Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Testing Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s Pledge to Return Saudi Arabia to “Moderate Islam” By James M. Dorsey, January 26, 2018
War in Syria: The US, a Wounded Predator, Spreads Chaos in Middle East By Sara Flounders, January 25, 2018
A New US Decision to Go to War in Syria By Paul R. Pillar, January 25, 2018
No to Foreign Intervention in Syria! By Peace Committee of Turkey, January 24, 2018
Destroying Syria. Why does Washington hate Bashar al-Assad? By Philip Giraldi, January 24, 2018
Made in Israel: Exploiting Palestinian Land for Treatment of Israeli Waste By B'Tselem, January 24, 2018
Beirut, Lebanon: The Lebanese Want Peace By Brett Redmayne-Titley, January 24, 2018
Challenging the “Establishment”. The West Supports Terrorism By Mark Taliano, January 24, 2018
The Palestinian Struggle Is Not About Rights Within a Legitimized Israel; It’s About Liberation and Self-Determination By Rima Najjar, January 24, 2018
El Al Israel Airlines: Pilots Refuse to Fly Deported African Refugees to Dangerous Country By Daniel K. Eisenbud, January 24, 2018
US Secrets, Lies and Confusion in the North of Syria. Operations in Afrine and Manbij By Thierry Meyssan, January 23, 2018
Turkey’s “Olive Branch” Military Agenda Has Incited the Pentagon to Intensify Training of US Sponsored Kurdish Border Security Forces (BSF) By Sophie Mangal, January 23, 2018
Whither Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s ‘Moderate’ Islam? By James M. Dorsey, January 23, 2018
Turkey Invades Syria to Attack US-backed Kurdish Forces By Halil Celik and Alex Lantier, January 23, 2018
Why Is the Israeli Army Finally Worried About Gaza? By Jonathan Cook, January 23, 2018
Present Day Conflicts: The Result of “Artificial Borders” and Colonial “Divide and Rule” By Shenali D Waduge, January 22, 2018
Kurdish Frictions: Turkey’s Military Campaign in Syria’s Afrin By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, January 22, 2018
Turkey’s Operation Olive Branch against Kurdish YPG/YPJ in Syria’s Afrin By South Front, January 22, 2018
Year-in-Review: Worst Abuses Against Palestinian Children in 2017 By Defense for Children Palestine, January 22, 2018
Since 1979, Iran Has Championed the Cause of Palestinian Self-determination By Prof. Tim Anderson, January 22, 2018
US and Moscow “Green Light” Turkish Aggression in Northern Syria By Stephen Lendman, January 22, 2018
Video: Syrian Troops Almost Closed Eastern Idlib Pocket By South Front, January 21, 2018
Trump’s Plan B for Syria: Occupation and Intimidation By Mike Whitney, January 21, 2018
US-Led Coalition Civilian Killings Tripled in Iraq and Syria in 2017. NGO By Jason Ditz, January 21, 2018
US, Turkey React as Syrian Forces Move into Idlib By Tony Cartalucci, January 20, 2018
Erdogan’s Turkey: When Knives Cut Both Ways By Brett Redmayne-Titley, January 20, 2018
“Ethical Decolonization”and the Restoration of all Palestinian Rights and Reparations By Rima Najjar, January 20, 2018
The Egyptian-Eritrean Military Axis Might Make the Horn of Africa Crisis Explode By Andrew Korybko, January 20, 2018
Complex Power Play in Libya By Richard Galustian, January 20, 2018
Imperial Disaster By Mark Taliano, January 19, 2018
US Announces Indefinite Deployment of Military Forces in Syria By James Cogan, January 19, 2018
US Cuts Half Its Aid for Palestinian Refugees By Stephen Lendman, January 19, 2018
Breaking – Tillerson Unveils ‘New’ US Syria Plan: ‘Assad Must Go!’ By Daniel McAdams, January 18, 2018
Syrian Air Defense Ready to Destroy Turkish Warplanes If They Attack Afrin – Deputy FM By South Front, January 18, 2018
“Two Channels”, Pentagon and CIA: Don’t Be Fooled, the CIA Was Only “Half the Problem” in Syria By Steven MacMillan, January 18, 2018
Slapping an Israeli Soldier More Newsworthy than Shooting a Palestinian Child in the Face By Gregory Shupak, January 18, 2018
U.S. Creates Kurdish/Terrorist “Border Force” in Syria to Define Borders of Kurdistan By Brandon Turbeville, January 18, 2018
US to Set Up 30,000-strong “Border Force” in Syria By Peter Symonds, January 18, 2018
Watch as ISIS and Al-Nusra Smuggle Money into Syria Using Vehicles with Red Cross Logos By Paul Antonopoulos, January 18, 2018
Syria’s Kurdish Led SDF: “Border Force” or “Terror Army”? By Andrew Korybko, January 18, 2018
