Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
ISIS Colonel Was Trained by Blackwater and U.S. State Department for 11 Years By Cassius Methyl, June 15, 2015
Yemen: The Silent Slaughter Global Research News Hour Episode 108 By Michael Welch and Abayomi Azikiwe, June 14, 2015
The Illegitimacy of Israel’s Colonisation of Land in Arab East Jerusalem, the Palestinian West Bank and the Syrian Golan Heights By Anthony Bellchambers, June 14, 2015
Patriarch Gregorios Laham: Stop the International War of Genocide against Syria By Haifa Said, June 13, 2015
Obituary Tariq Aziz. Former Deputy Prime Minister of Iraq has passed away By Denis Halliday and Hans von Sponeck, June 13, 2015
Saudi Arabia: America’s Military Proxy. Waging War on the Middle East and Iran By Global Research News, June 13, 2015
Impacts of the BDS Campaign? U.K. -Israel Trade Slumps By Anthony Bellchambers, June 13, 2015
Turkey: The Strategic Defeat of Recep Tayyip Erdogan By Sungur Savran, June 12, 2015
Bilderberg Kingpin Henry Kissinger Admits ISIS Gets Its Weapons from US By Kurt Nimmo, June 12, 2015
Lebanon’s Palestinian Refugee Camps Protest UNRWA Aid Cuts By Louisa Lamb, June 12, 2015
The Death of the Former Prime Minister of Iraq, Tariq Aziz. Message from Fr. Miguel d’Escoto By Miguel d'Escoto Brockmann, MM, June 12, 2015
Israel Spied on Hotels Used for P5+1 Iran Nuclear Talks By Stephen Lendman, June 11, 2015
Israel Hints at Legal Measures Against Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) Movement By Middle East Monitor, June 11, 2015
Israel in Action: Spoiling the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 11, 2015
South African Lawyers Call for Arrest of Egypt’s President Sisi By Global Research News, June 11, 2015
One Year Since the Fall of Mosul: More US Troops Headed to Iraq By Bill Van Auken, June 11, 2015
“Gaza is on the Brink of Collapse”: Humanitarian Crisis, Imminent Explosion to Rock Gaza By Global Research News, June 11, 2015
Two Pools, Two Worlds of News Coverage regarding Police Violence in America By Global Research News, June 11, 2015
United Nations Official in Gaza Quits, Spotlights Gazans’ Spirit By Ghada Ageel, June 11, 2015
Escalation, Dangerous Crossroads: Did the War in Syria Just Become a Regional War? By Eric Draitser, June 11, 2015
Furthering a Failed Strategy, Obama to Send More Ground Troops to Iraq By Jon Queally, June 10, 2015
Through the Glass Darkly: Tariq Aziz and Iraq’s Tragedy By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 10, 2015
Palestinian Authority set to file War Crimes Complaints against Israel at International Criminal Court (ICC) By PNN, June 10, 2015
War Crimes and the Ghost Children of Homs, Syria By Régis Le Sommier, June 09, 2015
Capitalizing on the Syrian War: Israeli Politician Says Syria “No Longer Exists” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, June 09, 2015
The Network of Powerful Israel Partisans Who Are Pushing to Bomb Iran By Robert Parry, June 09, 2015
African American and Palestine Liberation: A Response to the Mainstream Media and Their Imperialist Masters By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 09, 2015
Recent ISIS and Al Qaeda Rebel Gains in Syria and Iraq: A Result of US Support to Extremists By Steven Chovanec, June 09, 2015
Can United Nations Talks in Geneva Bring Peace to Yemen? By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 09, 2015
Islamic State (IS) closes in on Libya’s Oil Crescent By Global Research News, June 09, 2015
War Propaganda and “Dirty Lies” support the “Dirty War on Syria” By Prof. Tim Anderson, June 08, 2015
U.N. Spurns Palestinian Children. Ban Ki-moon Decides Not to Include Israel in the List of Violators of Children’s Rights By Global Research News, June 08, 2015
“It’s Like a Jail”: Account of Life in Lebanon’s Refugee Camps as Told by a Syrian-Palestinian Refugee By Louisa Lamb, June 08, 2015
China refuses sending Workers to West Bank Settlements By PNN, June 08, 2015
Once Again, Israel Bombs Gaza By Stephen Lendman, June 08, 2015
From Germany, With Hypocrisy: Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier visits the Gaza Strip By Emran Feroz, June 08, 2015
al-monitor wounded gazan children in hospital
Israel’s War Crimes Record: Killing and Maiming Children in Armed Conflicts By Eva Bartlett, June 07, 2015
US-led Coalition “Against ISIS”: Warplanes “Mistakenly” Strike Iraqi Army Bases in Fallujah, Kill Iraqi Soldiers By Global Research News, June 07, 2015
Turkish Intelligence Smuggled ISIS Gunmen to Fight in Syria, Delivered Weapons to Terrorists By Global Research News, June 07, 2015
