Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Doctors without Borders (MSF) to Pull out of World Humanitarian Summit By Medecins Sans Frontieres, May 06, 2016
A Tale Of Two Hospitals: Fabricated Bombing Incident vs. Open Terrorist Targeting Of Facilities In Aleppo? By Brandon Turbeville, May 05, 2016
Israel to Open Permanent Mission at NATO Headquarters By RT News, May 05, 2016
The pro-Israeli Lobby’s War on Jeremy Corbyn By Nureddin Sabir, May 05, 2016
Video: Terrorism and the Battle for Aleppo By South Front, May 05, 2016
Aleppo: US NATO False Flags, Lies and Propaganda By Vanessa Beeley, May 05, 2016
Supported by US-NATO: Thousands of Al Qaeda Terrorists Arrive in Syria By Fars News Agency, May 04, 2016
Brussels Bomb Attacks: Links between Terrorists and Police-Intelligence Services By Anthony Torres, May 04, 2016
SYRIA: #AleppoIsBurning Campaign. US-NATO Sponsored NGOs and Social Media in Support of “Moderate Terrorists” By Vanessa Beeley, May 04, 2016
Anglo-American Terrorism: British Government Waging Information Warfare in Support of “Al Qaeda Moderates” By Moon of Alabama, May 04, 2016
Syria: Heavy Clashes between Government SAA Forces and ISIS-Al Qaeda By South Front, May 04, 2016
Palestinian Suffering? The Denial of Universal Human and Political Rights By Jamie Stern-Weiner, May 04, 2016
The True Anti-Semites, Past and Present By Jonathan Cook, May 04, 2016
Palestine and Israel: The Zionist Version or the Facts By Anthony Bellchambers, May 04, 2016
Palestinian Journalist Ordered to Imprisonment Without Charge or Trial by Israeli Occupation Military By Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, May 04, 2016
Israeli Oil Project in West Bank: Oil Field Near Dead Sea Found to Contain Reserves of Millions of Oil Barrels By The Palestinian Information Center, May 03, 2016
US Forces arrive in Southern Yemen, allegedly to “Fight against al Qaeda” By Press TV, May 03, 2016
Mainstream Journalist Slams Mainstream Media Coverage of Syrian Crisis: “Incomparably Worse” Than Coverage of Iraq War By Brandon Turbeville, May 03, 2016
Iraqi Regime Shaken by Storming of Baghdad’s Green Zone By Thomas Gaist, May 03, 2016
Kerry To Negotiate New Ceasefire In Syria – But With “His Own Side” By Moon of Alabama, May 03, 2016
US Foreign Policy in Africa and the 2016 Elections By Abayomi Azikiwe, May 03, 2016
Video: Sabotage of Syria Peace Initiative by Free Syrian Army (FSA) and “Moderate” Al Qaeda “Opposition” By South Front, May 03, 2016
Obama Administration Denies Saying “No Boots on the Ground” in Syria after Saying It 16 Times By Claire Bernish, May 02, 2016
Political Chaos In Libya: ‘Unity Government’ Struggles to Gain Power By South Front, May 02, 2016
Death from the Sky in Afghanistan: Searching for Ground Truth in the Kunduz Hospital Bombing By May Jeong, May 02, 2016
Aleppo Doctor Attacks Western Media for Bias, Censorship and Lies By Nabil Antaki and Silvia Cattori, May 02, 2016
The Real US-NATO “Creators of Hell” in Aleppo. NGO Complicity with Terrorism in Syria By Vanessa Beeley, May 01, 2016
West Support Al Qaeda
VIDEO: Syria ‘White Helmets’ Exposed. Propaganda Instrument. Nobel Peace Prize for Al Qaeda? By Vanessa Beeley, May 01, 2016
Video: “In the Name of The Profit”. Liberated Syrian Town Reveals ISIS Oil Trade Secrets By RT, May 01, 2016
Israeli Politicians Visiting Hebron Urge Annexation of West Bank By Donia Al-Watan, May 01, 2016
The Unspoken Truth is that America is Supporting Al Qaeda: Heavy Propaganda Rages in the Battle for Aleppo. The Terrorists are Portrayed as “Freedom Fighters” By Prof. Tim Anderson, May 01, 2016
The Battle for Aleppo: Planning of Massive Military Operation against Remaining 10,000 Strong Terrorist Force By South Front, April 30, 2016
“Terrorism is Good for Business”: RT Documentary Exposes Dirty Oil Secrets, ISIS Ties with Turkey By RT, April 30, 2016
Breaking: Baghdad State of Emergency, Green Zone Stormed By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 30, 2016
The CIA’s Plan B for Syria: Supporting Al Qaeda [“Moderate Terrorists”], Repeating the Mistake of Afghanistan By Dmitry Evstafiev, April 30, 2016
US to Grant Israel Largest Military Aid Package in History By Middle East Monitor, April 30, 2016
The Fiction Behind the British Government’s Human Rights Report on Israel By Ryvka Barnard, April 30, 2016
US Air Force Bombed Aleppo and then Blamed Russia By RT, April 29, 2016
In Gaza Blockade, Humanitarian Organizations Can No Longer Be Neutral By Mike Merryman-Lotze, April 29, 2016
Western Media Break Their Silence on Aleppo with Flagrant Lies, Omissions, Obfuscations By Eva Bartlett, April 29, 2016
Are US Special Forces in Syria Working with Opposition Groups Linked to ISIS and Al Qaeda? By Press TV, April 29, 2016
