Latin America & Caribbean

Dilma Rousseff
In 2003, "Leftists" applauded the inauguration of Luis Ignacio da Silva as a victory against neoliberalism, without acknowledging that Lula's PT had embraced the demands of Wall Street and the IMF. In the words of IMF Managing Director (2003) "the IMF listens to President Lula and the economic team".
The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism. In all major regions of the World, the Cuban revolution has been a source of inspiration and struggle...
Fidel Castro Ruz, leader of the Cuban Revolution has passed. The Cuban Revolution constitutes a fundamental landmark in the history of humanity, which challenges the legitimacy of global capitalism.
The Junta ordered a hike in the price of bread from 11 to 40 escudos. While food prices had skyrocketed, wages had been frozen. From one day to the next, an entire country had been precipitated into abysmal poverty; in less than a year the price of bread in Chile increased thirty-six fold.
Argentina Cancer Deaths Well Above the National Average in Heavily GMO-Planted Areas By Christina Sarich, September 16, 2014
Venezuela Sends More Aid Planes to Gaza By Middle East Monitor, September 15, 2014
The ISIL Caliphate in Iraq and Syria, “Made in America” By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, September 13, 2014
Free the Cuban Five! By House of Latin America, September 12, 2014
Guatemalan Protestor Burned Alive for Speaking Out Against Canadian Mining Company GoldCorp By Timon Singh, September 11, 2014
Guatemala Rejects U.S. Trade Law Protecting Monsanto and GMOs By Heather Callaghan, September 07, 2014
Argentina’s Debt Crisis: In the Wall Street Shadows of the Vultures By Emiliano Gullo, September 04, 2014
Latin America and the Paradoxes of Anti-Imperialism and Class Struggle By Prof. James Petras, September 03, 2014
Full Spectrum Dominance, the European Press and the Impending Demise of the EU By Thomas Harrington, August 30, 2014
Look Who’s Talking! MH17 and the US Role in Downing Passenger Airplanes By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya, August 29, 2014
Colonization by Bankruptcy: The High-stakes Chess Match for Argentina By Ellen Brown, August 25, 2014
Chile Files Lawsuit Against Israeli Prime Minister, Accuses Israel of Crimes Against Humanity By Global Research News, August 25, 2014
Israeli F-16 Missile Attacks Venezuelan Humanitarian Aid Mission in Gaza By Global Research News, August 22, 2014
Bolivia and the Large Scale Extraction of Natural Resources By Federico Fuentes, August 19, 2014
The EU Demands Argentina to Ban Food Exports to Russia: Arrogance and Stupidity By Peter Koenig, August 17, 2014
Seven Special Seats Reserved for the Indigenous Community in Bolivian Elections By David Dougherty, August 16, 2014
Venezuela Calls for the Reconstruction of Gaza By Global Research News, August 16, 2014
The Clintons, Duvalier, Martelly and Haiti By Jean Saint-Vil, August 16, 2014
Anti-Mining Protests in Nicaragua By International Allies Coalition Against Mining in El Salvador, August 15, 2014
Cry for Argentina: Odious Debt, Fiscal Mismanagement or Pillage? Financial Mechanisms which Spearhead Nations into Bankruptcy By Ellen Brown, August 12, 2014
When Will the UN Pay For Its Crimes in Haiti? When Will Anyone? By Joe Emersberger, August 12, 2014
How America Carries Out Latin American Coups in the New Political Era By Maurice Lemoine, August 11, 2014
Is the US Blackmailing and Intimidating Venezuela’s Top Military Brass? By Nil Nikandrov, August 03, 2014
Five Latin American Countries Withdraw Envoys from Israel By Global Research News, August 01, 2014
When Will the UN Pay For Its Crimes in Haiti? When Will Anyone? By Joe Emersberger, July 31, 2014
Haiti: Tourism Development on Île-à-Vache Island – Reconstruction or Another Disaster? By Jessica Hsu and Jean-Claudy-Aristil, July 24, 2014
The Debate is more than "Pragmatists vs Radicals" By Federico Fuentes, July 23, 2014
The Cochabamba Declaration: Latin America’s Anti-Imperialist Offensive By Socialist Project, July 22, 2014
Chile Halts Trade Agreement with Israel By Global Research News, July 21, 2014
Fascist Dictatorships and the Unspoken Atrocities of US Imperialism: Chile and Indonesia By Andre Vltchek, July 20, 2014
Interview with Latin American and Caribbean Media By Xinhua, July 17, 2014
Four Years After Cholera Outbreak, UN Secretary General Visits Haiti By Kim Ives, July 16, 2014
Haiti: Despite Flawed Electoral Process, International Community Support Continues Unabated By Center for Economic and Policy Research, July 16, 2014
‘Building a BRICS Wall’: Stopping the Western Juggernaut By Adrian Salbuchi, July 16, 2014
BRICS Against Washington Consensus By Pepe Escobar, July 16, 2014
Anti-Dollar Alliance Prepares Launch of BRICS Bank By Zero Hedge, July 15, 2014
