Middle East & North Africa

A complex network of Al Qaeda affiliated terrorist organizations overseen by US and allied intelligence agencies has unfolded, extending across the Middle East, North Africa, sub-Saharan Africa, Central Asia, Western China, South and South East Asia.
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
The Iraqi parliament suspended the corrupt 2014 agreement with the Obama administration which invited the US to lead a fake counterterrorism operation directed against the Islamic State (ISIS-Daesh), made up of mercenaries who are funded, trained and recruited by US-NATO, with the support of Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
Iraq is in the eye of the storm. Washington's "maximum pressure" campaign on Iran and Tehran's response put heavy pressure on the Iraqi government, a partner for both. The US expects Baghdad to resist Iran, and Iran expects Baghdad to resist the US. An almost impossible position.
Fake Intelligence: No Trace of Chemical Weapons at Alleged Attack Site in Douma – Russian Military By RT News, April 10, 2018
Ahed Tamini, Imprisoned for Having Slapped an Israeli Soldier. Calls for Human Solidarity In Support of Palestinian Children By Prof Susan Babbitt, April 10, 2018
“Just Shut Up and Die or Disappear”: Reaction of Israelis to the Gaza Massacres By Rima Najjar, April 10, 2018
Moscow Calls ‘Chemical Attack’ in Douma ‘Fake News,’ Warns Against Syrian Intervention By RT News, April 10, 2018
On the Threshold of War. “Entirety of Russian Military on High Alert”. Unconfirmed Reports By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 10, 2018
Truth, Peace, Justice and the War on Syria: Lies, Fake Humanitarians, Fake Covers for War Crimes By Mark Taliano, April 10, 2018
Taking the World to the Brink of Annihilation By Rick Sterling, April 10, 2018
Trump: Is He Stupid or Dangerously Crazy? By Justin Raimondo, April 10, 2018
Emotional Propaganda 101: Chemical Attack in Syria Appears to be a False Flag to Justify Regime Change By Steven MacMillan, April 09, 2018
US or Israel Terror-Bombing of Syrian Airbase Follows False Flag Chemical Weapons Incident By Stephen Lendman, April 09, 2018
Dangerous Crossroads: Possibility Now for Nuclear War, Russia vs. U.S.? Credible Evidence. U.S Missile Attack against Syria Contemplated By Eric Zuesse, April 09, 2018
America and Britain Provide the Fuel that Keeps the Engine of the Israeli Occupation Running By Hans Stehling, April 09, 2018
Breaking: Russian Forces in Syria Are on Combat Alert: U.S. Considers Attacks Directed against Syrian Government Forces By South Front, April 09, 2018
CIA Stages Syria Poison Gas Attack, Pretext for Escalation of US-led War. Preparations for Stepped-up Military Operations? By Patrick Martin, April 09, 2018
Trump Threatens Putin and “Animal Assad” Over Syrian “Chemical Attack”; Russia Warns of “Grave” Response If US Launches Strike By Zero Hedge, April 09, 2018
Turkey Publishes the Whereabouts of Five Secret Military Bases in Syria that Belong to France By Voltaire Network, April 09, 2018
Iraq, Massacre of a Country: “A War on Terror” when you are the Terrorist By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 09, 2018
15 Years Since the Fall of Baghdad: A Broken Statue in a War Built on Lies By Patrik Paulov, April 09, 2018
Strikes on Syria: Failed US WMD Lies and the “Israel Approach” By Tony Cartalucci, April 09, 2018
UN Syrian Chemical Weapons Report Exposes Washington’s Lies By Patrick O'Connor, April 09, 2018
Israel’s Secret Nuclear Biological and Chemical Weapons (NBC) By Manlio Dinucci, April 09, 2018
Yes, the US-Supported Syrian “Rebels” DO Have Access to Chemical Weapons By Washington's Blog, April 09, 2018
Trump Said “Very Soon”… But U.S. Isn’t Leaving Syria… By Gregory Shupak, April 08, 2018
Another Chemical Attack in Syria: But Why Is the Corporate Media Missing Crucial Points? By Paul Antonopoulos, April 08, 2018
Defending Palestinian Rights: The Gaza Slaughter of Palestinians Supported by the U.S. Congress and Major Jewish American Organizations By Prof. James Petras, April 08, 2018
International Criminal Court
America Threatened OPCW Director General – “We Know Where Your Kids Are” By True Publica, April 08, 2018
Israelis Gather by Gaza Border to Watch and Cheer as Military Uses Live Fire Against Palestinians By Daily Sabah, April 08, 2018
Trump’s Syria “Withdrawal” Was Textbook US Deception By Tony Cartalucci, April 08, 2018
The US-led Invasions and Occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. A Comparative Analysis By Sami Karimi, April 07, 2018
In Wake of Gaza Massacre, Israeli Leaders Should be Prosecuted for War Crimes By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, April 07, 2018
Israeli High Crimes Without Punishment. “Bloody Friday” Followed Week Ago Massacre: 9 more Gazans killed, over 1,000 Injured By Stephen Lendman, April 07, 2018
U.S. Destabilization Plans? Why Is EuroMaidan’s Mastermind Geoffrey Pyatt Warning About Greek-Turkish Tensions? By Andrew Korybko, April 07, 2018
After Deadliest Day in Gaza Since 2014: “Accountability” for the Killing of Protesters By Medical Aid for Palestinians, April 07, 2018
