ajamu Baraka, January 25, 2015
A Royal Shame: Saudi King Abdullah Leaves a Legacy of Regional Militancy By Andrew Korybko, January 25, 2015
Spot The Difference? The Islamic State (ISIS) versus Saudi Arabia By Zero Hedge, January 24, 2015
Is the Pentagon Directing Kiev’s War on Donbass? By Stephen Lendman, January 24, 2015
Contradiction in Action: The Eulogies for Saudi King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al Saud By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 24, 2015
Saudi King’s Death Threatens to Deepen US Crisis in Middle East By Bill Van Auken, January 24, 2015
After Yemeni Regime’s Collapse, Calls Mount for US Military Escalation across Middle East and Africa By Thomas Gaist, January 24, 2015
Syria: With Aleppo Encircled, US-NATO Seeks Wildcard to Save its Jihadist Terror Hordes By Tony Cartalucci, January 24, 2015
Palestine: Occupier’s Justice. “Heads and Tails You Lose” By Jonathan Cook, January 24, 2015
Greater Israel: Netanyahu Seeks to Turn US Congress Against Elected American President By Anthony Bellchambers, January 24, 2015
The Strategy Behind Israel’s Attack on Iran and Hizballah By Jonathan Cook, January 22, 2015
Israeli Strike in Syria Threatens Wider War By Bill Van Auken, January 22, 2015
Applauding Israel’s Transgressions By Ahmad Barqawi, January 21, 2015
Syria, Danger of Escalation. To Strike or Not to Strike, Israel’s Electoral Calculus By Jonathan Cook, January 21, 2015
Turkey: Military Says Turkish National Intelligence Service (MIT) Shipped Weapons to Al-Qaeda – Government Bans Reporting By Fehim Taştekin, January 21, 2015
Uday Al-Zaidy – Another Life in the Balance in “The New Iraq.” By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 21, 2015
What Game is the House of Saud Playing? By Pepe Escobar, January 20, 2015
Houthis Gain Full Control of Yemen Presidential Palace By Press TV, January 20, 2015
Iran Top Revolutionary Guards Commander Warns of Crushing Response to Israel’s Sunday Air Raid in Syria By Fars News Agency, January 20, 2015
“The ISIS Leader Does Not Exist”: The US Military’s Stunning Conspiracy Theory Emerges From The Archives By Zero Hedge, January 20, 2015
Israel Joins Forces With ISIS? Tel Aviv Bombs Syria for Sixth Time in 18 months By 21st Century Wire, January 20, 2015
Libya: U.S. Generals Conclude Obama Backed Al-Qaida and Operated a Secret Gun-Running Program in Benghazi By Jerome R. Corsi, January 20, 2015
“Netanyahu’s Safety in Paris”: Israel’s Shin Bet Security Force Manhandled France’s Prime Minister in Grand Synagogue, Netanyahu Insulted French Jewish Leadership By Richard Silverstein, January 20, 2015
Netanyahu forced to look for new markets in Asia as the EU rejects Israeli goods in face of Illegal Settlement Policy By Anthony Bellchambers, January 19, 2015
Palestinian Children Face Routine Physical Abuse, Violence and Torture During Arrest Raids and Detention by Israel By Nora Barrows-Friedman, January 19, 2015
“Saudi Human Rights Record is the Worst in the Region: One Beheading Every Four Days” By Sara Flounders, January 19, 2015
Netanyahu and Europe’s Far Right Find Common Ground By Jonathan Cook, January 19, 2015
Charlie Hebdo: “Je Suis White People” By Margaret Kimberley, January 18, 2015
Current “Anti-Semitism” in Europe Result of Netanyahu Government Policies? By Anthony Bellchambers, January 18, 2015
‘Wearing the Saudi Muzzle’: UK Failing to Defend Blogger Sentenced to 1,000 Lashes – Amnesty By RT, January 18, 2015
3,000 “Moderate Rebels” Defect to the Islamic State (ISIS). US Preparing 5,000 More By Tony Cartalucci, January 18, 2015
Syria: Sovereignty, Terrorism, and the Failure of the United Nations By Eva Bartlett, January 18, 2015
Human Rights Abuses and the Funding of Terrorism: Britain’s Relationship With Saudi Arabia Is a Disgrace By John Wight, January 18, 2015
Europe’s Terror Attacks: The Blowback from Western Intervention By Bill Van Auken, January 17, 2015
Netanyahu and Hollande “Hold Hands” at Paris Rally: “Dirtiest Joke of Our Time” By Zaher Mahruqi, January 17, 2015
