Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
car bomb Syria Hom, © AFP 2015/ STR
Syria: Terrorist Attack in Homs in the Wake of the Truce. Car Bomb Blast Kills Civilians By Sputnik, December 12, 2015
Renewed Russian Airstrikes against ISIS Positions in Syria By South Front, December 12, 2015
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
Why Did Turkey Shoot Down That Russian Plane? By Conn Hallinan, December 12, 2015
Illegal Slaughter: Cameron’s Bombings of Syria, Equals Blair’s Iraq War Crimes By Felicity Arbuthnot, December 12, 2015
US-Saudi Sponsored Mercenaries in Yemen By South Front, December 11, 2015
Out of Sight, Out of Mind? Turkey Starts Building Wall Along Syrian Border By Sputnik, December 11, 2015
Killing Non-Jews in Israel: “The New Normal” By Middle East Monitor, December 11, 2015
Elephant in the Room: Terrorism and the U.S.-Gulf States Alliance By Hasan Hafidh, December 11, 2015
The Systemic Incarceration of Palestinian Children By Reem Abd Ulhamid, December 11, 2015
The ISIS “Counter-Offensive” in Syria By South Front, December 11, 2015
Where Will this War Frenzy Lead? What Stinks in Saudi Ain’t the Camel Dung. ISIS is A “Saudi Army in Disguise.” By F. William Engdahl, December 10, 2015
The Scottish National Party’s Tactical Opposition to Bombing Syria By Steve James, December 10, 2015
Turkey’s Aim to Annex Northern Syria and Iraq By Stephen Lendman, December 10, 2015
Israel’s Occupation of Palestine Is Morally Indefensible By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, December 10, 2015
Video. The Russia-Turkey Standoff: Bosphorus Blockade By South Front, December 10, 2015
Syria And World War By Margaret Kimberley, December 10, 2015
Israeli Army launches Limited Incursion into Blockaded Gaza By The Palestinian Information Center, December 10, 2015
Syria: Ultimate Pipelineistan War By Pepe Escobar, December 10, 2015
UK Government Prepared War in Syria Two Years Before 2011 Protests. France’s Former Foreign Minister Roland Dumas By Global Research News, December 10, 2015
Presidents Sisi and Putin seal the deal. (Photo Credit: Russian Presidential Office)
Iran 2.0? Russia to Loan Egypt $25 Billion to Build NUCLEAR Power Plant By 21st Century Wire, December 09, 2015
Saudi Arabia’s Royal Family to Select the West’s “Moderate” Jihadists Who Will Take Over Syria By Eric Zuesse, December 09, 2015
Russia’s Air Campaign has Supported Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Ground Offensive against Terrorists By South Front, December 09, 2015
Mercenaries in Yemen: the US Connection By Laura Carlsen, December 09, 2015
Four US-led Coalition Jets Seen over Deir ez Zor On the Day Syrian Army Camp Came Under Attack By RT, December 09, 2015
Iraq Seeks To Cancel Security Agreement With US, Will Invite Russia To Fight ISIS By Zero Hedge, December 09, 2015
Destroying Syria to Create Sunnistan. US Bombs Syrian Military Base. Turkey Invades Northern Iraq By Mike Whitney, December 09, 2015
The Jewish State is Not in The Business of Promoting Terrorism. Israel’s “Humanitarian Support” of Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” in Syria By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 09, 2015
Republican Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz Threatens to Nuke ISIS Targets By Robert Parry, December 09, 2015
Imperialism, the “War on Terror” and Anti-Muslim Hysteria By Andre Damon, December 09, 2015
Petition to Arrest Tony Blair for War Crimes in the Middle East. The Cameron Government’s Response By Steven Smith, December 09, 2015
Haider_al-Abadi, Photo by Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Flickr (CC BY 2.0)
Turkey Given 24 Hours To Withdraw From Iraq By Al-Masdar News, December 08, 2015
Israeli-ISIS Oil Interests: No Brake and No Disclosure on Media Owners’ Interests By Craig Murray, December 08, 2015
America’s Creeping War in Syria By Tony Cartalucci, December 08, 2015
Syrian Armed Forces Engage in Heavy Clashes with Terrorists. Heavy ISIS Losses By South Front, December 07, 2015
The US, France and Britain: The Destruction of Syria is the Plan By Sam Gerrans, December 07, 2015
Official of U.S.-Backed Syrian ‘Moderates’ Calls for ‘Exterminating’ Alawites By Eric Zuesse, December 07, 2015
US-Israeli “Rift” Has Not Dampened Partnership in Oppression of Palestinians By Matt Peppe, December 07, 2015
‘Turkey Main Sponsor of Terrorists in Syria’: Lebanese Politician By Sputnik, December 07, 2015
The New Imperialist Carve-up of the Middle East By Joseph Kishore, December 07, 2015
Syria Pro-government Forces Advancing in Southern Aleppo Province By South Front, December 07, 2015
Right-wing Israeli Group Targets Palestinian Christians, Protests Christmas Tree Event in Jerusalem By The Voice of Palestine, December 07, 2015
