Latin America & Caribbean

Dilma Rousseff
In 2003, "Leftists" applauded the inauguration of Luis Ignacio da Silva as a victory against neoliberalism, without acknowledging that Lula's PT had embraced the demands of Wall Street and the IMF. In the words of IMF Managing Director (2003) "the IMF listens to President Lula and the economic team".
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle...
Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
The Junta ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos. While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen. From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold.
Che Guevara was hunted by Latin American dictators: documents By Global Research, October 08, 2007
First Steps taken in Bolivia for Establishing a South American Parliament By Global Research, October 06, 2007
Haiti: The Bel-Air Assault By Wadner Pierre, October 04, 2007
A Triumphant Advance in Ecuador By Hugo Blanco, October 04, 2007
Iran to hold meetings with Venezuela & Bolivia after 62nd UN Annual General Assembly By Global Research, September 27, 2007
Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas Bank to Be Established in 2007 By Chris Carlson, September 27, 2007
Deliberate Lies, Strange Deaths and Aggression to the World Economy By Fidel Castro Ruz, September 23, 2007
Nicaragua’s Sandinista Government Allies with Anti-Imperialist Forces By Phil Cournoyer, September 18, 2007
Reporters Without Borders and RCTV: Disinformation and Lies By Salim Lamrani, September 15, 2007
Hugo Chávez and Constitutional Reform By Salim Lamrani, September 12, 2007
Cuba, the Internet and Reporters without Borders By Salim Lamrani, September 10, 2007
Is George Bush Restarting Latin America’s ‘Dirty Wars’? By Benjamin Dangl, September 08, 2007
Luis Posada Carriles, the White House terrorist By Salim Lamrani, September 07, 2007
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Cuba By Salim Lamrani, September 05, 2007
America and Venezuela: Constitutional Worlds Apart By Stephen Lendman, August 22, 2007
The CIA’s Attempts to Destabilize Venezuela By Chris Carlson, August 11, 2007
Bush, Colombia and Narco-Politics By Andres Cala, August 09, 2007
The New Politics of Political Aid in Venezuela By Tom Barry, July 22, 2007
The Militarization and Annexation of North America By Stephen Lendman, July 19, 2007
The Killing Machine By Fidel Castro Ruz, July 17, 2007
Gender Savagery in Guatemala By Michael Parenti and Lucia Muñoz, July 13, 2007
Venezuela, Iran to Invest $4 billion in Joint Oil Project in Orinoco Belt By Global Research, July 12, 2007
They Will Never Have Cuba! By Fidel Castro Ruz, July 01, 2007
Big Oil and Big Media Confront Hugo Chavez By Stephen Lendman, June 28, 2007
The Nonrenewal of Venezuela’s RCTV By Global Research, June 23, 2007
The Record of the Newspaper of Record By Stephen Lendman, June 20, 2007
The Battle for Bolivia’s Future By Federico Fuentes, June 17, 2007
Venezuela: US fears spread of Chavez example By Federico Fuentes, June 15, 2007
Repression in Oaxaca : One Year Anniversary of State’s Bloody Attack on Popular Movements By Prof. Marjorie Cohn, June 12, 2007
Wall Street Journal’s Looking Glass World By Stephen Lendman, June 08, 2007
Massacres and Paramilitary Land Seizures in Colombia By Oliver Balch and Rory Carroll, June 05, 2007
Communal Power versus Capitalism in Venezuela By Stuart Munckton, May 30, 2007
Venezuela’s RCTV: Sine Die and Good Riddance By Stephen Lendman, May 28, 2007
The moral bankruptcy of the European Union in its policies towards Cuba By Salim Lamrani, May 14, 2007
Venezuela Accuses U.S. DEA of Being a “Drug Cartel” By Chris Carlson, May 13, 2007
Mexican Workers Call for a Continental Workers’ Campaign For Living Wages and Social Justice By Richard Roman and Edur Velasco, May 12, 2007
Venezuela quiting the IMF and World Bank By Global Research, May 07, 2007
US government moves to gag terrorist on CIA ties By Bill Van Auken, May 06, 2007
