Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
US-led Coalition Warplanes Bomb Syrian Army in Kadir Village in Central Syria. Followed by an ISIS Attack By South Front, August 20, 2017
Terrorist Attack directed against Damascus International Fair. At Least Four Killed By Sputnik, August 20, 2017
The World Remembers the 64th Anniversary of the West-sponsored Coup in Iran By Andre Vltchek, August 20, 2017
Damascus International Fair Signals Syria’s Revival By Adam Garrie, August 19, 2017
Syrian Conflict Nearing Its End: Adviser to President Assad By Press TV, August 19, 2017
Will Blackwater Replace the World’s Most Powerful Military to Win Afghan War? By Sami Karimi, August 19, 2017
US Forces to Occupy Syria for Decades to Come By Andrew Illingworth, August 19, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Delivers Devastating Blow to ISIS in Homs Province By South Front, August 19, 2017
Syria: As the War Continues, WMD Lies Linger. Chemical Weapons in the Hands of Al Qaeda By Tony Cartalucci, August 18, 2017
US and UK Supplied Chemical Weapons to Terrorists in Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 18, 2017
Air Force Chief: Israel Has Attacked Syrian Arms Convoys Nearly 100 Times in 5 Years By Jason Ditz, August 18, 2017
Mainstream Media Weeps for Dead White Helmets Terrorists, Cries for Nusra By Brandon Turbeville, August 18, 2017
The Israel Lobby and Its Disproportionate Influence over the US Congress. Israel, An Undeclared Nuclear Weapons State By Anthony Bellchambers, August 17, 2017
Video: Tiger Forces Clearing Central Syria From ISIS By South Front, August 16, 2017
Syrians Are Going Home: Western Backed Terrorists Brought Nothing but Weariness, Poverty, Death and Loneliness By Vanessa Beeley, August 16, 2017
Video: ISIS Retreat in Syria, Government-held Area Grown Significantly Over Two Months By South Front, August 15, 2017
International Law and Victor’s “Justice” By Mark Taliano, August 15, 2017
Major Geopolitical Shift: Turkey Ends Its Support of Syria Opposition Rebels as ‘Goodwill Towards Damascus’ By 21st Century Wire and Sputnik, August 15, 2017
Hezbollah and Syrian Army Units Finishing Off Al-Nusra Terrorists By Andre Vltchek, August 14, 2017
“Love for Israel” Senate Bill S720: Making It a Crime to Support Palestinian Human Rights By James J. Zogby, August 13, 2017
NATO and Western Militarism in a Multipolar World By Michael Welch, Radhika Desai, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, and Paul Kellogg, August 13, 2017
Khirbet Tana in the West Bank: A Silenced Struggle Against Israeli Occupation and Expulsion By Stop the Wall, August 12, 2017
Netanyahu and Family Investigated on Corruption Charges By Anthony Bellchambers, August 12, 2017
Back to a Peaceful Life? Restoration of Aleppo Is Well Under Way By Sophie Mangal, August 12, 2017
Video: Syrian Forces Liberate Large Area Held by US-Backed Militants Near Jordanian Border By South Front, August 12, 2017
Pentagon Confirms Its In-House Rebels Defected to the Syrian Army By Marko Marjanović, August 12, 2017
Crimes Committed by America’s Terrorists: UN War Crimes Prosecutor Quits Commission After Unable to Frame, Prosecute Assad – Blames Russia By Brandon Turbeville, August 12, 2017
Israel to Build Underground Wall Along Border with Gaza By Stephen Lendman, August 12, 2017
Israel Confiscates EU Aid From Palestinian Bedouin Community By Middle East Monitor, August 12, 2017
Facing Defeat in Syria, the “Islamic State” (ISIS) Inexplicably Expands Globally By Tony Cartalucci, August 11, 2017
Video: Syrian Army Repels ISIS Attack, Inflicts Large Casualties to Terrorists By South Front, August 11, 2017
Gaza Three Years After the War: Ten Critical Observations By Mohammed Samhouri, August 11, 2017
Why the Saudi War on Yemen Is Seen as US State Terrorism By Christina Lin, August 11, 2017
The Empire Strikes Back: With Destructive and Dishonest Neocolonialism By Neil Clark, August 10, 2017
Video: Tensions Grow as US-led Coalition Strikes the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) in Iraq Border Area By South Front, August 10, 2017
Specter of Syrian Kurdistan: How US’ Covert Plan Is Taking Shape By Sputnik, August 09, 2017
Iran: Missile Program Does Not Breach UN Resolution By Alahednews, August 09, 2017
Is America Trying to Start a World War? This Is How It Would Happen By Darius Shahtahmasebi, August 09, 2017
The CIA and the Pentagon have not Ended Their Support to Islamist/ Wahhabi Terror Groups in Syria By Balkans Post, August 09, 2017
