Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Imminent Turkish Invasion of Syria? Erdogan will not Invade Syria without Washington’s Permission By Stephen Lendman, February 19, 2016
Video: Retreat of Syria Terrorists. Government Forces Gain Full Control of Homs-Damascus Highway By South Front, February 19, 2016
The Ankara Terrorist Blast: False Flag Catastrophe of Convenience? By Ulson Gunnar, February 19, 2016
Can the International Court of Justice Rule on the Competency of the then Minority United Nations, in 1947, to Arbitrarily Partition Palestine? By Anthony Bellchambers, February 19, 2016
British Democracy Is Dead: Long Live The Ethnic Cleansing With Impunity Of The Palestinian People By Apartheid Israel By William Hanna, February 19, 2016
Russia Brokers Humanitarian Aid to Syrian Villages Under Terrorist Siege By Vanessa Beeley, February 19, 2016
Doctors without Borders (MSF) Admits Withholding Syria Hospital Coordinates from Damascus and Moscow By RT, February 19, 2016
Hillary Clinton and The Dogs of War By Nicolas J. S. Davies, February 19, 2016
Waging Endless War From Vietnam to Syria. Kissinger, the Bombardier, How Diplomacy by Air Power Became an All-American Tradition, By Greg Grandin, February 19, 2016
Western Powers Move Closer to New Military Intervention in Libya By Marianne Arens, February 19, 2016
Turkey Escalates War Threats after Terror Attacks By Johannes Stern, February 19, 2016
Obama Lectures Russia on Syrian “Quagmire” By Bill Van Auken, February 18, 2016
Obama’s ‘Moderate’ Syrian Deception By Gareth Porter, February 18, 2016
Washington’s Machiavellian Game in Syria By F. William Engdahl, February 18, 2016
Netanyahu’s Racist Incitement, Dehumanizing “Non-Israelis”, Palestinians Designated as “Wild Beasts” By David Sheen, February 18, 2016
False Flag Terror in Ankara: Turkish PM Accuses Syria “Of Being Directly Responsible”, Accuses Russia of Supporting Kurdish YPG against Turkey By Stephen Lendman, February 18, 2016
Iraqi Kurdistan is Collapsing. Western Propaganda and “Two Parallel Realities” By Andre Vltchek, February 18, 2016
Turkey Has Repeatedly Carried Out False Flag Terror. Government Officials By Washington's Blog, February 18, 2016
Syrian SAA Forces Confront New Alliance of “Opposition” Al Qaeda Militants in Aleppo By South Front, February 17, 2016
The War on Syria, Waiting for “Washington’s Green Light”: “We Want a Ground Operation. … Turkey will Take Part.” By Stephen Lendman, February 17, 2016
Washington Supports the Terrorists in Syria: Obama’s Latest Putin Bashing Shows Desperation By Stephen Lendman, February 17, 2016
Yemen, Forgotten War, Forgotten War Crimes: US Cluster Munitions Used against Civilians By Sheba Rights, February 17, 2016
Greatest Threat to Free Speech in the West: Criminalizing Activism Against Israeli Occupation By Glenn Greenwald, February 17, 2016
US Mercenaries in Yemen: Blackwater Group Abandons Taiz War Front in West Yemen By Leith Fadel, February 17, 2016
Israeli Police Detain American Journalists on Spurious Grounds of “Incitement”. Democracy in Israel is Pure Fantasy By Stephen Lendman, February 17, 2016
Syria: At the Gateway of A Greater War By Tony Cartalucci, February 17, 2016
Five Years on: the US-NATO Destruction of Libya Continues By Alexander Mezyaev, February 17, 2016
Walking Through Aleppo: The US-NATO Sponsored Destruction of Syria’s Cultural Heritage By Sputnik, February 17, 2016
Turkey Pushes for Ground Invasion of Syria By Bill Van Auken, February 17, 2016
America’s Terror War on Syria. The US Role in Supporting the ISIS By Michael Jabara Carley, February 17, 2016
Russian Diplomat Drops a Bombshell: US Expected ISIS to Seize Damascus by October By Alexander Mercouris, February 17, 2016
Closure of Balkan Refugee Route Deepens Rifts in the EU By Martin Kreickenbaum, February 16, 2016
War, Conflict and Economic Development in the Arab World By Dr. Ali Kadri, February 16, 2016
Turkey Comes to Rescue of ISIS Terrorists, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and Kurdish YPG Target ISIS and Al Nusrah Positions By South Front, February 16, 2016
Collapse of Iraqi Kurdistan By Andre Vltchek, February 16, 2016
Syria – Peace Talks and an Empire Running Amok By Peter Koenig, February 16, 2016
US-Made Cluster Munitions in Yemen used against Civilians By Cluster Munition Coalition, February 16, 2016
Finding the Islamic State a Safe House, Courtesy of US-NATO. “A Salafist Principality in Eastern Syria” By Ulson Gunnar, February 16, 2016
Syrian Army Advances into Raqqa in Major Anti-ISIS Assault By RT, February 16, 2016
The US-NATO Planned Invasion of Syria: Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 16, 2016
The Geopolitics of Oil and Gas Pipelines in the Middle East By South Front, February 16, 2016
The Turkey-Qatar Military Cooperation Agreement: Turkish Military Presence in the Persian Gulf? By Martin Berger, February 15, 2016