Netanyahu Is King in a World of Perpetual Fear By Jonathan Cook, June 07, 2015
Tony Blair Appointed Head of EU Body “Fighting Anti-Semitism” By Press TV, June 07, 2015
US/Saudi Genocide in Yemen By Stephen Lendman, June 07, 2015
Mercenary Groups Head to The Philippines “to Fight Groups Allied with the Islamic State” By RT, June 07, 2015
Not in God’s Name: Confronting the Ideology of “Political Zionism” By Anthony Bellchambers, June 06, 2015
Terror Trial Collapses: Suspect Accused of Supporting Syria Fighting Groups Backed by British Intelligence MI6 By Stuart J. Hooper, June 06, 2015
Israel and the Water Card By Paul R. Pillar, June 06, 2015
Oops … US Air Force nearly bombed “Friendly” Iraqi Forces instead of ISIS Terrorists, General By Press TV, June 06, 2015
Iraq War Crimes: Holding Bush and Blair to Account Global Research News Hour Episode 107 By Michael Welch and Inder Comar, June 06, 2015
History of the June 1967 “Six Day War”: Some Israeli Leaders Do Sometimes Tell The Truth By Alan Hart, June 05, 2015
Forecasting the Destruction to Come: An Eyewitness Account of Libya in 2011 By Stephen Lendman and Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, June 05, 2015
U.S. Foreign Policy in Syria: Sleepwalking to Another Mideast Disaster By Robert Parry, June 05, 2015
Iraq War Propaganda Redux: U.S. Claims Syrian Government Supporting ISIS By Washington's Blog, June 05, 2015
Egypt’s President Al-Sisi in Berlin: Red Carpet for the Hangman of Cairo By Johannes Stern, June 05, 2015
The “Islamic State” Invasion of Iraq One Year Removed: The ISIS Grows Stronger, the U.S. Weaker and the World More Dangerous By Joachim Hagopian, June 05, 2015
Iraqi Army Fighting ISIS in Iraq, “Moderate” Al Qaeda Rebels in Syria Pledge Allegiance to US By South Front, June 04, 2015
War, Imperialism and the People’s Struggle in the Middle East By Abayomi Azikiwe, June 04, 2015
The US Arming of ISIS By Bill Van Auken, June 03, 2015
A U.N. Resolution to Establish an Israeli State in Palestine, Would Fail Today by at least 100 Votes By Anthony Bellchambers, June 03, 2015
With the US Air War in the Tenth Month, ISIS Advances in Iraq and Syria By Bill Van Auken, June 02, 2015
Lebanon: The Israeli War Crime That Goes Unmentioned By Jonathan Cook, June 02, 2015
Declassified Documents: Hillary Clinton aided the Rise of the “Islamic State” (ISIS) By Dr. Jerome Corsi, June 02, 2015
Iranians Rise Against the Pending Nuclear Agreement. Washington’s Objective is to Convert Iran into a de facto US Puppet State By Prof. Akbar E. Torbat, June 02, 2015
Fake TV Images: BBC Admits “Switching Syria Footage” On Grounds of “Taste and Decency” By Robert Stuart, June 02, 2015
US Weapons Falling in the Hands of the Islamic State (ISIS): “2,300 Humvees in Mosul alone” By RT, June 02, 2015
Possible Tactical Nuclear Strike (Neutron Bomb) in Yemen? By Global Research News, June 01, 2015
Holes in the Neocons’ Syria Story By Robert Parry, June 01, 2015
Syria: ISIS Palmyra Demolition has begun with Ancient God Lion Statue destroyed By Global Research News, June 01, 2015
US-Saudi- Israeli “Axis of Evil” Against Yemen, Carefully Planned Military Undertaking By Stephen Lendman, May 31, 2015
Ex-Yemeni President: Wars in Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Libya Stirred by Saudis to Serve Israel By Fars News Agency, May 31, 2015
US State Department sponsored Training of ISIS Terrorists, Report By Press TV, May 31, 2015
Islamic State (ISIS) Mercenaries on Drugs Produced by NATO, Two Tons seized in Western Syria, Report By Global Research News, May 31, 2015
“There is no ‘Moderate Armed Opposition’ in Syria” By Global Research News, May 31, 2015
Israel’s Alliance with al-Qaeda By Asa Winstanley, May 30, 2015
In Their Own Words: Senior Israeli Officials on the Palestinian Question By Institute for Middle East Understanding, May 30, 2015
Soccer Politics: Palestinian Bid to Expel Israel from FIFA Dropped By Stephen Lendman, May 30, 2015
Report from The War Front: Ukraine, Yemen and Iraq By South Front, May 30, 2015
Israel Orders Wife of Palestinian Jailed for Facebook Comments Expelled from Jerusalem By Patrick Strickland, May 30, 2015
Anti-Semitism in Europe: The Causal Factor Being the Conversion of “Jewish Victims” into “Israeli Perpetrators” By Anthony Bellchambers, May 29, 2015
US Rebukes Israel While Showering it With Arms and Favors By Jonathan Cook, May 29, 2015
Under Boycott Pressure, French Telecom Company Orange Tries to Distance Itself from Israeli Operation By Ali Abunimah, May 29, 2015