Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
“Unprecedented Anti-Iran Tendencies Gain Momentum in White House” By Seyed Hossein Mousavian, January 07, 2018
Yes, Palestinians Teach Their Children to Hate the Jewish State By Rima Najjar, January 07, 2018
Iran and the Left: A Dissenting View By Reza Fiyouzat, January 07, 2018
US Military
Birth of an Insurgency: The US-Israeli “Secret Deal” to Manipulate Protests in Iran By Whitney Webb, January 06, 2018
Iran in 2018 By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, January 06, 2018
Don’t Get Too Excited About the Protests in Iran By Stephen Kinzer, January 06, 2018
Why There Won’t be a Revolution in Iran By Pepe Escobar, January 05, 2018
Iran at a Dangerous Crossroads By Peter Koenig, January 05, 2018
What Would Happen if Trump Were to Cut Funding to the U.N. Palestinian Refugee Programme? By Yara Hawari, January 05, 2018
Father Daniel in Syria: “There Never Was a Popular Uprising in Syria” By Fr Daniel Maes, January 05, 2018
Yemen Is Today’s Guernica By Dr. Cesar Chelala, January 04, 2018
Iranian Protests: U.S. Meddling and the Deep State’s Unfinished Business By Tony Cartalucci, January 04, 2018
Medical Evacuations in Syria, Deal between Syrian Government and the Terrorists By Steven Sahiounie, January 03, 2018
Jewish Identity Politics and the Struggle to Liberate Palestine By Rima Najjar, January 03, 2018
Syria Redux in Iran? By Mark Taliano, January 03, 2018
Trump Threatens to Cut US Funding for Palestinian Refugees By Stephen Lendman, January 03, 2018
Dispelling the Iranian Terrorism Myth By Dr. M. Reza Behnam, January 03, 2018
Trump to Move US Embassy in 2018 By IMEMC, January 03, 2018
Israel Seized 2,500 Acres of Palestinian Land in 2017 By Days of Palestine, January 03, 2018
Israeli Raids and Violence: Crowded West Bank Refugee Camp Is the Most Tear-gassed Place in the World By Sheren Khalel, January 03, 2018
political sanctions
Trump and Netanyahu Walk in Lockstep on Iran By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, January 03, 2018
The US and Israel’s New “Secret” Anti-Iran Plans By Abdel Bari Atwan, January 02, 2018
Foreign Intervention Behind Iran Protests. CIA Instigated Street Violence? By Stephen Lendman, January 02, 2018
President Trump’s Jerusalem Decision: The End of Hegemony? By Prof. James Petras, January 02, 2018
36,898 Killed in Iraq During 2017 By Margaret Griffis, January 02, 2018
Israel Ruling Party Votes for Push to Annex Parts of West Bank By Middle East Eye, January 01, 2018
Syria 2011 All Over Again? Watch as Kurdish, Islamist Groups Call for a Violent Uprising in Iran By Paul Antonopoulos, January 01, 2018
Israeli Ruling Party Votes to Annex West Bank and Seize Last Palestinian Lands By Telesur, January 01, 2018
political sanctions
Have Trump and Netanyahu Conspired to Topple Iran’s Government? By Stephen Lendman, December 31, 2017
All Is Not Quiet on the Syrian Front: US to Launch Another War By Alex Gorka, December 31, 2017
Israel, Guatemala and Apartheid By Voltaire, December 31, 2017
Israeli Official Reports Increased Cooperation on Removing Content from Social Media By Shahar Ilan, December 31, 2017
U.S. and Israel Sign Secret Plan to Take on Iran. Report By Ali Nejad, December 31, 2017
UN Decries ‘Deepening Catastrophe’ in Yemen after Milestone 1,000 Days of Bloodshed By RT News, December 31, 2017
Records of British Mandate of Palestine: Shimon Peres’ Request to Become Mandatory Palestine Citizen Revealed By Becca Noy, December 30, 2017
Does Israel Have “A Patagonia Project” in Argentina? By Thierry Meyssan, December 30, 2017
Bassem Tamimi Honors His Courageous Young Daughter Ahed, Imprisoned by Israel’s Rubber Stamp Military Court By Stephen Lendman, December 30, 2017
2018 Outlook: Africa By Andrew Korybko, December 30, 2017
UN General Assembly Jerusalem Resolution: Vote Exposes 65 Sanctions-Deserving Pro-Apartheid States By Gideon Polya, December 29, 2017
Trump Sham “Peace Plan”: Abu Dis Village (Bordering Jerusalem), A Future Palestinian Capital? By Stephen Lendman, December 29, 2017
Geopolitical Shift in the Middle East: The War on ISIS Has Increased the Influence of Iran By Sami Karimi, December 29, 2017
Palestinian Christians and Muslims living in the Holy Land. A Christmas Message to Vice-President Mike Pence By James J. Zogby, December 29, 2017