Wall Street Journal Claims Chavez Oil Policy “Aims to Weaken US” By Stephen Lendman, May 04, 2007
Venezuela’s Revolution Accelerates By Federico Fuentes, May 01, 2007
Is The CIA Trying to Kill Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez? By Chris Carlson, April 19, 2007
Ecuador Votes For Revolutionary Change By Stephen Lendman, April 16, 2007
Global Ruling Class: Billionaires and How They ‘Made It’ By Prof. James Petras, March 23, 2007
The Zapatistas’ Struggle against “Free Trade” By Stephen Lendman, March 21, 2007
Chile: The Lesson That Venezuela Learned? By Hugo Blanco, March 19, 2007
‘Popular assembly’ that arose from a mass people’s movement: Why Oaxaca Matters By James Cooke, March 13, 2007
Bush Down South By Pepe Escobar, March 10, 2007
Brazil’s Ethanol Plan Breeds Rural Poverty, Environmental Degradation By Isabella Kenfield, March 08, 2007
Venezuela boosts ties with Syria and Iran By Global Research, March 07, 2007
Hugo Chavez’s Social Democratic Agenda By Stephen Lendman, February 21, 2007
Ecuador’s President Embraces Bolivarianism By Stephen Lendman, February 20, 2007
“Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas” spreads in Caribbean By Global Research, February 20, 2007
In Haiti Kill the Poor, Leave Right-Wing Death Squads Untouched By Ben Terrell, February 18, 2007
Cuba Denounces US-EU Coup Plans By Global Research, February 12, 2007
Venezuela Gives “Condi” Rice Nightmares By Circles Robinson, February 12, 2007
Civilians killed by UN sponsored “peace keeping” forces in Haiti By Wadner Pierre, February 10, 2007
Ecuador’s President Calls for Socialist Latin America By Duroyan Fertl, January 30, 2007
“Democratization” of Venezuelan Media By Stephen Lendman, January 24, 2007
Founding of a Grassroots Human Rights Coalition in Haiti By Wadner Pierre, January 24, 2007
Bolivia’s Government Faces Right-Wing Offensive: Popular forces struggle for unity against attacks By Federico Fuentes, January 22, 2007
Refusing the Coup: Looking Back at the Mobilization Against the Bicentennial Attack on Haiti By Guinsly Etienne, January 22, 2007
Haiti: Two Years Since the Killing of Journalist Abdias Jean By Joe Emersberger and Jeb Sprague, January 20, 2007
HAITI: Mysterious Prison Ailment Traced to U.S. Rice By Jeb Sprague and Eunida Alexandra, January 18, 2007
Venezuela and Iran put up £1billion ‘to free nations from US imperial yoke’ By Natalie Pearson, January 15, 2007
Reports of Fidel Castro’s Impending Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated By Stephen Lendman, January 01, 2007
Chavez Landslide Tops All In US History By Stephen Lendman, December 19, 2006
VENEZUELA: “It’s My Party, and I’ll Cry If I Want to”: Chavez Moves Forward By Prof. Michael A. Lebowitz, December 18, 2006
The Last Man of the Junta: An Open Letter to Henry Kissinger from One of Pinochet’s Political Prisoners By Fernando A. Torres, December 18, 2006
Pinochet’s Death Spares Bush Family By Robert Parry, December 16, 2006
La búsqueda de la seguridad por medio de las fortificaciones, la vigilancia de fronteras y los muros; Una ilusión By Prof. Jules Dufour, December 15, 2006
Mourning for Pinochet — US establishment shows its affinity for fascism By Bill Van Auken, December 14, 2006
The Spirit of Democracy in Venezuela By Stephen Lendman, December 08, 2006
The World’s Mastermind: The Hidden Face of Globalization By Adrian Salbuchi, December 02, 2006
Inauguration of President Felipe Calderon: The Spirit of Resistance in Mexico City By Stephen Lendman, December 01, 2006
Hugo Chavez Gains An Ecuadorian Ally By Stephen Lendman, November 27, 2006
Hugo Chavez Holds Commanding Lead Eight Days Before Election By Stephen Lendman, November 25, 2006
Challenges for Venezuela’s Revolution By Global Research, November 20, 2006
9/11 Hero Supports Venezuela’s National Assembly resolution on 9/11 By Global Research, November 15, 2006
Revving up the dirty war in Oaxaca By Prof. George Salzman, November 12, 2006
U.S. will train Latin American militaries By Global Research, November 10, 2006