The US is Now Targeting the Syrian Armed Forces? US-Led ISIS Coalition Hits a Syrian Army Camp in Deir Ezzor By Leith Fadel, December 07, 2015
Iraq: ‘Vicious Circle of Violence’ Claims 489 Civilian Lives in November By United Nations, December 07, 2015
French soldiers at the Eiffel Tower after the Paris shootings. Photo: Reuters
In the Wake of the Terrorist Attacks. Paris: The City of Light or the City of Darkness? By J. Michael Springmann, December 07, 2015
SU-34 © Maxim Blinov / RIA Novosti
Week Nine of the Russian Intervention in Syria: The Empire Strikes Back By The Saker, December 07, 2015
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
Israel is now Bombing Syria: Claims Airstrikes at Syrian Army Convoy on Damascus By Alalam, December 06, 2015
Britain’s Labour Party Hilary Benn’s Support of Cameron’s Decision to Bomb Syria: High on Emotion and Elocution but Flawed By Adeyinka Makinde, December 06, 2015
Netanyahu Pushing Region towards a “Religious War”. Banned Islamic Leader, Wider Assault on Palestinians Rights By Jonathan Cook, December 06, 2015
Turkey’s Push to Create New Ottoman Empire ‘Blowing Up in its Own Face’ By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, December 06, 2015
US-NATO Ground Forces, Escalation in Syria Leading to Global War By South Front, December 05, 2015
More than One Thousand Russian Strikes Directed against Terrorist Positions, US Air Base to be Established in Northern Syria By South Front, December 05, 2015
Cameron to Spend Billions Bombing and Then “Reconstructing” Syria, So These Rich People Get Richer By Carlyn Harvey, December 05, 2015
Iraq Demands ‘Immediate’ Withdrawal of Turkish Forces from Its Territory By Middle East Eye, December 05, 2015
US Building Military Airbase in Northeastern Syria By Fars News Agency, December 05, 2015
Obama Ignores Russian Terror Victims, Killed by ISIS By Robert Parry, December 05, 2015
War Propaganda and “ISIS Held Oil Fields”: UK Airstrikes Hit “Obliterated” Syrian Oil Field, Not Hitting “Actual” ISIS Targets By 21st Century Wire, December 05, 2015
Trigger-Happy Angela Merkel Wants ‘Her’ War – Forget the German Constitution By Russia Insider, December 05, 2015
New World Order Agenda: Obama’s Reckless Roadmap to World War III? By Joachim Hagopian, December 05, 2015
Video: Large-Scale Military Operations Against Terrorist by Syrian Government Forces, Cutting ISIS Supply Lines By South Front, December 04, 2015
Egypt: “Before and After the Spring Revolution”. Portraits of “Women Who Fight Back” By Barbara Nimri Aziz, December 04, 2015
Saudi Warplanes Drop Cluster Bombs on Own Soil to Prevent Yemeni Forces’ Advances By Fars News Agency, December 04, 2015
German MP Slams Berlin’s Military Operation in Syria as ‘Lunacy’ By Sputnik, December 04, 2015
US Gives ISIS 45 Minute Warning before Bombs, “Runs out of Ammo” against ISIS Targets By Brandon Turbeville, December 04, 2015
Israel Ministry of Health “Reimbursed for Israeli War Crimes”: Hospital Bills Palestinian Authority for Medical Treatment of Dawabsha Child By International Middle East Media Center, December 04, 2015
Taking On Jihadists without Taking On Racism Is a Lost Battle By Basem Ezbidi, December 04, 2015
Where Does ISIS Get Its Funding? Maybe We Should Ask Our Allies By Claire Bernish, December 04, 2015
Obama Ignores Russian Terror Victims By Robert Parry, December 04, 2015
UK Stages Bombing Raid on Syria Hours after Parliamentary Vote By Robert Stevens, December 04, 2015
Erdogan Blackmails NATO Allies By Mike Whitney, December 04, 2015
Syria. Strategic Agreement leading to a “Permanent Ceasefire” in Homs By South Front, December 03, 2015
Turkey’s Downing of Russia’s Aircraft: Was it Coordinated with the US Joint Chiefs of Staff? By Tony Cartalucci, December 03, 2015
Russia versus NATO’s Gladio 2.0: “Turkish Jihad” from China to Syria By Joe Quinn, December 03, 2015
© REUTERS/ Reuters TV/Haberturk
“Russia should be Applauded… Our Government is Unwilling to Confront the Terrorist Offensive”: US Congressman Dana Rohrabacher By Dana Rohrabacher, December 03, 2015
The US-Russia Proxy War in Syria By Ray McGovern, December 03, 2015
Britain Launches Naked Aggression on Syria, on the Phoney Pretext of Combating ISIS By Stephen Lendman, December 03, 2015
With US Help, Saudi Arabia Is Obliterating Yemen By Sharif Abdel Kouddous, December 03, 2015
International day of Solidarity with Palestine: Looking Back, Looking Ahead By International Movement for a Just World, December 03, 2015
The Bizarre Explanation For Why The U.S. Has Avoided Bombing ISIS Oil Wells By Michael Snyder, December 03, 2015
As the EU helps Sustain Israel’s Illegal Settlements, NGOs urged to Cut Trading Links By Anthony Bellchambers, December 03, 2015
Bombshell: The Turkish Assault on Russia’s SU-24 was Guided by the US Air Force By Peter Koenig, December 03, 2015