Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
“The Terrorists R Us.” The Islamic State “Big Lie” By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 24, 2016
False News By Omission Misinforms – Pointing This Out May Soon Be Censored By Moon of Alabama, December 24, 2016
Fake News Engineers Consent For Terrorism By Mark Taliano, December 24, 2016
Were “CIA Dirty Hands” Behind Assassination of Russia’s Ambassador to Turkey? By Stephen Lendman, December 23, 2016
UN to Prepare War Crimes Cases in Syria for Prosecution By Stephen Lendman, December 23, 2016
Fake ‘Aleppo Genocide’ Pics Spread Online amid Renewed Calls for ‘Humanitarian’ War on Syria By Mint Press, December 23, 2016
ISIS Turns Turkish Forces Back Near Al-Bab, Seizes Leopard Tanks By South Front, December 23, 2016
Israel’s Illegal Settlements: Trump “Intervened to Avert UN Vote” By Middle East Eye, December 23, 2016
The British Foreign Office and the Propaganda War on Syria By Barbara McKenzie, December 23, 2016
“Retaliatory Attack”, “Retribution”? Russian Ambassador’s Murder Justified, Even Praised Across the West By Ulson Gunnar, December 23, 2016
“The Corporate Media has Caused Death and Destruction in Syria” By Bouthaina Shaaban and Vanessa Beeley, December 23, 2016
Mosul, Iraq and Obama’s Legacy of War By James Cogan, December 23, 2016
Russian Envoy Assassination: Unanswered Questions By South Front, December 23, 2016
Decision Time for Israeli-Palestinian Peace. An Open Letter to President Obama By Ralph Nader, December 23, 2016
Who Was Behind the Assassination of The Russian Ambassador to Turkey? By Christopher Black, December 22, 2016
CIA Former Deputy Director Called for Washington to Deliver a “Painful to Putin” Blow One Week Prior to Ambassador Assassination By Steven MacMillan, December 22, 2016
Russian Ambassador to Turkey Was Killed in the “Parallel Universe” By Oriental Review, December 22, 2016
Palestine’s Achilles Heel: The Begging Bowl By Dr. Vacy Vlazna, December 22, 2016
Moscow Declaration: Russia, Turkey and Iran Join Together to End Syria’s Tragedy By Andrei Akulov, December 22, 2016
#StandWithAleppo = Fake News. Let’s Celebrate The Liberation of Aleppo By Ken Stone, December 22, 2016
Kurdish YPG Forces Seize About 60 Villages from ISIS in Syrian Province of Raqqah By South Front, December 22, 2016
Extracting Aleppo from the Propaganda By Eva Bartlett and Dennis J Bernstein, December 22, 2016
UN Report Whitewashes Terrorist Attack on Aleppo Humanitarian Convoy By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2016
Syrian War Report: Turkish Forces Storming Al-Bab, ISIS-Daesh Counterattack By South Front, December 22, 2016
Al-Nusra Claims Responsibility for Murder of Russian Ambassador, Warns of More Attacks By Zero Hedge, December 22, 2016
How The Military Excluded The White House From International Syria Negotiations By Moon of Alabama, December 22, 2016
The Syrian Government’s Victory at Aleppo: A Turning Point in the Struggle Against Neo-Colonialism By Carla Stea, December 21, 2016
Berlin’s Christmas Market Incident a Likely False Flag By Stephen Lendman, December 21, 2016
Syria – Killing Journalists Enabled “Media Activist” Domination – Intended Effect? By Moon of Alabama, December 20, 2016
Ten Massive Fake News Stories Western Media Has Been Feeding You On Aleppo By Baran Hines, December 20, 2016
Breaking: Russian Ambassador In Turkey Killed In Terrorist Attack By Shooter Screaming “Allahu Akbar” – Live Feed By Zero Hedge, December 19, 2016
US Seeks to Extend Military Presence in Iraq ‘Indefinitely’ By The New Arab, December 19, 2016
Major Counter-Terrorism Op against Al Qaeda and ISIS: Syrian Government Calls Upon Tens of Thousands of Reserves Soldiers By South Front, December 19, 2016
After the Liberation of Aleppo Comes the Psyops War By Paul Mansfield, December 19, 2016
Sabotage of East-Aleppo Evacuation Is Part of a Plan By Moon of Alabama, December 19, 2016
Video: Counter-terrorism Operation against Jaish-al-Islam, Syrian Forces Prepare to Retake Eastern Ghouta By South Front, December 19, 2016
Israel’s Mossad Chief Meets with Donald Trump Staff in “Secret Meeting” By Global Research News, December 19, 2016
US Stalling Release of Thousands of Torture Photos Worse Than Abu Ghraib By Kit O'Connell, December 18, 2016
Expel and Exploit: The Israeli Practice of Taking over Rural Palestinian Land By B'Tselem, December 18, 2016
Welcome to Idlib: America’s Model Syrian City. Al Nusra’s New Homeland? By Ulson Gunnar, December 18, 2016
The Battle for Syria and the Worldwide Struggle Against Imperialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 18, 2016
Video: Syrian Army and Its Allies Launch Offensive Operation West of Palmyra By South Front, December 18, 2016
