Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
The BDS Movement: Israeli Apartheid and Canada’s Duplicity By Mark Taliano, March 12, 2016
Syria: Heavy Clashes with Retreating ISIS and al Nusra Terrorists By South Front, March 11, 2016
Iran Ordered to Pay $10.5 Billion for 9/11 by US Judge By RT, March 11, 2016
‘The Obama Doctrine’ Is to Whitewash His Foreign Policy By Moon of Alabama, March 11, 2016
Who Is the US Killing With Drones? By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, March 11, 2016
IDF Propaganda Ignores Occupation When Explaining Palestinian Violence By Annie Robbins, March 11, 2016
Washington Steps Up Threats over Iran Missile Tests By Bill Van Auken, March 11, 2016
Europe’s Attack on Refugees Produces Humanitarian Catastrophe By Martin Kreickenbaum, March 11, 2016
Iran’s Military Capabilities: Technical Cooperation with Russia and China By South Front, March 11, 2016
Israeli Textbooks for Arab Schools: ‘Bad for Arabs, Bad for Jews’ By Jonathan Cook, March 11, 2016
Cameron’s “Moderate Rebels” Use Yellow Phosphorus on Kurds in Aleppo. Fake Evidence by the BBC By Craig Murray, March 10, 2016
The Unraveling Of Turkey’s “Genuine Democracy” By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, March 09, 2016
“The Desert Offensive” against The Islamic State (ISIS): Massive Deployment of Syrian, Hezbollah and Russian Forces By Leith Fadel, March 09, 2016
Recaptured from the Islamic State, Ramadi Destruction Is Worse than Anywhere Else in Iraq By The New Arab, March 09, 2016
Syrian, Kurdish and Russian Forces Liberate Key Terroritories Controlled by the Islamic State (ISIS) By South Front, March 09, 2016
Palestinians Are Joining the Exodus of Refugees to the EU… By IMEMC, March 09, 2016
Western Powers Prepare Military Operations in Libya By Niles Williamson, March 09, 2016
Jewish Settlers Social Media Campaign against EU Aid to Palestinian Bedouins By Jonathan Cook, March 09, 2016
Turkish Police Raid Zaman HQs, Fire Tear Gas on Readers after Government Takeover By Todays Zaman, March 09, 2016
U.S. Military Detention in Iraq: Just How Many ISIS Detainees So Far? By Robert Chesney, March 09, 2016
International organisations have issued warned that life in Gaza on brink of collapse due to effects of the oppressive Israeli siege, which is regarded a collective punishment and illegal in international law.
Gaza: Launching the “Women’s Boat to Gaza” Campaign By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, March 09, 2016
Western Media Deliberately Ignoring “Reality on the Ground in Syria” By Eva Bartlett, March 09, 2016
Palestinians Sue US Tycoons for $34.5 Billion over Jewish West Bank Settlements By Sputnik, March 09, 2016
US to Build Second Airbase in Syria By Middle East Monitor, March 09, 2016
Conflating Anti-Likud “Political Zionism” with Anti­-Semitism By Anthony Bellchambers, March 09, 2016
When Afghan Women Were Free By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, March 09, 2016
“Saving Syria’s Children”: Did The BBC Lie? By Robert Stuart, March 08, 2016
DynCorp Mercenaries to Replace Blackwater in Yemen By Press TV, March 08, 2016
Washington’s Objective is to “Split up Syria”: U.S. Establishes Air Force Base in Northern Syria In Violation of International Law By SyrianFreePress, March 07, 2016
A shot of an ancient neighborhood in Sanaa, the capital of Yemen, taken long before Saudi Arabia's invasion. AFP/Getty Images
Yemen: One of the Oldest Civilizations: Crimes against Humanity. Saudi Bombings of Yemen’s Heritage Sites By Ahmed Alwly, March 07, 2016
500 Days of British Drone Attacks in Iraq and Syria, “Against ISIS” or “Against Civilians”? By Chris Cole, March 07, 2016
“Islamic State” in Disarray: Russian Warplanes Target ISIS Transport Routes, YPG Kurds and Syrian Army Join Hands By South Front, March 07, 2016
The Hillary Clinton Emails: A Record of Imperialist Crimes By Tom Hall, March 07, 2016
Breaking: US Establishing Air Force Base inside Syria By Bas News, March 07, 2016
Syria: Phantom “Rebels” Return from the Dead By Tony Cartalucci, March 07, 2016
The Islamic State’s Capital Raqqa: Citizens Take to Streets to Voice Support for Syrian Army against ISIS By Fars News Agency, March 07, 2016
Kerry and Lavrov Agree to Re-Launch Geneva III Talks on Syria as Soon as Possible By nsnbc international, March 07, 2016
US Contemplates Deployment of B-52 Long Range Strategic Bombers in Syria “against ISIS” By khaled Abd Elaziz, March 06, 2016
France’s Undeclared War on Libya By Vladimir Platov, March 06, 2016