American workers
Health, Tax, Yemen: Three UK Ministers, A Rudderless Boat, No Paddle. By Felicity Arbuthnot, February 15, 2016
‘Gross Attack on Democratic Freedoms’: Israel Lobby Influences UK Foreign and Domestic Policies By Anthony Bellchambers, February 15, 2016
The Turkish and Saudi Intervention in Syria. Towards a Broader War By South Front, February 15, 2016
Israeli Arms Company to Train British RAF Aircrew By Middle East Monitor, February 15, 2016
Turkish Shelling Is Direct Support To Terrorist Organizations. Syrian Foreign Ministry By H. Said, February 15, 2016
Iran Will Defend Syria’s Airspace If Damascus Requests. Response to Reports that Turkey and Saudi Arabia Preparing Joint Military Operations on Syrian Soil” By Press TV, February 15, 2016
Syria: US and Israeli Weapons and Ammunition In Possession of Terrorists, Seized by Government Forces By H. Said, February 15, 2016
Saudi Troops into Syria: The “Gates of Hell” Will Be Open in the Coming Months. Three Possible Scenarios By Elijah J. Magnier, February 15, 2016
The US “Plan B” for Syria and the Threat of World War By Bill Van Auken, February 15, 2016
The “Race To Raqqa” Is Quickly Intensifying. “Foreign Armies at Syria’s Borders With the Intent to Invade Syria” By Moon of Alabama, February 15, 2016
Russian warplanes | © Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
Week Eighteen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: A Dramatic Escalation Appears Imminent By The Saker, February 15, 2016
Russian Prime Minister Warns There Will Be A “Permanent World War” If Saudis Invade Syria By Zero Hedge, February 15, 2016
The Neoconservatives Are Brewing A Wider War In Syria By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 15, 2016
Turkey is the “Cause”, Not the “Solution” to ISIS and the Syrian Crisis By Tony Cartalucci, February 14, 2016
The Syrian Endgame, “A Lost War is Dangerous”. US-NATO, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, “Losers on The Rampage” By Prof. Tim Anderson, February 14, 2016
French TV Uses Russian Airstrikes Video While Reporting on US-Led Coalition Successes in Syria By RT, February 14, 2016
The Planned Invasion of Syria: Are We on the Eve of War. Is the US Leading Saudi Arabia Down “the Kuwaiti Invasion Road”? By JC Collins, February 13, 2016
End NATO Now. “An Insanity that’s Driving the World Inexorably Toward World War III” By Eric Zuesse, February 13, 2016
Syria's President Bashar al-Assad © SANA / Reuters
US Condemns Assad’s Vow to Liberate Syria from Terrorists By Press TV, February 13, 2016
Video: Turkey’s Military Intervention in Syria By South Front, February 13, 2016
“Modalities for a Nationwide Cessation of Hostilities”: Official Statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) By United Nations, February 13, 2016
The Race To Raqqa Is On – To Keep Its Unity Syria Must Win By Moon of Alabama, February 13, 2016
President Bashar al-Assad Interview: “The Refugee Crisis is Caused by Terrorism and Western Policies” By Bashar al Assad, February 13, 2016
In Syria, If You Can’t Find Moderates, Dress Up Some Extremists By Tony Cartalucci, February 12, 2016
The Syria Proxy War against the Islamic State (ISIS) Has Reached its Climax. Military Escalation, Towards a US-NATO Sponsored Ground Invasion? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, February 12, 2016
US A-10s Bombed City of Aleppo, Shifted Blame onto Moscow – Russian Military By RT, February 12, 2016
Syrian Government Forces and Russian Warplanes Storm Islamic State (ISIS) Defense Lines in Raqqa Province By South Front, February 12, 2016
Do We Need a Bigger War? What Next in the War on Syria? The Expulsion of Terrorist and Mercenary Forces By Syria Solidarity Movement, February 12, 2016
Syrian Army Continues to Hold Off ISIS. Russia Proposes a Ceasefire. By South Front, February 12, 2016
Saudi Arabia Makes “Final” Decision To Send Troops To Syria As US, Russia Spar Over Aleppo Strikes By Zero Hedge, February 12, 2016
Russia Hits Back at UNSC Members Pressing for End to its Syrian Mission By The Brics Post, February 12, 2016
Kerry Calls for Peace as NATO Proxies Lose Ground in Syria By Brandon Turbeville, February 12, 2016
Israel’s Nuclear-Armed Submarine Fleet in Mediterranean, Threatens Middle East and Europe By Anthony Bellchambers, February 12, 2016
The US “Plan B” for Syria and the Threat of World War By Bill Van Auken, February 12, 2016
The Dirty War on Syria: Interview with Tim Anderson By Prof. Tim Anderson and Brendan Stone, February 11, 2016
Haggai Segal: Israel’s Terrorist Journalist By Ira Glunts, February 11, 2016
Palestinians Call on Oscar Nominees to Reject Israel Propaganda Trip By BDS Movement, February 11, 2016
Victory in Aleppo.The Syrian Arab Army is on the Offensive By Hugo Turner, February 11, 2016