Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
America’s Illegal Wars of Conquest. Terrorist Embedded Propagandists, Demonizing the Target Countries By Mark Taliano, August 16, 2016
The Way to the Spring: Life and Death in Palestine By Jim Miles, August 15, 2016
Lawsuit Filed against U.S. Government for Illegal Aid to Nuclear Israel. IRMEP By Sott, August 14, 2016
Western Corporate Media ‘Disappears’ over 1.5 Million Syrians and 4,000 Doctors By Eva Bartlett, August 14, 2016
Diplomatic Fence-mending with Russia? Is Ankara Ready to Close Its Border with Syria, Blocking Supply Routes to US-NATO “Moderate Terrorists” By Al Manar, August 13, 2016
Israel’s Stolen Babies Remains the State’s Darkest Secret By Jonathan Cook, August 13, 2016
Obstacle to Peace – The US Role in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict By Jim Miles, August 13, 2016
Military Escalation: Turning Point in the Battle of Aleppo By South Front, August 13, 2016
Oil, Military and Intelligence Ops in the Arabian Gulf: Britain’s Dangerous and Ignored Special Relationship With Oman By Mark Curtis, August 13, 2016
Syria War Report: Opposition Terrorists Threaten Government’s Supply Lines By South Front, August 13, 2016
US Military Prepares New Offensives in Syria and Iraq By Peter Symonds, August 12, 2016
Spies Like Us: Pentagon Taps Private Intel Contractors to Fight ISIS in Syria By RT, August 12, 2016
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
Turkey and Russia: Divided Present, Uncertain Future By Federico Pieraccini, August 12, 2016
Serbia to Help Russian Aid Operation in Syria By Balkan Insight, August 11, 2016
The Battle for Aleppo and the Hypocrisy of US War Propaganda By Bill Van Auken, August 11, 2016
Russian Bombers Destroy ISIS Chemical Weapons Plant near Raqqa, Syria By RT, August 11, 2016
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
The Erdogan Putin Meeting: “A New Landmark in Bilateral Relations?” By Stephen Lendman, August 10, 2016
US Peace Council Delegation Visit to Syria: “Our Governments are Attempting to Destroy This Noble Country”: Vanessa Beeley By Vanessa Beeley, August 10, 2016
Has the CIA’s Plot to “Covertly” Kill Russians in Syria Come to Pass? By The New Atlas, August 09, 2016
Washington Escalates Covert Backing for Al Qaeda Militias in Aleppo By Thomas Gaist, August 09, 2016
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
Washington Slapdown: Turkey Turns to Moscow for Help By Mike Whitney, August 09, 2016
Palestine: Britain Should Apologise for the Balfour Declaration, Not ‘Celebrate’ It By Prof. Kamel Hawwash, August 09, 2016
Syria War Report: Al Qaeda Breaks Aleppo Siege By South Front, August 08, 2016
Putin - Erdogan, RIA Novosti
US-Turkey Relations in Jeopardy? Putin and Erdogan Meeting in St. Petersburg By Stephen Lendman, August 08, 2016
Al Qaeda Strikes Back: Aleppo Remains the Focal Point Of The War On Syria By Moon of Alabama, August 08, 2016
“Moderates” Fighting Under “Re-Branded” Nusra Means They’re Al Qaeda Too By The New Atlas, August 08, 2016
Al-Nusra’s Rebranding is More than Simply A “Name Change”. Al Qaeda Gave its Blessing to the Move By Mona Alami, August 08, 2016
Ten Facts About Aleppo By Ikhras, August 08, 2016
Washington’s Strategic Defeat: Erdogan Trumps Gulenist Coup By Prof. James Petras, August 08, 2016
U.S. Neocons Call to “Bomb Assad”, No Reason Given By Alexander Mercouris, August 08, 2016
The Kurdish Question, Then and Now By Samir Amin, August 08, 2016
Turkey: Failed Coup or Paradigm Shift in the Middle East – in the World? By Peter Koenig, August 07, 2016
War Crimes: Baby Teeth of Iraqi Children Tell Troubling Tale of War’s Toxic Impacts By Jon Queally, August 07, 2016
Obama’s Mysterious $400 Million Cash Cargo Plane to Iran By Alex Christoforou, August 06, 2016
US State Department Remains Mute on How US Weapons Ended Up in the Hands of Al Qaeda Affiliated Terrorists By Sputnik, August 06, 2016
Washington Uses Terrorist Groups in Syria and Iraq in Order to Oppose the Growing Influence of Iran and Russia in the Region By South Front, August 06, 2016
Images: Libya's so-called freedom-fighting "moderates" literally just repainted their trucks after NATO's 2011 intervention, becoming ISIS' Libyan branch. The US now finds itself justifying yet another military intervention in Libya to fight the very terrorists it helped arm and put into power in 2011.