Video: Sukhna Liberated, ISIS Stronghold in Homs Province. Syrian Army Continues Advance By South Front, August 09, 2017
Condemning Israeli Occupation and Illegal Settlements Is Not, and Never Has Been, an Anti-Semitic Reference By Anthony Bellchambers, August 08, 2017
Syria Faces New Threat: Al Qaeda Affiliate Hayat Tahir al-Sham Seeks to Unite Radical Terrorist Formations By Anna Jaunger, August 08, 2017
Global Deception: “The War on Terror” is a Campaign for Permanent War and Terror By Mark Taliano, August 08, 2017
Mecca and Medina: Why Saudi Arabia Doesn’t Want International Control Over the Two Holy Mosques By Andrew Korybko, August 08, 2017
Condemnation of Israel’s Revocation of an Arab Citizen’s Citizenship By Stephen Lendman, August 08, 2017
Pentagon Escalates Military Presence in Yemen: Genocidal Cholera Epidemic, U.S. Seeks to Seize Control of Yemen’s Strategic Resources By Abayomi Azikiwe, August 08, 2017
Israel’s War on Palestinian Poetry By Stephen Lendman, August 08, 2017
Illegal Settlement Activity in Occupied Palestine Triple in First Half of 2017 By Telesur, August 08, 2017
Video: ISIS Deploys Large Reinforcements, Attempts Retake Sukhna By South Front, August 08, 2017
Neocons Have Been Destroying Sovereign Nations for 20 Years, Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria By Neil Clark, August 08, 2017
“Continued and Systematic (US) Massacre” of Civilians in Syria By Stephen Lendman, August 07, 2017
The Road to Understanding Syria Goes Through Iraq By Louis Yako, August 07, 2017
Netanyahu in the Dock? Bribery, Fraud and Breach of Trust By Stephen Lendman, August 07, 2017
Italy Sends Warships into Libyan Waters to Block Refugees By Alex Lantier, August 07, 2017
Neocons Leverage Trump-Hate for More Wars By Robert Parry, August 06, 2017
Mosul Massacre Latest in Iraqi Genocide – US Alliance War Crimes By Gideon Polya, August 06, 2017
Gaza: Ten Years of Economic Blockade By Stephen Mccloskey, August 06, 2017
US Sanctions: A “Looney Tunes” Bad Remake, “Irreversible Decline of the US as A Global Power” By F. William Engdahl, August 06, 2017
Staggering Loss of Civilian Life in Raqqa: ‘One Man’s Collateral Damage Is Another Man’s Wife and Children’ By 21st Century Wire, August 06, 2017
Court Throws Out Blackwater Guards’ Sentences for 2007 Baghdad Massacre By Jessica Corbett, August 06, 2017
Video: Is Morocco Being Groomed for Another Arab Spring? By J. Hawk, Daniel Deiss, and Edwin Watson, August 05, 2017
How Mainstream U.S. ‘News’ Media Pump Their Government’s Lies to Deceive the Public By Eric Zuesse, August 05, 2017
Video: Syria Army and US Supported SDF Boost Cooperation, Set Up Joint Operations Room? By South Front, August 05, 2017
Fury at London Theatre Production of Israel’s Notorious Killing of American Rachel Corrie in 2003 By Anthony Bellchambers, August 05, 2017
Is the Expanding U.S. Military Presence in Syria Legal? By Sharmine Narwani, August 05, 2017
Video: The Battle against ISIS. Syrian Forces Enter Strategic Sukhna Town in Homs Province By South Front, August 05, 2017
What is Really Going on in Syria? Extensive US Sponsored War Crimes By Michael Welch and Eva Bartlett, August 04, 2017
The Lie of the 21st Century: How Mainstream Media “Fake News” Led to the U.S. Invasion of Iraq By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 03, 2017
Putin Should Thank US for Sanctions: Russia and Iran Ink $2.5 Billion Deal By Wade Shepard, August 03, 2017
Mass Palestinian Outpouring Defeats Israeli Land Grab at al-Aqsa Mosque By Joyce Chediac, August 03, 2017
Trump, Israel and the Pursuit of War on Iran: Trump Hopes that Iran Will Violate Nuclear Deal By Timothy Alexander Guzman, August 03, 2017
70 Years On, Palestinians Are Still Locked in the Same Position. “The Right of Return”, The Palestinian Refugee Problem By Rima Najjar, August 03, 2017
Canada’s $15 Billion Arms Deal with Saudi Arabia By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, August 02, 2017
Terrorism: How the Israeli State Was Won By Tom Suarez, August 02, 2017
Going after ISIS, Killing Civilians as Military Doctrine By Mark Taliano, August 02, 2017
The Tweet that Is Shaking the War Party By David Stockman, August 02, 2017
Reuters Suggests But Can Not Find “Iran’s New Route to Yemen” By Moon of Alabama, August 02, 2017
Video: Syria SAA Tiger Forces Enter Deiz Ezzor Province By South Front, August 01, 2017
Biological Warfare: US & Saudis Use Cholera to Kill Yemenis By William Boardman, August 01, 2017
“Bush and Cheney: How They Ruined America and the World” By Elizabeth Woodworth, August 01, 2017