Israel’s “Demolition and Displacement” Policy: Dozens of Palestinian Homes Destroyed in West Bank By RT, March 06, 2016
Hezbollah vs. the “State Sponsors of Terrorism” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 06, 2016
The Political Zionist Accusation of ‘Self-Hating Jew’ By Anthony Bellchambers, March 06, 2016
U.S. Supplies ISIS through Turkey By Eric Zuesse, March 06, 2016
Crimes against Humanity: Israel Ordered the Demolition of 183 Palestinian Homes and Institutions in February By Middle East Monitor, March 05, 2016
Israel’s Extrajudicial Assassinations Include Children: 41 Palestinian Children Killed Since October 1 By Saed Bannoura, March 05, 2016
Turkey’s War on Free Expression. Journalists Imprisoned for Doing Their Job By Stephen Lendman, March 05, 2016
Turkey ‘Protects and Supplies’ Al-Nusra Camps at its Border inside Syria By RT, March 04, 2016
The Syrian Arab Army’s Place in History By John Wight, March 04, 2016
Is Lebanon Next On The Chopping Block? Recent Saudi, GCC, Turk Moves Suggest That It Is By Brandon Turbeville, March 04, 2016
US Media Want to Keep Palestine “Boring” By Jonathan Cook, March 03, 2016
The War in Syria Continues Despite the “Ceasefire” By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 03, 2016
Syrian Arab Army (SAA) Launches Military Operation to Liberate Territories Controlled by Al-Nusra By South Front, March 03, 2016
Iraq’s Greatest Danger Yet: The Collapse of “The Most Dangerous Dam in the World.” By Felicity Arbuthnot, March 03, 2016
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Designates Hezbollah as Terrorists – Deploys Al-Nusrah Against them in Lebanon By nsnbc international, March 03, 2016
NATO Commander Calls Refugees a Weapon of ISIS, Russia and Syria By Patrick Martin, March 03, 2016
Video: Fierce Fighting in Syria By South Front, March 03, 2016
Israel Confirms Delegation Visit to Riyadh: Saudi Princes Say We “Don’t Care” about the Palestinians By Alahednews, March 02, 2016
The Saudi-Israeli Alliance: Saudi FM Secretly Visits Israel after Israeli Officials Visit Riyadh to Counter Iran By Alwaght, March 02, 2016
Saudi Arabia Threatens Military Intervention “To Remove Bashar al Assad”. “Northern Thunder” Military Exercise By Ulson Gunnar, March 02, 2016
Saudis Confirm Discussion with U.S. Led Coalition of Potential Invasion of Syria By Brandon Turbeville, March 02, 2016
Moscow, Rampart against the “Jihadists” By Thierry Meyssan, March 02, 2016
Nuclear Red Alert. Saudi Fight-Bombers Equipped with Nuclear Warheads By Manlio Dinucci, March 02, 2016
USA, Russia, Turkey, Israel, Iran: All Have a Plan B for Syria By nsnbc international, March 01, 2016
ISIS Trafficking Body Organs of Living People By Fars News Agency, March 01, 2016
Syria-Bound Humanitarian Aid Convoys from Turkey Deliver Weapons to Terrorists. Lavrov By ITAR-TASS, March 01, 2016
Will Putin’s Economic Sanctions directed against Turkey bring Down Erdogan? By Kerim Karakaya, March 01, 2016
Syria: Propaganda Campaign to “Clean Up the Public Image” of the “Moderate Opposition” By South Front, March 01, 2016
WW3: Fighters From Turkey Are Pouring Into Syria And Attacking Targets Despite The Ceasefire By Michael Snyder, March 01, 2016
Clinton-Bush Hardliner Attacks Congress for Blocking Invasion of Syria By Eric Zuesse, March 01, 2016
Delivering Aid to Daesh: Is the UN Allied with Terrorism? Deliberate Malpractice in Kafarya and Foua By Vanessa Beeley, March 01, 2016
Iranian Elections Strengthen Rouhani’s Hand By Keith Jones, March 01, 2016
Former British Prime Minister Blair listens to a question during an appearance at the 9/11 Memorial Museum in New York REUTERS/Brendan McDermid
“Broken Vows”: Tony Blair’s ‘Deceit’ over Intentions to Invade Iraq By Brendan Cole, March 01, 2016
New York Times on Clinton and Libya: Portrait of a War Criminal By Bill Van Auken, March 01, 2016
Refugee Crisis: EU Cites Missing Libyan Navy It Destroyed in 2011 By Tony Cartalucci, March 01, 2016
US, China and Ultra-Low Oil Prices By Dr. Dan Steinbock, March 01, 2016
War on Syria: Gap Between US-NATO Propaganda Claims and “The Reality on the Ground” By South Front, March 01, 2016
Miss Canada Finalist Boycotts Israel By Julie Lévesque, March 01, 2016
Why an Israeli Newspaper Wanted to ‘Flatten’ a City of Millions … Beirut By Asa Winstanley, February 29, 2016
US-backed Proxies Use Ceasefire in Syria to ‘Regroup, Rearm and Prepare’ By Sputnik, February 29, 2016
Afghanistan, Mineral Resources and the TAPI Natural Gas Pipeline: The Driving Force Behind the War? By Bill Distler, February 29, 2016