I Thought NATO “Liberated” Libya in 2011? By Steven MacMillan, August 06, 2016
After Shocking Beheading, “Moderate” Rebels Allegedly Unleashed Chemical Weapons In Syria By Mint Press, August 06, 2016
British Paranoia: How a Book on Art and Culture Draws Suspicions of Terrorism By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 05, 2016
August 6: Hiroshima Day. The Dawn of the Nuclear Age GR News Hour: Three Interviews on the New Nuclear Threat By Michael Welch and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, August 05, 2016
Video: “Moderate” Terrorists’ Attempted Counter-Offensive In Aleppo By South Front, August 05, 2016
U.S. Bombing Mission In Libya, Special Forces Included By Brandon Turbeville, August 05, 2016
Why do US “Experts” Who Supported the “Moderate” Al Qaeda Terrorists Suddenly Find Syrian Rebel Sectarianism “Extraordinary”? By Moon of Alabama, August 05, 2016
The Enemy Of My Friend Is My Friend: Israel Accepts Billions From The US, But Maintains Ties With Al-Nusra By Richard Silverstein, August 05, 2016
Syria: CNN “Normalizes” Suicide Bombers and “Embeds Reporters” with ISIS and Al Qaeda “Freedom Fighters” By Vanessa Beeley, August 05, 2016
West Support Al Qaeda
U.S. State Department Refused Entry to Jihadist It Employed for Overthrowing President Al-Assad By Eric Zuesse, August 05, 2016
Neocons Promote War on Syria: “Drone and Cruise Missile” Strikes to Take Out Assad By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 05, 2016
The Afghanistan Quagmire: Time for an Exit Strategy By Prof. Alon Ben-Meir, August 05, 2016
John Kerry And Al-Qaeda Join Hands: “Very Different Track” Attack On Aleppo Fails By Moon of Alabama, August 05, 2016
Ten Facts the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You About the War in Syria By Darius Shahtahmasebi, August 05, 2016
Syrian Endgame: The Battle for Aleppo and ‘Plan C’ By Prof. Tim Anderson, August 04, 2016
U.S. Says New Bombing Campaign Against ISIS in Libya Has No “End Point at this Particular Moment” By Alex Emmons, August 04, 2016
Russia says it Warned US before Aleppo Toxic Chemical Weapons Attack by US-Backed “Moderate” Terrorists By Press TV, August 04, 2016
Obama’s Second Illegal War on Libya. Record of US-NATO War Crimes and Destruction By Stephen Lendman, August 04, 2016
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
Military Escalation: British Airstrikes in Mosul, Iraq, Allegedly Against the ISIS By Robert Stevens, August 04, 2016
Canada Supports Syria’s “Moderate” Terrorists, Endorses Saudi Arabia By Mark Taliano, August 04, 2016
Italy Considers US Request to Use Sicily Air Base for Bombing Strikes against Libya By RT News, August 03, 2016
Turkey Says Obama Lies: US Was Behind Failed Coup By Eric Zuesse, August 03, 2016
New Chemical Weapons Claims Pose Threat of US Escalation of Syrian War By Tom Eley, August 03, 2016
Iraq: Think Nothing can Shock you Anymore? “576,000 Iraqi Children may have Died..” By True Publica, August 03, 2016
Bombing Libya Again, This Time Because of 9/11 By Edward Curtin, August 03, 2016
Will Israel allow Palestine’s Olympic Gear to reach Brazil? Confiscates Athletes Equipment and Uniforms By Rayana Khalaf, August 03, 2016
Five Years Later, US Is Carrying Out More Airstrikes in Libya By Telesur, August 02, 2016
Turkey’s Attempted Coup – Cui Bono? An [Organized] Gift From Allah? By Felicity Arbuthnot, August 02, 2016
Dangers of Military Escalation: Russian Helicopter Shot Down By US-Backed Syrian “Opposition” as Battle Rages over Aleppo By Alex Lantier, August 02, 2016
Palestinians inside Israel Are under Attack By Jonathan Cook, August 02, 2016
Pentagon Bombs Libya Again: Under the Guise of “Fighting Terrorism” By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 02, 2016
ISIS-Daesh Video Threatens to Stage Terrorist Attacks Inside Russia By Alahednews, August 02, 2016
The Larger Context Of The Al Qaeda Attack On Aleppo By Moon of Alabama, August 02, 2016
Battle for Aleppo: Jihadist Rebels Attempt Major Counteroffensive. Rebranded Al Qaeda Group Involved By The New Atlas, August 01, 2016
Turkey’s “Democratic Dictatorship”: After Failed Coup, Erdoğan Cracks Down By Tony Iltis, August 01, 2016
Erdogan Accuses US of Supporting Failed Coup in Turkey. US General Described as “The Man Behind the Coup” By Alex Lantier and Johannes Stern, August 01, 2016
Syrian Army Captured Major ISIS-Daesh Warehouse, Weapons Made in USA By South Front, August 01, 2016
Democratic Party’s Inflammatory Anti-Putin Rhetoric Prepares Escalation of Syrian War By Andre Damon, August 01, 2016
Almost 90 Percent of the People Killed in US Airstrikes were not “The Intended Targets”. Prof. Marjorie Cohn By Prof. Marjorie Cohn and Mohsen Abdelmoumen, August 01, 2016
America’s Recent “Achievements” in the Middle East By Eric Zuesse, August 01, 2016
Fleeing Libya’s Sirte: ‘Islamic State Arrived, and the End of Our Lives Began’ By Francesca Mannocchi, August 01, 2016
Turkey Surrounds, Blocks Access To NATO’s Incirlik Airbase Amid Speculation Of Second Coup By Zero Hedge, July 31, 2016
Hillary Clinton Allegedly Worked for Company that Did Business With the Islamic State Group By Telesur, July 31, 2016
America’s “Humanitarian Massacre” of Syrian Civilians. The “Counter-Terrorism” Campaign Is Directed against the Syrian People By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, July 31, 2016