Mainstream Media on Syria and Russia; “Fake News” By Joe Clifford, December 18, 2016
Donald Trump
BREAKING: At Least 14 US Coalition Military Officers Captured by Syrian Forces in East Aleppo Bunker By Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley, December 17, 2016
Syria: By Evacuating and Pardoning Terrorists, Is Bashar Al-Assad “Being Too Nice”? By Adam Garrie, December 17, 2016
“I Just Want Truth to Come out”: Syrian Army Captain Tells About Aleppo Victory. America is Helping the Terrorists By Sputnik, December 17, 2016
Aleppo Starts Uncovering Washington’s Design in Support of ISIS and Al Qaeda By Jean Périer, December 17, 2016
BREAKING: Fourteen US-Led Coalition Military Advisers Captured by Syrian Forces in Aleppo By South Front, December 17, 2016
Government Forces Disrupt ISIS Offensive on Tyas Airbase By South Front, December 17, 2016
Media Disinformation, War Crimes, and the Liberation of Aleppo By Jim Miles, December 16, 2016
Washington’s Hypocrisy over the Fall of Aleppo By Bill Van Auken, December 16, 2016
US Government Is Secretly Allied with America’s Enemies By Eric Zuesse, December 16, 2016
Celebrating the Liberation of Aleppo, Western Media Paints a Grim Picture without Mentioning that East Aleppo has Been Occupied by Al Qaeda For More than Four Years By RT, December 16, 2016
“Fake News” on Aleppo Liberation, Western Media Lies and Fabrications. The Words “Terrorists” or “Al Qaeda” are Not Mentioned By Stephen Lendman, December 15, 2016
‘Lies Are Their Agenda’: Canadian Journalist Blasts Western Media Syria Coverage at UN Event By RT, December 15, 2016
Video: Remaining Militants Withdraw from Aleppo After Failed Night Attack By South Front, December 15, 2016
Syria: “Sovereignty and Peace”. Against US Propaganda and Regime Change By Secundus Silent, December 15, 2016
The ISIS Offensive against Palmyra: A US-NATO Sponsored Operation? By Mehmet Ersoy, December 14, 2016
Tourism in the West Bank, Israel’s ‘Charity’ Comes at a Price By Jonathan Cook, December 14, 2016
Unverified Aleppo “On the Spot” Executions. Western Media Disinformation By Tony Cartalucci, December 14, 2016
Aleppo Liberated: Washington Post Finally Admits “Rebels” Invaded Syria – It was not an Uprising By Tony Cartalucci, December 14, 2016
Peace in Aleppo: “This is the Best day of my Life. I cannot Believe that this Day has Come!” By Lizzie Phelan, December 14, 2016
Peace in Aleppo, No More Terrorists, “No Need for a Ceasefire”. Another Politically Motivated UN Security Council Session on Syria By Stephen Lendman, December 14, 2016
Who Planned the Terrorist Operation in Palmyra? By Oriental Review, December 14, 2016
Mainstream Media Create #Fakenews Storm As Rebel Aleppo Vanishes By Moon of Alabama, December 14, 2016
Syrian Government Retakes Eastern Aleppo. Remaining Islamist Militia Evacuated By Bill Van Auken, December 14, 2016
Fake Videos of Alleged ‘Russian Strikes, Firing Squads’ in Aleppo Staged by Militants By Sputnik, December 14, 2016
Video on the Liberation of Aleppo, “Defeat of Al Qaeda”: Agreed “Safe Withdrawal” of Al Qaeda Rebels from Eastern Party of City By South Front and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 13, 2016
Turkish Forces Supported ISIS-Daesh in Attack on Palmyra, Al-Bab in Retaliation for Defeat in Aleppo. Analyst By Fars News Agency, December 13, 2016
Celebrations have Started in Aleppo: Freed From the US-Supported Terrorist Scourge By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2016
The Liberation of Aleppo by Syrian Forces. Withdrawal Agreement with Al Qaeda Led “Opposition” By South Front, December 13, 2016
Trump’s Key Geopolitical Test as President By Stephen Lendman, December 13, 2016
The Implications of the ISIS-Daesh Palmyra Offensive By Andrew Korybko, December 13, 2016
Obama and Erdogan Move ISIS Terrorists from Iraq to Syria, to Weaken Assad By Eric Zuesse, December 12, 2016
Israel’s Defense Minister Outlines Plan to Divide Syria and Iraq along Sectarian Lines By American Herald Tribune, December 12, 2016
Video: Fundamental Mistakes by Syrian Forces Led To Occupation of Palmyra by ISIS Terrorists By South Front, December 12, 2016
Report from Aleppo: A Historic Moment By Revd Andrew Ashdown, December 12, 2016
Islamic State Forces (ISIS-Daesh) Retake Historic City of Palmyra By South Front and Global Research News, December 12, 2016
US Facilitates Transfer of Terrorists from Mosul into Syria: Palmyra Again Reportedly Seized by ISIS By Stephen Lendman, December 12, 2016
Syrian Army Takes Control of 93% of Aleppo’s Territory. Ceasefires Agreements Signed. Russia’s General Staff By ITAR-TASS, December 11, 2016