One Thousand US Troops to Train Syrian “Moderate Opposition Rebels” in Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar By Alalam, January 17, 2015
Netanyahu’s Vision: A World Without the ICC By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 17, 2015
Partners in Terror: U.S. Airstrikes Kill Civilians Jailed by ISIS By Robert C. Koehler, January 17, 2015
Palestinian Journalists Targeted as Netanyahu and Abbas March for “Free Expression” in Paris By Patrick Strickland, January 15, 2015
Paris Attacks Brought European Countries to Account for Failure to Fight Terrorism: Bashar al-Assad By RT, January 15, 2015
Egyptian Court Overturns Last Remaining Conviction against Mubarak By Johannes Stern, January 14, 2015
Secret Israeli Report Sees Rift With Europe Growing By J.J. Goldberg, January 14, 2015
White House: ‘We Look Forward’ to Working with GOP on Limitless War Authorization By Jon Queally, January 14, 2015
Israeli Media Steps up Propaganda War against Syria, Hezbollah and Iran By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 13, 2015
“Je suis Ali Abbas”: The Forgotten Victims of State Terrorism By Dr. David Halpin, January 13, 2015
Israel Moves Quickly to Exploit Paris Attacks By Ali Abunimah, January 13, 2015
Is Political Zionism Another Form of Ideological Fundamentalism? By Anthony Bellchambers, January 13, 2015
Waging A Phony War on Terror. “Terrorists R US” Defines U.S. Foreign Policy By Stephen Lendman, January 12, 2015
The Fate of the ICC: When Law and Politics Mix By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 12, 2015
Israeli Attack on Gaza Was “Massive State Terror”: Former UN Official Richard Falk By Prof. Richard Falk and Nora Barrows-Friedman, January 12, 2015
Arrest of Internationally Renowned Iraqi Human Rights Advocate Uday Al-Zaidi. Appeal of Extreme Urgency By Felicity Arbuthnot, January 11, 2015
WMD Redux? Germany’s ‘Der Spiegel’ Claims Syria is Attempting to Build Nuclear Weapons By Timothy Alexander Guzman, January 11, 2015
Who Should be Blamed for “Muslim Terrorism”? By Andre Vltchek, January 11, 2015
GRNH 2014, Year in Review: The Islamic State, A New Bogeyman; Global Warfare, NATO Threatens Russia Global Research News Hour Episode 88 By Michael Welch, January 11, 2015
Netanyahu on Collision course with Europe By Anthony Bellchambers, January 10, 2015
Mourning Charlie Hebdo Journalists, While Ignoring that US-NATO State-Sponsored Terrorism is the “Number One Killer” of Journalists By Julie Lévesque, January 10, 2015
Paris Shooting Suspects Under French Security and Intelligence Radar for Years By Tony Cartalucci, January 10, 2015
Washington vs Daesh: Who Is Winning The War On The Islamic State (IS/ISIL?) By Danny Schechter, January 10, 2015
Is Abbas’ war crimes bid against Israel a big bluff? By Jonathan Cook, January 09, 2015
GMO Biotechnology Categorized as “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction”, Pakistan, Russia By Global Research News, January 09, 2015
Palestine Accedes to the International Criminal Court (ICC), Rome Statute and other International Instruments By Prof Nicolas Boeglin, January 09, 2015
Mujahedin Khalq Organization (MKO): US-Israel Sponsored Terrorist Entity directed against Iran By Dr. Ismail Salami, January 08, 2015
Just As The Islamic State (ISIL) Gets Exposed As A Fake US Enemy, A “Wag the Dog” Terrorist Attack in Paris? By Joachim Hagopian, January 08, 2015
The US Embassy in Baghdad “is Running Islamic State (ISIL) Operations”, US Weapons Airdrops for the Terrorists, Iran General By Fars News Agency, January 07, 2015
The United Nations’ Response to ISIS Beheadings in Syria. “Resolutions” Calling for “Regime Change” on Behalf of Washington By Carla Stea, January 07, 2015
Israeli Tail Wags the American Dog in Desperate Attempt to Avoid War Crimes Indictment By Anthony Bellchambers, January 06, 2015
Iran Says it Foiled Israeli Mossad Assassination Attempt of Nuclear Scientist By Ian Allen, January 06, 2015
McCain and Other Top US, French Officials Illegally Entering Syria, Meeting with Islamic State (ISIS) Jihadists By RT, January 06, 2015