Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Israel Blames Brussels Bombing on EU Imposed “Labelling of Goods” Produced in Israeli Settlements in Palestine By alaraby.co.uk, March 23, 2016
US is Offering False Hope to Syria’s Kurds By Ulson Gunnar, March 23, 2016
A History of Silencing Israeli Army Whistleblowers – from 1948 until Today By Jonathan Cook, March 23, 2016
ISIS Suicide Attacks against Civilians in Syria. Unreported Casualties By South Front, March 23, 2016
Attacks on Marine Firebase Reveal Secret US Escalation in Iraq By Patrick Martin, March 23, 2016
Please Don’t Attack Al-Qaeda… Protect the “Moderate Terrorists”… By Steven Chovanec, March 23, 2016
America’s Fake War on ISIS Grinds On By Tony Cartalucci, March 22, 2016
Hillary Clinton: Destroy Syria for Israel: “The Best Way to Help Israel” By The New Observer, March 22, 2016
The ICC May Charge Benjamin Netanyahu with War Crimes By Telesur, March 22, 2016
Is the ISIS Behind the Brussels Attacks? Who is Behind the ISIS? By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, March 22, 2016
European Union-Turkey Deal to Expel Refugees Comes into Force By Jordan Shilton, March 22, 2016
After Nuclear Deal, Wall Street Still “Wants Iranian Blood” By Caleb T. Maupin, March 22, 2016
Review of Eric Walberg's Book, Clarity Press By Dr. Ludwig Watzal, March 22, 2016
An Ugly Smear Campaign. Zionist Political Strategy is to Demonize Individuals By Robert Parry, March 21, 2016
Retreat of Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh) Forces in Syria and Iraq… Towards a Permanent Russian Military Presence in the Middle East By South Front, March 21, 2016
Syria and Korea: The Logic of Peace and War By Christopher Black, March 21, 2016
Many have begun to refer to the Islamic State group as Daesh. | Photo: andaluciainformacion.es
“The Creation of the Jihadist Monster” by the USA: Syrian Catholic Archbishop By Agenzia Fides (Vatican News), March 21, 2016
Israel’s Legal Warfare on BDS Fosters Repression and McCarthyism Across the World By Donia Al-Watan, March 21, 2016
Turkey Protects ISIS Terrorists: Extensive Movement of Jihadists at Syria-Turkey Border’ Aided by Ankara By Sputnik, March 21, 2016
Duma arson attack, Photo by Zakaria Sadah RHR (CC-4.0)
Israeli Terrorists Burn Home of Only Witness to July 2015 Duma Arson, Killing 18 Month Baby and His Parents By The Palestinian Information Center, March 20, 2016
The “Great Game” and the Partitioning Of Syria By Shelley Kasli, March 20, 2016
Images: Libya's so-called freedom-fighting "moderates" literally just repainted their trucks after NATO's 2011 intervention, becoming ISIS' Libyan branch. The US now finds itself justifying yet another military intervention in Libya to fight the very terrorists it helped arm and put into power in 2011.
The Islamic State Is Pretext To Again Mug Libya By Moon of Alabama, March 20, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Emails and the Syrian Shoah. “Greater Israel” and the Yinon Plan By Gilad Atzmon, March 20, 2016
Hillary Clinton’s Emails. A Sunni-Shiite War Would be Good for Israel and the West. Senior Israeli Intelligence Official By Sputnik, March 19, 2016
“The West Overthrew all Democratic, Peaceful Governments. …It then Manufactures Terrorist Cells” By Andre Vltchek and Kourosh Ziabari, March 19, 2016
Turkey’s Role in Supporting the Islamic State (ISIS). Erdogan and the Kurdish Question By V. Avatkov, Edwin Watson, and Daniel Deiss, March 19, 2016
Israel Admits Role in Overthrow of Mohamed Morsi and Installation of President Al-Sisi, Planned in Cooperation with Egypt’s Military By Seif al-Din Abdel-Fattah, March 19, 2016
Moscow Names “Prime Enemies” in Media Warfare with the West, Accuses “Western Special Services of Supporting Radical Islamist Groups” By Pravda.ru, March 19, 2016
Four Million Muslims Killed in US-NATO Wars: Should We Call It Genocide? By Kit O'Connell, March 18, 2016
Kurdish “Federalization” Reminiscent of Kerry’s Plan B, Brzezinski, NATO Plan A By Brandon Turbeville, March 18, 2016
Is There a US-Russia Grand Bargain in Syria? By Pepe Escobar, March 18, 2016
Syrian War Enters Sixth Year with Graver Dangers Still Ahead By Bill Van Auken, March 18, 2016
Christmas celebration in the streets of Latakia, Syria. Credit: The Saker.