Monsanto’s Herbicide Linked to Fatal Kidney Disease Epidemic: Could It Topple the Company? By Jeff Ritterman, July 15, 2014
Brics to Open Alternatives to World Bank, IMF By Valentina Pop, July 15, 2014
Endings at the World Cup: What a German Victory means By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 14, 2014
The Mass Protests in Brazil in June-July 2013 By Socialist Project, July 13, 2014
Exit Brazil: Catastrophe at the World Cup. The 7-1 Loss to Germany on Home Soil By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 09, 2014
Brazil: Dictatorship-era Torture Techniques and Secret Executions Revealed in Declassified U.S. Documents By Peter Kornbluh, July 09, 2014
Salvadoran Farmers Successfully Oppose the Use of Monsanto Seeds By Dahr Jamail, July 09, 2014
America’s “War on Drugs” Has Triggered a “Humanitarian Crisis” in Central American. Children Converging at the US Border By Joachim Hagopian, July 08, 2014
Cuba Develops Four Cancer Vaccines, Ignored by the Media By Tony Seed, July 07, 2014
Well-Funded Western NGOs Whitewashing Venezuela’s Right Wing By Joe Emersberger, July 07, 2014
The Human Cost of the FIFA World Cup By T. J. Petrowski, July 05, 2014
Venezuela: Questions about Democracy and a Free Press By James D. Cockcroft, July 05, 2014
Dirty Wars and Football: The Ghost of General Videla By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, July 04, 2014
New “Toothpaste Terrorism”… Used in the 1970’s by a CIA Asset By Jim Naureckas, July 01, 2014
Unconventional Warfare: The Political Destabilization Campaign continues in Venezuela By Asad Ismi, June 30, 2014
Salvadorians Challenge Former Canadian Mining Corporation’s Violation of Human Rights By P. Cabezas, June 30, 2014
Haiti: Bill Clinton Receives “Lifetime Achievement Award” but Where is the Money for Reconstruction? By Greg Dunkel, June 26, 2014
Wall Street Hedge Fund Fraud Upheld by US Court: Argentina to Pay “Vulture” Fund $832 Million for Bonds Bought for $49 Million By Pratap Chatterjee, June 26, 2014
Evo Morales: “Our Liberation is for the Whole of Humanity”. For a Global Brotherhood Among The People By Evo Morales Ayma, June 26, 2014
Canada: New Federally Funded Academic Institute, A Tool to Support the Interests of the Mining Companies By MiningWatch Canada, June 25, 2014
Venezuela: The Capitalists Still Control the State and the Bulk of the Economy By Arlene Eisen, June 24, 2014
Teachers, Unions, Students Build Trinational Movement Against Neoliberal Education By Roshan Bliss, June 24, 2014
Soccer Is Democratic. The World Cup Is Oligarchy. By Nathalie Baptiste, June 23, 2014
How the “International Community” Rigged the 2010 Elections in Haiti By Center for Economic and Policy Research, June 19, 2014
Guatemalans Suing Canadian Mining Company Tahoe Resources for Violence and Repression By MiningWatch Canada, June 18, 2014
Fidel Castro and the Cuban Five: “Good Terrorism” As A Weapon Of US Hegemony By Dr. Chandra Muzaffar, June 16, 2014
Brazil’s Olympics and World Cup: Mega-Events and the Threat to Public Welfare By David Swanson, June 15, 2014
Brazil: A World Soccer Cup for Corporations By Marta Molina, June 14, 2014
On Opening Day of the World Cup, Protests continue in Brazil By Rafael Azul, June 13, 2014
‘Need Food, not Football’: Brazilian Graffiti Art Expresses Outrage Over World Cup By RT, June 12, 2014
Brazil on Strike: Class Struggle and the World Cup By Sabrina Fernandes, June 12, 2014
Race, Class and the World Cup in Brazil By Mike LaSusa, June 11, 2014
The Prospects and Problems of 21st Century Socialism in the US By Danny Haiphong, June 11, 2014
Brazilian Workers Clash with Police on Eve of World Cup By Rafael Azul, June 10, 2014
The Hypocrisy of Human Rights Watch By Keane Bhatt, June 10, 2014
Destabilization in Venezuela: Opposition Figures Face Allegations of Conspiracy – U.S. Government Possibly Involved By Ewan Robertson, June 09, 2014
Haiti Nine Years Post-Coup and Canada’s Black Gold By Michael Welch, Roger Annis, and Cynthia McKinney, June 07, 2014
Imperialism’s Coup d’Etat against Democracy and the People of Haiti By Dr. Ajamu Nangwaya, June 07, 2014
Ecuador to Transfer More Than Half its Gold Reserves to Goldman Sachs in Exchange for “Liquidity” By Michael Krieger, June 05, 2014
UK Aid Money Used by Contractor to Build Houses for the Wealthy in El Salvador By Fatima Hansia, June 05, 2014
GMO Agriculture and Dow AgroSciences’ Genetically Modified Soyabeans: Waging War on Peasants By Grain, June 04, 2014
Days Before Obama Announced CO2 Rule, Exxon Awarded Gulf of Mexico Oil Leases By Steve Horn, June 04, 2014
Brazil: Workers Struggle Trumps Sports Spectacle By Prof. James Petras, June 03, 2014
Political Destabilization in Venezuela and the Western Media’s Double Standard By Salim Lamrani, June 01, 2014