The War on Syria: The Need to Amplify Voices of Truth, Peace and Justice By Mark Taliano, April 07, 2018
What Did Israel Bomb in the Syrian Desert in 2007? By Ted Snider, April 06, 2018
Israel’s “Security”: The Official Mantra to Defend Israel’s Crimes against Palestinians By Rima Najjar, April 06, 2018
A Microscope’s Journey Through Israel By Dana Visalli, April 06, 2018
The Good Friday Massacre: World…We Are All Palestinians, Now! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 06, 2018
Washington and Riyadh’s Terror Enterprise. Wahhabi-indoctrinated Mercenaries By Tony Cartalucci, April 06, 2018
“First Responder” White Helmets Reemerge as Experts in Defusing Explosives in Syria’s Afrin By Whitney Webb, April 06, 2018
What Can the World Do to Curtail the Rising Tide of Antisemitism By Hans Stehling, April 06, 2018
The Lebanon-Israel Border: Reasons for Peace… Excuses for War! By Brett Redmayne-Titley, April 06, 2018
Another Gaza Bloodbath Ahead on Friday? By Stephen Lendman, April 06, 2018
What’s Wrong with Trump’s New National Security Advisor, John Bolton? By Philip Giraldi, April 06, 2018
The Close-Knit Relationship between Britain and Saudi Arabia. Crown Prince Bin Salman’s Visit to London By Marcus Papadopoulos and Yemenpress, April 05, 2018
Israel Vows No Change in Free-Fire Policy against Palestinians By Stephen Lendman, April 05, 2018
Oil Firms’ Multimillion-dollar Bribery Racket Bringing Death to the Streets of Iraq’s Basra By Suadad al-Salhy, April 05, 2018
Boycott, Divest and Sanction Israel. The Geopolitical Construct that Terrorizes Gaza By Askiah Adam, April 05, 2018
East Ghouta Liberated. Free of Occupying Forces and Al Qaeda Terrorists By Syria Solidarity Movement, April 05, 2018
A Special Relationship Born in Hell: The US Should Cut all Ties with War Criminal Israel By Philip Giraldi, April 05, 2018
Gaza Doctor Accuses Israel of Using Exploding Bullets, Israeli Ambassador Calls Norwegians ‘Nazis’ for Denouncing Gaza Massacre By Richard Silverstein, April 04, 2018
U.S. and Its Press Lie Americans Into Invasions Routinely By Eric Zuesse, April 04, 2018
After the Massacre in Gaza, US Congress Attempts to Outlaw “Opposition to Israel” By David Havranek, April 04, 2018
Palestine – All the Gods Are with You, but None Dares Scream Murder By Peter Koenig, April 04, 2018
Trump Freezing Money for Syria that Nobody Knew About By Miri Wood, April 03, 2018
France Risks War with Fellow NATO Member Turkey in Effort to Prop Up Syrian Rebels By Darius Shahtahmasebi, April 03, 2018
Massacre at Gaza’s Borders: We Will Not be Silent – End Israeli Impunity By Freedom Flotilla Coalition, April 03, 2018
The Israel Massacre Forces By Gideon Levy, April 03, 2018
Martin Luther King, Lesson for Today: Militarism and Economic Exploitation, Blatant Racism at Home and Imperialism Abroad By Peter Ford, April 03, 2018
Is France at War with Turkey? By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, April 03, 2018
Trump Wants Out of Syria? OK! By World Beyond War, April 03, 2018
Black Alliance for Peace Condemns the Murder of Unarmed Palestinians by Israeli Security Forces By Black Alliance for Peace, April 03, 2018
Weapons for Anyone: Donald Trump and the Art of the Arms Deal By William D. Hartung, April 03, 2018
The White Helmets are “Black Helmets”, They are Al Qaeda By Mark Taliano, April 02, 2018
Activists at Tel Aviv Demo Say ‘Gazans Searched for Freedom, Got Shot’. “Not in Our Name” By Itay Blumenthal, April 02, 2018
Jews for Justice By Stephen Lendman, April 02, 2018
Resisting Israeli Tyranny a Legitimate Palestinian Right By Stephen Lendman, April 02, 2018
Video: Murder in Gaza By Information Clearing House, April 02, 2018
1.8 Million Blockaded and Starved by an Israeli State that Now Shoots to Kill By Hans Stehling, April 02, 2018
Trump’s Recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s Capital Shatters the International Consensus By John Quigley, April 02, 2018
Israel Waives Building Permit Requirements for U.S. State Department While Palestinians Are Refused, Homes Demolished By Scott Roth and Philip Weiss, April 02, 2018
The Jewish State Itself Is Unjustifiable and Inexcusable – Not Just What’s Happening in Gaza Now By Rima Najjar, April 02, 2018
Trapped “From Fence to Fence” in Gaza. The World’s Largest Open Air Prison By Jehad Abu Salim, April 01, 2018
An “April Fool” in Bagdhad? John McCain By Felicity Arbuthnot, April 01, 2018
Gaza Mass Murder Postmortems By Stephen Lendman, April 01, 2018
UN Secretary General’s Hollow Response to Israeli Mass Murder in Gaza By Stephen Lendman, April 01, 2018
Media Coverage of the Gaza Massacre: Had the Dead Been Israeli then VOA, CNN, NBC, ABC & CBS Would No Doubt Have Interrupted Their Schedule By Hans Stehling, April 01, 2018
Israel Kills or Injures Hundreds of Palestinian Refugees: Britain and America Watch in Silence By Hans Stehling, March 31, 2018
US National Security Advisor John Bolton Backs MEK Terrorists By Tony Cartalucci, March 31, 2018
Most ISIS Weaponry Was Purchased by US and Saudi Arabia before being Shipped to “Rebels”in Syria and Iraq By Rory Wood, March 31, 2018