Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
U.S. Defense Secretary: We Might Bomb Iran Even If a Peace Agreement Is Signed By Washington's Blog, April 02, 2015
“ISIS in Brooklyn”: US Media Inflate Threats With “ISIS Plots” Which Don’t Actually Involve ISIS By Adam Johnson, April 02, 2015
Iran Nuke Deal Status: Hold the Cheers By Stephen Lendman, April 02, 2015
Iran: Nuclear Talks, Spying and Warmongering By Global Research and Global Research, April 01, 2015
A Yemeni’s Call for Help By Stephen Lendman, April 01, 2015
Psychological Warfare: US Fights ISIS…While Aiding ISIS By Eric Draitser, April 01, 2015
The U.S. Blames Iran for the Consequences of Its Own Polices and the Mess It Created in the Middle East By Moon of Alabama, April 01, 2015
American Hell for Yemen By Margaret Kimberley, April 01, 2015
Massive News-Suppression That’s Become History-Suppression By Eric Zuesse, April 01, 2015
Iran Demands Lifting of Sanctions for ‘Irreversible’ Moves, Says Insider By Gareth Porter, April 01, 2015
Iran Nuclear Talks: Kicking the Can Down the Road By Stephen Lendman, April 01, 2015
President al-Assad’s interview with CBS News: “Syrians are United to Protect their Country” By Bashar al Assad, April 01, 2015
Pentagon Admits that Israel is a Nuclear Power By Vladimir Platov, April 01, 2015
Who Spies for Israel in Washington’s Nuclear Negotiations? By Prof. James Petras, April 01, 2015
“Liberal” New York Times Provides Cover for Washington’s War Plans for Iran By Danny Haiphong, April 01, 2015
US Military Gloats Over ISIS Victories In Iraq, Rushes In To Save It From Iran By Brandon Turbeville, March 31, 2015
Saudi Arabia, GCC Launches Bombing Campaign in Yemen By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 31, 2015
Canada’s Military Mission: Why Bombing Syria Breaks the Law By James Bissett, March 31, 2015
Body Count Report Reveals at Least 1.3 Million Lives Lost to US-Led War on Terror By Sarah Lazare, March 31, 2015
Yemen’s Response to Saudi Aggression “Will Devastate the Arab Kingdom, Change the Map of the Region” By Fars News Agency, March 31, 2015
No Deal on Iran’s Nuclear Program – So Far By Stephen Lendman, March 31, 2015
The Geopolitics Behind the War in Yemen: Do the US and Saudi Arabia Want to Divide Yemen? By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 31, 2015
US Sponsored ISIS Using Chemical Weapons on Iraqi Civilians (Captured on Video) By J. Schuyler Montague, March 31, 2015
Wars in Yemen, Syria and Iraq: U.S. Imperialism and Regime Change Operations By Global Research and Global Research, March 30, 2015
Yemen, Ukraine, and the Hypocrisy of ‘Aggression’ By Eric Draitser, March 30, 2015
Yemen – No Military Solution By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, March 30, 2015
Neutralising the Threat of Israel’s Undeclared Nuclear Arsenal Would Immediately Solve the Iranian Issue By Anthony Bellchambers, March 30, 2015
“The Syrian Crisis Can Be Solved” President Bashar Al-Assad’s Interview with the Russian Media By ITAR-TASS, March 30, 2015
The Pentagon’s Vendetta against Former Afghanistan Prisoner of War Bowe Bergdahl By Patrick Martin, March 30, 2015
New York Times Publishes Call to Bomb Iran By Robert Parry, March 30, 2015
Arab League Agrees to Formation of Regional Army as Yemen Assault Expands By Niles Williamson, March 30, 2015
2014 Deadliest Year for Palestinians Since 1967, UN Report Finds By Sarah Lazare, March 30, 2015
Yemen and Syria – Two Different Rebellions, Two Different Stories, Same Belligerent West By Brandon Turbeville, March 30, 2015
US-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, March 30, 2015
A Middle East Holocaust By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 30, 2015
Both Israel and Iran Should Subscribe to a Nuclear Weapons Free Zone (NWFZ) By Anthony Bellchambers, March 30, 2015
Flashback to March 29, 2011: Over 6 million people marched across Syria in support of President al-Assad By Cem Ertür, March 30, 2015
Obama’s Up-Side-Down “War on Terrorism”: US Warplanes Strike Iraqi Popular Forces Fighting ISIS By Fars News Agency, March 29, 2015
The Netanyahu Victory. Is there a Path to a Just Peace? Global Research News Hour Episode 98 By Michael Welch, Prof. James Petras, and Jeff Halper, March 29, 2015
