Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
BDS Movement Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize By Bjørnar Moxnes, February 13, 2018
Dangerous Delusions: Syria Isn’t Going to Liberate Palestine Anytime Soon nor Is Russia Turning Against “Israel” By Andrew Korybko, February 13, 2018
The Coming War on Lebanon: Israel, Saudi Arabia, U.S. Prepare “Long-Planned Middle East War” By Timothy Alexander Guzman, February 13, 2018
Video: Integrity in Journalism, The Legacy of Robert Parry, “You Tell the Truth, No Matter What” By Michael Welch, Robert Parry, Nat Parry, Ray McGovern, and John Pilger, February 12, 2018
Another Unnecessary War: Israel is Planning to Launch a Military Operation against Lebanon By Prof. Idan Landau, February 12, 2018
Turkey-led Forces Suffer Hundreds Dead Since Start of Afrin Operation against Kurdish Forces in Northern Syria By Andrew Illingworth, February 12, 2018
Facebook Says It Is Deleting Accounts at the Direction of the U.S. and Israeli Governments By Glenn Greenwald, February 12, 2018
US Terror Bombing: The City of Raqqa Transformed into Rubble, Phoney Pretext of Combating ISIS By Stephen Lendman, February 12, 2018
An Exodus of “Jewish Settlers” from Palestine Is Inevitable By Rima Najjar, February 12, 2018
Russia in the Crosshairs By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, February 12, 2018
This Conservative Government Is Comparable to That of Anthony Eden in Its Machinations with Israel By Hans Stehling, February 12, 2018
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
US Declares Full Support to Israeli Airstrikes on Syria. Hezbollah Backs Damascus By South Front, February 12, 2018
Syria: Voices of Truth, Peace, and Justice By Mark Taliano, February 11, 2018
In Libya, ISIS Is Using Human Trafficking to Finance Its Activities By Al Shahid, February 11, 2018
Downed Russian Warplane Illustrates Enduring Danger of US-Backed Terrorism By Tony Cartalucci, February 11, 2018
Israel Escalates Aggression on Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 11, 2018
Israel Attacks Air Defences, Iranian Targets in Syria After Its F-16 Is Downed By Middle East Eye, February 11, 2018
The Demolition of U.S. Global Power. The Accelerated Collapse of American Global Hegemony By Prof Alfred McCoy, February 11, 2018
Syrian National Dialogue Congress Is A Decisive Step Towards Peace By Firas Samuri, February 10, 2018
What U.S. News Reports Hide on Syria’s War By Eric Zuesse, February 10, 2018
Russians Reported Killed in US Strikes in Syria By Bill Van Auken, February 10, 2018
The Balfour Declaration – Empire, the Mandate and Resistance in Palestine By Jim Miles, February 10, 2018
US Evacuates ISIS Militants from Syria and Iraq to Afghanistan By Sophie Mangal, February 10, 2018
Total Collapse of Gaza Healthcare ‘Imminent,’ Warns Medical Charity By The New Arab, February 09, 2018
Russia Blasts US Attack on Syrian and Allied Forces By Stephen Lendman, February 09, 2018
Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns? By Tony Cartalucci, February 08, 2018
US Coalition Kills 100 Pro-Assad Troops After ‘Unprovoked’ Attack on Kurd Allies By Middle East Eye, February 08, 2018
Violence Leaves 750,000 Children in Mosul Struggling to Access Basic Health Services By ReliefWeb, February 08, 2018
US and Israel Escalate War on Syria By Stephen Lendman, February 08, 2018
Phony US Accusations of Syrian Chemical Weapons Attacks By Stephen Lendman, February 08, 2018
Israel Is Militarily, Geostrategically and Culturally Tied to the US By Shane Quinn, February 07, 2018
Voices from Syria: Exposing the Barbarity of Washington’s Regime Change Aspirations By Mark Taliano, February 06, 2018
Hadi’s Fall, Rise of South Yemen, End of the War? By Andrew Korybko, February 06, 2018
Palestine and the Issue of “Jewish Identity” By Rima Najjar, February 06, 2018
A 14-year-old Girl Forced Alone and at Night into the Gaza Cage. Another Routine Mishap for Israel’s Occupation By Jonathan Cook, February 05, 2018
Downing of Russian Fighter in Syria Threatens Wider War By Peter Symonds, February 05, 2018
US Foreign Policies Remain Unchanged Since 1948 By Eric Zuesse, February 05, 2018
US-Supplied MANPADS Downed Russian Aircraft in Syria. Danger of a US-Russia Military Clash? By Stephen Lendman, February 05, 2018
BDS Movement in Support of Palestine Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize By Stephen Lendman, February 05, 2018
Poland Defends Its National Dignity in the Face of Israeli & Ukrainian Intimidation By Andrew Korybko, February 04, 2018