Refugee Crisis Threatens European Social Fabric: How NATO-linked Think Tanks Control EU Refugee Policy By F. William Engdahl, April 28, 2016
America’s “Anti-Daesh Engagement” in Syria? White House ‘Needs to Come Clean’ on Who US Special Ops Will Train… By Sputnik, April 28, 2016
Syria Security Forces Confiscate Huge Amount of Israeli Weapons and Ammo By Majd Fahd, April 28, 2016
Syria: New Influx of Al Qaeda Terrorists from Turkey By South Front, April 28, 2016
Russia Signs A One Billion Dollar Contract for Syria Reconstruction By RT, April 28, 2016
Death and Destruction in Iraq, Extensive US War Crimes: Apocalypse in Mosul in the Guise of Bombing ISIS By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 27, 2016
Regime Change in Syria: Bashar al Assad is Considered “Illegitimate” by US-EU By Sputnik, April 27, 2016
What’s behind Saudi Arabia’s Claim to Have Killed 800 Terrorists in Yemen? By Brandon Turbeville, April 27, 2016
US Supreme Court Ruling: Seizure of Two Billion Dollars in Iranian Assets. “Highway Robbery” By Pars Today, April 27, 2016
Video: Syrian Government Forces Advancing Inside ISIS Controlled Territory By South Front, April 27, 2016
Military Escalation. Obama Announces More Special Forces Troops to Syria. “Training and Assistance to Local [Al Qaeda] Forces” By Brandon Turbeville, April 27, 2016
Media Disinformation and America’s Wars: Liars Versus Truthers. The “Progressive Left” Has Been Coopted By Mark Taliano, April 27, 2016
Syria: Moscow Rejects Kerry’s New Attempts to Protect Al Qaeda Terrorists By Moon of Alabama, April 27, 2016
The Classified 9/11 ’28 Pages’: A Diversion from Real US-Saudi Issues By Gareth Porter, April 27, 2016
Palestine, the 1917 ‘Balfour Declaration’ and the Establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 By Anthony Bellchambers, April 27, 2016
US Supports Saudi-led War in Yemen: Bombing Civilians, Running Out of Bombs… By William M. Boardman, April 27, 2016
US-NATO Ground War on Syria: Prelude to a World War III Scenario? Prof. Michel Chossudovsky By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, April 26, 2016
Bombing Syria and Iraq: The Killing of Civilians and the “Hidden Costs of the US Air War” By Nicolas J. S. Davies, April 26, 2016
Amnesty International Endorses the Inherent Right of the Boycott Divestment Sanctions (BDS) Campaign against Israel By Palestinian BDS National Committee, April 26, 2016
Rise In Palestinian Children Arrested, Tortured and Held in Israeli Jails By Jonathan Cook, April 26, 2016
Israel to Confiscate 1,250 Acres of Palestinian Land in Favor of Illegal Jewish West Bank Settlements By Maan News Agency, April 26, 2016
Syria Military Operation: Cutting Off the Supply Routes of Al Qaeda By South Front, April 26, 2016
The Mysterious 28 Pages of the Joint 9/11 Inquiry: Ties between the US and Saudi Arabia By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, April 26, 2016
Obama to Announce Major US Escalation in Syria By Daniel McAdams, April 25, 2016
Washington’s Civilian “Kill List” in Afghanistan: Drone Whistleblowers Step Out of the Shadows By Pratap Chatterjee, April 25, 2016
Was Libya a Mistake or a Planned Imperialist Catastrophe? By Danny Haiphong, April 25, 2016
When Media Shill For Saudi Money By Moon of Alabama, April 25, 2016
Libya’s “Green Resistance” Movement against US-NATO By Hugo Turner and Alexandra Valiente, April 24, 2016
When Will the Saudi Regime Stop Killing Syrians? By Nedal Naisseh, April 24, 2016
Hebron, Image by Wickey-nl (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Palestine Occupation and Israel Human Rights Violations: Stealing Trees, Smashing Solar Cells, Forcing People to Undress… By Abdulhadi Hantash, April 24, 2016
Concocting Lies before Iraq War By Jonathan Power, April 23, 2016
“Organized Networks of International terrorism… inside Syria”: Damascus Envoy at Peace Talks Condemns “State Sponsors of Terrorism” By R. Raslan, April 23, 2016
Syrian Elections Confirm West’s Worst Fears By Tony Cartalucci, April 23, 2016
Syria: Al Qaeda Counter-Offensive against Government Forces By South Front, April 23, 2016
Saudi Oil, Money Bribes and the Killing of Osama Bin Laden By Seymour M. Hersh and Ken Klippenstein, April 22, 2016
Why the Syrian Peace Talks Broke Down By Eric Zuesse, April 22, 2016
Israel Building Another Wall near Lebanese Border By AhlulBayt News Agency, April 22, 2016
Fear and Loathing in the Arabian Nights By Pepe Escobar, April 22, 2016
How U.S. Intervention in Afghanistan Changed That Country. “New Afghan State Built on US Legacy of Torture and Impunity”. Stanford Historian By Marguerite Rigoglioso, April 22, 2016