Latin America & Caribbean

Dilma Rousseff
In 2003, "Leftists" applauded the inauguration of Luis Ignacio da Silva as a victory against neoliberalism, without acknowledging that Lula's PT had embraced the demands of Wall Street and the IMF. In the words of IMF Managing Director (2003) "the IMF listens to President Lula and the economic team".
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle...
Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
The Junta ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos. While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen. From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold.
Rising Tensions in South Atlantic: Britain Defends Falklands Position By Global Research, February 24, 2010
Venezuela’s Revolution Faces Crucial Battles By Federico Fuentes, February 24, 2010
Escalating Falklands Oil Dispute Goes to UN By Francis Elliott and Hannah Strange, February 24, 2010
Unexplored Oil Reserves in the South Atlantic: Towards a New Falklands Conflict? By Finian Cunningham, February 22, 2010
Brewing Crisis in the South Atlantic: Oil Exploration in the Malvinas Islands Ignites an Old Dispute By Adam Richmond, February 22, 2010
News Coverage of Venezuela and World News By Global Research, February 20, 2010
Argentina Accuses Britain of “Aggression and Subduing” By Global Research, February 19, 2010
Pentagon Bracing for a Snap Offensive Against Venezuela By Nil Nikandrov, February 18, 2010
New Cold War Confrontation? Kremlin Establishes Military Cooperation Agreements in Latin America By Robert Bridge, February 17, 2010
Moscow and Latin America: Russia and Nicaragua Plan Military Exercises By Global Research, February 16, 2010
Beyond the World Social Forum By Igor Ojeda, February 14, 2010
Chile: Discrimination directed against the Mapuche Indians By Pamela Sepúlveda, February 12, 2010
The Theft of Haiti’s National Sovereignty By Felicity Arbuthnot, February 10, 2010
Chavez: U.S. Military Bases in Colombia “Stab againt Unity of South America” By Global Research, February 08, 2010
Consolidating the Coup in Honduras? By Prof. Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber, February 07, 2010
Cuban Health Mission Begins Rehabilitation Service in Haiti By Global Research, February 07, 2010
Honduran Resistance against US sponsored Regime Change By Jeffery R. Webber, February 06, 2010
Indigenous Leader Evo Morales Ayma Re-elected in Bolivia By Eva Golinger and Maria Elena Parada, February 04, 2010
US Intelligence Report Classifies Venezuela as “Anti-US Leader” By Eva Golinger, February 03, 2010
Obama’s Base Pact With Colombia Accelerates “Dangerous Trend” By Sherwood Ross, February 02, 2010
Russian-Venezuelan Joint Venture to Invest $20 bln in Oilfield By Global Research, February 02, 2010
Devastating Impact of Canadian Mining in Honduras By Prof. Todd Gordon and Jeffery R. Webber, January 30, 2010
Oil in Haiti: Reasons for the US Occupation By Marguerite Laurent, January 30, 2010
Honduras, U.S. normalize diplomatic ties By Global Research, January 30, 2010
The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti By F. William Engdahl, January 30, 2010
Venezuela: Divisions within the Chavez Government? By Bill Van Auken, January 29, 2010
Chavez Condemns Coup Plot in Venezuela By Global Research, January 29, 2010
Haiti: We are Sending Doctors, not Soldiers By Fidel Castro, January 28, 2010
What Lies in Store for Antarctica, the World’s Last Repository? By Ilya Kramnik, January 28, 2010
The Kidnapping of Haiti By John Pilger, January 28, 2010
World Social Forum: Talk versus Action. The Tug-of-War Continues By Mario Osava, January 27, 2010
Henry Reeve Cuban Medical Brigade in Haiti By Fany Rodríguez, January 26, 2010
ALBA Countries Allocate $120 Million in Aid to Haiti By Global Research, January 26, 2010
Nine Latin American and Caribbean Countries Meet on Rebuilding Quake-hit Haiti By Global Research, January 25, 2010
Venezuelan Aid to Haiti By Global Research, January 23, 2010
US Says it Will Stay in Haiti for Long Term By Global Research, January 23, 2010
