Latin America & Caribbean

Dilma Rousseff
In 2003, "Leftists" applauded the inauguration of Luis Ignacio da Silva as a victory against neoliberalism, without acknowledging that Lula's PT had embraced the demands of Wall Street and the IMF. In the words of IMF Managing Director (2003) "the IMF listens to President Lula and the economic team".
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle...
Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
The Junta ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos. While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen. From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold.
Venezuela: Defying rumours, Chavez launches election campaign, program for socialism By Federico Fuentes, June 25, 2012
Paraguay: Obama’s Second Latin American Coup By Shamus Cooke, June 23, 2012
GRTV: Food Politics: Exploring the Economic and Ecological Crises By Dr. Vandana Shiva, June 21, 2012
Ecuador: New Left or New Colonialism? By Federico Fuentes, June 17, 2012
American Narcos: The Real ‘Masters of Paradise’ By Tom Burghardt, June 15, 2012
SPORTS AND POLITICS: Soccer, Imperialism, and Resistance in Honduras By Tyler Shipley, June 08, 2012
Seeds of doubt: Brazilian farmers sue Monsanto By Global Research, June 04, 2012
COLOMBIA: The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People’s Army (FARC-EP): 48 Years of Struggle By Miguel Urbano Rodrigues, June 04, 2012
False Reporting on the Health of Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez By Eva Golinger, May 31, 2012
NARCOTICS: CIA-Pentagon Death Squads and Mexico’s ‘War on Drugs” By Tom Burghardt, May 28, 2012
MEDIA FABRICATIONS OF THE FACTS: When the Respectable Become Extremists. The Extremists Become Respectable By Prof. James Petras, May 26, 2012
Neoliberalism vs. Keynesianism in Mexico: Populist Lopez Obrador Moves Up in Polls By Dan La Botz, May 23, 2012
No Mayan Apocalypse in 2012 By Washington's Blog, May 14, 2012
Drugs, Terror and the Mlitarization of Mexican Society By Tom Burghardt, May 14, 2012
Haiti to be Fleeced of its Riches by Canadian Corporations By Dady Chery, May 10, 2012
OIL IS A STRATEGIC PRODUCT, NOT A COMMODITY: Argentina and the International Oil Picture By Umberto Mazzei, May 03, 2012
Extractive Capitalism and the Divisions in the Latin American Progressive Camp By Prof. James Petras, May 03, 2012
What Obama Knows By Fidel Castro Ruz, May 01, 2012
US ARMS SALES TO LATIN AMERICA By Global Research, April 27, 2012
THE PENTAGON’S “COUNTERINSURGENCY WAR” ON LATIN AMERICA : Colombia, America ‘s “Military Launchpad” By Rick Rozoff, April 25, 2012
TO SLEEP WITH OPEN EYES By Fidel Castro Ruz, April 19, 2012
HISTORY “HELD CAPTIVE”: CIA Claims Release of its History of the Bay of Pigs Debacle Would “Confuse the Public.” By Nate Jones, April 19, 2012
The REAL COLOMBIA SCANDAL: When Bedding Prostitutes Is Worse Than Crimes Against Humanity By Finian Cunningham, April 19, 2012
US Hegemony and the “Latin American Backyard” By Adrian Salbuchi, April 17, 2012
MILITARIZATION AND THE TRILATERAL NORTH AMERICAN POLICE STATE: NAFTA Partners Take Steps to “Boost Trilateral Relationship” By Dana Gabriel, April 10, 2012
STEPHEN HARPER’S ILLUSIONS By Fidel Castro Ruz, April 09, 2012
BOLIVIA: The Morales government: neoliberalism in disguise? By Federico Fuentes, April 05, 2012
VIDEO: Cocaine Unwrapped: An In-Depth Look at the “War on Drugs” Today By Global Research, March 28, 2012
THE NORTH AMERICAN SECURITY PERIMETER: The North American Leaders Summit and Reviving Trilateral Integration By Dana Gabriel, March 27, 2012
VIDEO: Fast and Furious: The Hidden History of the Drug War By Bill Conroy and James Corbett, March 21, 2012
BRITAIN AND THE EMPIRE: Falklands and Chagos – A Tale of Two Islands By Peter Presland, March 21, 2012
The Political and Social Crisis in Mexico By Dan La Botz, March 15, 2012
Colombia’s Quest for Peace and Justice: The International and National Context By Prof. James Petras, February 28, 2012
Cuba Sets a Global Example for the Achievements of Socialism By Peter Phillips, February 25, 2012
U.S. Trojan Horses In Venezuela By Nil Nikandrov, February 22, 2012
Bolivia: ‘Governing by Obeying the People’ By Federico Fuentes, February 19, 2012
HAITI: The Macoutification of Martelly’s Power By Kim Ives, February 17, 2012
HAITI UNDER MILITARY OCCUPATION. Haitians Want MINUSTAH to Leave and Compensate Victims of Cholera By Global Research, February 16, 2012
Colombia: ‘Intelligence service colluded in journalist’s assassination’ By Charles Parkinson, February 14, 2012