Over 700 Yemeni Civilians Killed and Wounded by US-backed Saudi Airstrikes in December By Bill Van Auken, December 29, 2017
Africa in Review 2017: Reconstruction and the Impediments of Imperialism By Abayomi Azikiwe, December 29, 2017
Propaganda Aiming to Prove Iran Supplied Missiles Backfires By Scott Ritter, December 29, 2017
Who Are the Leading State Sponsors of Terrorism? By Philip Giraldi, December 29, 2017
Israel Should be Suspended from the UN Until It Complies with UNSCR 2334 By Hans Stehling, December 28, 2017
Under Trump, US Doubles Drone Strikes in Somalia By Telesur, December 28, 2017
Letter on Jerusalem by HE Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad By Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, December 28, 2017
Trump Retaliates: Punitive Measures against Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority By Middle East Monitor, December 27, 2017
The Saudi Palace Coup, the Oil Market, China and the US By Dr. Ali Kadri, December 27, 2017
Shades of Suez and “Greater Israel” as Theresa May and Netanyahu Ignore UNSCR 2334 Pertaining to the Territorial Rights of Palestinians By Hans Stehling, December 27, 2017
Syrians Are Human Beings. “The West Seeks to Fabricate Sectarianism in Syria” By Mark Taliano, December 27, 2017
Could the Trump Presidency Prove to be a Godsend for the Palestinian People? By William Hanna, December 27, 2017
Battle for Mosul, Defeat of the ISIS Caliphate, A Year of Brutal War, Crimes against Humanity By Middle East Eye, December 27, 2017
“Big Bipartisan Lies”: Intelligence Veterans Tell Trump Iran Is Not “Top Terror Sponsor” By Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, December 27, 2017
How Trump Ruined Christmas for Palestinian Christians By Alex Shams, December 27, 2017
UN Vote: Middle East Christians Blast US Decision on Jerusalem By Joyce Chediac, December 26, 2017
US Coalition Out of Syria Now! By Syria Solidarity Movement, December 26, 2017
France and the UN on Peace Talks in Libya By Richard Galustian, December 26, 2017
The Jerusalem UN Vote and the US-Israel Link By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, December 26, 2017
The Israeli Government Is Paying for Anti-BDS Journalism By Itamar Benzaquen, December 24, 2017
The Gatekeepers for Empire? “Independent Media” Failed Coverage of Syria By Michael Welch, Daniel Borgstrom, and Vanessa Beeley, December 24, 2017
War Propaganda, Media Censorship and the “Conspiracy Theory” Meme. Project Censored 2016 By Michael Welch, Abby Martin, Mnar Muhawesh, Prof Mark Crispin Miller, and David Talbot, December 23, 2017
Iraq Redux in the Making? US Rhetoric on Iran Brings Back Memories of 2003 By Philip Giraldi, December 23, 2017
Pentagon Admits Presence of US Troops in Yemen as Cholera Cases Top One Million By Bill Van Auken, December 23, 2017
Ahed Tamimi Is Part of the Palestinian Generations R – for Return By Rima Najjar, December 23, 2017
Will Washington’s Veiled NSS Threats against Pakistan Contribute to Consolidating Its Economic Alignment with China, Iran and Turkey By Andrew Korybko, December 23, 2017
Saudi-US Aggression Targets and Destroys Yemen’s Cultural Heritage By Yemenpress, December 23, 2017
US Suspends Support for Free Syrian Army, Shuts Down Operation Rooms in Turkey and Jordan: Report By South Front, December 23, 2017
US Intimidating UN Member States, “Al Capone Style” By Vladimir Odintsov, December 23, 2017
Nations of the World at UN Humiliate Trump with Massive Vote for Palestinians By Prof. Juan Cole, December 22, 2017
A History of UN General Assembly Resolutions on Israel-Palestine By Alex McDonald, December 22, 2017
Iran and Turkey: Not an Alliance but an Incredibly Meaningful Partnership By Adam Garrie, December 22, 2017
UN Jerusalem Vote Postmortems. US Bullying and Threats By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2017
Video: Syrian Government Forces Besiege Key Al Qaeda Strongpoint in Southern Idlib By South Front, December 22, 2017
UN General Assembly Rejects Trump’s Jerusalem Declaration By Stephen Lendman, December 22, 2017
“Russiagate” Is Actually “Israelgate”: Trump as “Agent of Israel”, Not of Russia? By Eric Zuesse, December 21, 2017
US and Israel versus the World on Jerusalem By Stephen Lendman, December 21, 2017
Netanyahu’s Failed Project to Build “A Greater Israel” By Hans Stehling, December 21, 2017