The Media’s Wildly Different Take on Unrest in Tunisia and Iran By Whitney Webb, January 18, 2018
Libya Update: What’s Really Behind the Airport Firefight? By Richard Galustian, January 18, 2018
Rumors: US Supplied Kurdish Forces in Syria with Air Defense Manpads By South Front, January 17, 2018
The Iran Deal Still Works, Trump Still Works Against It By Paul Kawika Martin, January 17, 2018
US-Iran Relations and the 1981 Algiers Accords: Decades of Violations – and Silence By Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, January 17, 2018
Ahed Tamimi Should Stay in Prison Because She Might Slap Again — Israeli Ethicist By Jonathan Ofir, January 16, 2018
Unidentified Photos: Coverage of Iran Protests Illustrated with Protests Not in Iran–– Organized by Fringe Cultists By Adam Johnson, January 15, 2018
Iran 2018 and Syria 2011: Similarities and Differences By Prof. Tim Anderson, January 15, 2018
Egypt 2018: An Ancient Nation is Moving Forward By Dr. Mohamed Elmasry, January 15, 2018
Trump Vows to Renew All-out Economic War on Iran By Keith Jones, January 15, 2018
Swiss Newspaper Reveals: Secret Military Cooperation Between Saudi Arabia and Israel By Middle East Monitor, January 14, 2018
Israel Keeps Bombing Syria and Nobody Is Doing Anything About It By Darius Shahtahmasebi, January 13, 2018
Horrific Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza By Stephen Lendman, January 13, 2018
Who or What Is Feeding the Unrest in Iran? By Philip Giraldi, January 13, 2018
The French Plan to Recognize “Rojava” By Thierry Meyssan, January 13, 2018
Iraq Historical Overview, Photographic Evidence: “I Never Thought Iraq Would Arrive at What It Is Today” By Angeria Rigamonti di Cuto and Latif Al Ani, January 12, 2018
The British Empire in Yemen By Jacob G. Hornberger, January 12, 2018
The Role of The Pro-Israel Lobby in US Politics By Hans Stehling, January 12, 2018
US Forces to Remain Indefinitely in Syria Illegally By Stephen Lendman, January 12, 2018
Sudan- Egypt Relations Further Strained over Territorial Dispute. The Hala’ib Triangle By Abayomi Azikiwe, January 11, 2018
Idlib De-Escalation Zone Collapses as Free Syrian Army’s (SFA) “Moderate Opposition” Comes to the Rescue of Its Al-Qaeda Counterparts By South Front, January 11, 2018
Uproar over Israeli Settler’s Killing By Stephen Lendman, January 11, 2018
History of US-Iran Relations: “Regime Change” and the Islamic State in 1979? Ayatollah Khomeini, an Instrument of the U.S.? By Sami Karimi, January 10, 2018
America Persistently Seeks to Destabilize Iran and Undermine Tehran’s Regional Influence in the Middle East By Farhad Shahabi, January 10, 2018
War in Syria Rages, Resurgence of ISIS-Daesh By Stephen Lendman, January 10, 2018
“A Strange Coincidence”: US Spy Plane Circled Near Russian Naval Base in Syria During Massive Drone Attack Launched by Terrorists By Zero Hedge, January 10, 2018
Israel Bans Members of 20 Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Groups from Entering Israel By 2018 Sail to Gaza, January 10, 2018
Turkey Begs Russia, Iran to Stop the Syrian Army from Smashing Their Proxy Jihadists in Idlib Province By Paul Antonopoulos, January 10, 2018
Demonizing Iran: Mainstream Media Madness and US-Israeli-Saudi ‘Behavior’ Problems By Robert Parry, January 10, 2018
A Paper Peace and Proxy War With Iran By Shamus Cooke, January 10, 2018
Operation Blue Flag 2017 Air War Games: Israel’s “Fighter-Jet Diplomacy”. Hooking Up Israeli Forces with NATO By Manlio Dinucci, January 09, 2018
Sixteen Year Old Ahed Tamimi Offers Israelis a Lesson Worthy of Gandhi By Jonathan Cook, January 09, 2018
Protecting China’s Belt and Road Initiative from US-Led Terrorism By Federico Pieraccini, January 09, 2018
Syrian Army Reports Israeli Missile Attack on Greater Damascus By Sputnik, January 09, 2018
Trump Would Do the Palestinians a Favour by Cutting Off Aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) By Abdel Bari Atwan, January 08, 2018
Trump Preparing to Diplomatically Recognize Kurdish Control over Huge Swathe of Syria – Report By Paul Antonopoulos, January 08, 2018
Free Syrian Army Commanders Visit Washington – Reports By South Front, January 08, 2018
Will Trump Use “Human Rights” to Kill the Iran Nukes Deal? By Mike Whitney, January 08, 2018
Video: Al Qaeda Rebels Retreat from Syria’s Southern Idlib By South Front, January 08, 2018
Trump’s Failed Coup in Iran By Eric Margolis, January 08, 2018