Turkey Establishing Long-Sought US “Safe Haven” in Northern Syria By Tony Cartalucci, February 04, 2018
US-Armed Jihadist in Syria Shoots Down Russian Plane, Kills Pilot By Eric Zuesse, February 04, 2018
Video: Militants’ Defense Collapsed in Eastern Idlib By South Front, February 04, 2018
Mattis Threatens Military Action Over Syria Gas Attack Claims, Then Admits “No Evidence” By Zero Hedge, February 04, 2018
When Is There Going to be Accountability for US Wars and Aggression? By Rick Sterling, February 03, 2018
How Much Has the American Government Paid for Its Invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan? By Eric Zuesse, February 03, 2018
Is It Even Possible to “Betray” the Kurds? By Andrew Korybko, February 02, 2018
Development Under the Threat of War in the Arab World By Dr. Ali Kadri, February 02, 2018
U.S. and Turkey Agreed on the Assassination of Kurdish Politicians and Field Commanders By Firas Samuri, February 02, 2018
America’s Contradictory Foreign Policy, Towards a Shooting War with Turkey in Syria? By Federico Pieraccini, February 02, 2018
Schools of Mosul: Dilapidated Buildings, Traumatised Students By Al Shahid, February 02, 2018
Supremacy of the Spectacle and Political Theater. Fomenting Engineered Perspectives By Mark Taliano, February 01, 2018
Debunking Alt-Media’s Doublethink on Yemen By Andrew Korybko, February 01, 2018
Over 200 Companies Have Israel Settlement Ties By Middle East Monitor, February 01, 2018
The Taboo Subject: How America and Britain Increase Global Anti-Semitism by Arming/Funding Israeli Occupation By Hans Stehling, February 01, 2018
War Crimes and Genocide in Yemen: Death, Destruction, Starvation By Maxim Nikolenko, February 01, 2018
Trump’s Announced Strategy for Occupying Syria By Eric Zuesse, January 31, 2018
Ireland to Discuss New Bill Criminalising Trade with Israeli Settlements By Middle East Monitor, January 31, 2018
US-Turkey, Allies or “Former Allies”? Ankara Orders Washington to ‘Immediately Withdraw’ from Manbij By The New Arab, January 31, 2018
Turkish Troops Seen Wearing Patch of Terrorist Free Syrian Army By Paul Antonopoulos, January 31, 2018
Welcome Back to the Map, South Yemen! By Andrew Korybko, January 31, 2018
U.S. ‘Plan B’ for the Middle East. The Occupation of One Third of Syria’s Territory By Prof. Marcello Ferrada de Noli, January 31, 2018
US, Turkish Troops Headed for Military Showdown in Syria By Zero Hedge, January 30, 2018
White Supremacy Colonialism
Washington Widens the War in Syria by Provoking Turkey By Mike Whitney, January 30, 2018
The “Iron Fisted” Leader of Hamas in Palestine – Where is Mohammed Deif? By Brett Redmayne-Titley, January 30, 2018
Tillerson’s Promise of More War in Syria Gets Warm Reception from Corporate Media By Gregory Shupak, January 30, 2018
How Regional Rivalries Threaten to Fuel the Fire in Syria and Iran By James M. Dorsey, January 29, 2018
Video: The Longest, Deadliest Wall in the World that Nobody Talks About By Rumble, January 29, 2018
Syrian Forces Find Modern Radio-Electronic Equipment, Left Behind by Terrorists By South Front, January 28, 2018
French Intellectuals’ Statement on Palestinian Child Prisoners By Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network, January 28, 2018
Iran: New Unjust Accusations by Washington By Peter Koenig and Press TV, January 28, 2018
‘Without UNRWA We Have Nothing’: Palestinian Refugees Speak Out Against US Aid Cuts By Jaclynn Ashly, January 28, 2018
Fifteen Years After the Invasion of Iraq: The Anglo-American Oil Giants Start to Flaunt the Spoils of Imperial Conquest By Rory, January 27, 2018
Israel Claims Airstrikes on Damascus
The Syrian Kurds Think They Can Play Damascus Like a Fiddle By Andrew Korybko, January 27, 2018
Video: Turkey Threatens to Attack Manbij in Northern Syria. Seeks Annexation. Operation against Kurdish Forces By South Front, January 27, 2018
The Secrets of Israel’s Assassination Operations By Ethan Bronner, January 27, 2018
Canada Should Follow Germany’s Example and Halt Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia By Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East, January 27, 2018
Israel Seeks to Use Free Syrian Army to Establish 40km Deep ‘Safe Zone’ in Southern Syria – Report By South Front, January 26, 2018
US Supports Kurds in Northern Syria: Turks React. Is America at War with Turkey? By Mehmet Ersoy, January 26, 2018
Turkish-Kurdish War or ISIS-Daesh Civil War? By Andrew Korybko, January 26, 2018