Syria’s Democracy Is The Last Defense Against Federalization By Andrew Korybko, March 18, 2016
The Syria Gambit – Geneva ‘Peace Talks’ and Russia’s “Pullout”. “Regime Change” Remains Washington’s Target… By Peter Koenig, March 18, 2016
Serious Systematic Human Rights Violations Against the People of Yemen By Arabian Rights Watch Association, March 18, 2016
Kurds Declare Autonomous “Federal” System in Syria By Brandon Turbeville, March 18, 2016
Syria and Iraq: Russian Warplanes Target ISIS Oil Facilities, Joint Offensive to Regain Mosul from the ISIS By South Front, March 18, 2016
The Global Refugee Crisis: Humanity’s Last Call for a Culture of Sharing and Cooperation By Rajesh Makwana, March 18, 2016
Bystanders look on at the carnage following a suicide car bombing in the Yemeni city of Aden (AFP)
US Senator to Saudis: Stop Bombing Civilians in Yemen By Stephen Snyder, March 17, 2016
Withdrawal from Syria? Russia will Continue Its Air Strikes against ISIS and Al Nusra. Large Number of Russian Warplanes will Remain in Syria By South Front, March 17, 2016
Flashback to 2011: Ensnaring Syria in the Run-Up to NATO’s Genocidal War: The Role of Turkey By Cem Ertür, March 17, 2016
Russia’s “Mission Accomplished” Moment in Syria.”Carefully Planned Masterstroke vis-a-vis the US” By Tony Cartalucci, March 17, 2016
Leaked Pentagon Documents: The US Government Finally Admits That the People They Armed in Syria Have Committed Genocide By Matt Agorist, March 17, 2016
‘Nobody Predicted’ the Russian Syria Withdrawal. Except the Kremlin. Five Months Ago By Mark Nicholas, March 17, 2016
Iraq and Najaf’s Forgotten Christian Heritage By Wassim Bassem, March 17, 2016
Dutch Parliament Calls for Arms Embargo on Saudi Arabia Over Yemen War By Middle East Eye, March 16, 2016
The CIA’s “Stupid Intelligence”? CIA Casually Ignored the Rise of the “Islamic State” (Daesh-ISIS) By RT, March 16, 2016
The Saudi Arabian “Islamic Coalition” against the “Islamic State”… By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, March 16, 2016
A Donald Trump Presidency Could Mean Israel Losing $6 Billion in US Aid? By Anthony Bellchambers, March 16, 2016
What the Russian “Withdrawal” from Syria Means and What It Doesn’t By Brandon Turbeville, March 16, 2016
Daraa 2011: Syria’s Islamist Insurrection in Disguise By Prof. Tim Anderson, March 16, 2016
Chances for Resolving Syria’s Conflict Diplomatically Virtually Nil By Stephen Lendman, March 16, 2016
Israel Forces Routine Attacks against Palestinian Schools. Disabling the Educational Process By The Palestinian Information Center, March 16, 2016
ISIS Terrorists Are Now Fighting Alongside Saudi Forces in Yemen By Almasdar News, March 16, 2016
The Nuclear Near East! By Thierry Meyssan, March 16, 2016
Russia’s Military Aims Achieved, Putin Switches to Diplomacy By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, March 16, 2016
Jews vs. Non Jews in Israel: The New York Times’ Whitewash of Israeli Public Opinion Poll By James J. Zogby, March 16, 2016
Russia Partially Withdraws From Syria, Reinforces its Strategic and Advisory Capabilities. “Settlement of the Crisis by Peaceful Means”? By South Front, March 15, 2016
The Syria Endgame: Strategic Stage in the Pentagon’s Covert War on Iran By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 15, 2016
Kerry’s Secret War Plan for Syria: Missile Strikes to Force Assad’s Ouster By Gareth Porter, March 15, 2016
America’s Laughable ‘News’ Media By Eric Zuesse, March 15, 2016
US Court Accuses Iran of Sponsoring the 9/11 Attacks. “Ridiculous” and “Absurd” By Press TV, March 15, 2016
U.S. Government Blames 9/11 on Iran, Fines Iran $10.5 Billion; Iran Refuses to Pay By Eric Zuesse, March 15, 2016
Palestine Becomes A Full Member Of “The Court Of Arbitration” By IMEMC, March 15, 2016
Emails Show Hillary Clinton Aides Celebrating F-15 Jet Fighter Sales to Saudi Arabia: “Good News” By Lee Fang, March 15, 2016
Does Congress Represent American Citizens or Israeli Settlers? By Anthony Bellchambers, March 15, 2016
The War in Western Kurdistan and Northern Syria: The Role of the US and Turkey in the Battle of Kobani By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, March 14, 2016
Syria: Islamic State (ISIS) Forces Decimated by SAA and Russian Air Force By South Front, March 14, 2016
Ankara Rocked by Second Terror Attack. Ban on Social Media in Turkey including Facebook and Twitter By Sputnik, March 14, 2016
Syrian Ceasefire: Israel’s Collusion with the “Moderate Terrorists” Exposed… By Harrison Koehli, March 14, 2016
New Group of Syrian Opposition Formed, Supported by Russia By ITAR-TASS, March 14, 2016
Syria: US-Backed “Moderate Rebels” Attacked by “US-Backed” Al-Nusra Rebels By RT, March 14, 2016
Iran’s Scientific Diplomacy: Can the World Unite to Explore the Universe for the Sake of Science or is it Just a Dream? By Timothy Alexander Guzman, March 14, 2016
Money, Power and Oil. Exposing the Libyan Agenda: A Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails By Ellen Brown, March 14, 2016
Boom Town: Iraq’s Kurdish Region Flourishes Amidst Warfare By Randy Johnson, March 13, 2016
Video: Syria’s Popular Defense Groups Ambush Terrorists, Confiscate Israeli-Made Weapons By R. Milhem and H. Said, March 13, 2016
Israeli Aircrafts Drop Toxic Materials on Jordan Valley’s West Bank By The Palestinian Information Center, March 13, 2016
Russian warplanes | © Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation
Syria: Rebellion against the Islamic State in Raqqa, Retreat of ISIS Forces in Southeastern Aleppo. Air Raids on ISIS in Palmyra By South Front, March 13, 2016
In Alliance with Al-Qaida, Israel Is Stealing Syria’s Oil By Uprooted Palestinians, March 13, 2016
Most Syrians Support Assad, Reject Phony Foreign ‘Revolution’ By Eva Bartlett, March 12, 2016