Israeli Fighter Jets Join Saudi Arabia in War on Yemen By Fars News Agency, March 29, 2015
Ancient Syria and Mesopotamia, Cradle of Civilization. From Ancient to Modern Mashriq By Dr. Ali Kadri, March 29, 2015
“Unholy Alliance” between Saudi Arabia and Israel. A US-Iran Nuclear Deal Would Trigger Regional Political Re-alignments By Salman Rafi Sheikh, March 29, 2015
Israel Welcomes Complicit Amnesty International Report: Palestinian “Armed Groups” Allegedly “Guilty of War Crimes” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 29, 2015
The Money Trail: How the US Fostered Yemen’s Separatist Movement By Sputnik, March 29, 2015
Saudi Invasion: Yemeni Forces Arrest 40 Saudi Military Men By Fars News Agency, March 29, 2015
Invading Yemen: Criminality in Support of Hegemony By Ajamu Baraka, March 29, 2015
Four Years of Syrian Resistance to Imperialist Takeover By Sara Flounders, March 28, 2015
US-Saudi Blitz into Yemen: Naked Aggression, Absolute Desperation By Tony Cartalucci, March 27, 2015
The Objective of Saudi Arabia and the U.S. is the Invasion and Occupation of Yemen By Alalam, March 27, 2015
Why is the American Federation of Teachers Promoting Israeli Apartheid? By Ali Abunimah, March 27, 2015
Amnesty: Gaza Firing of Indiscriminate Rockets is War Crime By Robert Barsocchini, March 27, 2015
John Bolton’s Call for War on Iran By Bill Van Auken, March 27, 2015
12th Anniversary Of the Illegal Invasion of Iraq: The Anglo-American Iraqi Genocide By Gideon Polya, March 27, 2015
Israel Caught Spying On U.S. Behind Closed Doors Negotiations With Iran By Washington's Blog, March 26, 2015
As Saudi Arabia and Allies Continue Airstrikes, Sorrow and Rage in Yemen By Jon Queally, March 26, 2015
The Roots of Netanyahu’s Electoral Victory: Colonial Expansion and Fascist Ideology By Prof. James Petras, March 26, 2015
Israel “Spied On the United States” During Iran Nuclear Negotiations By Joseph Fitsanakis, March 25, 2015
Why I Oppose War with Iran By Washington's Blog, March 25, 2015
Israel Spied on US-Iran Talks In Effort to Block Deal By Patrick Martin, March 25, 2015
Washington Halts Drawdown of Troops from Afghanistan By Bill Van Auken, March 25, 2015
Has Terrorism Stepped into Africa’s Political Void? By Mark P. Fancher, March 25, 2015
Videos of Israeli Raids on Sleeping Children By Jonathan Cook, March 25, 2015
Jerusalem on the Boil By Stephen Lendman, March 25, 2015
US-NATO Policy Underlines Instability in Libya and Tunisia By Abayomi Azikiwe, March 25, 2015
Australia’s Mission in Afghanistan. The Failings of “Operation Slipper” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 25, 2015
Sixty Percent of Global Drone Exports Come from Israel — New Data By Rania Khalek, March 24, 2015
Behind the Tensions between Obama and Netanyahu By Bill Van Auken, March 24, 2015
The Houla Massacre Revisited: “Official Truth” in the Dirty War on Syria By Prof. Tim Anderson, March 24, 2015
Rebranding Al-Qaeda’s Jabhat Al Nusra in Syria as “Moderates” By Maram Susli, March 23, 2015
Forgiving Al-Qaeda in Pursuit of a New Enemy By Jim Naureckas, March 23, 2015
Is Obama Really Going to Get Tough with Israel? By Ali Abunimah, March 23, 2015
Judge Orders End to Pentagon Stalling on Torture Photos By Patrick Martin, March 23, 2015
Houthi Militia Takes Over Taiz as Yemen Descends into Civil War By Niles Williamson, March 23, 2015
Israel’s “Every Day Terrorism”, Crimes against Palestinian Children. For Hamza: Arms Sanctions Against Israel By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, March 23, 2015
US Judge Sentences US Citizen Based on Israeli Military Documents By Dahr Jamail, March 23, 2015
As Netanyahu Sinks into the Gutter – Israel will have to pay the price By Anthony Bellchambers, March 22, 2015
Yemen: American Weapons Once More “Landed Up in the Wrong Hands”. Mistakenly in the Hands of Al Qaeda By Joachim Hagopian, March 21, 2015
Obama Reevaluating US Position on Israel? Don’t Bet on it! By Stephen Lendman, March 21, 2015
Fear as Gold: The Currency of Israel’s Elections By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 20, 2015
US Special Forces Caught Red-Handed inside Syria. US Guiding Airstrikes against al-Assad Government in Support of Kurdish Separatists By Dr. Christof Lehmann, March 20, 2015