Latin American Leaders: International relief operation in Haiti is a cover-up for a military takeover By Global Research, January 23, 2010
Cuba, China, Venezuela Send Immediate Assistance to Haiti By Deirdre Griswold, January 22, 2010
France and the History of Haiti By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, January 22, 2010
Announcing Venezuela’s First and Only English Language Newspaper The Correo del Orinoco International By Eva Golinger, January 22, 2010
American Paratroopers Land In Haiti: And on the Eighth Day… By William Bowles, January 20, 2010
Obama Authorizes Covert Economic War Against Venezuela By Wayne Madsen, January 19, 2010
U.S. Using Relief Mission As Pretext to Occupy Haiti By Patrick Goodenough, January 19, 2010
Chavez Says U.S. Occupying Haiti in Name of Aid By Global Research, January 18, 2010
Haiti: Message of Hope and Solidarity By Jean-Bertrand Aristide, January 17, 2010
The Haiti Disaster Response: Is Another Katrina Relief Effort in the Making By Danny Schechter, January 17, 2010
US Military Arrives Bringing Aid to Devastated Haiti By David Leask, January 17, 2010
VIDEO: Haiti: We Would Rather Die Standing By Kevin Pina, January 16, 2010
The Lesson of Haiti By Fidel Castro, January 16, 2010
344 Cuban Medics Treat Earthquake Victims By Global Research, January 16, 2010
US Deploying 10,000 Troops to Haiti By Global Research, January 15, 2010
Cuban Medical Help in the Middle of Destruction and Death By Global Research, January 15, 2010
Haiti Needs Help – and a Serious Plan By Teresa Bo, January 15, 2010
What You’re Not Hearing about Haiti (But Should Be) By Carl Lindskoog, January 15, 2010
The Haitian People Need Emergency Assistance — NOT Suppression and Further Domination! By Global Research, January 15, 2010
Colombia: Soldiers Accused of Extrajudicial Killings Freed By Helda Martínez, January 14, 2010
The Truth about Haiti’s Suffering By Finian Cunningham, January 14, 2010
US Threatens Venezuela. Netherlands has Granted US Military Use of its Islands in the Caribbean By Vonk Netherlands and Hands off Venezuela, January 14, 2010
Latin American Countries Rush Aid to Haiti By Alejandra del Palacio, January 14, 2010
Foreknowledge of a Natural Disaster: Geologist Warned of Risk of Haiti Earthquake in September 2008 By Phoenix Delacroix, January 13, 2010
Venezuela to Reinforce Troops on Colombia Border with Russian Tanks By Global Research, January 11, 2010
Military Base in Curaçao: The Third Frontier of the United States By Eva Golinger, January 10, 2010
Honduran Military Leaders Face Arrests By Global Research, January 07, 2010
Bolivia Refuses to be U.S. Slave By Global Research, January 05, 2010
U.S. Venezuelan Relations: Imperialism and Revolution By Prof. James Petras, January 05, 2010
“US Plans Military Aggression Against Venezuela” By Global Research, January 03, 2010
The Origins of Modern Socialism By Shamus Cooke, January 02, 2010
CIA Agents Assassinated in Afghanistan Worked for “Contractor” Active in Venezuela and Cuba By Eva Golinger, January 02, 2010
Haiti Earthquake had Been Predicted for Years By Fred Tasker, January 01, 2010
Venezuela Accuses Netherlands Of Assisting U.S. Attack Plans By Global Research, January 01, 2010
Venezuela Warns US Against Incursions From Aruba, Curacao By Global Research, January 01, 2010
The Patagonia Problem By Mike Crane, January 01, 2010
Venezuelan President Denounces Aggression Attempt of Colombia, U.S. By Global Research, December 29, 2009
Chavez Says Colombia Preparing to Attack ‘Fake’ Venezuelan Base By Steven Bodzin, December 28, 2009
Obama’s Role in the Militarization of Mexico; An Interview with Laura Carlsen By Mike Whitney, December 24, 2009
Honduras: The Coup That Never Happened By Tyler Shipley, December 22, 2009
Curacao Is U.S. Spy Base Against Venezuela By Global Research, December 22, 2009
Venezuela-Colombia Tension Increasing By Global Research, December 21, 2009
Chavez Warns Against Possible Colombian Aggression at Border By Global Research, December 21, 2009
US Military Aggression Against Venezuela Escalating By Eva Golinger, December 20, 2009