Dumping the Dollar? Towards a Regional Currency in Latin America? ALBA Bloc Advances towards “Alternative Economic Model” By Rachael Boothroyd, February 13, 2012
Oil in the Falkland Islands: Argentina’s corrupt governments will never challenge the United Kingdom By Adrian Salbuchi, February 12, 2012
Argentina accuses Britain of Deploying Nuclear Weapons Near Falkland Islands By Global Research, February 11, 2012
Argentina Appeals To UN Over British Military Buildup In South Atlantic By Global Research News, February 09, 2012
Haiti: Where Did the Money Go? By Center for Economic and Policy Research, February 07, 2012
VIDEO: Haiti: Where Did the Money Go? By Global Research, February 07, 2012
Sovereignty dispute between Britain and Argentina: Britain Deploying Nuclear Submarine To The Falklands/Las Malvinas By Sergei Sayenko, February 07, 2012
Colombian Paramilitary received support of President Uribe’s intelligence agency DAS By Adriaan Alsema, February 06, 2012
TOWARDS THE MILITARIZATION OF THE SOUTH ATLANTIC? The Falkland Islands in Britain’s Imperialist Claws By Dr. Ismail Salami, February 03, 2012
HAITI’S “DEMOCRATIC DICTATORSHIP”: Bill Clinton is comfortable shaking hands with “Baby Doc” Duvalier – Why? By Jean Saint-Vil, January 28, 2012
Fidel Castro attacks ‘idiocy and ignorance’ of US Republican race By Global Research, January 26, 2012
Latin America’s New Left In Power By Steve Ellner, January 24, 2012
The Puppet, the Dictator, and the President: Haiti Today and Tomorrow By Dr. Jemima Pierre, January 20, 2012
Stop the Occupation of Haiti! Money for Reconstruction not Militarization! By Global Research, January 17, 2012
Venezuela: A Threat to the Security of the USA? By Eva Golinger, January 12, 2012
Chavez muses on ‘US cancer plot’ against Latin-American Heads of State By Global Research, December 29, 2011
War on Venezuela: Washington’s False Accusations Against The Chavez Government By Eva Golinger, December 29, 2011
HAITI: MINUSTAH Must Take Responsibility for Cholera Epidemic that Killed 7000 People By Mark Weisbrot, December 20, 2011
“Godfather” of Colombian Army Intelligence Acquitted in Palace of Justice Case By The National Security Archive, December 19, 2011
Argentina: A Testing Ground for Engineering Financial Collapse: What Lessons for Europe… By Adrian Salbuchi, December 19, 2011
A Union is Born: Latin America in Revolution By Eva Golinger, December 08, 2011
Using Arable Land for Bio-fuels: Carbon Credits in the ‘Valley of Death’ By Jeremy Kryt, December 06, 2011
Latin American Integration: Creation of CELAC, Trend Toward Multipolar Global Governance? By Prof. Sun Hongbo, December 06, 2011
The Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC). Challenge to US Hegemony in Western Hemisphere? By Federico Fuentes, December 05, 2011
Western Hemisphere: 33 Latin American countries to form a New Bloc. U.S. and Canada not invited By Timur Zolotoev, December 04, 2011
“NAFTA of the Pacific” and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): Washington’s Hidden Agenda is to Isolate and Subordinate China By Dana Gabriel, November 29, 2011
VIDEO: Iran Contra at 25: Reagan and Bush ‘Criminal Liability’ Evaluations By The National Security Archive, November 28, 2011
Chavez repatriates Venezuela’s foreign gold reserves By Global Research, November 26, 2011
Remains of Two of Guatemala’s Death Squad Diary Victims Found in Mass Grave By The National Security Archive, November 23, 2011
Bolivia: The Indigenous Protest versus the Government of Evo Morales By Federico Fuentes, November 21, 2011
Venezuela: Nuclear Conflict Looms ahead if Iran and Syria are Attacked By Nil Nikandrov, November 18, 2011
The Destabilization of Venezuela? Applying Washington’s “Benghazi Formula” By Nil Nikandrov, November 14, 2011
Africa: NATO, AFRICOM And The New White Man’s Burden By Harold Green, November 11, 2011
In Mexico, a Universal Struggle Against Power and Forgetting By John Pilger, November 10, 2011
The U.S. Canada Mexico Trilateral Summit: North American Integration and the Ties That Bind By Dana Gabriel, November 08, 2011
Deadliest In Hemisphere: Three Pro-Zelaya Journalists Murdered In Honduras By Rob Jess, November 06, 2011
U.S. Military Involvement in Mexican Science and Technology By Prof. Guillermo Foladori, November 05, 2011
Cuba’s Offshore Oil and the U.S. Imposed Blockade By Edward Miller, November 04, 2011
Argentina: Depression, Revolt and Recovery By Prof. James Petras, October 30, 2011
Cuba’s “Silent Transition”: Towards A Mixed Market Economy? By Sherwood Ross, October 29, 2011
Haiti Humanitarian Disaster: Conditions Declining Sharply in Earthquake Survivor Camps By Roger Annis, October 27, 2011